Update mkfipsscr.pl to perform some sanity checks on testvector tree.

This commit is contained in:
Dr. Stephen Henson 2007-11-08 18:01:06 +00:00
parent 93d4d2b900
commit a3a426cfb5

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Quick & dirty utility to generate a script for executing the
# FIPS 140-2 CMVP algorithm tests based on the pathnames of
# input algorithm test files actually present (the unqualified
# file names are consistent but the pathnames are not).
# List of all the unqualified file names we expect.
my %fips_tests = (
# FIPS test definitions
@ -277,8 +283,15 @@ my %fips_tests = (
"TOFBvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f"
my %salt_names = (
"SigVerPSS (salt 0)" => "SigVerPSS",
"SigVerPSS (salt 62)" => "SigVerPSS",
"SigGenPSS (salt 0)" => "SigGenPSS",
"SigGenPSS (salt 62)" => "SigGenPSS",
my $win32 = 0;
my $win32 = $^O =~ m/mswin/i;
my $onedir = 0;
my $filter = "";
my $tvdir;
@ -287,6 +300,10 @@ my $shwrap_prefix;
my $debug = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
my $rspdir = "rsp";
my $rspignore = 0;
my @bogus = (); # list of unmatched *.rsp files
my $bufout = '';
my %_programs = (); # list of external programs to check
foreach (@ARGV)
@ -314,6 +331,10 @@ foreach (@ARGV)
$rspdir = $1;
elsif (/--rspignore$/)
$rspignore = 1;
elsif (/--tprefix=(.*)$/)
$tprefix = $1;
@ -330,6 +351,11 @@ foreach (@ARGV)
$outfile = $1;
$tvdir = "." unless defined $tvdir;
@ -347,10 +373,8 @@ if ($win32)
$tprefix = "..\\out32dll\\";
$outfile = "fipstests.bat" unless defined $outfile;
open(OUT, ">$outfile");
print OUT <<END;
$bufinit .= <<END;
\@echo off
rem Test vector run script
rem Auto generated by mkfipsscr.pl script
@ -371,10 +395,8 @@ else
$tprefix = "../test/" unless defined $tprefix;
$shwrap_prefix = "../util/" unless defined $shwrap_prefix;
$outfile = "fipstests.sh" unless defined $outfile;
open(OUT, ">$outfile");
print OUT <<END;
$bufinit .= <<END;
# Test vector run script
@ -389,11 +411,70 @@ foreach (keys %fips_tests)
$fips_found{$_} = 0;
my %saltPSS;
for (keys %salt_names)
$salt_found{$_} = 0;
recurse_test($win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir);
while (($key, $value) = each %salt_found)
&countentry($key, $value);
delete $fips_found{$salt_names{$key}};
while (($key, $value) = each %fips_found)
&countentry($key, $value);
# If no fatal errors write out the script file
$outfile = "fipstests.sh" unless defined $outfile;
open(OUT, ">$outfile") || die "Error opening $outfile: $!";
print OUT $bufinit;
if (!$rspignore && @bogus)
print STDERR "ERROR: please remove bogus *.rsp files\n";
print OUT <<EOF;
echo $outfile generation failed due to presence of bogus *.rsp files
print OUT $bufout;
close OUT;
# Check for external programs
for (keys %_programs)
s/ .*$//;
-x $_ || print STDERR "WARNING: program $_ not found\n";
sub Help {
(my $cmd) = ($0 =~ m#([^/]+)$#);
print <<EOF;
$cmd: generate script for CMVP algorithm tests
--debug Enable debug output
--dir=<dirname> Optional root for *.req file search
--onedir <dirname> Assume all components in current directory
--outfile=<filename> Optional name of output script, default fipstests.{sh|bat}
--rspdir=<dirname> Name of subdirectories containing *.rsp files, default "resp"
--rspignore Ignore any bogus *.rsp files
--quiet Shhh....
--win32 Generate script for Win32 environment
sub countentry {
my ($key,$value) = @_;
if ($value == 0)
print STDERR "WARNING: test file $key not found\n" unless $quiet;
@ -408,7 +489,7 @@ while (($key, $value) = each %fips_found)
sub recurse_test
my ($win32, $tprefix, $filter, $dir) = @_;
@ -420,17 +501,29 @@ sub recurse_test
$_ = "$dir/$_";
if (-f "$_")
if (/\/([^\/]*)\.rsp$/)
if (exists $fips_tests{$1})
$debug && print "DEBUG: $1 found, will be overwritten\n";
print STDERR "ERROR: bogus file $_\n";
push @bogus, $_;
next unless /$filter.*\.req$/i;
if (/\/([^\/]*)\.req$/ && exists $fips_tests{$1})
test_line($win32, $_, $tprefix, $fips_tests{$1});
test_line($win32, $_, $tprefix, $1);
elsif (! /SHAmix\.req$/)
print STDERR "WARNING: unrecognized filename $_\n";
elsif (-d "$_")
if (/$filter.*req$/i)
@ -443,6 +536,7 @@ sub recurse_test
sub test_dir
my ($win32, $req) = @_;
@ -452,7 +546,7 @@ sub test_dir
$rsp =~ tr|/|\\|;
$req =~ tr|/|\\|;
print OUT <<END;
$bufout .= <<END;
echo Running tests in $req
if exist "$rsp" rd /s /q "$rsp"
@ -461,7 +555,7 @@ END
print OUT <<END;
$bufout .= <<END;
echo Running tests in "$req"
rm -rf "$rsp"
@ -471,10 +565,12 @@ END
sub test_line
my ($win32, $req, $tprefix, $tcmd) = @_;
my ($win32, $req, $tprefix, $tnam) = @_;
my $rsp = $req;
my $tcmd = $fips_tests{$tnam};
$rsp =~ s/req\/([^\/]*).req$/$rspdir\/$1.rsp/;
if ($tcmd =~ /-f$/)
@ -482,14 +578,17 @@ sub test_line
$req =~ tr|/|\\|;
$rsp =~ tr|/|\\|;
print OUT "$tprefix$tcmd \"$req\" \"$rsp\"\n";
$bufout .= "$tprefix$tcmd \"$req\" \"$rsp\"\n";
$_programs{"$tprefix$tcmd.exe"} = 1;
print OUT <<END;
$bufout .= <<END;
${shwrap_prefix}shlib_wrap.sh $tprefix$tcmd "$req" "$rsp" || { echo "$req failure" ; exit 1
$_programs{"${shwrap_prefix}shlib_wrap.sh"} = 1;
$_programs{"$tprefix$tcmd"} = 1;
@ -504,6 +603,7 @@ END
my $sl = $1;
print STDERR "$req salt length $sl\n" if $debug;
$tcmd =~ s/SALT$/$sl/;
$salt_found{"$tnam (salt $sl)"}++;
@ -518,13 +618,15 @@ END
$req =~ tr|/|\\|;
$rsp =~ tr|/|\\|;
print OUT "$tprefix$tcmd < \"$req\" > \"$rsp\"\n";
$bufout .= "$tprefix$tcmd < \"$req\" > \"$rsp\"\n";
$_programs{"$tprefix$tcmd.exe"} = 1;
print OUT <<END;
$bufout .= <<END;
${shwrap_prefix}shlib_wrap.sh $tprefix$tcmd < "$req" > "$rsp" || { echo "$req failure" ; exit 1; }
$_programs{"$tprefix$tcmd"} = 1;