Apply doxygen fixes suggested by Brad Hards on opj mailing list.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ What's New for OpenJPEG
! : changed
+ : added
December 3, 2011
* [mathieu] Doxygen fix (Brad Hards on mailing list)
December 2, 2011
+ [mathieu] Adding CPack mechanism
* [mathieu] remove hack with bash around kdu_expand
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ opj_procedure* opj_procedure_list_get_first_procedure (opj_procedure_list_t * p_
void opj_procedure_list_clear (opj_procedure_list_t * p_validation_list);
#endif /* __FUNCTION_LIST_H */
@ -542,10 +542,9 @@ static opj_bool jp2_read_ihdr(opj_jp2_t *jp2, opj_cio_t *cio) {
* Reads a IHDR box - Image Header box
* @param p_image_header_data pointer to actual data (already read from file)
* @param jp2 the jpeg2000 file codec.
* @param p_image_header_data pointer to actual data (already read from file)
* @param p_image_header_size the size of the image header
* @param p_image_header_max_size maximum size of the header, any size bigger than this value should result the function to output false.
* @param p_manager the user event manager.
* @return true if the image header is valid, fale else.
@ -675,13 +674,12 @@ static opj_bool jp2_read_bpcc(opj_jp2_t *jp2, opj_cio_t *cio) {
* Reads a Bit per Component box.
* @param p_bpc_header_data pointer to actual data (already read from file)
* @param jp2 the jpeg2000 file codec.
* @param p_bpc_header_data pointer to actual data (already read from file)
* @param p_bpc_header_size pointer that will hold the size of the bpc header
* @param p_bpc_header_max_size maximum size of the header, any size bigger than this value should result the function to output false.
* @param p_manager the user event manager.
* @return true if the bpc header is valid, fale else.
* @return true if the bpc header is valid, false otherwise.
opj_bool jp2_read_bpcc_v2( opj_jp2_v2_t *jp2,
unsigned char * p_bpc_header_data,
@ -896,10 +894,9 @@ static opj_bool jp2_read_pclr(opj_jp2_t *jp2, opj_cio_t *cio,
* Reads a palette box.
* @param p_bpc_header_data pointer to actual data (already read from file)
* @param jp2 the jpeg2000 file codec.
* @param p_bpc_header_size pointer that will hold the size of the bpc header
* @param p_bpc_header_max_size maximum size of the header, any size bigger than this value should result the function to output false.
* @param p_pclr_header_data pointer to actual data (already read from file)
* @param p_pclr_header_size pointer that will hold the size of the PCLR header
* @param p_manager the user event manager.
* @return true if the bpc header is valid, fale else.
@ -2638,7 +2635,7 @@ opj_bool jp2_set_decode_area( opj_jp2_v2_t *p_jp2,
* Get the decoded tile.
* @param p_jp2 the jpeg2000 codec.
* @param jp2 the jpeg2000 codec.
* @param p_stream input_stream
* @param p_image output image. .
* @param p_manager the user event manager
@ -1153,8 +1153,8 @@ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_stream_set_user_data_length(opj_stream_t* p_stream
* Helper function.
* Sets the stream to be a file stream. The FILE must have been open previously.
* @param p_stream the stream to modify
* @param p_file handler to an already open file.
