enable layers requests; restricting the number of codesream quality layers
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ What's New for OpenJPIP
! : changed
+ : added
October 12, 2011
+ [kaori] enable layers requests; restricting the number of codesream quality layers
October 10, 2011
- [antonin] removed obsolete indexer utility
+ [kaori] enable JPT-stream request from client viewer option
@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ Byte2_t modify_CODmkrstream( CODmarker_param_t COD, int numOfdecomp, Byte_t *COD
newLcod = COD.Lcod;
CODstream += 2;
CODstream += 5; // skip Scod & SGcod
// SPcod
@ -221,6 +221,8 @@ Byte_t * recons_codestream_from_JPTstream( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte_t *j
return j2kstream;
Byte_t * add_SOTmkr( Byte_t *j2kstream, Byte8_t *j2klen);
Byte_t * recons_RPCLbitstream( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte_t *jpipstream, Byte_t *j2kstream, Byte8_t csn,
Byte8_t tileID, SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, CODmarker_param_t COD, int mindeclev,
int *max_reslev, Byte8_t *j2klen);
@ -265,6 +267,7 @@ Byte_t * recons_codestream_from_JPPstream( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte_t *j
SOToffset = *j2klen;
while(( ptr = search_message( TILE_HEADER_MSG, tileID, csn, ptr))!=NULL){
if( ptr->bin_offset == binOffset){
j2kstream = add_SOTmkr( j2kstream, j2klen);
j2kstream = add_msgstream( ptr, jpipstream, j2kstream, j2klen);
foundTH = true;
binOffset += ptr->length;
@ -306,6 +309,23 @@ Byte_t * add_mainhead_msgstream( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte_t *origstream,
return j2kstream;
Byte_t * add_SOTmkr( Byte_t *j2kstream, Byte8_t *j2klen)
Byte_t *buf;
const Byte2_t SOT = 0x90ff;
buf = (Byte_t *)malloc(( *j2klen)+2);
memcpy( buf, j2kstream, *j2klen);
memcpy( buf+(*j2klen), &SOT, 2);
*j2klen += 2;
if(j2kstream) free(j2kstream);
return buf;
Byte_t * add_padding( Byte8_t padding, Byte_t *j2kstream, Byte8_t *j2klen);
Byte_t * recons_RPCLbitstream( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue, Byte_t *jpipstream, Byte_t *j2kstream, Byte8_t csn,
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ void print_msgqueue( msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
fprintf( logstream, "\t csn: %lld\n", ptr->csn );
fprintf( logstream, "\t bin_offset: %#llx\n", ptr->bin_offset );
fprintf( logstream, "\t length: %#llx\n", ptr->length );
if( ptr->class_id%2)
fprintf( logstream, "\t aux: %lld\n", ptr->aux );
fprintf( logstream, "\t last_byte: %d\n", ptr->last_byte );
if( ptr->phld)
@ -162,9 +163,9 @@ void enqueue_tileheader( int tile_id, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
msg->class_id = TILE_HEADER_MSG;
msg->csn = target->csn;
msg->bin_offset = 0;
msg->length = codeidx->tileheader[tile_id]->tlen;
msg->length = codeidx->tileheader[tile_id]->tlen-2; // SOT marker segment is removed
msg->aux = 0; // non exist
msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset + get_elemOff( codeidx->tilepart, 0, tile_id);
msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset + get_elemOff( codeidx->tilepart, 0, tile_id) + 2; // skip SOT marker seg
msg->phld = NULL;
msg->next = NULL;
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ void enqueue_tile( int tile_id, int level, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
if( !tp_model[i]){
msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t));
msg->last_byte = i==numOftparts-1? true : false;
msg->last_byte = (i==numOftparts-1);
msg->in_class_id = tile_id;
msg->class_id = class_id;
msg->csn = target->csn;
@ -229,35 +230,48 @@ void enqueue_tile( int tile_id, int level, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
