[trunk] WIP: fix some warnings from j2k_dump and index.c
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ What's New for OpenJPEG
! : changed
+ : added
September 27, 2011
* [mickael] WIP: fix some warnings from j2k_dump and index.c
September 22, 2011
* [mickael] WIP: fix build compilation (with autotools) with MJ2 option (credit to Winfried)
* [mickael] WIP: fix build compilation error with windows platform about event_mgr management.
@ -394,356 +394,6 @@ int write_index_file(opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info, char *index) {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Write a structured index to a file
@param cstr_info Codestream information
@param index Index filename
@return Returns 0 if successful, returns 1 otherwise
int write_index_file_v2(FILE* stream, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info) {
int tileno, compno, layno, resno, precno, pack_nb, x, y;
double total_disto = 0;
/* UniPG>> */
int tilepartno;
char disto_on, numpix_on;
#ifdef USE_JPWL
if (!strcmp(index, JPWL_PRIVATEINDEX_NAME))
#endif /* USE_JPWL */
/* <<UniPG */
if (!cstr_info)
if (!stream)
if (cstr_info->tile[0].distotile)
disto_on = 1;
disto_on = 0;
if (cstr_info->tile[0].numpix)
numpix_on = 1;
numpix_on = 0;
fprintf(stream, "%d %d\n", cstr_info->image_w, cstr_info->image_h);
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->prog);
fprintf(stream, "%d %d\n", cstr_info->tile_x, cstr_info->tile_y);
fprintf(stream, "%d %d\n", cstr_info->tw, cstr_info->th);
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->numcomps);
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->numlayers);
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->numdecompos[0]); /* based on component 0 */
for (resno = cstr_info->numdecompos[0]; resno >= 0; resno--) {
fprintf(stream, "[%d,%d] ",
(1 << cstr_info->tile[0].pdx[resno]), (1 << cstr_info->tile[0].pdx[resno])); /* based on tile 0 and component 0 */
fprintf(stream, "\n");
/* UniPG>> */
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->main_head_start);
/* <<UniPG */
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->main_head_end);
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->codestream_size);
fprintf(stream, "\nINFO ON TILES\n");
fprintf(stream, "tileno start_pos end_hd end_tile nbparts");
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream," disto");
if (numpix_on)
fprintf(stream," nbpix");
if (disto_on && numpix_on)
fprintf(stream," disto/nbpix");
fprintf(stream, "\n");
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cstr_info->tw * cstr_info->th; tileno++) {
fprintf(stream, "%4d %9d %9d %9d %9d",
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream," %9e", cstr_info->tile[tileno].distotile);
if (numpix_on)
fprintf(stream," %9d", cstr_info->tile[tileno].numpix);
if (disto_on && numpix_on)
fprintf(stream," %9e", cstr_info->tile[tileno].distotile / cstr_info->tile[tileno].numpix);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
for (tileno = 0; tileno < cstr_info->tw * cstr_info->th; tileno++) {
int start_pos, end_ph_pos, end_pos;
double disto = 0;
int max_numdecompos = 0;
pack_nb = 0;
for (compno = 0; compno < cstr_info->numcomps; compno++) {
if (max_numdecompos < cstr_info->numdecompos[compno])
max_numdecompos = cstr_info->numdecompos[compno];
fprintf(stream, "\nTILE %d DETAILS\n", tileno);
fprintf(stream, "part_nb tileno start_pack num_packs start_pos end_tph_pos end_pos\n");
for (tilepartno = 0; tilepartno < cstr_info->tile[tileno].num_tps; tilepartno++)
fprintf(stream, "%4d %9d %9d %9d %9d %11d %9d\n",
tilepartno, tileno,
if (cstr_info->prog == LRCP) { /* LRCP */
fprintf(stream, "LRCP\npack_nb tileno layno resno compno precno start_pos end_ph_pos end_pos");
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " disto");
for (layno = 0; layno < cstr_info->numlayers; layno++) {
for (resno = 0; resno < max_numdecompos + 1; resno++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < cstr_info->numcomps; compno++) {
int prec_max;
if (resno > cstr_info->numdecompos[compno])
prec_max = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
start_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_ph_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_ph_pos;
end_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %7d %5d %6d %6d %6d %6d %7d",
pack_nb, tileno, layno, resno, compno, precno, start_pos, end_ph_pos, end_pos);
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " %8e", disto);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
total_disto += disto;
} /* LRCP */
else if (cstr_info->prog == RLCP) { /* RLCP */
fprintf(stream, "RLCP\npack_nb tileno resno layno compno precno start_pos end_ph_pos end_pos\n");
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " disto");
for (resno = 0; resno < max_numdecompos + 1; resno++) {
for (layno = 0; layno < cstr_info->numlayers; layno++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < cstr_info->numcomps; compno++) {
