552 lines
19 KiB
552 lines
19 KiB
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "codec_api.h"
#include "codec_app_def.h"
#include "test_stdint.h"
//TODO: consider using BaseEncoderTest class from #include "../BaseEncoderTest.h"
class EncoderInterfaceTest : public ::testing::Test {
#define MB_SIZE (16)
#define MAX_WIDTH (3840)
#define MAX_HEIGHT (2160)
#define VALID_SIZE(iSize) (((iSize)>1)?(iSize):1)
#define MEM_VARY_SIZE (512)
#define IMAGE_VARY_SIZE (512)
#define TEST_FRAMES (30)
#define NAL_HEADER_BYTES (4)
#define NAL_TYPE (0x0F)
#define SPS_NAL_TYPE (7)
#define PPS_NAL_TYPE (8)
#define GET_NAL_TYPE(pNalStart) (*(pNalStart+NAL_HEADER_BYTES) & NAL_TYPE)
#define IS_PARASET(iNalType) ((iNalType==SPS_NAL_TYPE) || (iNalType==PPS_NAL_TYPE) || (iNalType==SUBSETSPS_NAL_TYPE))
virtual void SetUp() {
int rv = WelsCreateSVCEncoder (&pPtrEnc);
ASSERT_EQ (0, rv);
pParamExt = new SEncParamExt();
ASSERT_TRUE (pParamExt != NULL);
pSrcPic = new SSourcePicture;
pOption = new SEncParamExt();
ASSERT_TRUE (pOption != NULL);
m_iWidth = MAX_WIDTH;
m_iHeight = MAX_HEIGHT;
m_iPicResSize = m_iWidth * m_iHeight * 3 >> 1;
pYUV = new unsigned char [m_iPicResSize];
virtual void TearDown() {
delete pParamExt;
delete pOption;
delete pSrcPic;
delete []pYUV;
if (pPtrEnc) {
WelsDestroySVCEncoder (pPtrEnc);
pPtrEnc = NULL;
void InitializeParamExt();
void TemporalLayerSettingTest();
void MemoryCheckTest();
void EncodeOneFrame (SEncParamBase* pEncParamBase);
void PrepareOneSrcFrame();
void EncodeOneIDRandP (ISVCEncoder* pPtrEnc);
ISVCEncoder* pPtrEnc;
SEncParamExt* pParamExt;
SSourcePicture* pSrcPic;
SEncParamExt* pOption;
unsigned char* pYUV;
SFrameBSInfo sFbi;
int m_iWidth;
int m_iHeight;
int m_iPicResSize;
void EncoderInterfaceTest::PrepareOneSrcFrame() {
pSrcPic->iColorFormat = videoFormatI420;
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp = 0;
pSrcPic->iPicWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
pSrcPic->iPicHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iPicResSize; i++)
pYUV[i] = rand() % 256;
pSrcPic->iStride[0] = m_iWidth;
pSrcPic->iStride[1] = pSrcPic->iStride[2] = pSrcPic->iStride[0] >> 1;
pSrcPic->pData[0] = pYUV;
pSrcPic->pData[1] = pSrcPic->pData[0] + (m_iWidth * m_iHeight);
pSrcPic->pData[2] = pSrcPic->pData[1] + (m_iWidth * m_iHeight >> 2);
//clean the output
memset (&sFbi, 0, sizeof (SFrameBSInfo));
void EncoderInterfaceTest::EncodeOneFrame (SEncParamBase* pEncParamBase) {
int iResult;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (pEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
iResult = pPtrEnc->GetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM_BASE, pEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
void EncoderInterfaceTest::EncodeOneIDRandP (ISVCEncoder* pPtrEnc) {
int iResult;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_NE (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
void EncoderInterfaceTest::InitializeParamExt() {
pParamExt->iPicWidth = 1280;
pParamExt->iPicHeight = 720;
pParamExt->iTargetBitrate = 50000;
pParamExt->iTemporalLayerNum = 3;
pParamExt->iSpatialLayerNum = 1;
pParamExt->sSpatialLayers[0].iVideoHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
pParamExt->sSpatialLayers[0].iVideoWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
pParamExt->sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = 50000;
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, TemporalLayerSettingTest) {
pParamExt->iPicWidth = 1280;
pParamExt->iPicHeight = 720;
m_iWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
m_iHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
pParamExt->iTargetBitrate = 60000;
pParamExt->sSpatialLayers[0].iVideoHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
pParamExt->sSpatialLayers[0].iVideoWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
pParamExt->sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = 50000;
pParamExt->iTemporalLayerNum = 1;
pParamExt->iSpatialLayerNum = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
