Parvatha Elangovan 78003a016a Added option for Digital cinema profile compliant codestream. This can be chosen by "-cinema2K" or "-cinema4K" for a 2K and 4K compliance respectively. The feature for tileparts has not been implemented in this version. Modification in image_to_j2k.c
Added the Digital Cinema profiles (CINEMA2K and CINEMA4K) to the list of profiles recognized in the codestream SIZ marker segment. Modification in openjpeg.h,j2k.c
Added feature for constant quality within bitrate defined in Digital cinema standards. Modification in tcd.c
Modified the method of generation of buffer length. Modification in cio.c
2007-03-07 16:04:33 +00:00

1401 lines
49 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
* Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Professor Benoit Macq
* Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens
* Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren
* Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux and Antonin Descampe
* Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "opj_includes.h"
void tcd_dump(FILE *fd, opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_tcd_image_t * img) {
int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno;
fprintf(fd, "image {\n");
fprintf(fd, " tw=%d, th=%d x0=%d x1=%d y0=%d y1=%d\n",
img->tw, img->th, tcd->image->x0, tcd->image->x1, tcd->image->y0, tcd->image->y1);
for (tileno = 0; tileno < img->th * img->tw; tileno++) {
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = &tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno];
fprintf(fd, " tile {\n");
fprintf(fd, " x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, numcomps=%d\n",
tile->x0, tile->y0, tile->x1, tile->y1, tile->numcomps);
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
fprintf(fd, " tilec {\n");
" x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, numresolutions=%d\n",
tilec->x0, tilec->y0, tilec->x1, tilec->y1, tilec->numresolutions);
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
fprintf(fd, "\n res {\n");
" x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, pw=%d, ph=%d, numbands=%d\n",
res->x0, res->y0, res->x1, res->y1, res->pw, res->ph, res->numbands);
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
fprintf(fd, " band {\n");
" x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, stepsize=%f, numbps=%d\n",
band->x0, band->y0, band->x1, band->y1, band->stepsize, band->numbps);
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prec = &band->precincts[precno];
fprintf(fd, " prec {\n");
" x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, cw=%d, ch=%d\n",
prec->x0, prec->y0, prec->x1, prec->y1, prec->cw, prec->ch);
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prec->cw * prec->ch; cblkno++) {
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prec->cblks[cblkno];
fprintf(fd, " cblk {\n");
" x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d\n",
cblk->x0, cblk->y0, cblk->x1, cblk->y1);
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, " }\n");
fprintf(fd, "}\n");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Create a new TCD handle
opj_tcd_t* tcd_create(opj_common_ptr cinfo) {
/* create the tcd structure */
opj_tcd_t *tcd = (opj_tcd_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tcd_t));
if(!tcd) return NULL;
tcd->cinfo = cinfo;
tcd->tcd_image = (opj_tcd_image_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tcd_image_t));
if(!tcd->tcd_image) {
return NULL;
return tcd;
Destroy a previously created TCD handle
void tcd_destroy(opj_tcd_t *tcd) {
if(tcd) {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void tcd_malloc_encode(opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_image_t * image, opj_cp_t * cp, int curtileno) {
int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno;
tcd->image = image;
tcd->cp = cp;
tcd->tcd_image->tw = cp->tw;
tcd->tcd_image->th = cp->th;
tcd->tcd_image->tiles = (opj_tcd_tile_t *) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_tcd_tile_t));
for (tileno = 0; tileno < 1; tileno++) {
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[curtileno];
int j;
/* cfr p59 ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
int p = curtileno % cp->tw; /* si numerotation matricielle .. */
int q = curtileno / cp->tw; /* .. coordonnees de la tile (q,p) q pour ligne et p pour colonne */
/* opj_tcd_tile_t *tile=&tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno]; */
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = tcd->tcd_image->tiles;
/* 4 borders of the tile rescale on the image if necessary */
tile->x0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
tile->y0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
tile->x1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
tile->y1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
tile->numcomps = image->numcomps;
/* tile->PPT=image->PPT; */
/* Modification of the RATE >> */
for (j = 0; j < tcp->numlayers; j++) {
tcp->rates[j] = tcp->rates[j] ?
