[trunk] remove t2_destroy, t2_decode_packets and t2_decode_packet
rename from t2_destroy_v2 to opj_t2_destroy rename from t2_decode_packets_v2 to opj_t2_decode_packets rename from t2_decode_packet_v2 to opj_t2_decode_packet
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,20 +77,6 @@ static opj_bool t2_encode_packet_v2(
@param first
static opj_bool t2_init_seg(opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, int index, int cblksty, int first);
Decode a packet of a tile from a source buffer
@param t2 T2 handle
@param src Source buffer
@param len Length of the source buffer
@param tile Tile for which to write the packets
@param tcp Tile coding parameters
@param pi Packet identity
@param pack_info Packet information
static int t2_decode_packet(opj_t2_t* t2, unsigned char *src, int len, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile,
opj_tcp_t *tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, opj_packet_info_t *pack_info);
Decode a packet of a tile from a source buffer
@ -105,15 +91,14 @@ Decode a packet of a tile from a source buffer
@return FIXME DOC
static opj_bool t2_decode_packet_v2(
opj_t2_v2_t* t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *tile,
opj_tcp_v2_t *tcp,
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi,
OPJ_BYTE *src,
OPJ_UINT32 * data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 max_length,
opj_packet_info_t *pack_info);
static opj_bool opj_t2_decode_packet( opj_t2_v2_t* t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *tile,
opj_tcp_v2_t *tcp,
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi,
OPJ_BYTE *src,
OPJ_UINT32 * data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 max_length,
opj_packet_info_t *pack_info);
static opj_bool opj_t2_skip_packet( opj_t2_v2_t* p_t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *p_tile,
@ -241,299 +226,6 @@ static opj_bool t2_init_seg(opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, int index, int cblksty, in
return OPJ_TRUE;
static int t2_decode_packet(opj_t2_t* t2, unsigned char *src, int len, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile,
opj_tcp_t *tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, opj_packet_info_t *pack_info) {
int bandno, cblkno;
unsigned char *c = src;
opj_cp_t *cp = t2->cp;
int compno = pi->compno; /* component value */
int resno = pi->resno; /* resolution level value */
int precno = pi->precno; /* precinct value */
int layno = pi->layno; /* quality layer value */
opj_tcd_resolution_t* res = &tile->comps[compno].resolutions[resno];
unsigned char *hd = NULL;
int present;
opj_bio_t *bio = NULL; /* BIO component */
if (layno == 0) {
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)) continue;
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.dec[cblkno];
cblk->numsegs = 0;
/* SOP markers */
if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) {
if ((*c) != 0xff || (*(c + 1) != 0x91)) {
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Expected SOP marker\n");
} else {
c += 6;
/** TODO : check the Nsop value */
When the marker PPT/PPM is used the packet header are store in PPT/PPM marker
This part deal with this caracteristic
step 1: Read packet header in the saved structure
step 2: Return to codestream for decoding
bio = bio_create();
if (cp->ppm == 1) { /* PPM */
hd = cp->ppm_data;
bio_init_dec(bio, hd, cp->ppm_len);
} else if (tcp->ppt == 1) { /* PPT */
hd = tcp->ppt_data;
bio_init_dec(bio, hd, tcp->ppt_len);
} else { /* Normal Case */
hd = c;
bio_init_dec(bio, hd, src+len-hd);
present = bio_read(bio, 1);
if (!present) {
hd += bio_numbytes(bio);
/* EPH markers */
if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) {
if ((*hd) != 0xff || (*(hd + 1) != 0x92)) {
printf("Error : expected EPH marker\n");
} else {
hd += 2;
/* << INDEX */
/* End of packet header position. Currently only represents the distance to start of packet
// Will be updated later by incrementing with packet start value*/
