#!/bin/bash # This script executes the abi-check step when running under travis-ci (in run step) # Set-up some bash options set -o nounset ## set -u : exit the script if you try to use an uninitialised variable set -o errexit ## set -e : exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value set -o pipefail ## Fail on error in pipe set -o xtrace ## set -x : Print a trace of simple commands and their arguments after they are expanded and before they are executed. # Exit if not ABI check if [ "${OPJ_CI_ABI_CHECK:-}" != "1" ]; then exit 0 fi OPJ_UPLOAD_ABI_REPORT=0 OPJ_LATEST_VERSION="2.1" OPJ_LIMIT_ABI_BUILDS="-limit 2" OPJ_REPO="https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg.git" OPJ_SSH_REPO=${OPJ_REPO/https:\/\/github.com\//git@github.com:} OPJ_UPLOAD_BRANCH="gh-pages" OPJ_UPLOAD_DIR="abi-check" if [ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG:-}" != "" ]; then if [ "$(echo "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" | sed 's/\(^.*\)\/.*/\1/')" == "uclouvain" ] && [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST:-}" == "false" ]; then # Upload updated report to gh-pages OPJ_UPLOAD_ABI_REPORT=1 # Build full report #OPJ_LIMIT_ABI_BUILDS= fi fi OPJ_SOURCE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0)/../.. && pwd) # INSTALL REQUIRED PACKAGES mkdir ${HOME}/abi-check cd ${HOME}/abi-check # Let's get tools not available with apt mkdir tools # Travis doesn't allow package wdiff... wget -qO - http://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu/wdiff/wdiff-latest.tar.gz | tar -xz cd wdiff-* ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/abi-check/tools/wdiff &> /dev/null make &> /dev/null make check &> /dev/null make install &> /dev/null cd .. export PATH=${PWD}/tools/wdiff/bin:$PATH wget -qO - https://tools.ietf.org/tools/rfcdiff/rfcdiff-1.42.tgz | tar -xz mv rfcdiff-1.42 ${PWD}/tools/rfcdiff export PATH=${PWD}/tools/rfcdiff:$PATH wget -qO - https://github.com/lvc/installer/archive/0.10.tar.gz | tar -xz mkdir ${PWD}/tools/abi-tracker make -C installer-0.10 install prefix=${PWD}/tools/abi-tracker target=abi-tracker export PATH=${PWD}/tools/abi-tracker/bin:$PATH # RUN THE ABI-CHECK SCRIPTS mkdir work cd work # If upload is scheduled, clone the gh-pages branch and work from there if [ ${OPJ_UPLOAD_ABI_REPORT} -eq 1 ]; then git clone -b $OPJ_UPLOAD_BRANCH --single-branch $OPJ_REPO . cd $OPJ_UPLOAD_DIR rm -rf installed/openjpeg/current/* fi # Let's create all we need grep -v Git ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/abi-tracker/openjpeg.json > ./openjpeg.json #abi-monitor ${OPJ_LIMIT_ABI_BUILDS} -get openjpeg.json if [ "${OPJ_LIMIT_ABI_BUILDS}" != "" ]; then cp -f ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/abi-tracker/openjpeg.json ./openjpeg.json else # Old versions of openjpeg don't like -fvisibility=hidden... grep -v Configure ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/abi-tracker/openjpeg.json > ./openjpeg.json fi cp -rf ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR} src/openjpeg/current abi-monitor ${OPJ_LIMIT_ABI_BUILDS} -rebuild openjpeg.json abi-tracker -rebuild openjpeg.json EXIT_CODE=0 # Check API abi-compliance-checker -l openjpeg -old $(find ./abi_dump/openjpeg/$OPJ_LATEST_VERSION -name '*.dump') -new $(find ./abi_dump/openjpeg/current -name '*.dump') -header openjpeg.h -api -s || EXIT_CODE=1 # Check ABI if [ "${OPJ_LIMIT_ABI_BUILDS}" != "" ]; then abi-compliance-checker -l openjpeg -old $(find ./abi_dump/openjpeg/$OPJ_LATEST_VERSION -name '*.dump') -new $(find ./abi_dump/openjpeg/current -name '*.dump') -header openjpeg.h -abi -s || EXIT_CODE=1 else echo "Disable ABI check for now, problems with symbol visibility..." fi rm -rf src/openjpeg/current rm -rf build_logs if [ ${OPJ_UPLOAD_ABI_REPORT} -eq 1 ]; then git config user.name "OpenJPEG Travis CI" git config user.email "info@openjpeg.org" # Commit the "changes", i.e. the new version. # The delta will show diffs between new and old versions. git diff > ../diff.patch git add . git commit -m "Update ABI/API compatibility reports after commit ${TRAVIS_COMMIT:-}" # Get the deploy key by using Travis's stored variables to decrypt travis_rsa.enc openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_99d63218f67a_key -iv $encrypted_99d63218f67a_iv -in ${OPJ_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/travis-ci/travis_rsa.enc -out travis_rsa -d chmod 600 travis_rsa eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add travis_rsa # Now that we're all set up, we can push. git push $OPJ_SSH_REPO $OPJ_UPLOAD_BRANCH fi rm -rf src installed exit $EXIT_CODE