((float) (tile->numcomps
* (tile->x1 - tile->x0)
* (tile->y1 - tile->y0)
* image->comps[0].prec))/
(tcp->rates[j] * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy)
: 0;
if (tcp->rates[j]) {
if (j && tcp->rates[j] < tcp->rates[j - 1] + 10) {
tcp->rates[j] = tcp->rates[j - 1] + 20;
} else {
if (!j && tcp->rates[j] < 30)
tcp->rates[j] = 30;
/* << Modification of the RATE */
tile->comps = (opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *) opj_malloc(image->numcomps * sizeof(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t));
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
/* border of each tile component (global) */
tilec->x0 = int_ceildiv(tile->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
tilec->y0 = int_ceildiv(tile->y0, image->comps[compno].dy);
tilec->x1 = int_ceildiv(tile->x1, image->comps[compno].dx);
tilec->y1 = int_ceildiv(tile->y1, image->comps[compno].dy);
tilec->data = (int *) opj_malloc((tilec->x1 - tilec->x0) * (tilec->y1 - tilec->y0) * sizeof(int));
tilec->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;
tilec->resolutions = (opj_tcd_resolution_t *) opj_malloc(tilec->numresolutions * sizeof(opj_tcd_resolution_t));
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
int pdx, pdy;
int levelno = tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
int tlprcxstart, tlprcystart, brprcxend, brprcyend;
int tlcbgxstart, tlcbgystart, brcbgxend, brcbgyend;
int cbgwidthexpn, cbgheightexpn;
int cblkwidthexpn, cblkheightexpn;
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
/* border for each resolution level (global) */
res->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
res->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
res->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
res->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
res->numbands = resno == 0 ? 1 : 3;
/* p. 35, table A-23, ISO/IEC FDIS154444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
} else {
pdx = 15;
pdy = 15;
/* p. 64, B.6, ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
tlprcxstart = int_floordivpow2(res->x0, pdx) << pdx;
tlprcystart = int_floordivpow2(res->y0, pdy) << pdy;
brprcxend = int_ceildivpow2(res->x1, pdx) << pdx;
brprcyend = int_ceildivpow2(res->y1, pdy) << pdy;
res->pw = (brprcxend - tlprcxstart) >> pdx;
res->ph = (brprcyend - tlprcystart) >> pdy;
if (resno == 0) {
tlcbgxstart = tlprcxstart;
tlcbgystart = tlprcystart;
brcbgxend = brprcxend;
brcbgyend = brprcyend;
cbgwidthexpn = pdx;
cbgheightexpn = pdy;
} else {
tlcbgxstart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcxstart, 1);
tlcbgystart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcystart, 1);
brcbgxend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcxend, 1);
brcbgyend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcyend, 1);
cbgwidthexpn = pdx - 1;
cbgheightexpn = pdy - 1;
cblkwidthexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkw, cbgwidthexpn);
cblkheightexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkh, cbgheightexpn);
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
int x0b, y0b, i;
int gain, numbps;
opj_stepsize_t *ss = NULL;
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
band->bandno = resno == 0 ? 0 : bandno + 1;
x0b = (band->bandno == 1) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
y0b = (band->bandno == 2) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
if (band->bandno == 0) {
/* band border (global) */
band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
} else {
/* band border (global) */
band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
ss = &tccp->stepsizes[resno == 0 ? 0 : 3 * (resno - 1) + bandno + 1];
gain = tccp->qmfbid == 0 ? dwt_getgain_real(band->bandno) : dwt_getgain(band->bandno);
numbps = image->comps[compno].prec + gain;
band->stepsize = (float)((1.0 + ss->mant / 2048.0) * pow(2.0, numbps - ss->expn));
band->numbps = ss->expn + tccp->numgbits - 1; /* WHY -1 ? */
band->precincts = (opj_tcd_precinct_t *) opj_malloc(3 * res->pw * res->ph * sizeof(opj_tcd_precinct_t));
for (i = 0; i < res->pw * res->ph * 3; i++) {
band->precincts[i].imsbtree = NULL;
band->precincts[i].incltree = NULL;
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
int tlcblkxstart, tlcblkystart, brcblkxend, brcblkyend;
int cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart + (precno % res->pw) * (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
int cbgystart = tlcbgystart + (precno / res->pw) * (1 << cbgheightexpn);
int cbgxend = cbgxstart + (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
int cbgyend = cbgystart + (1 << cbgheightexpn);
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
/* precinct size (global) */
prc->x0 = int_max(cbgxstart, band->x0);
prc->y0 = int_max(cbgystart, band->y0);
prc->x1 = int_min(cbgxend, band->x1);
prc->y1 = int_min(cbgyend, band->y1);
tlcblkxstart = int_floordivpow2(prc->x0, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
tlcblkystart = int_floordivpow2(prc->y0, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
brcblkxend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->x1, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
brcblkyend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->y1, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
prc->cw = (brcblkxend - tlcblkxstart) >> cblkwidthexpn;
prc->ch = (brcblkyend - tlcblkystart) >> cblkheightexpn;
prc->cblks = (opj_tcd_cblk_t *) opj_malloc((prc->cw * prc->ch) * sizeof(opj_tcd_cblk_t));
prc->incltree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
prc->imsbtree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
int cblkxstart = tlcblkxstart + (cblkno % prc->cw) * (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
int cblkystart = tlcblkystart + (cblkno / prc->cw) * (1 << cblkheightexpn);
int cblkxend = cblkxstart + (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
int cblkyend = cblkystart + (1 << cblkheightexpn);
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
/* code-block size (global) */
cblk->x0 = int_max(cblkxstart, prc->x0);
cblk->y0 = int_max(cblkystart, prc->y0);
cblk->x1 = int_min(cblkxend, prc->x1);
cblk->y1 = int_min(cblkyend, prc->y1);
/* tcd_dump(stdout, tcd, &tcd->tcd_image); */
void tcd_free_encode(opj_tcd_t *tcd) {
int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno;
for (tileno = 0; tileno < 1; tileno++) {
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = tcd->tcd_image->tiles;
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
if (prc->incltree != NULL) {
prc->incltree = NULL;
if (prc->imsbtree != NULL) {
prc->imsbtree = NULL;
prc->cblks = NULL;
} /* for (precno */
band->precincts = NULL;
} /* for (bandno */
} /* for (resno */
tilec->resolutions = NULL;
} /* for (compno */
tile->comps = NULL;
} /* for (tileno */
tcd->tcd_image->tiles = NULL;
void tcd_init_encode(opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_image_t * image, opj_cp_t * cp, int curtileno) {
int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno;
for (tileno = 0; tileno < 1; tileno++) {
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &cp->tcps[curtileno];
int j;
/* cfr p59 ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
int p = curtileno % cp->tw;
int q = curtileno / cp->tw;
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = tcd->tcd_image->tiles;
/* 4 borders of the tile rescale on the image if necessary */
tile->x0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
tile->y0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
tile->x1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
tile->y1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
tile->numcomps = image->numcomps;
/* tile->PPT=image->PPT; */
/* Modification of the RATE >> */
for (j = 0; j < tcp->numlayers; j++) {
tcp->rates[j] = tcp->rates[j] ?