if(pack_info) {
pack_info->end_ph_pos = (int)(c - src);
/* INDEX >> */
if (cp->ppm == 1) { /* PPM case */
cp->ppm_len += cp->ppm_data-hd;
cp->ppm_data = hd;
return (c - src);
if (tcp->ppt == 1) { /* PPT case */
tcp->ppt_data = hd;
return (c - src);
return (hd - src);
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)) continue;
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
int included, increment, n, segno;
opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.dec[cblkno];
/* if cblk not yet included before --> inclusion tagtree */
if (!cblk->numsegs) {
included = tgt_decode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1);
/* else one bit */
} else {
included = bio_read(bio, 1);
/* if cblk not included */
if (!included) {
cblk->numnewpasses = 0;
/* if cblk not yet included --> zero-bitplane tagtree */
if (!cblk->numsegs) {
int i, numimsbs;
for (i = 0; !tgt_decode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, i); i++) {
numimsbs = i - 1;
cblk->numbps = band->numbps - numimsbs;
cblk->numlenbits = 3;
/* number of coding passes */
cblk->numnewpasses = opj_t2_getnumpasses(bio);
increment = opj_t2_getcommacode(bio);
/* length indicator increment */
cblk->numlenbits += increment;
segno = 0;
if (!cblk->numsegs) {
if (OPJ_FALSE == t2_init_seg(cblk, segno, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 1)) {
/* TODO: LH: shall we destroy bio here ?*/
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Not enough memory to init segment #%d\n", segno);
return -999;
} else {
segno = cblk->numsegs - 1;
if (cblk->segs[segno].numpasses == cblk->segs[segno].maxpasses) {
if (OPJ_FALSE == t2_init_seg(cblk, segno, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 0)) {
/* TODO: LH: shall we destroy bio here ?*/
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Not enough memory to init segment #%d\n", segno);
return -999;
n = cblk->numnewpasses;
do {
cblk->segs[segno].numnewpasses = int_min(cblk->segs[segno].maxpasses - cblk->segs[segno].numpasses, n);
cblk->segs[segno].newlen = bio_read(bio, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(cblk->segs[segno].numnewpasses));
n -= cblk->segs[segno].numnewpasses;
if (n > 0) {
if (OPJ_FALSE == t2_init_seg(cblk, segno, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 0)) {
/* TODO: LH: shall we destroy bio here ? */
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Not enough memory to init segment #%d\n", segno);
return -999;
} while (n > 0);
if (bio_inalign(bio)) {
return -999;
hd += bio_numbytes(bio);
/* EPH markers */
if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) {
if ((*hd) != 0xff || (*(hd + 1) != 0x92)) {
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Expected EPH marker\n");
return -999;
} else {
hd += 2;
/* << INDEX */
/* End of packet header position. Currently only represents the distance to start of packet
// Will be updated later by incrementing with packet start value*/
if(pack_info) {
pack_info->end_ph_pos = (int)(hd - src);
/* INDEX >> */
if (cp->ppm==1) {
cp->ppm_data = hd;
} else if (tcp->ppt == 1) {
tcp->ppt_data = hd;
} else {
for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno];
opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno];
if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)) continue;
for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) {
opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.dec[cblkno];
opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = NULL;
if (!cblk->numnewpasses)
if (!cblk->numsegs) {
seg = &cblk->segs[0];
cblk->len = 0;
} else {
seg = &cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs - 1];
if (seg->numpasses == seg->maxpasses) {
do {
unsigned char * new_data;
if (c + seg->newlen > src + len) {
return -999;
#ifdef USE_JPWL
/* we need here a j2k handle to verify if making a check to
the validity of cblocks parameters is selected from user (-W) */