void enqueue_precinct( int seq_id, int tile_id, int comp_id, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
void enqueue_precinct( int seq_id, int tile_id, int comp_id, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
cachemodel_param_t *cachemodel;
index_param_t *codeidx;
faixbox_param_t *precpacket;
message_param_t *msg;
Byte8_t nmax;
Byte8_t nmax, binOffset, binLength;
int layer_id, numOflayers;
cachemodel = msgqueue->cachemodel;
codeidx = cachemodel->target->codeidx;
precpacket = codeidx->precpacket[ comp_id];
numOflayers = codeidx->COD.numOflayers;
nmax = get_nmax(precpacket);
if( layers < 0)
layers = numOflayers;
binOffset = 0;
for( layer_id = 0; layer_id < layers; layer_id++){
binLength = get_elemLen( precpacket, seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id, tile_id);
if( !cachemodel->pp_model[comp_id][ tile_id*nmax+seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id]){
if( !cachemodel->pp_model[comp_id][ tile_id*nmax+seq_id]){
msg = (message_param_t *)malloc( sizeof(message_param_t));
msg->last_byte = true;
msg->last_byte = (layer_id == (numOflayers-1));
msg->in_class_id = comp_precinct_id( tile_id, comp_id, seq_id, codeidx->SIZ.Csiz, codeidx->SIZ.XTnum * codeidx->SIZ.YTnum);
msg->class_id = PRECINCT_MSG;
msg->csn = cachemodel->target->csn;
msg->bin_offset = 0;
msg->length = get_elemLen( precpacket, seq_id, tile_id);
msg->bin_offset = binOffset;
msg->length = binLength;
msg->aux = 0;
msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset+get_elemOff( precpacket, seq_id, tile_id);
msg->res_offset = codeidx->offset+get_elemOff( precpacket, seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id, tile_id);
msg->phld = NULL;
msg->next = NULL;
enqueue_message( msg, msgqueue);
cachemodel->pp_model[comp_id][ tile_id*nmax+seq_id] = true;
cachemodel->pp_model[comp_id][ tile_id*nmax+seq_id*numOflayers+layer_id] = true;
binOffset += binLength;
@ -129,9 +129,10 @@ void enqueue_tile( int tile_id, int level, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
* @param[in] seq_id precinct sequence number within its tile
* @param[in] tile_id tile index
* @param[in] comp_id component number
* @param[in] layers num of layers
* @param[in,out] msgqueue message queue
void enqueue_precinct( int seq_id, int tile_id, int comp_id, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
void enqueue_precinct( int seq_id, int tile_id, int comp_id, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
@ -407,20 +407,27 @@ bool gene_JPIPstream( query_param_t query_param,
*msgqueue = gene_msgqueue( false, cachemodel);
codeidx = target->codeidx;
if( cachemodel->jppstream)
fprintf( FCGI_stdout, "Content-type: image/jpp-stream\r\n");
fprintf( FCGI_stdout, "Content-type: image/jpt-stream\r\n");
codeidx = target->codeidx;
if( query_param.layers != -1){
if( query_param.layers > codeidx->COD.numOflayers){
fprintf( FCGI_stdout, "JPIP-layers: %d\r\n", codeidx->COD.numOflayers);
query_param.layers = codeidx->COD.numOflayers;
if( query_param.box_type[0][0] != 0)
if( query_param.box_type[0][0] != 0 && query_param.len != 0)
enqueue_metabins( query_param, codeidx->metadatalist, *msgqueue);
// image codestream
if( query_param.fx > 0 && query_param.fy > 0){
if( !cachemodel->mhead_model)
if( !cachemodel->mhead_model && query_param.len != 0)
enqueue_mainheader( *msgqueue);
enqueue_imagedata( query_param, *msgqueue);
@ -439,10 +446,11 @@ bool gene_JPIPstream( query_param_t query_param,
* @param[in] level decomposition level
* @param[in] lastcomp last component number
* @param[in] comps pointer to the array that stores the requested components