((float) (tile->numcomps
* (tile->x1 - tile->x0)
* (tile->y1 - tile->y0)
* image->comps[0].prec))/
(tcp->rates[j] * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy)
: 0;
if (tcp->rates[j]) {
if (j && tcp->rates[j] < tcp->rates[j - 1] + 10) {
tcp->rates[j] = tcp->rates[j - 1] + 20;
} else {
if (!j && tcp->rates[j] < 30)
tcp->rates[j] = 30;
/* << Modification of the RATE */
/* tile->comps=(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t*)opj_realloc(tile->comps,image->numcomps*sizeof(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t)); */
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
/* border of each tile component (global) */
tilec->x0 = int_ceildiv(tile->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
tilec->y0 = int_ceildiv(tile->y0, image->comps[compno].dy);
tilec->x1 = int_ceildiv(tile->x1, image->comps[compno].dx);
tilec->y1 = int_ceildiv(tile->y1, image->comps[compno].dy);
tilec->data = (int *) opj_malloc((tilec->x1 - tilec->x0) * (tilec->y1 - tilec->y0) * sizeof(int));
tilec->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;
/* tilec->resolutions=(opj_tcd_resolution_t*)opj_realloc(tilec->resolutions,tilec->numresolutions*sizeof(opj_tcd_resolution_t)); */
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
int pdx, pdy;
int levelno = tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
int tlprcxstart, tlprcystart, brprcxend, brprcyend;
int tlcbgxstart, tlcbgystart, brcbgxend, brcbgyend;
int cbgwidthexpn, cbgheightexpn;
int cblkwidthexpn, cblkheightexpn;
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
/* border for each resolution level (global) */
res->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
res->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
res->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
res->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
res->numbands = resno == 0 ? 1 : 3;
/* p. 35, table A-23, ISO/IEC FDIS154444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
} else {
pdx = 15;
pdy = 15;
/* p. 64, B.6, ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
tlprcxstart = int_floordivpow2(res->x0, pdx) << pdx;
tlprcystart = int_floordivpow2(res->y0, pdy) << pdy;
brprcxend = int_ceildivpow2(res->x1, pdx) << pdx;
brprcyend = int_ceildivpow2(res->y1, pdy) << pdy;
res->pw = (brprcxend - tlprcxstart) >> pdx;
res->ph = (brprcyend - tlprcystart) >> pdy;
if (resno == 0) {
tlcbgxstart = tlprcxstart;
tlcbgystart = tlprcystart;
brcbgxend = brprcxend;
brcbgyend = brprcyend;
cbgwidthexpn = pdx;
cbgheightexpn = pdy;
} else {
tlcbgxstart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcxstart, 1);
tlcbgystart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcystart, 1);
brcbgxend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcxend, 1);
brcbgyend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcyend, 1);
cbgwidthexpn = pdx - 1;
cbgheightexpn = pdy - 1;
cblkwidthexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkw, cbgwidthexpn);
cblkheightexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkh, cbgheightexpn);
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
int x0b, y0b;
int gain, numbps;
opj_stepsize_t *ss = NULL;
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
band->bandno = resno == 0 ? 0 : bandno + 1;
x0b = (band->bandno == 1) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
y0b = (band->bandno == 2) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
if (band->bandno == 0) {
/* band border */
band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
} else {
band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
ss = &tccp->stepsizes[resno == 0 ? 0 : 3 * (resno - 1) + bandno + 1];
gain = tccp->qmfbid == 0 ? dwt_getgain_real(band->bandno) : dwt_getgain(band->bandno);
numbps = image->comps[compno].prec + gain;
band->stepsize = (float)((1.0 + ss->mant / 2048.0) * pow(2.0, numbps - ss->expn));
band->numbps = ss->expn + tccp->numgbits - 1; /* WHY -1 ? */
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
int tlcblkxstart, tlcblkystart, brcblkxend, brcblkyend;
int cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart + (precno % res->pw) * (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
int cbgystart = tlcbgystart + (precno / res->pw) * (1 << cbgheightexpn);
int cbgxend = cbgxstart + (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
int cbgyend = cbgystart + (1 << cbgheightexpn);
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
/* precinct size (global) */
prc->x0 = int_max(cbgxstart, band->x0);
prc->y0 = int_max(cbgystart, band->y0);
prc->x1 = int_min(cbgxend, band->x1);
prc->y1 = int_min(cbgyend, band->y1);
tlcblkxstart = int_floordivpow2(prc->x0, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
tlcblkystart = int_floordivpow2(prc->y0, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
brcblkxend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->x1, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
brcblkyend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->y1, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
prc->cw = (brcblkxend - tlcblkxstart) >> cblkwidthexpn;
prc->ch = (brcblkyend - tlcblkystart) >> cblkheightexpn;
prc->cblks = (opj_tcd_cblk_t *) opj_malloc(prc->cw * prc->ch * sizeof(opj_tcd_cblk_t));
if (prc->incltree != NULL) {
if (prc->imsbtree != NULL) {
