@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 1999-2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1999 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -57,81 +57,20 @@
#include <openssl/stack.h>
# if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && !defined(__inline)
# if __SUNPRO_C>0x520
# define __inline inline
# else
# define __inline
# endif
# endif
# define OPENSSL_INLINE __inline static
#define STACK_OF(type) struct stack_st_##type
#define IMPLEMENT_STACK_OF(type) /* nada (obsolete in new safestack approach)*/
#define DECLARE_STACK_OF(type) \
STACK_OF(type) \
{ \
STACK stack; \
}; \
OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(type) *sk_##type##_new( \
int (*cmp)(const type * const *, const type *const *)) \
{ return (STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new((int (*)(const char * const *, const char * const *))cmp); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(type) *sk_##type##_new_null(void) \
{ return (STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new_null(); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_free(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ sk_free((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_num(const STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return M_sk_num((const STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_value(const STACK_OF(type) *sk,int n) \
{ return (type *)sk_value((STACK *)sk,n); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_set(STACK_OF(type) *sk,int n,type *v) \
{ return (type *)(sk_set((STACK *)sk,n,(char *)v)); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_zero(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ sk_zero((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_push(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ return sk_push((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_unshift(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ return sk_unshift((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_find(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ return sk_find((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_delete(STACK_OF(type) *sk,int n) \
{ return (type *)sk_delete((STACK *)sk,n); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_delete_ptr(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v) \
{ sk_delete_ptr((STACK *)sk,(char *)v); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_insert(STACK_OF(type) *sk,type *v,int n) \
{ return sk_insert((STACK *)sk,(char *)v,n); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int (*sk_##type##_set_cmp_func(STACK_OF(type) *sk, \
int (*cmp)(const type * const *,const type * const *))) \
(const type *const *,const type *const *) \
{ return (int (*)(const type * const *,const type *const *)) \
sk_set_cmp_func((STACK *)sk,(int(*)(const char * const *, const char * const *))cmp); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(type) *sk_##type##_dup(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return (STACK_OF(type) *)sk_dup((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_pop_free(STACK_OF(type) *sk,void (*func)(type *)) \
{ sk_pop_free((STACK *)sk,(void (*)(void *))func); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_shift(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return (type *)sk_shift((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE type *sk_##type##_pop(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return (type *)sk_pop((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##type##_sort(STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ sk_sort((STACK *)sk); } \
OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##type##_is_sorted(const STACK_OF(type) *sk) \
{ return sk_is_sorted((const STACK *)sk); }
typedef void (*openssl_fptr)(void);
#define openssl_fcast(f) ((openssl_fptr)f)
#define CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, p) \
((void*) (1 ? p : (type*)0))
#define CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, p) \
((void (*)(void *)) ((1 ? p : (void (*)(type *))0)))
#define CHECKED_SK_CMP_FUNC(type, p) \
((int (*)(const char * const *, const char * const *)) \
((1 ? p : (int (*)(const type * const *, const type * const *))0)))
#define STACK_OF(type) struct stack_st_##type
#define PREDECLARE_STACK_OF(type) STACK_OF(type);
@ -146,76 +85,71 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
/* SKM_sk_... stack macros are internal to safestack.h:
* never use them directly, use sk_<type>_... instead */
#define SKM_sk_new(type, cmp) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(int (*)(const type * const *, const type * const *)))openssl_fcast(sk_new))(cmp)
((STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new(CHECKED_SK_CMP_FUNC(type, cmp)))
#define SKM_sk_new_null(type) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(void))openssl_fcast(sk_new_null))()
((STACK_OF(type) *)sk_new_null())
#define SKM_sk_free(type, st) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_free))(st)
sk_free(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_num(type, st) \
((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_num))(st)
sk_num(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_value(type, st,i) \
((type * (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *, int))openssl_fcast(sk_value))(st, i)
((type *)sk_value(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), i))
#define SKM_sk_set(type, st,i,val) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, int, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_set))(st, i, val)
sk_set(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), i, CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_zero(type, st) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_zero))(st)