* @param[in] layers number of quality layers
* @param[in] msgqueue message queue
* @return
void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
* enqueue all precincts inside a tile into the queue
@ -451,10 +459,11 @@ void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int
* @param[in] level decomposition level
* @param[in] lastcomp last component number
* @param[in] comps pointer to the array that stores the requested components
* @param[in] layers number of quality layers
* @param[in] msgqueue message queue
* @return
void enqueue_allprecincts( int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
void enqueue_allprecincts( int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue);
void enqueue_imagedata( query_param_t query_param, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
@ -477,6 +486,9 @@ void enqueue_imagedata( query_param_t query_param, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
codeidx->SIZ.XOsiz, codeidx->SIZ.YOsiz, codeidx->SIZ.Xsiz, codeidx->SIZ.Ysiz,
numOfreslev );
if( query_param.len == 0)
for( u=0, tile_id=0; u<codeidx->SIZ.YTnum; u++){
tile_Yrange = get_tile_Yrange( codeidx->SIZ, tile_id, imgreg.level);
@ -500,7 +512,7 @@ void enqueue_imagedata( query_param_t query_param, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
//printf("Tile completely contained within view-window %d\n", tile_id);
if( msgqueue->cachemodel->jppstream){
enqueue_tileheader( tile_id, msgqueue);
enqueue_allprecincts( tile_id, imgreg.level, query_param.lastcomp, query_param.comps, msgqueue);
enqueue_allprecincts( tile_id, imgreg.level, query_param.lastcomp, query_param.comps, query_param.layers, msgqueue);
enqueue_tile( tile_id, imgreg.level, msgqueue);
@ -516,7 +528,7 @@ void enqueue_imagedata( query_param_t query_param, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
xmax = tile_Xrange.maxvalue <= imgreg.xosiz + imgreg.ox + imgreg.sx ? tile_Xrange.maxvalue - tile_Xrange.minvalue -1 : imgreg.xosiz + imgreg.ox + imgreg.sx - tile_Xrange.minvalue -1;
ymin = tile_Yrange.minvalue >= imgreg.yosiz + imgreg.oy ? 0 : imgreg.yosiz + imgreg.oy - tile_Yrange.minvalue;
ymax = tile_Yrange.maxvalue <= imgreg.yosiz + imgreg.oy + imgreg.sy ? tile_Yrange.maxvalue - tile_Yrange.minvalue -1 : imgreg.yosiz + imgreg.oy + imgreg.sy - tile_Yrange.minvalue -1;
enqueue_precincts( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, tile_id, imgreg.level, query_param.lastcomp, query_param.comps, msgqueue);
enqueue_precincts( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, tile_id, imgreg.level, query_param.lastcomp, query_param.comps, query_param.layers, msgqueue);
enqueue_tile( tile_id, imgreg.level, msgqueue);
@ -527,7 +539,7 @@ void enqueue_imagedata( query_param_t query_param, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
index_param_t *codeidx;
int c, u, v, res_lev, dec_lev;
@ -567,12 +579,12 @@ void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int
else if( xminP >= xmin && xmaxP <= xmax && yminP >= ymin && ymaxP <= ymax){
// Precinct completely contained within view-window
// high priority
enqueue_precinct( seq_id, tile_id, c, msgqueue);
enqueue_precinct( seq_id, tile_id, c, (dec_lev>level)?-1:layers, msgqueue);
// Precinct partially overlaps view-window
// low priority
enqueue_precinct( seq_id, tile_id, c, msgqueue);
enqueue_precinct( seq_id, tile_id, c, (dec_lev>level)?-1:layers, msgqueue);
@ -580,7 +592,7 @@ void enqueue_precincts( int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int tile_id, int
void enqueue_allprecincts( int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
void enqueue_allprecincts( int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, int layers, msgqueue_param_t *msgqueue)