prc->incltree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
prc->imsbtree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
int cblkxstart = tlcblkxstart + (cblkno % prc->cw) * (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
int cblkystart = tlcblkystart + (cblkno / prc->cw) * (1 << cblkheightexpn);
int cblkxend = cblkxstart + (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
int cblkyend = cblkystart + (1 << cblkheightexpn);
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
/* code-block size (global) */
cblk->x0 = int_max(cblkxstart, prc->x0);
cblk->y0 = int_max(cblkystart, prc->y0);
cblk->x1 = int_min(cblkxend, prc->x1);
cblk->y1 = int_min(cblkyend, prc->y1);
} /* precno */
} /* bandno */
} /* resno */
} /* compno */
} /* tileno */
/* tcd_dump(stdout, tcd, &tcd->tcd_image); */
void tcd_malloc_decode(opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_image_t * image, opj_cp_t * cp) {
int tileno, compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno, i, j, p, q;
unsigned int x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, w, h;
tcd->image = image;
tcd->cp = cp;
tcd->tcd_image->tw = cp->tw;
tcd->tcd_image->th = cp->th;
tcd->tcd_image->tiles = (opj_tcd_tile_t *) opj_malloc(cp->tw * cp->th * sizeof(opj_tcd_tile_t));
for (i = 0; i < cp->tileno_size; i++) {
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &(cp->tcps[cp->tileno[i]]);
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = &(tcd->tcd_image->tiles[cp->tileno[i]]);
/* cfr p59 ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
tileno = cp->tileno[i];
p = tileno % cp->tw; /* si numerotation matricielle .. */
q = tileno / cp->tw; /* .. coordonnees de la tile (q,p) q pour ligne et p pour colonne */
/* 4 borders of the tile rescale on the image if necessary */
tile->x0 = int_max(cp->tx0 + p * cp->tdx, image->x0);
tile->y0 = int_max(cp->ty0 + q * cp->tdy, image->y0);
tile->x1 = int_min(cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * cp->tdx, image->x1);
tile->y1 = int_min(cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * cp->tdy, image->y1);
tile->numcomps = image->numcomps;
tile->comps = (opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *) opj_malloc(image->numcomps * sizeof(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t));
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno];
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
/* border of each tile component (global) */
tilec->x0 = int_ceildiv(tile->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
tilec->y0 = int_ceildiv(tile->y0, image->comps[compno].dy);
tilec->x1 = int_ceildiv(tile->x1, image->comps[compno].dx);
tilec->y1 = int_ceildiv(tile->y1, image->comps[compno].dy);
tilec->data = (int *) opj_malloc((tilec->x1 - tilec->x0) * (tilec->y1 - tilec->y0) * sizeof(int));
tilec->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions;
tilec->resolutions = (opj_tcd_resolution_t *) opj_malloc(tilec->numresolutions * sizeof(opj_tcd_resolution_t));
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
int pdx, pdy;
int levelno = tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno;
int tlprcxstart, tlprcystart, brprcxend, brprcyend;
int tlcbgxstart, tlcbgystart, brcbgxend, brcbgyend;
int cbgwidthexpn, cbgheightexpn;
int cblkwidthexpn, cblkheightexpn;
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
/* border for each resolution level (global) */
res->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
res->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
res->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
res->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
res->numbands = resno == 0 ? 1 : 3;
/* p. 35, table A-23, ISO/IEC FDIS154444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
if (tccp->csty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) {
pdx = tccp->prcw[resno];
pdy = tccp->prch[resno];
} else {
pdx = 15;
pdy = 15;
/* p. 64, B.6, ISO/IEC FDIS15444-1 : 2000 (18 august 2000) */
tlprcxstart = int_floordivpow2(res->x0, pdx) << pdx;
tlprcystart = int_floordivpow2(res->y0, pdy) << pdy;
brprcxend = int_ceildivpow2(res->x1, pdx) << pdx;
brprcyend = int_ceildivpow2(res->y1, pdy) << pdy;
res->pw = (res->x0 == res->x1) ? 0 : ((brprcxend - tlprcxstart) >> pdx);
res->ph = (res->y0 == res->y1) ? 0 : ((brprcyend - tlprcystart) >> pdy);
if (resno == 0) {
tlcbgxstart = tlprcxstart;
tlcbgystart = tlprcystart;
brcbgxend = brprcxend;
brcbgyend = brprcyend;
cbgwidthexpn = pdx;
cbgheightexpn = pdy;
} else {
tlcbgxstart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcxstart, 1);
tlcbgystart = int_ceildivpow2(tlprcystart, 1);
brcbgxend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcxend, 1);
brcbgyend = int_ceildivpow2(brprcyend, 1);
cbgwidthexpn = pdx - 1;
cbgheightexpn = pdy - 1;
cblkwidthexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkw, cbgwidthexpn);
cblkheightexpn = int_min(tccp->cblkh, cbgheightexpn);
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
int x0b, y0b;
int gain, numbps;
opj_stepsize_t *ss = NULL;
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
band->bandno = resno == 0 ? 0 : bandno + 1;
x0b = (band->bandno == 1) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
y0b = (band->bandno == 2) || (band->bandno == 3) ? 1 : 0;
if (band->bandno == 0) {
/* band border (global) */
