Change ./Configure so that certain algorithms can be disabled by default.
This is now the case for RC5. As a side effect, the OPTIONS in the Makefile will usually look a little different now, but they are essentially only for information anyway.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
Changes between 0.9.7e and 0.9.8 [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Change ./Configure so that certain algorithms can be disabled by default.
The new counterpiece to "no-xxx" is "enable-xxx", and RC5 will now be
disabled unless "enable-rc5" is specified.
[Bodo Moeller]
*) Add processing of proxy certificates (see RFC 3820). This work was
sponsored by KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm) and
EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe).
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use strict;
# see INSTALL for instructions.
my $usage="Usage: Configure [no-<cipher> ...] [-Dxxx] [-lxxx] [-Lxxx] [-fxxx] [-Kxxx] [no-hw-xxx|no-hw] [[no-]threads] [[no-]shared] [[no-]zlib|zlib-dynamic] [no-asm] [no-dso] [no-krb5] [386] [--prefix=DIR] [--openssldir=OPENSSLDIR] [--with-xxx[=vvv]] [--test-sanity] os/compiler[:flags]\n";
my $usage="Usage: Configure [no-<cipher> ...] [enable-<cipher> ...] [-Dxxx] [-lxxx] [-Lxxx] [-fxxx] [-Kxxx] [no-hw-xxx|no-hw] [[no-]threads] [[no-]shared] [[no-]zlib|zlib-dynamic] [no-asm] [no-dso] [no-krb5] [386] [--prefix=DIR] [--openssldir=OPENSSLDIR] [--with-xxx[=vvv]] [--test-sanity] os/compiler[:flags]\n";
# Options:
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ my %table=(
"debug-ben-debug", "gcc:-DBN_DEBUG -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DBN_CTX_DEBUG -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG -DPEDANTIC -DDEBUG_SAFESTACK -g3 -O2 -pedantic -Wall -Wshadow -Werror -pipe::(unknown)::::::",
"debug-ben-strict", "gcc:-DBN_DEBUG -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DBN_CTX_DEBUG -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG -DCONST_STRICT -O2 -Wall -Wshadow -Werror -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -pipe::(unknown)::::::",
"debug-rse","cc:-DTERMIOS -DL_ENDIAN -pipe -O -g -ggdb3 -Wall::(unknown):::BN_LLONG ${x86_gcc_des} ${x86_gcc_opts}:${x86_elf_asm}",
"debug-bodo", "gcc:-DL_ENDIAN -DBN_DEBUG -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DBN_CTX_DEBUG -DBIO_PAIR_DEBUG -DPEDANTIC -g -m486 -pedantic -Wshadow -Wall::-D_REENTRANT:::BN_LLONG ${x86_gcc_des} ${x86_gcc_opts}:${x86_elf_asm}",
"debug-bodo", "gcc:-DL_ENDIAN -DBN_DEBUG -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DBN_CTX_DEBUG -DBIO_PAIR_DEBUG -DPEDANTIC -g -march=i486 -pedantic -Wshadow -Wall::-D_REENTRANT:::BN_LLONG ${x86_gcc_des} ${x86_gcc_opts}:${x86_elf_asm}",
"debug-ulf", "gcc:-DTERMIOS -DL_ENDIAN -march=i486 -Wall -DBN_DEBUG -DBN_DEBUG_RAND -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DBN_CTX_DEBUG -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG -DOPENSSL_NO_ASM -g -Wformat -Wshadow -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations:::CYGWIN32:::${no_asm}:win32:cygwin-shared:::.dll",
"debug-steve", "gcc:-DL_ENDIAN -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DDEBUG_SAFESTACK -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG_ALL -DPEDANTIC -g -mcpu=i486 -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -pipe::-D_REENTRANT::-rdynamic -ldl:BN_LLONG ${x86_gcc_des} ${x86_gcc_opts}:${x86_elf_asm}:dlfcn:linux-shared",
