Martin Storsjö e5439b4533 Output MSVC autobuild files into bin/arch/config instead of into bin/arch-config-asm
This is the same dirs as used as output dir by the msvc project files.
This makes sure that the project files can pick up the output files
directly instead of having to manually copy them around.
2015-04-20 09:37:22 +03:00

425 lines
14 KiB

@echo off
rem *************************************************************************************************
rem usage:
rem AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat % Configuration %
rem --For debug version:
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-C
rem ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-ASM
rem --For release version:
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-C
rem ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-ASM
rem --For debug and release version:
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-C
rem ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-ASM
rem --For default:
rem AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat
rem ARM-All-ASM
rem --lib/dll files will be copied to folder .\bin
rem --win32 folder bin\i386*
rem --win64 folder bin\x86_64*
rem --arm folder bin\arm*
rem Environment:
rem ----for windows phone, Visual studio with update 3 or later is needed
rem ----gas-preprocessor(windows phone build only)
rem --you can clone it from git://
rem --for more detail, please refer to
rem -- and then set gas-preprocessor path to the %GasScriptPath% variable in this script
rem or just copy to VC2013 bin's path,you can refer to variable %VC12Path%
rem ----MinGW
rem --install MinGW tools
rem --more detail, please refer to
rem 2015/03/15
rem *************************************************************************************************
call :BasicSetting
call :PathSetting
call :SetBuildOption %1
if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
echo not suppot option!
goto :ErrorReturn
call :EnvSetting %1
call :BuildResultInit
call :RunBuild
call :OutputBuildResult
call :GetFinalReturnCode
echo ReturnCode is %ReturnCode%
cd %WorkingDir%
goto :End
for %%j in ( %aConfigurationList% ) do (
set BuildFlag=0
call :Build %%j
call :BuildCheck %%j
call :CopyDll %%j
goto :EOF
rem function for setting
rem ***********************************************
set DllFile=openh264.dll
set LibFile=openh264.lib
set PDBFile=openh264.pdb
set UTDllFile=ut.dll
set UTBinFile=codec_unittest.exe
set EncBinFile=h264enc.exe
set DecBinFile=h264dec.exe
goto :EOF
set WorkingDir=%cd%
cd ..
set RootDir=%cd%
set BinDir=%RootDir%\bin
cd %WorkingDir%
goto :EOF
set MinGWPath=C:\MinGW\bin
set MsysPath=C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
set GitPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
set GasScriptPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin
set VC12Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC
set VC11Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC
set VC10Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC
set VC9Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC
set VC12ArmLib01=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib\store\arm
set VC12ArmLib02=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib\arm
set WP8KitLib=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Phone Kits\8.1\lib\arm
if exist "%VC9Path%" set VCPATH=%VC9Path%
if exist "%VC10Path%" set VCPATH=%VC10Path%
if exist "%VC11Path%" set VCPATH=%VC11Path%
if exist "%VC12Path%" set VCPATH=%VC12Path%
if "%vArcType%" =="i386" set PATH=%MinGWPath%;%MsysPath%;%VCPATH%\bin;%GitPath%;%PATH%
if "%vArcType%" =="x86_64" set PATH=%MinGWPath%;%MsysPath%;%VCPATH%\bin;%GitPath%;%PATH%
if "%vArcType%" =="arm" set PATH=%MinGWPath%;%MsysPath%;%VCPATH%\bin;%GitPath%;%PATH%
rem if "%vArcType%" =="arm" set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;%PATH%
if "%vArcType%" =="i386" call "%VCPATH%\vcvarsall.bat" x86
if "%vArcType%" =="x86_64" call "%VCPATH%\vcvarsall.bat" x64
if "%vArcType%" =="arm" call "%VCPATH%\vcvarsall.bat" x86_arm
if "%vArcType%" =="arm" call :WPSetting
echo PATH is %PATH%
echo LIB is %LIB%
goto :EOF
set LIB=%VC12ArmLib01%;%VC12ArmLib02%;%WP8KitLib%
if not exist "%VC12Path%" (
echo VC12 does not exist,
echo ******************************************
echo VC12 does not exist,
echo which is needed for windows phone
echo ******************************************
goto :ErrorReturn
goto :EOF
if "aaa%1"=="aaa" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo default setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Debug-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win32-Debug-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Release-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win32-Release-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Debug-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=No
echo All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Release-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win64-Release-C setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Debug-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo ARM-Debug-C setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Release-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo ARM-Release-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-All-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win32-All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-All-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=No