band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0, levelno);
band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0, levelno);
band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1, levelno);
band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1, levelno);
} else {
/* band border (global) */
band->x0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x0 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
band->y0 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y0 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
band->x1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->x1 - (1 << levelno) * x0b, levelno + 1);
band->y1 = int_ceildivpow2(tilec->y1 - (1 << levelno) * y0b, levelno + 1);
ss = &tccp->stepsizes[resno == 0 ? 0 : 3 * (resno - 1) + bandno + 1];
gain = tccp->qmfbid == 0 ? dwt_getgain_real(band->bandno) : dwt_getgain(band->bandno);
numbps = image->comps[compno].prec + gain;
band->stepsize = (float)((1.0 + ss->mant / 2048.0) * pow(2.0, numbps - ss->expn));
band->numbps = ss->expn + tccp->numgbits - 1; /* WHY -1 ? */
band->precincts = (opj_tcd_precinct_t *) opj_malloc(res->pw * res->ph * sizeof(opj_tcd_precinct_t));
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
int tlcblkxstart, tlcblkystart, brcblkxend, brcblkyend;
int cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart + (precno % res->pw) * (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
int cbgystart = tlcbgystart + (precno / res->pw) * (1 << cbgheightexpn);
int cbgxend = cbgxstart + (1 << cbgwidthexpn);
int cbgyend = cbgystart + (1 << cbgheightexpn);
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
/* precinct size (global) */
prc->x0 = int_max(cbgxstart, band->x0);
prc->y0 = int_max(cbgystart, band->y0);
prc->x1 = int_min(cbgxend, band->x1);
prc->y1 = int_min(cbgyend, band->y1);
tlcblkxstart = int_floordivpow2(prc->x0, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
tlcblkystart = int_floordivpow2(prc->y0, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
brcblkxend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->x1, cblkwidthexpn) << cblkwidthexpn;
brcblkyend = int_ceildivpow2(prc->y1, cblkheightexpn) << cblkheightexpn;
prc->cw = (brcblkxend - tlcblkxstart) >> cblkwidthexpn;
prc->ch = (brcblkyend - tlcblkystart) >> cblkheightexpn;
prc->cblks = (opj_tcd_cblk_t *) opj_malloc(prc->cw * prc->ch * sizeof(opj_tcd_cblk_t));
prc->incltree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
prc->imsbtree = tgt_create(prc->cw, prc->ch);
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
int cblkxstart = tlcblkxstart + (cblkno % prc->cw) * (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
int cblkystart = tlcblkystart + (cblkno / prc->cw) * (1 << cblkheightexpn);
int cblkxend = cblkxstart + (1 << cblkwidthexpn);
int cblkyend = cblkystart + (1 << cblkheightexpn);
/* code-block size (global) */
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
cblk->x0 = int_max(cblkxstart, prc->x0);
cblk->y0 = int_max(cblkystart, prc->y0);
cblk->x1 = int_min(cblkxend, prc->x1);
cblk->y1 = int_min(cblkyend, prc->y1);
} /* precno */
} /* bandno */
} /* resno */
} /* compno */
} /* i = 0..cp->tileno_size */
/* tcd_dump(stdout, tcd, &tcd->tcd_image); */
Allocate place to store the decoded data = final image
Place limited by the tile really present in the codestream
for (i = 0; i < image->numcomps; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cp->tileno_size; j++) {
tileno = cp->tileno[j];
x0 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x0 : int_min(x0,
(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x0);
y0 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y0 : int_min(y0,
(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y0);
x1 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x1 : int_max(x1,
(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].x1);
y1 = j == 0 ? tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y1 : int_max(y1,
(unsigned int) tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[i].y1);
w = x1 - x0;
h = y1 - y0;
image->comps[i].data = (int *) opj_malloc(w * h * sizeof(int));
image->comps[i].w = w;
image->comps[i].h = h;
image->comps[i].x0 = x0;
image->comps[i].y0 = y0;
void tcd_makelayer_fixed(opj_tcd_t *tcd, int layno, int final) {
int compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno;
int value; /*, matrice[tcd_tcp->numlayers][tcd_tile->comps[0].numresolutions][3]; */
int matrice[10][10][3];
int i, j, k;
opj_cp_t *cp = tcd->cp;
opj_tcd_tile_t *tcd_tile = tcd->tcd_tile;
opj_tcp_t *tcd_tcp = tcd->tcp;
/*matrice=(int*)opj_malloc(tcd_tcp->numlayers*tcd_tile->comps[0].numresolutions*3*sizeof(int)); */
for (compno = 0; compno < tcd_tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tcd_tile->comps[compno];
for (i = 0; i < tcd_tcp->numlayers; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < tilec->numresolutions; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
matrice[i][j][k] =
(int) (cp->matrice[i * tilec->numresolutions * 3 + j * 3 + k]
* (float) (tcd->image->comps[compno].prec / 16.0));
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno];
int n;
int imsb = tcd->image->comps[compno].prec - cblk->numbps; /* number of bit-plan equal to zero */
/* Correction of the matrix of coefficient to include the IMSB information */
if (layno == 0) {
value = matrice[layno][resno][bandno];