int prec_max;
if (resno > cstr_info->numdecompos[compno])
prec_max = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < prec_max; precno++) {
start_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_ph_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_ph_pos;
end_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %5d %7d %6d %6d %9d %9d %7d",
pack_nb, tileno, resno, layno, compno, precno, start_pos, end_ph_pos, end_pos);
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " %8e", disto);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
total_disto += disto;
} /* RLCP */
else if (cstr_info->prog == RPCL) { /* RPCL */
fprintf(stream, "RPCL\npack_nb tileno resno precno compno layno start_pos end_ph_pos end_pos");
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " disto");
for (resno = 0; resno < max_numdecompos + 1; resno++) {
int numprec = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
for (precno = 0; precno < numprec; precno++) {
/* I suppose components have same XRsiz, YRsiz */
int x0 = cstr_info->tile_Ox + tileno - (int)floor((float)tileno/(float)cstr_info->tw ) * cstr_info->tw * cstr_info->tile_x;
int y0 = cstr_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)cstr_info->tw ) * cstr_info->tile_y;
int x1 = x0 + cstr_info->tile_x;
int y1 = y0 + cstr_info->tile_y;
for (compno = 0; compno < cstr_info->numcomps; compno++) {
int pcnx = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno];
int pcx = (int) pow( 2, cstr_info->tile[tileno].pdx[resno] + cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] - resno );
int pcy = (int) pow( 2, cstr_info->tile[tileno].pdy[resno] + cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] - resno );
int precno_x = precno - (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx ) * pcnx;
int precno_y = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
if (resno > cstr_info->numdecompos[compno])
for(y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
if (precno_y*pcy == y ) {
for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
if (precno_x*pcx == x ) {
for (layno = 0; layno < cstr_info->numlayers; layno++) {
start_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_ph_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_ph_pos;
end_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %5d %6d %6d %7d %9d %9d %7d",
pack_nb, tileno, resno, precno, compno, layno, start_pos, end_ph_pos, end_pos);
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " %8e", disto);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
total_disto += disto;
}/* x = x0..x1 */
} /* y = y0..y1 */
} /* precno */
} /* compno */
} /* resno */
} /* RPCL */
else if (cstr_info->prog == PCRL) { /* PCRL */
/* I suppose components have same XRsiz, YRsiz */
int x0 = cstr_info->tile_Ox + tileno - (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)cstr_info->tw ) * cstr_info->tw * cstr_info->tile_x;
int y0 = cstr_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)cstr_info->tw ) * cstr_info->tile_y;
int x1 = x0 + cstr_info->tile_x;
int y1 = y0 + cstr_info->tile_y;
// Count the maximum number of precincts
int max_numprec = 0;
for (resno = 0; resno < max_numdecompos + 1; resno++) {
int numprec = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
if (numprec > max_numprec)
max_numprec = numprec;
fprintf(stream, "PCRL\npack_nb tileno precno compno resno layno start_pos end_ph_pos end_pos");
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " disto");
for (precno = 0; precno < max_numprec; precno++) {
for (compno = 0; compno < cstr_info->numcomps; compno++) {
for (resno = 0; resno < cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] + 1; resno++) {
int numprec = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
int pcnx = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno];
int pcx = (int) pow( 2, cstr_info->tile[tileno].pdx[resno] + cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] - resno );
int pcy = (int) pow( 2, cstr_info->tile[tileno].pdy[resno] + cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] - resno );
int precno_x = precno - (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx ) * pcnx;
int precno_y = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
if (precno >= numprec)
for(y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
if (precno_y*pcy == y ) {
for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
if (precno_x*pcx == x ) {
for (layno = 0; layno < cstr_info->numlayers; layno++) {
start_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_ph_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_ph_pos;
end_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %6d %6d %5d %7d %9d %9d %7d",
pack_nb, tileno, precno, compno, resno, layno, start_pos, end_ph_pos, end_pos);
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " %8e", disto);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