/* let's check that we are not exceeding */
if ((cblk->len + seg->newlen) > 8192) {
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING,
"JPWL: segment too long (%d) for codeblock %d (p=%d, b=%d, r=%d, c=%d)\n",
seg->newlen, cblkno, precno, bandno, resno, compno);
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "JPWL: giving up\n");
return -999;
seg->newlen = 8192 - cblk->len;
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, " - truncating segment to %d\n", seg->newlen);
#endif /* USE_JPWL */
new_data = (unsigned char*) opj_realloc(cblk->data, (cblk->len + seg->newlen) * sizeof(unsigned char));
if (! new_data) {
opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "JPWL: Not enough memory for codeblock data %d (p=%d, b=%d, r=%d, c=%d)\n",
seg->newlen, cblkno, precno, bandno, resno, compno);
cblk->data = 0;
cblk->len = 0; /* TODO: LH: other things to reset ?*/
return -999;
cblk->data = new_data;
memcpy(cblk->data + cblk->len, c, seg->newlen);
if (seg->numpasses == 0) {
seg->data = &cblk->data;
seg->dataindex = cblk->len;
c += seg->newlen;
cblk->len += seg->newlen;
seg->len += seg->newlen;
seg->numpasses += seg->numnewpasses;
cblk->numnewpasses -= seg->numnewpasses;
if (cblk->numnewpasses > 0) {
} while (cblk->numnewpasses > 0);
return (c - src);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -658,100 +350,13 @@ opj_bool opj_t2_encode_packets( opj_t2_v2_t* p_t2,
return OPJ_TRUE;
int t2_decode_packets(opj_t2_t *t2, unsigned char *src, int len, int tileno, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info) {
unsigned char *c = src;
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi;
int pino, e = 0;
int n = 0, curtp = 0;
int tp_start_packno;
opj_image_t *image = t2->image;
opj_cp_t *cp = t2->cp;
/* create a packet iterator */
pi = pi_create_decode(image, cp, tileno);
if(!pi) {
/* TODO: throw an error */
return -999;
tp_start_packno = 0;
for (pino = 0; pino <= cp->tcps[tileno].numpocs; pino++) {
while (pi_next(&pi[pino])) {
if ((cp->layer==0) || (cp->layer>=((pi[pino].layno)+1))) {
opj_packet_info_t *pack_info;
if (cstr_info)
pack_info = &cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[cstr_info->packno];
pack_info = NULL;
e = t2_decode_packet(t2, c, src + len - c, tile, &cp->tcps[tileno], &pi[pino], pack_info);
} else {
e = 0;
if(e == -999) return -999;
/* progression in resolution */
image->comps[pi[pino].compno].resno_decoded =
(e > 0) ?
int_max(pi[pino].resno, image->comps[pi[pino].compno].resno_decoded)
: image->comps[pi[pino].compno].resno_decoded;
/* INDEX >> */
if(cstr_info) {
opj_tile_info_t *info_TL = &cstr_info->tile[tileno];
opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &info_TL->packet[cstr_info->packno];
if (!cstr_info->packno) {
info_PK->start_pos = info_TL->end_header + 1;
} else if (info_TL->packet[cstr_info->packno-1].end_pos >= (int)cstr_info->tile[tileno].tp[curtp].tp_end_pos){ /* New tile part*/
info_TL->tp[curtp].tp_numpacks = cstr_info->packno - tp_start_packno; /* Number of packets in previous tile-part*/
info_TL->tp[curtp].tp_start_pack = tp_start_packno;
tp_start_packno = cstr_info->packno;
info_PK->start_pos = cstr_info->tile[tileno].tp[curtp].tp_end_header+1;
} else {
info_PK->start_pos = (cp->tp_on && info_PK->start_pos) ? info_PK->start_pos : info_TL->packet[cstr_info->packno - 1].end_pos + 1;
info_PK->end_pos = info_PK->start_pos + e - 1;
info_PK->end_ph_pos += info_PK->start_pos - 1; /* End of packet header which now only represents the distance
// to start of packet is incremented by value of start of packet*/
/* << INDEX */
if (e == -999) { /* ADD */
} else {
c += e;
/* INDEX >> */
if(cstr_info) {
cstr_info->tile[tileno].tp[curtp].tp_numpacks = cstr_info->packno - tp_start_packno; /* Number of packets in last tile-part*/
cstr_info->tile[tileno].tp[curtp].tp_start_pack = tp_start_packno;
/* << INDEX */
/* don't forget to release pi */
pi_destroy(pi, cp, tileno);
if (e == -999) {
return e;