"debug-steve-linux-pseudo64", "gcc:-DL_ENDIAN -DREF_CHECK -DCONF_DEBUG -DBN_CTX_DEBUG -DDEBUG_SAFESTACK -DCRYPTO_MDEBUG_ALL -DOPENSSL_NO_ASM -g -mcpu=i486 -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -pipe::-D_REENTRANT::-rdynamic -ldl:SIXTY_FOUR_BIT:${no_asm}:dlfcn:linux-shared",
@ -565,10 +565,10 @@ my $openssldir="";
my $exe_ext="";
my $install_prefix="";
my $no_threads=0;
my $no_shared=1;
my $zlib=0;
my $no_krb5=0;
my $threads=0;
my $no_shared=0; # but "no-shared" is default
my $zlib=1; # but "no-zlib" is default
my $no_krb5=0; # but "no-krb5" is implied unless "--with-krb5-..." is used
my $no_asm=0;
my $no_dso=0;
my @skip=();
@ -596,13 +596,20 @@ my $processor="";
my $default_ranlib;
my $perl;
my $no_ssl2=0;
my $no_ssl3=0;
my $no_tls1=0;
my $no_md5=0;
my $no_sha=0;
my $no_rsa=0;
my $no_dh=0;
# All of the following is disabled by default (RC5 was enabled before 0.9.8):
my %disabled = ( # "what" => "comment"
"rc5" => "default",
"shared" => "default",
"zlib" => "default",
"zlib-dynamic" => "default"
# Additional "no-..." options will be collected in %disabled.
# To remove something from %disabled, use e.g. "enable-rc5".
# For symmetry, "disable-..." is a synonym for "no-...".
my $no_sse2=0;
&usage if ($#ARGV < 0);
@ -645,121 +652,39 @@ PROCESS_ARGS:
foreach (@argvcopy)
s /^-no-/no-/; # some people just can't read the instructions
if (/^--test-sanity$/)
# rewrite some options in "enable-..." form
s /^-?-?shared$/enable-shared/;
s /^threads$/enable-threads/;
s /^zlib$/enable-zlib/;
s /^zlib-dynamic$/enable-zlib-dynamic/;
if (/^no-(.+)$/ || /^disable-(.+)$/)
if ($1 eq "ssl")
$disabled{"ssl2"} = "option(ssl)";
$disabled{"ssl3"} = "option(ssl)";
elsif ($1 eq "tls")
$disabled{"tls1"} = "option(tls)"
$disabled{$1} = "option";
elsif (/^enable-(.+)$/)
delete $disabled{$1};
$threads = 1 if ($1 eq "threads");
elsif (/^--test-sanity$/)
elsif (/^no-asm$/)
$openssl_other_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_ASM\n";
elsif (/^no-err$/)
$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ERR ";
$openssl_other_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_ERR\n";
elsif (/^no-hw-(.+)$/)
my $hw=$1;
$hw =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
$openssl_other_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_HW_$hw\n";
elsif (/^no-hw$/)
$openssl_other_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_HW\n";
elsif (/^no-dso$/)
{ $no_dso=1; }
elsif (/^no-krb5$/)
{ $no_krb5=1; }
elsif (/^no-threads$/)
{ $no_threads=1; }
elsif (/^threads$/)
{ $threads=1; }
elsif (/^no-shared$/)
{ $no_shared=1; }
elsif (/^shared$/ || /^-shared$/ || /^--shared$/)
{ $no_shared=0; }
elsif (/^no-zlib$/)
{ $zlib=0; }
elsif (/^zlib$/)
{ $zlib=1; }
elsif (/^zlib-dynamic$/)
{ $zlib=2; }
elsif (/^no-symlinks$/)
{ $symlink=0; }
elsif (/^no-ssl$/)
{ $no_ssl2 = $no_ssl3 = 1; }
elsif (/^no-ssl2$/)
{ $no_ssl2 = 1; }
elsif (/^no-ssl3$/)
{ $no_ssl3 = 1; }
elsif (/^no-tls1?$/)
{ $no_tls1 = 1; }
elsif (/^no-sse2$/)
{ $no_sse2 = 1; }
elsif (/^no-(.+)$/)
my $algo=$1;
push @skip,$algo;
$algo =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
#$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_$algo ";
#$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_$algo ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_$algo\n";