total_disto += disto;
}/* x = x0..x1 */
} /* y = y0..y1 */
} /* resno */
} /* compno */
} /* precno */
} /* PCRL */
else { /* CPRL */
// Count the maximum number of precincts
int max_numprec = 0;
for (resno = 0; resno < max_numdecompos + 1; resno++) {
int numprec = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
if (numprec > max_numprec)
max_numprec = numprec;
fprintf(stream, "CPRL\npack_nb tileno compno precno resno layno start_pos end_ph_pos end_pos");
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " disto");
for (compno = 0; compno < cstr_info->numcomps; compno++) {
/* I suppose components have same XRsiz, YRsiz */
int x0 = cstr_info->tile_Ox + tileno - (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)cstr_info->tw ) * cstr_info->tw * cstr_info->tile_x;
int y0 = cstr_info->tile_Ox + (int)floor( (float)tileno/(float)cstr_info->tw ) * cstr_info->tile_y;
int x1 = x0 + cstr_info->tile_x;
int y1 = y0 + cstr_info->tile_y;
for (precno = 0; precno < max_numprec; precno++) {
for (resno = 0; resno < cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] + 1; resno++) {
int numprec = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno] * cstr_info->tile[tileno].ph[resno];
int pcnx = cstr_info->tile[tileno].pw[resno];
int pcx = (int) pow( 2, cstr_info->tile[tileno].pdx[resno] + cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] - resno );
int pcy = (int) pow( 2, cstr_info->tile[tileno].pdy[resno] + cstr_info->numdecompos[compno] - resno );
int precno_x = precno - (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx ) * pcnx;
int precno_y = (int) floor( (float)precno/(float)pcnx );
if (precno >= numprec)
for(y = y0; y < y1; y++) {
if (precno_y*pcy == y ) {
for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) {
if (precno_x*pcx == x ) {
for (layno = 0; layno < cstr_info->numlayers; layno++) {
start_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].start_pos;
end_ph_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_ph_pos;
end_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].end_pos;
disto = cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[pack_nb].disto;
fprintf(stream, "%4d %6d %6d %6d %5d %7d %9d %9d %7d",
pack_nb, tileno, compno, precno, resno, layno, start_pos, end_ph_pos, end_pos);
if (disto_on)
fprintf(stream, " %8e", disto);
fprintf(stream, "\n");
total_disto += disto;
}/* x = x0..x1 */
} /* y = y0..y1 */
} /* resno */
} /* precno */
} /* compno */
} /* CPRL */
} /* tileno */
if (disto_on) {
fprintf(stream, "%8e\n", cstr_info->D_max); /* SE max */
fprintf(stream, "%.8e\n", total_disto); /* SE totale */
/* UniPG>> */
/* print the markers' list */
if (cstr_info->marknum) {
fprintf(stream, "\nMARKER LIST\n");
fprintf(stream, "%d\n", cstr_info->marknum);
fprintf(stream, "type\tstart_pos length\n");
for (x = 0; x < cstr_info->marknum; x++)
fprintf(stream, "%X\t%9d %9d\n", cstr_info->marker[x].type, cstr_info->marker[x].pos, cstr_info->marker[x].len);
/* <<UniPG */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Dump the file info structure into a file
@ -75,9 +75,19 @@ typedef struct img_folder{
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Declarations */
static void j2k_dump_image(FILE *fd, opj_image_header_t * img);
static void j2k_dump_cp(FILE *fd, opj_image_t * img, opj_cp_v2_t * cp);
int get_num_images(char *imgdirpath);
int load_images(dircnt_t *dirptr, char *imgdirpath);
int get_file_format(char *filename);
char get_next_file(int imageno,dircnt_t *dirptr,img_fol_t *img_fol, opj_dparameters_t *parameters);
int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_dparameters_t *parameters,img_fol_t *img_fol);
int parse_DA_values( char* inArg, unsigned int *DA_x0, unsigned int *DA_y0, unsigned int *DA_x1, unsigned int *DA_y1);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void decode_help_display(void) {
fprintf(stdout,"HELP for j2k_dump\n----\n\n");
@ -282,7 +292,7 @@ int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_dparameters_t *parameters,i
strncpy(ROI_values, opj_optarg, strlen(opj_optarg));
ROI_values[strlen(opj_optarg)] = '\0';
/*printf("ROI_values = %s [%d / %d]\n", ROI_values, strlen(ROI_values), size_optarg ); */
parse_ROI_values( ROI_values, ¶meters->DA_x0, ¶meters->DA_y0, ¶meters->DA_x1, ¶meters->DA_y1);
parse_DA_values( ROI_values, ¶meters->DA_x0, ¶meters->DA_y0, ¶meters->DA_x1, ¶meters->DA_y1);
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
@ -332,7 +342,7 @@ int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_dparameters_t *parameters,i
* separator = ","
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int parse_ROI_values( char* inArg, unsigned int *DA_x0, unsigned int *DA_y0, unsigned int *DA_x1, unsigned int *DA_y1)
int parse_DA_values( char* inArg, unsigned int *DA_x0, unsigned int *DA_y0, unsigned int *DA_x1, unsigned int *DA_y1)
int it = 0;
int values[4];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user