add reference frame managment for screen content [still in progress]

This commit is contained in:
ruil2 2014-04-02 10:45:35 +08:00
parent d8080adb4c
commit 9645f38021
3 changed files with 207 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class CWelsPreProcess {
int32_t BuildSpatialPicList (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const SSourcePicture* kpSrcPic);
int32_t AnalyzeSpatialPic (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const int32_t kiDIdx);
int32_t UpdateSpatialPictures(sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SWelsSvcCodingParam* pParam, const int8_t iCurTid, const int32_t d_idx);
int32_t GetRefCandidateLtrIndex(int32_t iRefIdx);
int32_t WelsPreprocessCreate();
int32_t WelsPreprocessDestroy();

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@ -637,28 +637,193 @@ void WelsUpdateRefSyntax (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, const int32_t iPOC, const int32_t u
bool WelsUpdateRefListScreen (void* pCtx)
bool WelsUpdateRefListScreen (void* pEncCtx) {
sWelsEncCtx* pCtx = (sWelsEncCtx*)pEncCtx;
SRefList* pRefList = pCtx->ppRefPicListExt[pCtx->uiDependencyId];
SLTRState* pLtr = &pCtx->pLtr[pCtx->uiDependencyId];
SDLayerParam* pParamD = &pCtx->pSvcParam->sDependencyLayers[pCtx->uiDependencyId];
const uint8_t kuiTid = pCtx->uiTemporalId;
// Need update ref list in case store base layer or target dependency layer construction
if (NULL == pCtx->pCurDqLayer)
return false;
if (NULL == pRefList || NULL == pRefList->pRef[0])
return false;
if (NULL != pCtx->pDecPic) {
#if !defined(ENABLE_FRAME_DUMP) // to save complexity, 1/6/2009
if ((pParamD->iHighestTemporalId == 0) || (kuiTid < pParamD->iHighestTemporalId))
// Expanding picture for future reference
ExpandReferencingPicture (pCtx->pDecPic, pCtx->pFuncList->pfExpandLumaPicture, pCtx->pFuncList->pfExpandChromaPicture);
// move picture in list
pCtx->pDecPic->uiTemporalId = pCtx->uiTemporalId;
pCtx->pDecPic->uiSpatialId = pCtx->uiDependencyId;
pCtx->pDecPic->iFrameNum = pCtx->iFrameNum;
pCtx->pDecPic->iFramePoc = pCtx->iPOC;
pCtx->pDecPic->bUsedAsRef = true;
pCtx->pDecPic->bIsLongRef = true;
pCtx->pDecPic->bIsSceneLTR = pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag || (pCtx->pSvcParam->bEnableLongTermReference
&& pCtx->eSliceType == I_SLICE);
pCtx->pDecPic->iLongTermPicNum = pLtr->iCurLtrIdx;
if (pCtx->eSliceType == P_SLICE) {
//TBD LTR mark
pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag = false;
} else { // in case IDR currently coding
//TBD LTR mark
pLtr->iCurLtrIdx = 1;
pLtr->iSceneLtrIdx = 1;
pLtr->uiLtrMarkInterval = 0;
pCtx->pVaa->uiValidLongTermPicIdx = 0;
return true;
bool WelsBuildRefListScreen (void* pCtx, const int32_t iPOC,int32_t iBestLtrRefIdx)
return true;
bool WelsBuildRefListScreen (void* pEncCtx, const int32_t iPOC, int32_t iBestLtrRefIdx) {
sWelsEncCtx* pCtx = (sWelsEncCtx*)pEncCtx;
SRefList* pRefList = pCtx->ppRefPicListExt[pCtx->uiDependencyId];
SWelsSvcCodingParam* pParam = pCtx->pSvcParam;
SVAAFrameInfoExt* pVaaExt = static_cast<SVAAFrameInfoExt*> (pCtx->pVaa);
const int32_t iNumRef = pParam->iNumRefFrame;
pCtx->iNumRef0 = 0;
if (pCtx->eSliceType != I_SLICE) {
