This avoids having to update the makefile just to change the SDK
version whenever the iOS SDK is updated (since the previous
version is removed on updates).
Treating warnings as error is useless if no warning is activated.
Several build systems enable -Wall in the CLFAGS, which in combination
with -Werror can trigger undesired build errors.
This requires using the external gas-preprocessor tool that
converts the gnu assembler format sources to armasm format at
build time. This allows keeping the source files in one single
format but only converting while building.
The --prefix parameter differs between yasm and nasm; nasm
requires --prefix _ while yasm requires --prefix=_. Using the
define instead (as on windows) allows easier switching between
the two otherwise mostly compatible assemblers.
This fixes building with yasm on OS X in 32 bit mode. For 64 bit,
a few more tweaks are still required.
This avoids spurious changes to the files when mktargets
is rerun on different platforms and different file systems.
In particular, OS X seems to mostly return files sorted
alphabetically, case insensitively, while they are returned in
a file system specific order on linux.
Building with "make OS=android APP_ABI=armeabi" will
produce arm binaries that will conform to the armeabi
ABI - not using any features outside of armv5te by
default (but still optionally using the NEON functions at
runtime if detected - even though such devices should rather
use the default armeabi-v7a build).
In 70360cb11, the ASM variable was moved to the x86-common file
even though the android build file didn't include neither nor
Instead of explicitly declaring ASM here, include
and remove setting of the flags that sets.
This is inspired by and based on a patch by Licai Guo.
This will make the normal C++ code not run on non-NEON devices at
all, making the runtime CPU feature detection pointless.
Adding -mfpu=neon to CFLAGS is not necessary, it's enough to
add it while building those individual .S files (via ASMFLAGS).
This doesn't build the actual demo apps that you can run on the
phone (not yet at least), but is useful for easily testing compilation
in different setups, and for building a precompiled static library for
use in external projects.
The USE_ASM variable is architecture independent now and only
controls whether assembly optimizations should be enabled in
the general sense, regardless of the target architecture.
This avoids coupling the architecture directly to the platform,
allowing building on e.g. linux on architectures other than x86,
without having to explicitly specify USE_ASM=No while building
on those.
Later this will also facilitate enabling assembly optimizations
where applicable, e.g. arm assembly on linux.
This allows building (and running) codec_unittest for android.
This explicitly needs to go at the end of the LDFLAGS, since both
this and -lgtest etc. are static libraries, and code in gtest
relies on the STL. Since this explicitly needs to be at the end,
a separate makefile variable is added for it.
This fixes building of gtest on msvc.
See e.g. for
more discussion on the matter.
This is only required on MSVC 2012 - gtest itself (in the cmake
files) adds -D_VARIADIC_MAX=10 to the build when building using
MSVC 2012, but we don't know the MSVC version at the make stage
here. Since the gtest tuple support isn't used at all, it's
simpler to just disable it altogether than to try to add
The main purpose is to make sure that the build doesn't fail
if the build directory contains the gtest subdirectory, although
the unittests also could be run on a device.