if (imsb >= value) {
value = 0;
} else {
value -= imsb;
} else {
value = matrice[layno][resno][bandno] - matrice[layno - 1][resno][bandno];
if (imsb >= matrice[layno - 1][resno][bandno]) {
value -= (imsb - matrice[layno - 1][resno][bandno]);
if (value < 0) {
value = 0;
if (layno == 0) {
cblk->numpassesinlayers = 0;
n = cblk->numpassesinlayers;
if (cblk->numpassesinlayers == 0) {
if (value != 0) {
n = 3 * value - 2 + cblk->numpassesinlayers;
} else {
n = cblk->numpassesinlayers;
} else {
n = 3 * value + cblk->numpassesinlayers;
layer->numpasses = n - cblk->numpassesinlayers;
if (!layer->numpasses)
if (cblk->numpassesinlayers == 0) {
layer->len = cblk->passes[n - 1].rate;
layer->data = cblk->data;
} else {
layer->len = cblk->passes[n - 1].rate - cblk->passes[cblk->numpassesinlayers - 1].rate;
layer->data = cblk->data + cblk->passes[cblk->numpassesinlayers - 1].rate;
if (final)
cblk->numpassesinlayers = n;
void tcd_rateallocate_fixed(opj_tcd_t *tcd) {
int layno;
for (layno = 0; layno < tcd->tcp->numlayers; layno++) {
tcd_makelayer_fixed(tcd, layno, 1);
void tcd_makelayer(opj_tcd_t *tcd, int layno, double thresh, int final) {
int compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno, passno;
opj_tcd_tile_t *tcd_tile = tcd->tcd_tile;
tcd_tile->distolayer[layno] = 0; /* fixed_quality */
for (compno = 0; compno < tcd_tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tcd_tile->comps[compno];
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno];
int n;
if (layno == 0) {
cblk->numpassesinlayers = 0;
n = cblk->numpassesinlayers;
for (passno = cblk->numpassesinlayers; passno < cblk->totalpasses; passno++) {
int dr;
double dd;
opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno];
if (n == 0) {
dr = pass->rate;
dd = pass->distortiondec;
} else {
dr = pass->rate - cblk->passes[n - 1].rate;
dd = pass->distortiondec - cblk->passes[n - 1].distortiondec;
if (!dr) {
if (dd != 0)
n = passno + 1;
if (dd / dr >= thresh)
n = passno + 1;
layer->numpasses = n - cblk->numpassesinlayers;
if (!layer->numpasses) {
layer->disto = 0;
if (cblk->numpassesinlayers == 0) {
layer->len = cblk->passes[n - 1].rate;
layer->data = cblk->data;
layer->disto = cblk->passes[n - 1].distortiondec;
} else {
layer->len = cblk->passes[n - 1].rate - cblk->passes[cblk->numpassesinlayers - 1].rate;
layer->data = cblk->data + cblk->passes[cblk->numpassesinlayers - 1].rate;
layer->disto = cblk->passes[n - 1].distortiondec - cblk->passes[cblk->numpassesinlayers - 1].distortiondec;
tcd_tile->distolayer[layno] += layer->disto; /* fixed_quality */
if (final)
cblk->numpassesinlayers = n;
bool tcd_rateallocate(opj_tcd_t *tcd, unsigned char *dest, int len, opj_image_info_t * image_info) {
int compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno, passno, layno;
double min, max;
double cumdisto[100]; /* fixed_quality */
const double K = 1; /* 1.1; fixed_quality */
double maxSE = 0;
opj_cp_t *cp = tcd->cp;
opj_tcd_tile_t *tcd_tile = tcd->tcd_tile;
opj_tcp_t *tcd_tcp = tcd->tcp;
min = DBL_MAX;
max = 0;
tcd_tile->nbpix = 0; /* fixed_quality */
for (compno = 0; compno < tcd_tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tcd_tile->comps[compno];
tilec->nbpix = 0;
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; precno++) {
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno];
for (passno = 0; passno < cblk->totalpasses; passno++) {
opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno];
int dr;
double dd, rdslope;
if (passno == 0) {
dr = pass->rate;
dd = pass->distortiondec;
} else {
dr = pass->rate - cblk->passes[passno - 1].rate;
dd = pass->distortiondec - cblk->passes[passno - 1].distortiondec;
if (dr == 0) {
rdslope = dd / dr;
if (rdslope < min) {
min = rdslope;
if (rdslope > max) {
max = rdslope;
} /* passno */
/* fixed_quality */
tcd_tile->nbpix += ((cblk->x1 - cblk->x0) * (cblk->y1 - cblk->y0));
tilec->nbpix += ((cblk->x1 - cblk->x0) * (cblk->y1 - cblk->y0));
} /* cbklno */
} /* precno */
} /* bandno */
} /* resno */
maxSE += (((double)(1 << tcd->image->comps[compno].prec) - 1.0)
* ((double)(1 << tcd->image->comps[compno].prec) -1.0))
* ((double)(tilec->nbpix));
} /* compno */
/* index file */
if(image_info && image_info->index_on) {
opj_tile_info_t *tile_info = &image_info->tile[tcd->tcd_tileno];
tile_info->nbpix = tcd_tile->nbpix;
tile_info->distotile = tcd_tile->distotile;
tile_info->thresh = (double *) opj_malloc(tcd_tcp->numlayers * sizeof(double));
for (layno = 0; layno < tcd_tcp->numlayers; layno++) {
double lo = min;
double hi = max;
int success = 0;
/* TODO: remove maxlen */
int maxlen = tcd_tcp->rates[layno] ? int_min(((int) ceil(tcd_tcp->rates[layno])), len) : len;
double goodthresh = 0;
int i;
double distotarget; /* fixed_quality */
/* fixed_quality */
distotarget = tcd_tile->distotile - ((K * maxSE) / pow((float)10, tcd_tcp->distoratio[layno] / 10));
if ((tcd_tcp->rates[layno]) || (cp->disto_alloc == 0)) {
opj_t2_t *t2 = t2_create(tcd->cinfo, tcd->image, cp);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
double thresh = (lo + hi) / 2;
int l = 0;
double distoachieved = 0; /* fixed_quality */
tcd_makelayer(tcd, layno, thresh, 0);
if (cp->fixed_quality) { /* fixed_quality */
l = t2_encode_packets(t2, tcd->tcd_tileno, tcd_tile, layno + 1, dest, maxlen, image_info);
if (l == -999) {
lo = thresh;
distoachieved = layno == 0 ?