int iLtrRefIdx = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < pVaaExt->iNumOfAvailableRef; idx++) {
iLtrRefIdx = pCtx->pVpp->GetRefCandidateLtrIndex (idx);
if (iLtrRefIdx >= 0 && iLtrRefIdx <= pParam->iLTRRefNum) {
SPicture* pRefPic = pRefList->pLongRefList[iLtrRefIdx];
if (pRefPic != NULL && pRefPic->bUsedAsRef && pRefPic->bIsLongRef) {
if (pRefPic->uiTemporalId <= pCtx->uiTemporalId && (!pCtx->bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr || pRefPic->bIsSceneLTR)) {
pCtx->pRefList0[pCtx->iNumRef0++] = pRefPic;
WelsLog (pCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
"WelsBuildRefListScreen(), ref !current iFrameNum = %d, ref iFrameNum = %d,LTR number = %d,iNumRef = %d ref is Scene LTR = %d\n",
pCtx->iFrameNum, pCtx->pRefList0[pCtx->iNumRef0 - 1]->iFrameNum, pRefList->uiLongRefCount, iNumRef,
} else {
for (int32_t i = iNumRef ; i >= 0 ; --i) {
if (pRefList->pLongRefList[i] == NULL) {
} else if (pRefList->pLongRefList[i]->uiTemporalId == 0
|| pRefList->pLongRefList[i]->uiTemporalId < pCtx->uiTemporalId) {
pCtx->pRefList0[pCtx->iNumRef0++] = pRefList->pLongRefList[i];
WelsLog (pCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
"WelsBuildRefListScreen(), ref !current iFrameNum = %d, ref iFrameNum = %d,LTR number = %d\n",
pCtx->iFrameNum, pCtx->pRefList0[pCtx->iNumRef0 - 1]->iFrameNum, pRefList->uiLongRefCount);
} else {
WelsResetRefList (pCtx); //for IDR, SHOULD reset pRef list.
ResetLtrState (&pCtx->pLtr[pCtx->uiDependencyId]); //SHOULD update it when IDR.
pCtx->pRefList0[0] = NULL;
if (pCtx->iNumRef0 > iNumRef) {
pCtx->iNumRef0 = iNumRef;
//TBD info update for md &fme
return (pCtx->iNumRef0 > 0 || pCtx->eSliceType == I_SLICE) ? (true) : (false);
void WelsMarkPicScreen (void* pEncCtx) {
#define STR_ROOM 1
sWelsEncCtx* pCtx = (sWelsEncCtx*)pEncCtx;
SLTRState* pLtr = &pCtx->pLtr[pCtx->uiDependencyId];
int32_t iMaxTid = WELS_LOG2 (pCtx->pSvcParam->uiGopSize);
int32_t iMaxActualLtrIdx = -1;
if (pCtx->pSvcParam->bEnableLongTermReference)
iMaxActualLtrIdx = pCtx->pSvcParam->iNumRefFrame - STR_ROOM - 1 - WELS_MAX (iMaxTid , 1);
SRefList* pRefList = pCtx->ppRefPicListExt[pCtx->uiDependencyId];
SPicture** ppLongRefList = pRefList->pLongRefList;
const int32_t iNumRef = pCtx->pSvcParam->iNumRefFrame;
int32_t i;
const int32_t iLongRefNum = iNumRef - STR_ROOM;
const bool bIsRefListNotFull = pRefList->uiLongRefCount < iLongRefNum;
if (!pCtx->pSvcParam->bEnableLongTermReference) {
pLtr->iCurLtrIdx = pCtx->uiTemporalId;
} else {
if (iMaxActualLtrIdx != -1 && pCtx->uiTemporalId == 0 && pCtx->bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr) {
//Scene LTR
pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag = true;
pLtr->uiLtrMarkInterval = 0;
pLtr->iCurLtrIdx = pLtr->iSceneLtrIdx % (iMaxActualLtrIdx + 1);
} else {
pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag = false;
//for other LTR
if (bIsRefListNotFull) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLongRefNum; ++i) {
if (pRefList->pLongRefList[i] == NULL) {
pLtr->iCurLtrIdx = i ;
} else {
int32_t iMinSTRframe_num = 1 << 30; // is big enough
int32_t iRefNum_t[MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM] = {0};