index_param_t *codeidx;
int c, i, res_lev, dec_lev;
@ -602,7 +614,7 @@ void enqueue_allprecincts( int tile_id, int level, int lastcomp, bool *comps, ms
YPsiz = ( codeidx->COD.Scod & 0x01) ? codeidx->COD.YPsiz[ res_lev] : YTsiz;
for( i=0; i<ceil((double)YTsiz/(double)YPsiz)*ceil((double)XTsiz/(double)XPsiz); i++, seq_id++)
enqueue_precinct( seq_id, tile_id, c, msgqueue);
enqueue_precinct( seq_id, tile_id, c, (dec_lev>level)?-1:layers, msgqueue);
@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ void parse_query( char *query_string, query_param_t *query_param)
else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "rsiz") == 0)
sscanf( fieldval, "%d,%d", &query_param->rw, &query_param->rh);
else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "layers") == 0)
sscanf( fieldval, "%d", &query_param->layers);
else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "cid") == 0)
strcpy( query_param->cid, fieldval);
@ -137,6 +140,9 @@ void parse_query( char *query_string, query_param_t *query_param)
else if( strncasecmp( fieldval, "jpt-stream", 10) == 0)
query_param->return_type = JPTstream;
else if( strcasecmp( fieldname, "len") == 0)
sscanf( fieldval, "%d", &query_param->len);
@ -145,18 +151,19 @@ void init_queryparam( query_param_t *query_param)
int i;
query_param->target[0] = '\0';
query_param->tid[0] = '\0';
query_param->fx = -1;
query_param->fy = -1;
query_param->rx = -1;
query_param->ry = -1;
query_param->rw = -1;
query_param->rh = -1;
query_param->layers = -1;
query_param->lastcomp = -1;
query_param->comps = NULL;
query_param->cid[0] = '\0';
query_param->cnew = false;
memset( query_param->cclose, 0, MAX_NUMOFCCLOSE*MAX_LENOFCID);
memset( query_param->box_type, 0, MAX_NUMOFBOX*4);
memset( query_param->limit, 0, MAX_NUMOFBOX*sizeof(int));
@ -171,6 +178,7 @@ void init_queryparam( query_param_t *query_param)
query_param->max_depth = -1;
query_param->metadata_only = false;
query_param->return_type = UNKNOWN;
query_param->len = -1;
@ -208,6 +216,7 @@ void print_queryparam( query_param_t query_param)
fprintf( logstream, "\t tid: %s\n", query_param.tid);
fprintf( logstream, "\t fx,fy: %d, %d\n", query_param.fx, query_param.fy);
fprintf( logstream, "\t rx,ry: %d, %d \t rw,rh: %d, %d\n", query_param.rx, query_param.ry, query_param.rw, query_param.rh);
fprintf( logstream, "\t layers: %d\n", query_param.layers);
fprintf( logstream, "\t components: ");
if( query_param.lastcomp == -1)
fprintf( logstream, "ALL\n");
@ -234,6 +243,7 @@ void print_queryparam( query_param_t query_param)
fprintf( logstream, "\t max-depth: %d\n", query_param.max_depth);
fprintf( logstream, "\t metadata-only: %d\n", query_param.metadata_only);
fprintf( logstream, "\t image return type: %d, [JPP-stream=0, JPT-stream=1, UNKNOWN=-1]\n", query_param.return_type);
fprintf( logstream, "\t len: %d\n", query_param.len);
void str2cclose( char *src, char cclose[][MAX_LENOFCID])
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ typedef struct query_param{
char tid[MAX_LENOFTID]; //!< target identifier
int fx, fy; //!< frame size (fx,fy)
int rx, ry, rw, rh; //!< roi region
int layers; //!< quality layers
int lastcomp; //!< last component number
bool *comps; //!< components for jpp-stream, null means all components
char cid[MAX_LENOFCID]; //!< channel identifier
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ typedef struct query_param{
int max_depth; //!< max-depth
bool metadata_only; //!< metadata-only request
image_return_t return_type; //!< image return type
int len; //!< maximum response length
} query_param_t;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user