* @param p_file the file stream to operate on
* @param p_is_read_stream whether the stream is a read stream (true) or not (false)
OPJ_API opj_stream_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_stream_create_default_file_stream (FILE * p_file, opj_bool p_is_read_stream);
OPJ_API opj_stream_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_stream_create_file_stream (FILE * p_file, OPJ_UINT32 p_buffer_size, opj_bool p_is_read_stream);
@ -1285,9 +1285,10 @@ DEPRECATED( OPJ_API opj_image_t* OPJ_CALLCONV opj_decode(opj_dinfo_t *dinfo, opj
* Decode an image from a JPEG-2000 codestream
* @param dinfo decompressor handle
* @param p_decompressor decompressor handle
* @param cio Input buffer stream
* @return Returns a decoded image if successful, returns NULL otherwise
* @param p_image the decoded image
* @return Returns a true on success, otherwise false
* */
OPJ_API opj_bool OPJ_CALLCONV opj_decode_v2(opj_codec_t *p_decompressor,
opj_stream_t * cio,
@ -1456,7 +1457,7 @@ OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_destroy_cstr_info_v2(opj_codestream_info_v2_t **cs
* Destroy a decompressor handle
* @param dinfo decompressor handle to destroy
* @param p_codec decompressor handle to destroy
OPJ_API void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_destroy_codec(opj_codec_t * p_codec);
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ static opj_bool pi_next_cprl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi);
* @param p_ty1 pointer that will hold the Y1 parameter for the tile
* @param p_max_prec pointer that will hold the the maximum precision for all the bands of the tile
* @param p_max_res pointer that will hold the the maximum number of resolutions for all the poc inside the tile.
* @param dx_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param dy_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param p_dx_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param p_dy_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param p_resolutions pointer to an area corresponding to the one described above.
void get_all_encoding_parameters(
@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ void get_all_encoding_parameters(
* Allocates memory for a packet iterator. Data and data sizes are set by this operation.
* No other data is set. The include section of the packet iterator is not allocated.
* @param p_image the image used to initialize the packet iterator (in fact only the number of components is relevant.
* @param p_cp the coding parameters.
* @param p_tile_no the index of the tile from which creating the packet iterator.
* @param image the image used to initialize the packet iterator (only the number of components is relevant).
* @param cp the coding parameters.
* @param tileno the index of the tile from which creating the packet iterator.
opj_pi_iterator_t * pi_create( const opj_image_t *image,
const opj_cp_v2_t *cp,
@ -1234,8 +1234,8 @@ opj_bool pi_create_encode( opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, opj_cp_t *cp,int tileno, int p
* @param p_ty1 pointer that will hold the Y1 parameter for the tile
* @param p_max_prec pointer that will hold the the maximum precision for all the bands of the tile
* @param p_max_res pointer that will hold the the maximum number of resolutions for all the poc inside the tile.
* @param dx_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param dy_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param p_dx_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param p_dy_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile.
* @param p_resolutions pointer to an area corresponding to the one described above.
void get_all_encoding_parameters(
@ -1367,9 +1367,9 @@ void get_all_encoding_parameters(
* Allocates memory for a packet iterator. Data and data sizes are set by this operation.
* No other data is set. The include section of the packet iterator is not allocated.
* @param p_image the image used to initialize the packet iterator (in fact only the number of components is relevant.
* @param p_cp the coding parameters.
* @param p_tile_no the index of the tile from which creating the packet iterator.
* @param image the image used to initialize the packet iterator (only the number of components is relevant.
* @param cp the coding parameters.
* @param tileno the index of the tile from which creating the packet iterator.
opj_pi_iterator_t * pi_create( const opj_image_t *image,
const opj_cp_v2_t *cp,
@ -83,22 +83,23 @@ static int t2_decode_packet(opj_t2_t* t2, unsigned char *src, int len, opj_tcd_t
Decode a packet of a tile from a source buffer
@param t2 T2 handle
@param src Source buffer
@param len Length of the source buffer
@param tile Tile for which to write the packets
@param tcp Tile coding parameters
@param pi Packet identity
@param src Source buffer
@param pack_info Packet information
static opj_bool t2_decode_packet_v2(
opj_t2_v2_t* p_t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *p_tile,
opj_tcp_v2_t *p_tcp,
opj_pi_iterator_t *p_pi,
OPJ_BYTE *p_src,
OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 p_max_length,
opj_packet_info_t *p_pack_info);
opj_t2_v2_t* t2,
opj_tcd_tile_v2_t *tile,
opj_tcp_v2_t *tcp,
opj_pi_iterator_t *pi,
OPJ_BYTE *src,
OPJ_UINT32 * data_read,
OPJ_UINT32 max_length,
opj_packet_info_t *pack_info);
static opj_bool t2_skip_packet(
opj_t2_v2_t* p_t2,
@ -139,7 +140,8 @@ static opj_bool t2_skip_packet_data(
opj_packet_info_t *pack_info);
@param seg
@param cblk
@param index
@param cblksty
@param first
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
@file tcd.h
@brief Implementation of a tile coder/decoder (TCD)
The functions in TCD.C have for goal to encode or decode each tile independently from
each other. The functions in TCD.C are used by some function in J2K.C.
