This is required to make the order in the C++ virtual table consistent in MSVC - previously the overloaded methods were ordered differently in the vtable compared to the interface declaration.
191 lines
4.7 KiB
191 lines
4.7 KiB
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "codec_api.h"
#include "utils/BufferedData.h"
#include "utils/HashFunctions.h"
static void UpdateHashFromPlane(SHA_CTX* ctx, const uint8_t* plane,
int width, int height, int stride) {
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
SHA1_Update(ctx, plane, width);
plane += stride;
* @return frame size (>= 0), or -1 for memory allocation error.
static int ReadFrame(std::ifstream* file, BufferedData* buf) {
// start code of a frame is {0, 0, 0, 1}
int zeroCount = 0;
char b;
for (;;) {
file->read(&b, 1);
if (file->gcount() != 1) {
if (!buf->Push(b)) {
return -1;
if (buf->Length() <= 4) {
if (zeroCount < 3) {
zeroCount = b != 0 ? 0 : zeroCount + 1;
} else {
if (b == 1) {
if (file->seekg(-4, file->cur).good()) {
return buf->Length() - 4;
} else {
// seeking fails
return -1;
} else if (b == 0) {
zeroCount = 3;
} else {
zeroCount = 0;
return buf->Length();
* @return true if a frame is decoded successfully, otherwise false.
static bool DecodeAndProcess(ISVCDecoder* decoder, const uint8_t* src,
int sliceSize, SHA_CTX* ctx) {
void* data[3];
SBufferInfo bufInfo;
memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
memset(&bufInfo, 0, sizeof(SBufferInfo));
DECODING_STATE rv = decoder->DecodeFrame2(src, sliceSize, data, &bufInfo);
if (rv != dsErrorFree) {
return false;
if (bufInfo.iBufferStatus == 1) {
// y plane
UpdateHashFromPlane(ctx, static_cast<uint8_t*>(data[0]),
// u plane
UpdateHashFromPlane(ctx, static_cast<uint8_t*>(data[1]),
bufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth / 2,
bufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight / 2,
// v plane
UpdateHashFromPlane(ctx, static_cast<uint8_t*>(data[2]),
bufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth / 2,
bufInfo.UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight / 2,
return true;
static void CompareFileToHash(ISVCDecoder* decoder,
const char* fileName, const char* hashStr) {
std::ifstream file(fileName, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
SHA_CTX ctx;
BufferedData buf;
int sliceSize;
while ((sliceSize = ReadFrame(&file, &buf)) > 0) {
if (DecodeAndProcess(decoder, buf.data(), sliceSize, &ctx)) {
} else {
SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx);
FAIL() << "unable to decode frame";
if (sliceSize < 0) {
SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx);
FAIL() << "unable to allocate memory";
int32_t iEndOfStreamFlag = 1;
decoder->SetOption(DECODER_OPTION_END_OF_STREAM, &iEndOfStreamFlag);
// Get pending last frame
if (!DecodeAndProcess(decoder, NULL, 0, &ctx)) {
SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx);
FAIL() << "unable to decode last frame";
SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx);
ASSERT_TRUE(CompareHash(digest, hashStr));
class DecoderInitTest : public ::testing::Test {
DecoderInitTest() : decoder_(NULL) {}
virtual void SetUp() {
long rv = CreateDecoder(&decoder_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, rv);
ASSERT_TRUE(decoder_ != NULL);
SDecodingParam decParam;
memset(&decParam, 0, sizeof(SDecodingParam));
decParam.iOutputColorFormat = videoFormatI420;
decParam.uiTargetDqLayer = UCHAR_MAX;
decParam.uiEcActiveFlag = 1;
decParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = VIDEO_BITSTREAM_DEFAULT;
rv = decoder_->Initialize(&decParam, INIT_TYPE_PARAMETER_BASED);
ASSERT_EQ(0, rv);
virtual void TearDown() {
if (decoder_ != NULL) {
ISVCDecoder* decoder_;
TEST_F(DecoderInitTest, JustInit) {
struct FileParam {
const char* fileName;
const char* hashStr;
class DecoderOutputTest : public DecoderInitTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<FileParam> {
TEST_P(DecoderOutputTest, CompareOutput) {
FileParam p = GetParam();
CompareFileToHash(decoder_, p.fileName, p.hashStr);
static const FileParam kFileParamArray[] = {
{"res/test_vd_1d.264", "5827d2338b79ff82cd091c707823e466197281d3"},
{"res/test_vd_rc.264", "eea02e97bfec89d0418593a8abaaf55d02eaa1ca"},
{"res/Static.264", "91dd4a7a796805b2cd015cae8fd630d96c663f42"}
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DecodeFile, DecoderOutputTest,