if ($algo eq "RIJNDAEL")
push @skip, "aes";
#$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_AES ";
#$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_AES ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_AES\n";
if ($algo eq "DES")
push @skip, "mdc2";
$options .= " no-mdc2";
#$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_MDC2 ";
#$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_MDC2 ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_MDC2\n";
if ($algo eq "EC")
push @skip, "ecdsa";
push @skip, "ecdh";
$options .= " no-ecdsa";
$options .= " no-ecdh";
$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ECDSA ";
$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ECDH ";
$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ECDSA ";
$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ECDH ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_ECDSA\n";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_ECDH\n";
if ($algo eq "SHA" || $algo eq "SHA1")
push @skip, "ecdsa";
$options .= " no-ecdsa";
$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ECDSA ";
$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ECDSA ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_ECDSA\n";
if ($algo eq "MD5")
$no_md5 = 1;
if ($algo eq "SHA")
$no_sha = 1;
if ($algo eq "RSA")
$no_rsa = 1;
if ($algo eq "DH")
$no_dh = 1;
elsif (/^reconfigure/ || /^reconf/)
if (open(IN,"<$Makefile"))
@ -784,7 +709,7 @@ PROCESS_ARGS:
die "Insufficient data to reconfigure, please do a normal configuration\n";
elsif (/^386$/)
{ $processor=386; $no_sse2=1; }
{ $processor=386; }
elsif (/^rsaref$/)
# No RSAref support any more since it's not needed.
@ -833,49 +758,70 @@ PROCESS_ARGS:
die "target already defined - $target\n" if ($target ne "");
unless ($_ eq $target) {
if ($options eq "") {
$options = $_;
} else {
$options .= " ".$_;
unless ($_ eq $target || /^no-/ || /^disable-/)
# "no-..." follows later after implied disactivations
# have been derived. (Don't take this too seroiusly,
# we really only write OPTIONS to the Makefile out of
# nostalgia.)
if ($options eq "")
{ $options = $_; }
{ $options .= " ".$_; }
$no_ssl3=1 if ($no_md5 || $no_sha);
$no_ssl3=1 if ($no_rsa && $no_dh);
$no_ssl2=1 if ($no_md5);
$no_ssl2=1 if ($no_rsa);
$no_tls1=1 if ($no_md5 || $no_sha);
$no_tls1=1 if ($no_dh);
if ($no_ssl2)
if ($processor eq "386")
push @skip,"SSL2";
#$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_SSL2 ";
#$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_SSL2 ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_SSL2\n";
$disabled{"sse2"} = "forced";
if ($no_ssl3)
if (!defined($withargs{"krb5-flavor"}) || $withargs{"krb5-flavor"} eq "")
push @skip,"SSL3";
#$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_SSL3 ";
#$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_SSL3 ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_SSL3\n";
$disabled{"krb5"} = "krb5-flavor not specified";
if ($no_tls1)
if (!defined($disabled{"zlib-dynamic"}))
push @skip,"TLS1";
#$flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_TLS1 ";
#$depflags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_TLS1 ";
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_TLS1\n";
# "zlib-dynamic" was specifically enabled, so enable "zlib"
delete $disabled{"zlib"};
if (defined($disabled{"rijndael"}))