The functions in TCD.C encode or decode each tile independently from
each other. The functions in TCD.C are used by other functions in J2K.C.
/** @defgroup TCD TCD - Implementation of a tile coder/decoder */
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ typedef struct opj_tcd_cblk_enc_v2 {
typedef struct opj_tcd_cblk_dec {
unsigned char* data; /* Data */
opj_tcd_seg_t* segs; /* segments informations */
opj_tcd_seg_t* segs; /* segments information */
int x0, y0, x1, y1; /* dimension of the code-blocks : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */
int numbps;
int numlenbits;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ typedef struct opj_tcd_cblk_dec {
typedef struct opj_tcd_cblk_dec_v2 {
OPJ_BYTE * data; /* Data */
opj_tcd_seg_t* segs; /* segments informations */
opj_tcd_seg_t* segs; /* segments information */
OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* dimension of the code-blocks : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */
OPJ_UINT32 numbps;
OPJ_UINT32 numlenbits;
@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ FIXME: documentation
typedef struct opj_tcd_precinct {
int x0, y0, x1, y1; /* dimension of the precinct : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */
int cw, ch; /* number of precinct in width and heigth */
union{ /* code-blocks informations */
int cw, ch; /* number of precinct in width and height */
union{ /* code-blocks information */
opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* enc;
opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* dec;
} cblks;
@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ typedef struct opj_tcd_precinct {
typedef struct opj_tcd_precinct_v2 {
OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* dimension of the precinct : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */
OPJ_UINT32 cw, ch; /* number of precinct in width and heigth */
union{ /* code-blocks informations */
OPJ_UINT32 cw, ch; /* number of precinct in width and height */
union{ /* code-blocks information */
opj_tcd_cblk_enc_v2_t* enc;
opj_tcd_cblk_dec_v2_t* dec;
} cblks;
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ typedef struct opj_tcd_tile_v2 {
FIXME: documentation
typedef struct opj_tcd_image {
int tw, th; /* number of tiles in width and heigth */
int tw, th; /* number of tiles in width and height */
opj_tcd_tile_t *tiles; /* Tiles information */
} opj_tcd_image_t;
@ -371,11 +371,10 @@ Destroy a previously created TCD handle
void tcd_destroy_v2(opj_tcd_v2_t *tcd);
* Initialize the tile coder and may reuse some meory.
* Initialize the tile coder and may reuse some memory.
* @param p_tcd TCD handle.
* @param p_image raw image.
* @param p_cp coding parameters.
* @param p_tile_no current tile index to encode.
* @return true if the encoding values could be set (false otherwise).
@ -388,13 +387,10 @@ opj_bool tcd_init_v2( opj_tcd_v2_t *p_tcd,
* Allocates memory for decoding a specific tile.
* @param p_tcd the tile decoder.
* @param p_image the image to decode.
* @param p_cp the decoding parameters.
* @param p_tile_no the index of the tile received in sequence. This not necesseraly lead to the
* @param p_tile_no the index of the tile received in sequence. This not necessarily lead to the
* tile at index p_tile_no.
* @param p_cstr_info codestream info (if any).
* @return true if the remaining data is sufficient.s
* @return true if the remaining data is sufficient.
opj_bool tcd_init_decode_tile(
opj_tcd_v2_t *p_tcd,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user