Merge branch 'master' into issue-254
This commit is contained in:
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ static int parse_cmdline_encoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_cparameters_t *param
OPJ_UINT32 numlayers = 0, numresolution = 0, matrix_width = 0;
char *s = opj_optarg;
sscanf(s, "%ud", &numlayers);
sscanf(s, "%u", &numlayers);
if (numlayers > 9)
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ static int parse_cmdline_encoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_cparameters_t *param
char *s = opj_optarg;
POC = parameters->POC;
while (sscanf(s, "T%ud=%ud,%ud,%ud,%ud,%ud,%4s", &POC[numpocs].tile,
while (sscanf(s, "T%u=%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%4s", &POC[numpocs].tile,
&POC[numpocs].resno0, &POC[numpocs].compno0,
&POC[numpocs].layno1, &POC[numpocs].resno1,
&POC[numpocs].compno1, POC[numpocs].progorder) == 7) {
@ -1768,7 +1768,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
parameters.cp_tdx = 512;
parameters.cp_tdy = 512;
opj_setup_encoder(l_codec, ¶meters, image);
if (! opj_setup_encoder(l_codec, ¶meters, image)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to encode image: opj_setup_encoder\n");
return 1;
/* open a byte stream for writing and allocate memory for all tiles */
l_stream = opj_stream_create_default_file_stream(parameters.outfile,OPJ_FALSE);
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_decompress_parameters *para
case 'r': /* reduce option */
sscanf(opj_optarg, "%ud", &(parameters->core.cp_reduce));
sscanf(opj_optarg, "%u", &(parameters->core.cp_reduce));
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_decompress_parameters *para
case 'l': /* layering option */
sscanf(opj_optarg, "%ud", &(parameters->core.cp_layer));
sscanf(opj_optarg, "%u", &(parameters->core.cp_layer));
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ int parse_cmdline_decoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_decompress_parameters *para
case 't': /* Input tile index */
sscanf(opj_optarg, "%ud", ¶meters->tile_index);
sscanf(opj_optarg, "%u", ¶meters->tile_index);
parameters->nb_tile_to_decode = 1;
@ -107,27 +107,29 @@ void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_image_destroy(opj_image_t *image) {
void opj_image_comp_header_update(opj_image_t * p_image_header, const struct opj_cp * p_cp)
OPJ_UINT32 i, l_width, l_height;
OPJ_INT32 l_x0, l_y0, l_x1, l_y1;
OPJ_INT32 l_comp_x0, l_comp_y0, l_comp_x1, l_comp_y1;
OPJ_UINT32 l_x0, l_y0, l_x1, l_y1;
OPJ_UINT32 l_comp_x0, l_comp_y0, l_comp_x1, l_comp_y1;
opj_image_comp_t* l_img_comp = NULL;
l_x0 = opj_int_max((OPJ_INT32)p_cp->tx0 , (OPJ_INT32)p_image_header->x0);
l_y0 = opj_int_max((OPJ_INT32)p_cp->ty0 , (OPJ_INT32)p_image_header->y0);
l_x1 = opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->tx0 + p_cp->tw * p_cp->tdx), (OPJ_INT32)p_image_header->x1);
l_y1 = opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->ty0 + p_cp->th * p_cp->tdy), (OPJ_INT32)p_image_header->y1);
l_x0 = opj_uint_max(p_cp->tx0 , p_image_header->x0);
l_y0 = opj_uint_max(p_cp->ty0 , p_image_header->y0);
l_x1 = p_cp->tx0 + (p_cp->tw - 1U) * p_cp->tdx; /* validity of p_cp members used here checked in opj_j2k_read_siz. Can't overflow. */
l_y1 = p_cp->ty0 + (p_cp->th - 1U) * p_cp->tdy; /* can't overflow */
l_x1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_adds(l_x1, p_cp->tdx), p_image_header->x1); /* use add saturated to prevent overflow */
l_y1 = opj_uint_min(opj_uint_adds(l_y1, p_cp->tdy), p_image_header->y1); /* use add saturated to prevent overflow */
l_img_comp = p_image_header->comps;
for (i = 0; i < p_image_header->numcomps; ++i) {
l_comp_x0 = opj_int_ceildiv(l_x0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dx);
l_comp_y0 = opj_int_ceildiv(l_y0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dy);
l_comp_x1 = opj_int_ceildiv(l_x1, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dx);
l_comp_y1 = opj_int_ceildiv(l_y1, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dy);
l_width = (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_comp_x1 - l_comp_x0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->factor);
l_height = (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_comp_y1 - l_comp_y0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->factor);
l_comp_x0 = opj_uint_ceildiv(l_x0, l_img_comp->dx);
l_comp_y0 = opj_uint_ceildiv(l_y0, l_img_comp->dy);
l_comp_x1 = opj_uint_ceildiv(l_x1, l_img_comp->dx);
l_comp_y1 = opj_uint_ceildiv(l_y1, l_img_comp->dy);
l_width = opj_uint_ceildivpow2(l_comp_x1 - l_comp_x0, l_img_comp->factor);
l_height = opj_uint_ceildivpow2(l_comp_y1 - l_comp_y0, l_img_comp->factor);
l_img_comp->w = l_width;
l_img_comp->h = l_height;
l_img_comp->x0 = (OPJ_UINT32)l_comp_x0/*l_x0*/;
l_img_comp->y0 = (OPJ_UINT32)l_comp_y0/*l_y0*/;
l_img_comp->x0 = l_comp_x0;
l_img_comp->y0 = l_comp_y0;
@ -2463,7 +2463,14 @@ static OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_cod ( opj_j2k_t *p_j2k,
l_tcp = (p_j2k->m_specific_param.m_decoder.m_state == J2K_STATE_TPH) ?