echo All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-All-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo ARM-All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Debug-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win32-Debug-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Release-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win32-Release-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Debug-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo All-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Release-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win64-Release-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Debug-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo ARM-Debug-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Release-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo ARM-Release-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-All-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win32-All-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-All-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo All-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-All-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo ARM-All-ASM setting
) else (
call :help
goto :ErrorReturn
echo aConfigurationList is %aConfigurationList%
echo vArcType is %vArcType%
echo vOSType is %vOSType%
echo vEnable64BitFlag is %vEnable64BitFlag%
echo vASMFlag is %vASMFlag%
goto :EOF
rem function for build result
rem ***********************************************
set BuildDebugFlag=0
set BuildReleaseFlag=0
set BuildDebugInfo=NULL
set BuildReleaseInfo=NULL
goto :EOF
echo BuildDebugFlag =%BuildDebugFlag%
echo BuildReleaseFlag =%BuildReleaseFlag%
echo BuildDebugInfo =%BuildDebugInfo%
echo BuildReleaseInfo =%BuildReleaseInfo%
goto :EOF
set vConfiguration=%1
if not %BuildFlag%==0 (
if "%vConfiguration%"=="Debug" (
set BuildDebugFlag=1
set BuildDebugInfo="build debug--failed"
) else (
set BuildReleaseFlag=1
set BuildReleaseInfo="build release--failed"
) else (
if "%vConfiguration%"=="Debug" (
set BuildDebugFlag=0
set BuildDebugInfo="build debug--succeed"
) else (
set BuildReleaseFlag=0
set BuildReleaseInfo="build release--succeed"
goto :EOF
set aBuildFlagList=%BuildDebugFlag% %BuildReleaseFlag%
echo aBuildFlagList is %aBuildFlagList%
set ReturnCode=0
for %%k in (%aBuildFlagList%) do (
if not %%k == 0 (
set ReturnCode=1
goto :EOF
rem function for help
rem ***********************************************
echo *******************************************************************************
echo usage:
echo AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat % Configuration %
echo --For debug version:
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-C
echo ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-ASM
echo --For release version:
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-C
echo ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-ASM
echo --For debug and release version:
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-C
echo ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-ASM
echo --For default:
echo AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat
echo ARM-All-ASM
echo *******************************************************************************
goto :EOF
rem function for build
rem ***********************************************
set vConfiguration=%1
cd %RootDir%
echo bash -c "make OS=%vOSType% ARCH=%vArcType% ENABLE64BIT=%vEnable64BitFlag% USE_ASM=%vASMFlag% BUILDTYPE=%vConfiguration% clean"
echo bash -c "make OS=%vOSType% ARCH=%vArcType% ENABLE64BIT=%vEnable64BitFlag% USE_ASM=%vASMFlag% BUILDTYPE=%vConfiguration%"
bash -c "make OS=%vOSType% ARCH=%vArcType% ENABLE64BIT=%vEnable64BitFlag% USE_ASM=%vASMFlag% BUILDTYPE=%vConfiguration% clean"
bash -c "make OS=%vOSType% ARCH=%vArcType% ENABLE64BIT=%vEnable64BitFlag% USE_ASM=%vASMFlag% BUILDTYPE=%vConfiguration%"
if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
set BuildFlag=1
cd %WorkingDir%
goto :EOF
set vConfiguration=%1
set vBuildOption=%2
cd %RootDir%
if "%vArcType%"=="arm" (
set vBinDirName=ARM
) else if "%vArcType%"=="i386" (
set vBinDirName=Win32
) else (
set vBinDirName=x64
set ArchDestDir=%BinDir%\%vBinDirName%
set FullDestDir=%BinDir%\%vBinDirName%\%vConfiguration%
echo copying dll files to destination folder...
echo FullDestDir is %FullDestDir%
if not exist %ArchDestDir% md %ArchDestDir%
if exist %FullDestDir% (
rd /s /q %FullDestDir%
md %FullDestDir%
echo current dir is:
set DestDir=bin/%vBinDirName%/%vConfiguration%
echo DestDir is %DestDir%
if "%vOSType%"=="msvc-wp" (
set aFileList=%DllFile% %LibFile% %PDBFile% %UTDllFile%
) else (
set aFileList=%DllFile% %LibFile% %PDBFile% %UTBinFile% %EncBinFile% %DecBinFile%
for %%k in (%aFileList%) do (
bash -c "cp -f %%k %DestDir%"
cd %WorkingDir%
goto :EOF
exit /b 2
exit /b %ReturnCode%