Add Windows FIPS build utilities.

This commit is contained in:
Dr. Stephen Henson 2011-02-03 14:20:59 +00:00
parent 65847ca378
commit 544c84b720
2 changed files with 148 additions and 0 deletions

ms/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $quiet = 1;
unpack("L",pack("N",1))!=1 || die "only little-endian hosts are supported";
# first argument can specify custom suffix...
$suffix=(@ARGV[0]=~/^\$/) ? shift(@ARGV) : "\$m";
# rename segments in COFF modules according to %map table below #
%map=( ".text" => "fipstx$suffix", #
".text\$"=> "fipstx$suffix", #
".rdata"=> "fipsrd$suffix", #
".data" => "fipsda$suffix" ); #
# collect file list
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (/\*/) { push(@files,glob($_)); }
else { push(@files,$_); }
use Fcntl;
use Fcntl ":seek";
foreach (@files) {
print "processing $file\n" unless $quiet;
sysopen(FD,$file,O_RDWR|O_BINARY) || die "sysopen($file): $!";
sysread(FD,$mz,64)==64 || die "$file is too short";
if (@dos_header[0] eq "MZ") {
sysseek(FD,$e_lfanew,SEEK_SET) || die "$file is too short";
sysread(FD,$Magic,4)==4 || die "$file is too short";
unpack("I",$Magic)==0x4550 || die "$file is not COFF image";
} elsif ($file =~ /\.obj$/i) {
# .obj files have no IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
sysseek(FD,0,SEEK_SET) || die "unable to rewind $file";
} else { next; }
sysread(FD,$coff,20)==20 || die "$file is too short";
sysseek(FD,$SizeOfOptionalHeader,SEEK_CUR) || die "$file is too short";
# traverse IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER table
for($i=0;$i<$NumberOfSections;$i++) {
sysread(FD,$SectionHeader,40)==40 || die "$file is too short";
if ($map{$Name}) {
sysseek(FD,-40,SEEK_CUR) || die "unable to rewind $file";
syswrite(FD,pack("a8C*",$map{$Name},@opaque))==40 || die "syswrite failed: $!";
printf " %-8s -> %.8s\n",$Name,$map{$Name} unless $quiet;

util/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
sub check_env
my @ret;
foreach (@_)
die "Environment variable $_ not defined!\n" unless exists $ENV{$_};
push @ret, $ENV{$_};
return @ret;
my ($fips_cc,$fips_cc_args, $fips_link,$fips_target, $fips_libdir, $sha1_exe)
if (exists $ENV{"PREMAIN_DSO_EXE"})
$fips_premain_dso = $ENV{"PREMAIN_DSO_EXE"};
$fips_premain_dso = "";
check_hash($sha1_exe, "fips_premain.c");
check_hash($sha1_exe, "fipscanister.lib");
print "Integrity check OK\n";
print "$fips_cc $fips_cc_args $fips_libdir/fips_premain.c\n";
system "$fips_cc $fips_cc_args $fips_libdir/fips_premain.c";
die "First stage Compile failure" if $? != 0;
print "$fips_link @ARGV\n";
system "$fips_link @ARGV";
die "First stage Link failure" if $? != 0;
print "$fips_premain_dso $fips_target\n";
system("$fips_premain_dso $fips_target >$fips_target.sha1");
die "Get hash failure" if $? != 0;
open my $sha1_res, '<', $fips_target.".sha1" or die "Get hash failure";
close $sha1_res;
unlink $fips_target.".sha1";
chomp $fips_hash;
die "Get hash failure" if $? != 0;
print "$fips_cc -DHMAC_SHA1_SIG=\\\"$fips_hash\\\" $fips_cc_args $fips_libdir/fips_premain.c\n";
system "$fips_cc -DHMAC_SHA1_SIG=\\\"$fips_hash\\\" $fips_cc_args $fips_libdir/fips_premain.c";
die "Second stage Compile failure" if $? != 0;
print "$fips_link @ARGV\n";
system "$fips_link @ARGV";
die "Second stage Link failure" if $? != 0;
sub check_hash
my ($sha1_exe, $filename) = @_;
my ($hashfile, $hashval);
open(IN, "${fips_libdir}/${filename}.sha1") || die "Cannot open file hash file ${fips_libdir}/${filename}.sha1";
$hashfile = <IN>;
close IN;
$hashval = `$sha1_exe ${fips_libdir}/$filename`;
chomp $hashfile;
chomp $hashval;
$hashfile =~ s/^.*=\s+//;
$hashval =~ s/^.*=\s+//;
die "Invalid hash syntax in file" if (length($hashfile) != 40);
die "Invalid hash received for file" if (length($hashval) != 40);
die "***HASH VALUE MISMATCH FOR FILE $filename ***" if ($hashval ne $hashfile);