tcd_tile->distolayer[0] : cumdisto[layno - 1] + tcd_tile->distolayer[layno];
if (distoachieved < distotarget) {
hi=thresh; continue;
distoachieved = (layno == 0) ?
tcd_tile->distolayer[0] : (cumdisto[layno - 1] + tcd_tile->distolayer[layno]);
if (distoachieved < distotarget) {
hi = thresh;
lo = thresh;
} else {
l = t2_encode_packets(t2, tcd->tcd_tileno, tcd_tile, layno + 1, dest, maxlen, image_info);
/* TODO: what to do with l ??? seek / tell ??? */
/* opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "rate alloc: len=%d, max=%d\n", l, maxlen); */
if (l == -999) {
lo = thresh;
hi = thresh;
success = 1;
goodthresh = thresh;
} else {
success = 1;
goodthresh = min;
if (!success) {
return false;
if(image_info && image_info->index_on) { /* Threshold for Marcela Index */
image_info->tile[tcd->tcd_tileno].thresh[layno] = goodthresh;
tcd_makelayer(tcd, layno, goodthresh, 1);
/* fixed_quality */
cumdisto[layno] = (layno == 0) ? tcd_tile->distolayer[0] : (cumdisto[layno - 1] + tcd_tile->distolayer[layno]);
return true;
int tcd_encode_tile(opj_tcd_t *tcd, int tileno, unsigned char *dest, int len, opj_image_info_t * image_info) {
int compno;
int l, i, npck = 0;
double encoding_time;
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = NULL;
opj_tcp_t *tcd_tcp = NULL;
opj_cp_t *cp = NULL;
opj_tcp_t *tcp = &tcd->cp->tcps[0];
opj_tccp_t *tccp = &tcp->tccps[0];
opj_image_t *image = tcd->image;
opj_t1_t *t1 = NULL; /* T1 component */
opj_t2_t *t2 = NULL; /* T2 component */
tcd->tcd_tileno = tileno;
tcd->tcd_tile = tcd->tcd_image->tiles;
tcd->tcp = &tcd->cp->tcps[tileno];
tile = tcd->tcd_tile;
tcd_tcp = tcd->tcp;
cp = tcd->cp;
/* INDEX >> "Precinct_nb_X et Precinct_nb_Y" */
if(image_info && image_info->index_on) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec_idx = &tile->comps[0]; /* based on component 0 */
for (i = 0; i < tilec_idx->numresolutions; i++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res_idx = &tilec_idx->resolutions[i];
image_info->tile[tileno].pw[i] = res_idx->pw;
image_info->tile[tileno].ph[i] = res_idx->ph;
npck += res_idx->pw * res_idx->ph;
image_info->tile[tileno].pdx[i] = tccp->prcw[i];
image_info->tile[tileno].pdy[i] = tccp->prch[i];
image_info->tile[tileno].packet = (opj_packet_info_t *) opj_malloc(image_info->comp * image_info->layer * npck * sizeof(opj_packet_info_t));
/* << INDEX */
encoding_time = opj_clock(); /* time needed to encode a tile */
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
int x, y;
int adjust = image->comps[compno].sgnd ? 0 : 1 << (image->comps[compno].prec - 1);
int offset_x = int_ceildiv(image->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
int offset_y = int_ceildiv(image->y0, image->comps[compno].dy);
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
int tw = tilec->x1 - tilec->x0;
int w = int_ceildiv(image->x1 - image->x0, image->comps[compno].dx);
/* extract tile data */
if (tcd_tcp->tccps[compno].qmfbid == 1) {
for (y = tilec->y0; y < tilec->y1; y++) {
/* start of the src tile scanline */
int *data = &image->comps[compno].data[(tilec->x0 - offset_x) + (y - offset_y) * w];
/* start of the dst tile scanline */
int *tile_data = &tilec->data[(y - tilec->y0) * tw];
for (x = tilec->x0; x < tilec->x1; x++) {
*tile_data++ = *data++ - adjust;
} else if (tcd_tcp->tccps[compno].qmfbid == 0) {
for (y = tilec->y0; y < tilec->y1; y++) {
/* start of the src tile scanline */
int *data = &image->comps[compno].data[(tilec->x0 - offset_x) + (y - offset_y) * w];
/* start of the dst tile scanline */
int *tile_data = &tilec->data[(y - tilec->y0) * tw];
for (x = tilec->x0; x < tilec->x1; x++) {
*tile_data++ = (*data++ - adjust) << 13;
if (tcd_tcp->mct) {
int samples = (tile->comps[0].x1 - tile->comps[0].x0) * (tile->comps[0].y1 - tile->comps[0].y0);
if (tcd_tcp->tccps[0].qmfbid == 0) {
mct_encode_real(tile->comps[0].data, tile->comps[1].data, tile->comps[2].data, samples);
} else {
mct_encode(tile->comps[0].data, tile->comps[1].data, tile->comps[2].data, samples);
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
if (tcd_tcp->tccps[compno].qmfbid == 1) {
} else if (tcd_tcp->tccps[compno].qmfbid == 0) {
t1 = t1_create(tcd->cinfo);
t1_encode_cblks(t1, tile, tcd_tcp);
/* INDEX */
if(image_info) {
image_info->index_write = 0;
if (cp->disto_alloc || cp->fixed_quality) { /* fixed_quality */
/* Normal Rate/distortion allocation */
tcd_rateallocate(tcd, dest, len, image_info);
} else {
/* Fixed layer allocation */
/* INDEX */
if(image_info) {
image_info->index_write = 1;
t2 = t2_create(tcd->cinfo, image, cp);
l = t2_encode_packets(t2, tileno, tile, tcd_tcp->numlayers, dest, len, image_info);
encoding_time = opj_clock() - encoding_time;
opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "- tile encoded in %f s\n", encoding_time);
/* cleaning memory */