&l_cp->tcps[p_j2k->m_current_tile_number] :
/* Only one COD per tile */
if (l_tcp->cod) {
opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "COD marker already read. No more than one COD marker per tile.\n");
return OPJ_FALSE;
l_tcp->cod = 1;
/* Make sure room is sufficient */
if (p_header_size < 5) {
opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "Error reading COD marker\n");
@ -2487,6 +2494,11 @@ static OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_cod ( opj_j2k_t *p_j2k,
opj_read_bytes(p_header_data,&l_tcp->numlayers,2); /* SGcod (B) */
if ((l_tcp->numlayers < 1U) || (l_tcp->numlayers > 65535U)) {
opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "Invalid number of layers in COD marker : %d not in range [1-65535]\n", l_tcp->numlayers);
return OPJ_FALSE;
/* If user didn't set a number layer to decode take the max specify in the codestream. */
if (l_cp->m_specific_param.m_dec.m_layer) {
@ -7400,8 +7412,15 @@ static OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_copy_default_tcp_and_create_tcd ( opj_j2k_t * p_j2
/*Copy default coding parameters into the current tile coding parameters*/
memcpy(l_tcp, l_default_tcp, sizeof(opj_tcp_t));
/* Initialize some values of the current tile coding parameters*/
l_tcp->cod = 0;
l_tcp->ppt = 0;
l_tcp->ppt_data = 00;
/* Remove memory not owned by this tile in case of early error return. */
l_tcp->m_mct_decoding_matrix = 00;
l_tcp->m_nb_max_mct_records = 0;
l_tcp->m_mct_records = 00;
l_tcp->m_nb_max_mcc_records = 0;
l_tcp->m_mcc_records = 00;
/* Reconnect the tile-compo coding parameters pointer to the current tile coding parameters*/
l_tcp->tccps = l_current_tccp;
@ -7439,6 +7458,8 @@ static OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_copy_default_tcp_and_create_tcd ( opj_j2k_t * p_j2
/* Update with each pass to free exactly what has been allocated on early return. */
l_tcp->m_nb_max_mct_records += 1;
/* Get the mcc_record of the dflt_tile_cp and copy them into the current tile cp*/
@ -7448,6 +7469,7 @@ static OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_copy_default_tcp_and_create_tcd ( opj_j2k_t * p_j2
return OPJ_FALSE;
l_tcp->m_nb_max_mcc_records = l_default_tcp->m_nb_max_mcc_records;
/* Copy the mcc record data from dflt_tile_cp to the current tile*/
l_src_mcc_rec = l_default_tcp->m_mcc_records;
@ -8158,10 +8180,10 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_update_image_data (opj_tcd_t * p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, opj_im
OPJ_UINT32 l_width_src,l_height_src;
OPJ_UINT32 l_width_dest,l_height_dest;
OPJ_INT32 l_offset_x0_src, l_offset_y0_src, l_offset_x1_src, l_offset_y1_src;
OPJ_INT32 l_start_offset_src, l_line_offset_src, l_end_offset_src ;
OPJ_SIZE_T l_start_offset_src, l_line_offset_src, l_end_offset_src ;
OPJ_UINT32 l_start_x_dest , l_start_y_dest;
OPJ_UINT32 l_x0_dest, l_y0_dest, l_x1_dest, l_y1_dest;
OPJ_INT32 l_start_offset_dest, l_line_offset_dest;
OPJ_SIZE_T l_start_offset_dest, l_line_offset_dest;
opj_image_comp_t * l_img_comp_src = 00;
opj_image_comp_t * l_img_comp_dest = 00;
@ -8183,7 +8205,7 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_update_image_data (opj_tcd_t * p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, opj_im
/* Allocate output component buffer if necessary */
if (!l_img_comp_dest->data) {
l_img_comp_dest->data = (OPJ_INT32*) opj_calloc(l_img_comp_dest->w * l_img_comp_dest->h, sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
l_img_comp_dest->data = (OPJ_INT32*) opj_calloc((OPJ_SIZE_T)l_img_comp_dest->w * (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_img_comp_dest->h, sizeof(OPJ_INT32));