sk_zero(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_push(type, st,val) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_push))(st, val)
sk_push(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_unshift(type, st,val) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_unshift))(st, val)
sk_unshift(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_find(type, st,val) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_find))(st, val)
sk_find(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val))
#define SKM_sk_delete(type, st,i) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, int))openssl_fcast(sk_delete))(st, i)
(type *)sk_delete(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), i)
#define SKM_sk_delete_ptr(type, st,ptr) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *))openssl_fcast(sk_delete_ptr))(st, ptr)
(type *)sk_delete_ptr(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, ptr))
#define SKM_sk_insert(type, st,val,i) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, type *, int))openssl_fcast(sk_insert))(st, val, i)
sk_insert(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, val), i)
#define SKM_sk_set_cmp_func(type, st,cmp) \
((int (*(*)(STACK_OF(type) *, int (*)(const type * const *, const type * const *))) \
(const type * const *, const type * const *))openssl_fcast(sk_set_cmp_func))\
(st, cmp)
((int (*)(const type * const *,const type * const *)) \
sk_set_cmp_func(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_SK_CMP_FUNC(type, cmp)))
#define SKM_sk_dup(type, st) \
((STACK_OF(type) *(*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_dup))(st)
(STACK_OF(type) *)sk_dup(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_pop_free(type, st,free_func) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *, void (*)(type *)))openssl_fcast(sk_pop_free))\
(st, free_func)
sk_pop_free(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func))
#define SKM_sk_shift(type, st) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_shift))(st)
(type *)sk_shift(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_pop(type, st) \
((type * (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_pop))(st)
(type *)sk_pop(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_sort(type, st) \
((void (*)(STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_sort))(st)
sk_sort(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_sk_is_sorted(type, st) \
((int (*)(const STACK_OF(type) *))openssl_fcast(sk_is_sorted))(st)
sk_is_sorted(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st))
#define SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_d2i(type, st, pp, length, d2i_func, free_func, ex_tag, ex_class) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*) (STACK_OF(type) **,const unsigned char **, long , \
type *(*)(type **, const unsigned char **,long), \
void (*)(type *), int ,int )) openssl_fcast(d2i_ASN1_SET)) \
(st,pp,length, d2i_func, free_func, ex_tag,ex_class)
(STACK_OF(type) *)d2i_ASN1_SET(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), \
pp, length, \
CHECKED_D2I_OF(type, d2i_func), \
CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func), \
ex_tag, ex_class)
#define SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_i2d(type, st, pp, i2d_func, ex_tag, ex_class, is_set) \
((int (*)(STACK_OF(type) *,unsigned char **, \
int (*)(type *,unsigned char **), int , int , int)) openssl_fcast(i2d_ASN1_SET)) \
i2d_ASN1_SET(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), pp, \
CHECKED_I2D_OF(type, i2d_func), \
ex_tag, ex_class, is_set)
#define SKM_ASN1_seq_pack(type, st, i2d_func, buf, len) \
((unsigned char *(*)(STACK_OF(type) *, \
int (*)(type *,unsigned char **), unsigned char **,int *)) openssl_fcast(ASN1_seq_pack)) \
(st, i2d_func, buf, len)
ASN1_seq_pack(CHECKED_PTR_OF(STACK_OF(type), st), \
CHECKED_I2D_OF(type, i2d_func), buf, len)
#define SKM_ASN1_seq_unpack(type, buf, len, d2i_func, free_func) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(const unsigned char *,int, \
type *(*)(type **,const unsigned char **, long), \
void (*)(type *)))openssl_fcast(ASN1_seq_unpack)) \
(buf,len,d2i_func, free_func)
(STACK_OF(type) *)ASN1_seq_unpack(buf, len, CHECKED_D2I_OF(type, d2i_func), CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func))
#define SKM_PKCS12_decrypt_d2i(type, algor, d2i_func, free_func, pass, passlen, oct, seq) \
((STACK_OF(type) * (*)(X509_ALGOR *, \
type *(*)(type **, const unsigned char **, long), \
void (*)(type *), \
const char *, int, \
ASN1_STRING *, int))PKCS12_decrypt_d2i) \
(STACK_OF(type) *)PKCS12_decrypt_d2i(algor, \
CHECKED_D2I_OF(type, d2i_func), \
CHECKED_SK_FREE_FUNC(type, free_func), \
pass, passlen, oct, seq)
@ -810,7 +744,6 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
#define sk_GENERAL_SUBTREE_sort(st) SKM_sk_sort(GENERAL_SUBTREE, (st))
#define sk_GENERAL_SUBTREE_is_sorted(st) SKM_sk_is_sorted(GENERAL_SUBTREE, (st))
#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779
#define sk_IPAddressFamily_new(st) SKM_sk_new(IPAddressFamily, (st))
#define sk_IPAddressFamily_new_null() SKM_sk_new_null(IPAddressFamily)
#define sk_IPAddressFamily_free(st) SKM_sk_free(IPAddressFamily, (st))
@ -854,7 +787,6 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
#define sk_IPAddressOrRange_pop(st) SKM_sk_pop(IPAddressOrRange, (st))
#define sk_IPAddressOrRange_sort(st) SKM_sk_sort(IPAddressOrRange, (st))
#define sk_IPAddressOrRange_is_sorted(st) SKM_sk_is_sorted(IPAddressOrRange, (st))
#endif /* OPENSSL_NO_RFC3779 */
#define sk_KRB5_APREQBODY_new(st) SKM_sk_new(KRB5_APREQBODY, (st))
#define sk_KRB5_APREQBODY_new_null() SKM_sk_new_null(KRB5_APREQBODY)
@ -2056,6 +1988,4 @@ STACK_OF(type) \
SKM_PKCS12_decrypt_d2i(PKCS7, (algor), (d2i_func), (free_func), (pass), (passlen), (oct), (seq))
/* End of util/mkstack.pl block, you may now edit :-) */
#endif /* !defined HEADER_SAFESTACK_H */