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
return l;
bool tcd_decode_tile(opj_tcd_t *tcd, unsigned char *src, int len, int tileno) {
int l;
int compno;
int eof = 0;
double tile_time, t1_time, dwt_time;
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = NULL;
opj_t1_t *t1 = NULL; /* T1 component */
opj_t2_t *t2 = NULL; /* T2 component */
tcd->tcd_tileno = tileno;
tcd->tcd_tile = &(tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno]);
tcd->tcp = &(tcd->cp->tcps[tileno]);
tile = tcd->tcd_tile;
tile_time = opj_clock(); /* time needed to decode a tile */
opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "tile %d of %d\n", tileno + 1, tcd->cp->tw * tcd->cp->th);
t2 = t2_create(tcd->cinfo, tcd->image, tcd->cp);
l = t2_decode_packets(t2, src, len, tileno, tile);
if (l == -999) {
eof = 1;
opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "tcd_decode: incomplete bistream\n");
t1_time = opj_clock(); /* time needed to decode a tile */
t1 = t1_create(tcd->cinfo);
t1_decode_cblks(t1, tile, tcd->tcp);
t1_time = opj_clock() - t1_time;
opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "- tiers-1 took %f s\n", t1_time);
dwt_time = opj_clock(); /* time needed to decode a tile */
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
if (tcd->cp->reduce != 0) {
tcd->image->comps[compno].resno_decoded =
tile->comps[compno].numresolutions - tcd->cp->reduce - 1;
if (tcd->tcp->tccps[compno].qmfbid == 1) {
dwt_decode(tilec, tilec->numresolutions - 1 - tcd->image->comps[compno].resno_decoded);
} else {
dwt_decode_real(tilec, tilec->numresolutions - 1 - tcd->image->comps[compno].resno_decoded);
if (tile->comps[compno].numresolutions > 0) {
tcd->image->comps[compno].factor = tile->comps[compno].numresolutions - (tcd->image->comps[compno].resno_decoded + 1);
dwt_time = opj_clock() - dwt_time;
opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "- dwt took %f s\n", dwt_time);
if (tcd->tcp->mct) {
if (tcd->tcp->tccps[0].qmfbid == 1) {
mct_decode(tile->comps[0].data, tile->comps[1].data, tile->comps[2].data,
(tile->comps[0].x1 - tile->comps[0].x0) * (tile->comps[0].y1 - tile->comps[0].y0));
} else {
mct_decode_real(tile->comps[0].data, tile->comps[1].data, tile->comps[2].data,
(tile->comps[0].x1 - tile->comps[0].x0) * (tile->comps[0].y1 - tile->comps[0].y0));
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[tcd->image->comps[compno].resno_decoded];
int adjust = tcd->image->comps[compno].sgnd ? 0 : 1 << (tcd->image->comps[compno].prec - 1);
int min = tcd->image->comps[compno].sgnd ?
-(1 << (tcd->image->comps[compno].prec - 1)) : 0;
int max = tcd->image->comps[compno].sgnd ?
(1 << (tcd->image->comps[compno].prec - 1)) - 1 : (1 << tcd->image->comps[compno].prec) - 1;
int tw = tilec->x1 - tilec->x0;
int w = tcd->image->comps[compno].w;
int i, j;
int offset_x = int_ceildivpow2(tcd->image->comps[compno].x0, tcd->image->comps[compno].factor);
int offset_y = int_ceildivpow2(tcd->image->comps[compno].y0, tcd->image->comps[compno].factor);
for (j = res->y0; j < res->y1; j++) {
for (i = res->x0; i < res->x1; i++) {
int v;
float tmp = (float)((tilec->data[i - res->x0 + (j - res->y0) * tw]) / 8192.0);
if (tcd->tcp->tccps[compno].qmfbid == 1) {
v = tilec->data[i - res->x0 + (j - res->y0) * tw];
} else {
int tmp2 = ((int) (floor(fabs(tmp)))) + ((int) floor(fabs(tmp*2))%2);
v = ((tmp < 0) ? -tmp2:tmp2);
v += adjust;
tcd->image->comps[compno].data[(i - offset_x) + (j - offset_y) * w] = int_clamp(v, min, max);
tile_time = opj_clock() - tile_time; /* time needed to decode a tile */
opj_event_msg(tcd->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "- tile decoded in %f s\n", tile_time);
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno].comps[compno].data = NULL;
if (eof) {
return false;
return true;
void tcd_free_decode(opj_tcd_t *tcd) {
int tileno,compno,resno,bandno,precno;
opj_tcd_image_t *tcd_image = tcd->tcd_image;
for (tileno = 0; tileno < tcd_image->tw * tcd_image->th; tileno++) {
opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = &tcd_image->tiles[tileno];
for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno];
for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; resno++) {
opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno];
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
for (precno = 0; precno < res->ph * res->pw; precno++) {
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prec = &band->precincts[precno];
if (prec->cblks != NULL) opj_free(prec->cblks);
if (prec->imsbtree != NULL) tgt_destroy(prec->imsbtree);
if (prec->incltree != NULL) tgt_destroy(prec->incltree);
if (band->precincts != NULL) opj_free(band->precincts);
if (tilec->resolutions != NULL) opj_free(tilec->resolutions);
if (tile->comps != NULL) opj_free(tile->comps);
if (tcd_image->tiles != NULL) opj_free(tcd_image->tiles);