if (! l_img_comp_dest->data) {
return OPJ_FALSE;
@ -8217,9 +8239,9 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_update_image_data (opj_tcd_t * p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, opj_im
l_height_src = (OPJ_UINT32)(l_res->y1 - l_res->y0);
/* Border of the current output component*/
l_x0_dest = (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_ceildivpow2((OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp_dest->x0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp_dest->factor);
l_y0_dest = (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_ceildivpow2((OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp_dest->y0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp_dest->factor);
l_x1_dest = l_x0_dest + l_img_comp_dest->w;
l_x0_dest = opj_uint_ceildivpow2(l_img_comp_dest->x0, l_img_comp_dest->factor);
l_y0_dest = opj_uint_ceildivpow2(l_img_comp_dest->y0, l_img_comp_dest->factor);
l_x1_dest = l_x0_dest + l_img_comp_dest->w; /* can't overflow given that image->x1 is uint32 */
l_y1_dest = l_y0_dest + l_img_comp_dest->h;
/*if (i == 0) {
@ -8250,7 +8272,7 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_update_image_data (opj_tcd_t * p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, opj_im
else {
l_start_x_dest = 0 ;
l_start_x_dest = 0U;
l_offset_x0_src = (OPJ_INT32)l_x0_dest - l_res->x0;
if ( l_x1_dest >= (OPJ_UINT32)l_res->x1 ) {
@ -8277,7 +8299,7 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_update_image_data (opj_tcd_t * p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, opj_im
else {
l_start_y_dest = 0 ;
l_start_y_dest = 0U;
l_offset_y0_src = (OPJ_INT32)l_y0_dest - l_res->y0;
if ( l_y1_dest >= (OPJ_UINT32)l_res->y1 ) {
@ -8300,13 +8322,13 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_update_image_data (opj_tcd_t * p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_data, opj_im
/* Compute the input buffer offset */
l_start_offset_src = l_offset_x0_src + l_offset_y0_src * (OPJ_INT32)l_width_src;
l_line_offset_src = l_offset_x1_src + l_offset_x0_src;
l_end_offset_src = l_offset_y1_src * (OPJ_INT32)l_width_src - l_offset_x0_src;
l_start_offset_src = (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_offset_x0_src + (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_offset_y0_src * (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_width_src;
l_line_offset_src = (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_offset_x1_src + (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_offset_x0_src;
l_end_offset_src = (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_offset_y1_src * (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_width_src - (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_offset_x0_src;
/* Compute the output buffer offset */
l_start_offset_dest = (OPJ_INT32)(l_start_x_dest + l_start_y_dest * l_img_comp_dest->w);
l_line_offset_dest = (OPJ_INT32)(l_img_comp_dest->w - l_width_dest);
l_start_offset_dest = (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_start_x_dest + (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_start_y_dest * (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_img_comp_dest->w;
l_line_offset_dest = (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_img_comp_dest->w - (OPJ_SIZE_T)l_width_dest;
/* Move the output buffer to the first place where we will write*/
l_dest_ptr = l_img_comp_dest->data + l_start_offset_dest;
@ -8794,6 +8816,12 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_read_SPCod_SPCoc( opj_j2k_t *p_j2k,
l_tccp->cblkh += 2;
if ((l_tccp->cblkw > 10) || (l_tccp->cblkh > 10) || ((l_tccp->cblkw + l_tccp->cblkh) > 12)) {
opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "Error reading SPCod SPCoc element, Invalid cblkw/cblkh combination\n");
return OPJ_FALSE;
opj_read_bytes(l_current_ptr,&l_tccp->cblksty ,1); /* SPcoc (G) */
@ -9790,7 +9818,7 @@ OPJ_BOOL opj_j2k_decode(opj_j2k_t * p_j2k,
if (!p_image)
return OPJ_FALSE;
p_j2k->m_output_image = opj_image_create0();
if (! (p_j2k->m_output_image)) {
return OPJ_FALSE;
@ -293,6 +293,8 @@ typedef struct opj_tcp
/***** FLAGS *******/
/** If cod == 1 --> there was a COD marker for the present tile */
OPJ_UINT32 cod : 1;
/** If ppt == 1 --> there was a PPT marker for the present tile */
OPJ_UINT32 ppt : 1;
/** indicates if a POC marker has been used O:NO, 1:YES */
@ -524,14 +524,12 @@ OPJ_BOOL OPJ_CALLCONV opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor(opj_codec_t *p_codec,
opj_codec_private_t * l_codec = (opj_codec_private_t *) p_codec;
if ( !l_codec ){
fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Input parameters of the setup_decoder function are incorrect.\n");
return OPJ_FALSE;
return l_codec->m_codec_data.m_decompression.opj_set_decoded_resolution_factor(l_codec->m_codec,
&(l_codec->m_event_mgr) );
return OPJ_TRUE;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -700,11 +698,10 @@ OPJ_BOOL OPJ_CALLCONV opj_setup_encoder(opj_codec_t *p_codec,
opj_codec_private_t * l_codec = (opj_codec_private_t *) p_codec;
if (! l_codec->is_decompressor) {
l_codec->m_codec_data.m_compression.opj_setup_encoder( l_codec->m_codec,
return l_codec->m_codec_data.m_compression.opj_setup_encoder( l_codec->m_codec,
&(l_codec->m_event_mgr) );
return OPJ_TRUE;
@ -137,6 +137,15 @@ Divide an integer by a power of 2 and round upwards
static INLINE OPJ_INT32 opj_int_ceildivpow2(OPJ_INT32 a, OPJ_INT32 b) {
return (OPJ_INT32)((a + (OPJ_INT64)(1 << b) - 1) >> b);
Divide an integer by a power of 2 and round upwards
@return Returns a divided by 2^b
static INLINE OPJ_UINT32 opj_uint_ceildivpow2(OPJ_UINT32 a, OPJ_UINT32 b) {
return (OPJ_UINT32)((a + (OPJ_UINT64)(1U << b) - 1U) >> b);
Divide an integer by a power of 2 and round downwards
@return Returns a divided by 2^b
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ set(BLACKLIST_JPEG2000
issue420.jp2 #kdu_jp2info ok
27ac957758a35d00d6765a0c86350d9c.SIGFPE.d25.537.jpc #kdu_jp2info crash
3672da2f1f67bbecad27d7181b4e9d7c.SIGFPE.d25.805.jpc #kdu_jp2info crash
issue476.jp2 #kdu_jp2info ok
issue475.jp2 #kdu_jp2info ok
issue413.jp2 #kdu_jp2info ok
@ -179,3 +179,6 @@ ec8d1c99db9763a8ba489df4f41dda53 issue411-ycc420.jp2_2.pgx
f004b48eafb2e52529cc9c7b6a3ff5d2 issue458.jp2_1.pgx
3127bd0a591d113c3c2428c8d2c14ec8 issue458.jp2_2.pgx
dacaf60e4c430916a8c2a9ebec32e71c issue458.jp2_3.pgx
d33fb5dbddb9b9b4438eb51fa27445a3 issue495.jp2_0.pgx
27db8c35e12a5d5eb94d403d2aae2909 issue495.jp2_1.pgx
97da625d2f2d0b75bf891d8083ce8bfb issue495.jp2_2.pgx
@ -260,6 +260,12 @@ opj_decompress -i @INPUT_NR_PATH@/issue411-ycc420.jp2 -o @TEMP_PATH@/issue411-yc
!opj_decompress -i @INPUT_NR_PATH@/issue427-illegal-tile-offset.jp2 -o @TEMP_PATH@/issue427-illegal-tile-offset.jp2.pgx
# issue 458 component precision upscaling
opj_decompress -i @INPUT_NR_PATH@/issue458.jp2 -o @TEMP_PATH@/issue458.jp2.pgx
# issue 476 Multiple COD in MH
!opj_decompress -i @INPUT_NR_PATH@/issue476.jp2 -o @TEMP_PATH@/issue476.jp2.pgx
# issue 475 Invalid number of layers
!opj_decompress -i @INPUT_NR_PATH@/issue475.jp2 -o @TEMP_PATH@/issue475.jp2.pgx
# issue 495 Overflow op_image_comp_header_updat
opj_decompress -i @INPUT_NR_PATH@/issue495.jp2 -o @TEMP_PATH@/issue495.jp2.pgx
# decode with specific area
Reference in New Issue
Block a user