223 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'\" t
'\" The line above instructs most `man' programs to invoke tbl
'\" Separate paragraphs; not the same as PP which resets indent level.
.de SP
.if t .sp .5
.if n .sp
'\" Replacement em-dash for nroff (default is too short).
.ie n .ds m " -
.el .ds m \(em
'\" Placeholder macro for if longer nroff arrow is needed.
.ds RA \(->
'\" Decimal point set slightly raised
.if t .ds d \v'-.15m'.\v'+.15m'
.if n .ds d .
'\" Enclosure macro for examples
.de EX
.ft CW
.de EE
.ft R
.TH image_to_j2k 1 "Version 1.4.0" "image_to_j2k" "converts to jpeg2000 files"
image_to_j2k -
This program reads in an image of a certain type and converts it to a
jpeg2000 file. It is part of the OpenJPEG library.
Valid input image extensions are
.B .bmp, .pgm, .pgx, .png, .pnm, .ppm, .raw, .tga, .tif \fR. For PNG resp. TIF it needs libpng resp. libtiff .
Valid output image extensions are
.B .j2k, .jp2
.B image_to_j2k -i \fRinfile.bmp \fB-o \fRoutfile.j2k
.B image_to_j2k -ImgDir \fRdirectory_name \fB-OutFor \fRjp2
.B image_to_j2k -h \fRPrint a help message and exit.
.R See JPWL OPTIONS for special options
.B \-\^b " n,n"
(Size of code block (e.g. -b 32,32). Default: 64 x 64)
.B \-\^c " n"
(Size of precinct (e.g. -c 128,128). Default: 2^15 x 2^15)
.B \-\^cinema2K " fps"
Digital Cinema 2K profile compliant codestream. Valid \fBfps\fR values are 24 or 48.
.B \-\^cinema4K
Digital Cinema 4K profile compliant codestream. Does not need an fps: default is 24 fps.
.B \-\^d " X,Y"
(Offset of image origin (e.g. -d 150,300))
.B \-\^h
Print a help message and exit.
.B \-\^i " name"
(input file name)
.B \-\^n " n"
(Number of resolutions. Default: 6)
.B \-\^o " name"
(output file name)
.B \-\^p " name"
Progression order. \fBname\fR can be one out of:LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL. Default: LRCP.
.B \-\^q " n"
different psnr for successive layers
.B Note: \fR(options -r and -q cannot be used together)
.B \-\^r " n"
different compression ratio(s) for successive layers. The rate specified for each quality level is the desired compression factor.
.B Note: \fR(options -r and -q cannot be used together)
.B \-\^s " X,Y"
sub-sampling factor (e.g. -s 2,2). Default: No sub-sampling in x or y direction.
.B Remark: \fRsub-sampling bigger than 2 can produce errors.
.B \-\^t " W,H"
(Size of tile (e.g. -t 512,512) )
.B \-\^x " name"
(Create index file and fill it. Default: no index file)
.B \-\^EPH
(Write EPH marker after each header packet. Default:no EPH)
.B \-\^F " rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s_or_u"
characteristics of the raw input image
.B \-\^I
(Use the irreversible DWT 9-7. Default: Reversible DWT 5-3)
.B \-\^ImgDir " directory_name"
(directory containing input files)
.B \-\^M " n"
mode switch with values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. Default:No mode switch activated.
Values can be added: RESTART(4) + RESET(2) + SEGMARK(32) = -M 38
.B \-\^OutFor "ext"
(extension for output files)
.B \-\^POC "TtileNr=resolutionStart, componentStart, layerEnd, resolutionEnd, componentEnd, progressionOrder"
(see Examples)
.B \-\^ROI "c=n,U=n"
quantization indices upshifted for component c (0 or 1 or 2) with a value of U (>= 0 and <= 37)
e.g. \fB-ROI c=0,U=25\fR
.B \-\^SOP
(Write SOP marker before each packet. Default: No SOP marker in the codestream.)
.B \-\^T "X,Y"
(Offset of the origin of the tiles (e.g. -T 100,75) )
.B \-\^W
Options usable only if the library has been compiled with \fB-DUSE_JPWL\fR
.B -W h<tilepart><=type>, s<tilepart><=method>, a=<addr>, z=<size>, g=<range>, p<tilepart:pack><=type>
.B h\fR selects the header error protection (EPB): \fBtype\fR can be
[0=none 1,absent=predefined 16=CRC-16 32=CRC-32 37-128=RS]
if \fBtilepart\fR is absent, it is for main and tile headers
if \fBtilepart\fR is present, it applies from that tile
onwards, up to the next h<> spec, or to the last tilepart
in the codestream (max. 16 specs)
.B p \fRselects the packet error protection (EEP/UEP with EPBs)
to be applied to raw data: \fBtype\fR can be
[0=none 1,absent=predefined 16=CRC-16 32=CRC-32 37-128=RS]
if \fBtilepart:pack\fR is absent, it is from tile 0, packet 0
if \fBtilepart:pack\fR is present, it applies from that tile
and that packet onwards, up to the next packet spec
or to the last packet in the last tilepart in the stream
(max. 16 specs)
.B s \fRenables sensitivity data insertion (ESD): \fBmethod\fR can be
if \fBtilepart\fR is absent, it is for main header only
if \fBtilepart\fR is present, it applies from that tile
onwards, up to the next s<> spec, or to the last tilepart
in the codestream (max. 16 specs)
.B g \fRdetermines the addressing mode: \fBrange\fR can be
.B a \fRdetermines the size of data addressing: \fBaddr\fR can be
2/4 bytes (small/large codestreams). If not set, auto-mode
.B z \fRdetermines the size of sensitivity values: \fBsize\fR can be
1/2 bytes, for the transformed pseudo-floating point value
.B image_to_j2k -i \fRfile.bmp \fB-o \fRfile.j2k \fB-r \fR20,10,1 (compress 20x, then 10x, then lossless).
.B image_to_j2k -i \fRfile.ppm \fB-o \fRfile.j2k \fB-q \fR30,40,50
.B image_to_j2k -i \fRfile.pgx \fB-o \fRfile.j2k \fB-POC \fRT1=0,0,1,5,3,CPRL
.B image_to_j2k -i \fRlena.raw \fB-o \fRlena.j2k \fB-F \fR512,512,3,8,u
Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Professor Benoit Macq
Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens
Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren
Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux and Antonin Descampe
Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team
Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Parvatha Elangovan
j2k_to_image(1) j2k_dump(1)