return (c - src);
opj_bool t2_decode_packets_v2(
opj_t2_v2_t *p_t2,
OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no,
struct opj_tcd_tile_v2 *p_tile,
OPJ_BYTE *p_src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 p_max_len,
opj_codestream_index_t *p_cstr_index)
opj_bool opj_t2_decode_packets( opj_t2_v2_t *p_t2,
OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *p_tile,
OPJ_BYTE *p_src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 p_max_len,
opj_codestream_index_t *p_cstr_index)
OPJ_BYTE *l_current_data = p_src;
opj_pi_iterator_t *l_pi = 00;
@ -802,7 +407,7 @@ opj_bool t2_decode_packets_v2(
first_pass_failed[l_current_pi->compno] = OPJ_FALSE;
if (! t2_decode_packet_v2(p_t2,p_tile,l_tcp,l_current_pi,l_current_data,&l_nb_bytes_read,p_max_len,l_pack_info)) {
if (! opj_t2_decode_packet(p_t2,p_tile,l_tcp,l_current_pi,l_current_data,&l_nb_bytes_read,p_max_len,l_pack_info)) {
return OPJ_FALSE;
@ -892,28 +497,20 @@ opj_t2_v2_t* opj_t2_create(opj_image_t *p_image, opj_cp_v2_t *p_cp)
return l_t2;
void t2_destroy(opj_t2_t *t2) {
void opj_t2_destroy(opj_t2_v2_t *t2) {
if(t2) {
void t2_destroy_v2(opj_t2_v2_t *t2) {
if(t2) {
static opj_bool t2_decode_packet_v2(
opj_t2_v2_t* p_t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *p_tile,
opj_tcp_v2_t *p_tcp,
opj_pi_iterator_t *p_pi,
OPJ_BYTE *p_src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 p_max_length,
opj_packet_info_t *p_pack_info)
opj_bool opj_t2_decode_packet( opj_t2_v2_t* p_t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *p_tile,
opj_tcp_v2_t *p_tcp,
opj_pi_iterator_t *p_pi,
OPJ_BYTE *p_src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 p_max_length,
opj_packet_info_t *p_pack_info)
opj_bool l_read_data;
OPJ_UINT32 l_nb_bytes_read = 0;
@ -97,17 +97,6 @@ opj_bool opj_t2_encode_packets( opj_t2_v2_t* t2,
OPJ_UINT32 pino,
J2K_T2_MODE t2_mode);
Decode the packets of a tile from a source buffer
@param t2 T2 handle
@param src the source buffer
@param len length of the source buffer
@param tileno number that identifies the tile for which to decode the packets
@param tile tile for which to decode the packets
@param cstr_info Codestream information structure
int t2_decode_packets(opj_t2_t *t2, unsigned char *src, int len, int tileno, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info);
Decode the packets of a tile from a source buffer
@param t2 T2 handle
@ -120,13 +109,13 @@ Decode the packets of a tile from a source buffer
@return FIXME DOC
opj_bool t2_decode_packets_v2( opj_t2_v2_t *t2,
OPJ_UINT32 tileno,
struct opj_tcd_tile_v2 *tile,
OPJ_BYTE *src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 len,
opj_codestream_index_t *cstr_info);
opj_bool opj_t2_decode_packets( opj_t2_v2_t *t2,
OPJ_UINT32 tileno,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *tile,
OPJ_BYTE *src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 len,
opj_codestream_index_t *cstr_info);
* Creates a Tier 2 handle
@ -141,13 +130,7 @@ opj_t2_v2_t* opj_t2_create_(opj_image_t *p_image, opj_cp_v2_t *p_cp);
Destroy a T2 handle
@param t2 T2 handle to destroy
void t2_destroy(opj_t2_t *t2);
Destroy a T2 handle
@param t2 T2 handle to destroy
void t2_destroy_v2(opj_t2_v2_t *t2);
void opj_t2_destroy(opj_t2_v2_t *t2);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ opj_bool opj_tcd_rateallocate( opj_tcd_v2_t *tcd,
success = OPJ_TRUE;
goodthresh = stable_thresh == 0? thresh : stable_thresh;
} else {
success = OPJ_TRUE;
goodthresh = min;
@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ opj_bool opj_tcd_t2_decode (opj_tcd_v2_t *p_tcd,
return OPJ_FALSE;
if (! t2_decode_packets_v2(
if (! opj_t2_decode_packets(
@ -1475,11 +1475,11 @@ opj_bool opj_tcd_t2_decode (opj_tcd_v2_t *p_tcd,
p_cstr_index)) {
return OPJ_FALSE;
return OPJ_TRUE;
@ -1979,11 +1979,11 @@ opj_bool opj_tcd_t2_encode (opj_tcd_v2_t *p_tcd,
return OPJ_FALSE;
return OPJ_TRUE;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user