pParamExt->iUsageType = (( i == 0 ) ? SCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME : CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME);
int iResult = pPtrEnc->InitializeExt (pParamExt);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp = 30;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeP));
iResult = pPtrEnc->GetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pOption ->iTemporalLayerNum = 4;
iResult = pPtrEnc->SetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp = 60;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
pOption ->iTemporalLayerNum = 2;
iResult = pPtrEnc->SetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp = 90;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeP));
pOption ->iTemporalLayerNum = 4;
iResult = pPtrEnc->SetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp = 120;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeP));
iResult = pPtrEnc->Uninitialize();
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pParamExt->iUsageType = (rand() % 2) ? SCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME : CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME;
pParamExt->iRCMode = (rand() % 2) ? RC_BITRATE_MODE : RC_QUALITY_MODE;
int iResult = pPtrEnc->InitializeExt (pParamExt);
const int kiFrameNumber = TEST_FRAMES;
m_iWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
m_iHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
m_iPicResSize = m_iWidth * m_iHeight * 3 >> 1;
delete []pYUV;
pYUV = new unsigned char [m_iPicResSize];
memcpy (pOption, pParamExt, sizeof (SEncParamExt));
for(int i = 0; i < kiFrameNumber; i ++){
if ((i%7) == 0){
if (pOption->iTemporalLayerNum<4){
} else {
iResult = pPtrEnc->SetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int32_t> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp += 30;
int iStartX = rand() % (m_iPicResSize >> 1);
int iEndX = (iStartX + (rand() % MEM_VARY_SIZE)) % m_iPicResSize;
for (int j = iStartX; j < iEndX; j++)
pYUV[j] = rand() % 256;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int32_t> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp += 30;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Uninitialize();
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, MemoryCheckTest) {
pParamExt->iPicWidth = 1280;
pParamExt->iPicHeight = 720;
int iResult = pPtrEnc->InitializeExt (pParamExt);
const int kiFrameNumber = TEST_FRAMES;
m_iWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
m_iHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
m_iPicResSize = m_iWidth * m_iHeight * 3 >> 1;
delete []pYUV;
pYUV = new unsigned char [m_iPicResSize];
for(int i = 0; i < kiFrameNumber; i ++){
int iStartX = rand() % (m_iPicResSize >> 1);
int iEndX = (iStartX + (rand() % MEM_VARY_SIZE)) % m_iPicResSize;
for (int j = iStartX; j < iEndX; j++)
pYUV[j] = rand() % 256;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp += 30;
pParamExt->iPicWidth += (rand() << 1) % IMAGE_VARY_SIZE;
pParamExt->iPicHeight += (rand() << 1) % IMAGE_VARY_SIZE;
m_iWidth = pParamExt->iPicWidth;
m_iHeight = pParamExt->iPicHeight;
m_iPicResSize = m_iWidth * m_iHeight * 3 >> 1;
delete []pYUV;
pYUV = new unsigned char [m_iPicResSize];
iResult = pPtrEnc->InitializeExt (pParamExt);
memcpy (pOption, pParamExt, sizeof (SEncParamExt));
pOption ->iPicWidth = m_iWidth;
pOption ->iPicHeight = m_iHeight;
iResult = pPtrEnc->SetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
for(int i = 0; i < kiFrameNumber; i ++){
int iStartX = rand() % (m_iPicResSize >> 1);
int iEndX = (iStartX + (rand() % MEM_VARY_SIZE)) % m_iPicResSize;
for (int j = iStartX; j < iEndX; j++)
pYUV[j] = rand() % 256;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp += 30;
pOption ->iLTRRefNum += rand() % 8 + 1;
iResult = pPtrEnc->SetOption (eOptionId, pOption);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
for(int i = 0; i < kiFrameNumber; i ++){
int iStartX = rand() % (m_iPicResSize >> 1);