$disabled{"aes"} = "forced";
if (defined($disabled{"des"}))
$disabled{"mdc2"} = "forced";
if (defined($disabled{"ec"}))
$disabled{"ecdsa"} = "forced";
$disabled{"ecdh"} = "forced";
# SSL 2.0 requires MD5 and RSA
if (defined($disabled{"md5"}) || defined($disabled{"rsa"}))
$disabled{"ssl2"} = "forced";
# SSL 3.0 and TLS requires MD5 and SHA and either RSA or DSA+DH
if (defined($disabled{"md5"}) || defined($disabled{"sha"})
|| (defined($disabled{"rsa"})
&& (defined($disabled{"dsa"}) || defined($disabled{"dh"}))))
$disabled{"ssl3"} = "forced";
$disabled{"tls1"} = "forced";
if ($target eq "TABLE") {
foreach $target (sort keys %table) {
@ -899,6 +845,59 @@ print "Configuring for $target\n";
&usage if (!defined($table{$target}));
foreach (sort (keys %disabled))
$options .= " no-$_";
printf " no-%-12s %-10s", $_, "[$disabled{$_}]";
if (/^dso$/)
{ $no_dso = 1; }
elsif (/^threads$/)
{ $no_threads = 1; }
elsif (/^shared$/)
{ $no_shared = 1; }
elsif (/^zlib$/)
{ $zlib = 0; }
elsif (/^zlib-dynamic$/)
{ }
elsif (/^symlinks$/)
{ $symlink = 0; }
elsif (/^sse2$/)
{ $no_sse2 = 1; }
my ($ALGO, $algo);
($ALGO = $algo = $_) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
if (/^asm$/ || /^err$/ || /^hw$/ || /^hw-/)
$openssl_other_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_$ALGO\n";
print " OPENSSL_NO_$ALGO";
if (/^err$/)
{ $flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ERR "; }
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_$ALGO\n";
print " OPENSSL_NO_$ALGO";
if (/^krb5$/)
{ $no_krb5 = 1; }
push @skip, $algo;
print " (skip dir)";
print "\n";
my $IsMK1MF=scalar grep /^$target$/,@MK1MF_Builds;
$IsMK1MF=1 if ($target eq "mingw" && $^O ne "cygwin");
@ -956,15 +955,7 @@ else { $no_user_cflags=1; }
# Kerberos settings. The flavor must be provided from outside, either through
# the script "config" or manually.
if ($no_krb5
|| !defined($withargs{"krb5-flavor"})
|| $withargs{"krb5-flavor"} eq "")
#$cflags="-DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5 $cflags";
$options.=" no-krb5" unless $no_krb5;
$openssl_algorithm_defines .= "#define OPENSSL_NO_KRB5\n";
if (!$no_krb5)
my ($lresolv, $lpath, $lext);
if ($withargs{"krb5-flavor"} =~ /^[Hh]eimdal$/)
@ -1100,8 +1091,14 @@ if ($threads)
if ($zlib)
$cflags = "-DZLIB $cflags";
$cflags = "-DZLIB_SHARED $cflags" if $zlib == 2;
$lflags = "$lflags -lz" if $zlib == 1;
if (defined($disabled{"zlib-dynamic"}))
$lflags = "$lflags -lz";
$cflags = "-DZLIB_SHARED $cflags";
# You will find shlib_mark1 and shlib_mark2 explained in
@ -1159,7 +1156,7 @@ if ($ranlib eq "")
#$bn1=$bn_asm unless ($bn1 =~ /\.o$/);
$cpuid_obj="" if ($processor==386);
$cpuid_obj="" if ($processor eq "386");
$bn_obj = $bn_asm unless $bn_obj ne "";
# bn86* is the only one implementing bn_*_part_words
@ -1470,7 +1467,7 @@ while (<IN>)
elsif (/^#((define)|(undef))\s+RC4_INDEX/)
{ printf OUT "#%s RC4_INDEX\n",($rc4_idx)?"define":"undef"; }
elsif (/^#(define|undef)\s+I386_ONLY/)
{ printf OUT "#%s I386_ONLY\n", ($processor == 386)?
{ printf OUT "#%s I386_ONLY\n", ($processor eq "386")?
"define":"undef"; }
elsif (/^#define\s+MD2_INT\s/)
{ printf OUT "#define MD2_INT unsigned %s\n",$type[$md2_int]; }
@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ $arflags =
*** debug-bodo
$cc = gcc
$unistd =
$thread_cflag = -D_REENTRANT
$sys_id =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user