for (i = 0 ; i < pRefList->uiLongRefCount ; ++i) {
if (ppLongRefList[i]->bUsedAsRef && ppLongRefList[i]->bIsLongRef && (!ppLongRefList[i]->bIsSceneLTR)) {
++iRefNum_t[ ppLongRefList[i]->uiTemporalId ];
int32_t iMaxMultiRefTid = (iMaxTid) ? (iMaxTid - 1) : (0) ;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM ; ++i) {
if (iRefNum_t[i] > 1) {
iMaxMultiRefTid = i;
for (i = 0 ; i < pRefList->uiLongRefCount ; ++i) {
if (ppLongRefList[i]->bUsedAsRef && ppLongRefList[i]->bIsLongRef && (!ppLongRefList[i]->bIsSceneLTR)
&& iMaxMultiRefTid == ppLongRefList[i]->uiTemporalId) {
if (ppLongRefList[i]->iFrameNum < iMinSTRframe_num) {
pLtr->iCurLtrIdx = ppLongRefList[i]->iLongTermPicNum;
for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM; ++i) {
if ((pCtx->uiTemporalId < i) || (pCtx->uiTemporalId == 0)) {
pLtr->iLastLtrIdx[i] = pLtr->iCurLtrIdx;
const int32_t iMaxLtrIdx = pCtx->pSvcParam->iNumRefFrame - STR_ROOM - 1;
const int32_t iSliceNum = GetCurrentSliceNum (pCtx->pCurDqLayer->pSliceEncCtx);
for (int32_t iSliceIdx = 0; iSliceIdx < iSliceNum; iSliceIdx++) {
SSliceHeaderExt* pSliceHdrExt = &pCtx->pCurDqLayer->sLayerInfo.pSliceInLayer[iSliceIdx].sSliceHeaderExt;
SSliceHeader* pSliceHdr = &pSliceHdrExt->sSliceHeader;
SRefPicMarking* pRefPicMark = &pSliceHdr->sRefMarking;
memset (pRefPicMark, 0, sizeof (SRefPicMarking));
if (pCtx->pSvcParam->bEnableLongTermReference) {
pRefPicMark->SMmcoRef[pRefPicMark->uiMmcoCount].iMaxLongTermFrameIdx = iMaxLtrIdx;
pRefPicMark->SMmcoRef[pRefPicMark->uiMmcoCount++].iMmcoType = MMCO_SET_MAX_LONG;
pRefPicMark->SMmcoRef[pRefPicMark->uiMmcoCount].iLongTermFrameIdx = pLtr->iCurLtrIdx;
pRefPicMark->SMmcoRef[pRefPicMark->uiMmcoCount++].iMmcoType = MMCO_LONG;
void WelsMarkPicScreen (void* pCtx)
void InitRefListMgrFunc(SWelsFuncPtrList* pFuncList,EUsageType eUsageType)
void InitRefListMgrFunc (SWelsFuncPtrList* pFuncList, EUsageType eUsageType) {
pFuncList->pBuildRefList = WelsBuildRefListScreen;
pFuncList->pMarkPic = WelsMarkPicScreen;
pFuncList->pUpdateRefList = WelsUpdateRefListScreen;
} else {
pFuncList->pBuildRefList = WelsBuildRefList;
pFuncList->pMarkPic = WelsMarkPic;
pFuncList->pUpdateRefList = WelsUpdateRefList;

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@ -1123,6 +1123,15 @@ ESceneChangeIdc CWelsPreProcess::DetectSceneChangeScreen (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, SPi
pVaaExt->iNumOfAvailableRef = 1;
return static_cast<ESceneChangeIdc> (iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc);
int32_t CWelsPreProcess::GetRefCandidateLtrIndex(int32_t iRefIdx)
const int32_t iTargetDid = m_pEncCtx->pSvcParam->iSpatialLayerNum - 1;
SVAAFrameInfoExt* pVaaExt = static_cast<SVAAFrameInfoExt*> (m_pEncCtx->pVaa);
SRefInfoParam* BestRefCandidateParam =&(pVaaExt->sVaaStrBestRefCandidate[iRefIdx]);
int32_t iLtrRefIdx = m_pSpatialPic[iTargetDid][BestRefCandidateParam->iSrcListIdx]->iLongTermPicNum;
return iLtrRefIdx;
void CWelsPreProcess::Padding (uint8_t* pSrcY, uint8_t* pSrcU, uint8_t* pSrcV, int32_t iStrideY, int32_t iStrideUV,
int32_t iActualWidth, int32_t iPaddingWidth, int32_t iActualHeight, int32_t iPaddingHeight) {
int32_t i;