int iEndX = (iStartX + (rand() % MEM_VARY_SIZE)) % m_iPicResSize;
for (int j = iStartX; j < iEndX; j++)
pYUV[j] = rand() % 256;
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
pSrcPic->uiTimeStamp += 30;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Uninitialize();
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
void GetValidEncParamBase (SEncParamBase* pEncParamBase) {
pEncParamBase->iUsageType = CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME;
pEncParamBase->iPicWidth = 2 + ((rand() % ((MAX_WIDTH >> 1) - 1)) << 1);
pEncParamBase->iPicHeight = 2 + ((rand() % ((MAX_HEIGHT >> 1) - 1)) << 1);
pEncParamBase->iPicWidth = VALID_SIZE(pEncParamBase->iPicWidth);
pEncParamBase->iPicHeight = VALID_SIZE(pEncParamBase->iPicHeight);
pEncParamBase->iTargetBitrate = rand() + 1; //!=0
pEncParamBase->iRCMode = RC_BITRATE_MODE; //-1, 0, 1, 2
pEncParamBase->fMaxFrameRate = rand() + 0.5f; //!=0
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, BasicInitializeTest) {
SEncParamBase sEncParamBase;
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
int iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
if (iResult != cmResultSuccess) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected ParamBase? \
iUsageType=%d, Pic=%dx%d, TargetBitrate=%d, iRCMode=%d, fMaxFrameRate=%.1f\n",
sEncParamBase.iUsageType, sEncParamBase.iPicWidth, sEncParamBase.iPicHeight,
sEncParamBase.iTargetBitrate, sEncParamBase.iRCMode, sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate);
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
iResult = pPtrEnc->Uninitialize();
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, BasicInitializeTestFalse) {
int iResult;
SEncParamBase sEncParamBase;
int uiTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
pPtrEnc->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &uiTraceLevel);
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iUsageType = static_cast<EUsageType> (2);
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iPicWidth = 0;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iPicWidth = -1;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
//TODO: add checking max in interface and then enable this checking
//sEncParamBase.iPicWidth = rand()+(MAX_WIDTH+1);
//iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
//EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iPicHeight = 0;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iPicHeight = -1;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
//TODO: add checking max in interface and then enable this checking
//sEncParamBase.iPicWidth = rand()+(MAX_HEIGHT+1);
//iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
//EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iTargetBitrate = 0;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.iTargetBitrate = -1;
iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmInitParaError));
uiTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_ERROR;
pPtrEnc->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &uiTraceLevel);
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, BasicInitializeTestAutoAdjustment) {
SEncParamBase sEncParamBase;
// large fMaxFrameRate
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate = 50000;
EncodeOneFrame (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_LE (sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate, 30.0);
EXPECT_GE (sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate, 1.0);
// fMaxFrameRate = 0
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate = 0;
EncodeOneFrame (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_LE (sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate, 30.0);
EXPECT_GE (sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate, 1.0);
// fMaxFrameRate = -1
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate = -1;
EncodeOneFrame (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_LE (sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate, 30.0);
EXPECT_GE (sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate, 1.0);
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, ForceIntraFrame) {
SEncParamBase sEncParamBase;
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
int iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
if (iResult != cmResultSuccess) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected ParamBase? \
iUsageType=%d, Pic=%dx%d, TargetBitrate=%d, iRCMode=%d, fMaxFrameRate=%.1f\n",
sEncParamBase.iUsageType, sEncParamBase.iPicWidth, sEncParamBase.iPicHeight,
sEncParamBase.iTargetBitrate, sEncParamBase.iRCMode, sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate);
bool bIDR = true;
pPtrEnc->ForceIntraFrame (bIDR);
EncodeOneIDRandP (pPtrEnc);
//call next frame to be IDR
pPtrEnc->ForceIntraFrame (bIDR);
EncodeOneIDRandP (pPtrEnc);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, ForceIntraFrameWithTemporal) {
SEncParamExt sEncParamExt;
pPtrEnc->GetDefaultParams (&sEncParamExt);
sEncParamExt.iUsageType = CAMERA_VIDEO_REAL_TIME;
sEncParamExt.iPicWidth = MB_SIZE + abs ((rand() * 2) % (MAX_WIDTH - MB_SIZE));
sEncParamExt.iPicHeight = MB_SIZE + abs ((rand() * 2) % (MAX_HEIGHT - MB_SIZE));
sEncParamExt.iTargetBitrate = rand() + 1; //!=0
sEncParamExt.iRCMode = RC_BITRATE_MODE; //-1, 0, 1, 2
sEncParamExt.fMaxFrameRate = rand() + 0.5f; //!=0
sEncParamExt.sSpatialLayers[0].iVideoWidth = sEncParamExt.iPicWidth;
sEncParamExt.sSpatialLayers[0].iVideoHeight = sEncParamExt.iPicHeight;
sEncParamExt.sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = sEncParamExt.iTargetBitrate;
int iTargetTemporalLayerNum = rand() % MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM;
sEncParamExt.iTemporalLayerNum = (iTargetTemporalLayerNum > 2) ? iTargetTemporalLayerNum : 2;
int iResult = pPtrEnc->InitializeExt (&sEncParamExt);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
if (iResult != cmResultSuccess) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected ParamBase? \
iUsageType=%d, Pic=%dx%d, TargetBitrate=%d, iRCMode=%d, fMaxFrameRate=%.1f\n",
sEncParamExt.iUsageType, sEncParamExt.iPicWidth, sEncParamExt.iPicHeight,
sEncParamExt.iTargetBitrate, sEncParamExt.iRCMode, sEncParamExt.fMaxFrameRate);
bool bIDR = true;
EncodeOneIDRandP (pPtrEnc);
//call next frame to be IDR
pPtrEnc->ForceIntraFrame (bIDR);
EncodeOneIDRandP (pPtrEnc);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, EncodeParameterSets) {
SEncParamBase sEncParamBase;
GetValidEncParamBase (&sEncParamBase);
int iResult = pPtrEnc->Initialize (&sEncParamBase);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
if (iResult != cmResultSuccess) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected ParamBase? \
iUsageType=%d, Pic=%dx%d, TargetBitrate=%d, iRCMode=%d, fMaxFrameRate=%.1f\n",
sEncParamBase.iUsageType, sEncParamBase.iPicWidth, sEncParamBase.iPicHeight,
sEncParamBase.iTargetBitrate, sEncParamBase.iRCMode, sEncParamBase.fMaxFrameRate);
EncodeOneIDRandP (pPtrEnc);
//try EncodeParameterSets
pPtrEnc->EncodeParameterSets (&sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_EQ (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeInvalid));
//check the result
int iNalType = 0;
SLayerBSInfo* pLayerBsInfo;
for (int i = 0; i < sFbi.iLayerNum; i++) {
pLayerBsInfo = & (sFbi.sLayerInfo[i]);
EXPECT_EQ (pLayerBsInfo->uiLayerType , static_cast<int> (NON_VIDEO_CODING_LAYER));
iNalType = GET_NAL_TYPE (pLayerBsInfo->pBsBuf);
EXPECT_EQ (true, IS_PARASET (iNalType));
for (int j = 0; j < (pLayerBsInfo->iNalCount - 1); j++) {
iNalType = GET_NAL_TYPE (pLayerBsInfo->pBsBuf + pLayerBsInfo->pNalLengthInByte[j]);
EXPECT_EQ (true, IS_PARASET (iNalType));
//try another P to make sure no impact on succeeding frames
iResult = pPtrEnc->EncodeFrame (pSrcPic, &sFbi);
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
EXPECT_NE (sFbi.eFrameType, static_cast<int> (videoFrameTypeIDR));
iResult = pPtrEnc->Uninitialize();
EXPECT_EQ (iResult, static_cast<int> (cmResultSuccess));
TEST_F (EncoderInterfaceTest, BasicReturnTypeTest) {