Avoid duplicating code in the MotionEstimate test
All the tests of the line search (unoptimized and optimized) use the exact same copypasted structure. Instead factorize this into a test function which uses the provided function.
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ public:
m_pMvdCostTable=new uint16_t[52*m_uiMvdTableSize];
ASSERT_TRUE( NULL != m_pMvdCostTable );
void DoLineTest(PLineFullSearchFunc func, bool horizontal);
virtual void TearDown() {
delete [] m_pMvdCostTable;
pMa->WelsFree( m_pRefData, "RefPic");
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestDiamondSearch) {
TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch) {
void MotionEstimateTest::DoLineTest(PLineFullSearchFunc func, bool vertical) {
const int32_t kiMaxBlock16Sad = 72000;//a rough number
SWelsFuncPtrList sFuncList;
SWelsME sMe;
@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch) {
SMVUnitXY sTargetMv;
WelsInitSampleSadFunc( &sFuncList, 0 );//test c functions
WelsInitMeFunc(&sFuncList, WelsCPUFeatureDetect(NULL), 1);
uint8_t *pRefPicCenter = m_pRefData+(m_iHeight/2)*m_iWidth+(m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX = (m_iWidth/2);
@ -159,8 +161,13 @@ TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch) {
bool bFoundMatch = false;
int32_t iTryTimes=100;
sTargetMv.iMvX = 0;
sTargetMv.iMvY = -sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY + INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN + rand()%(m_iHeight - 16 - 2*INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN);
if (vertical) {
sTargetMv.iMvX = 0;
sTargetMv.iMvY = -sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY + INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN + rand()%(m_iHeight - 16 - 2*INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN);
} else {
sTargetMv.iMvX = -sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX + INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN + rand()%(m_iWidth - 16 - 2*INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN);
sTargetMv.iMvY = 0;
bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bFoundMatch = false;
while (!bFoundMatch && (iTryTimes--)>0) {
@ -183,16 +190,24 @@ TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch) {
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixY = ((iCurMeBlockPixY)<<2);
uint16_t* pMvdCostX = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixX - sMe.sMvp.iMvX; //do the offset here
uint16_t* pMvdCostY = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixY - sMe.sMvp.iMvY;
LineFullSearch_c ( &sFuncList, &sMe,
pMvdCostY, pMvdCostX[ iCurMeBlockQpelPixX ],
m_iMaxSearchBlock, m_iWidth,
m_iHeight-INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN-16, true );
uint16_t* pMvdCost = vertical ? pMvdCostY : pMvdCostX;
int iSize = vertical ? m_iHeight : m_iWidth;
int iFixedMvd = vertical ? pMvdCostX[ iCurMeBlockQpelPixX ] : pMvdCostY[ iCurMeBlockQpelPixY ];
func ( &sFuncList, &sMe,
pMvdCost, iFixedMvd,
m_iMaxSearchBlock, m_iWidth,
iSize-INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN-16, vertical );
//the last selection may be affected by MVDcost, that is when smaller MvY will be better
bFoundMatch = (sMe.sMv.iMvX==0
//printf("TestVerticalSearch Target: %d,%d\n", sTargetMv.iMvX, sTargetMv.iMvY);
if (vertical) {
bFoundMatch = (sMe.sMv.iMvX==0
} else {
bFoundMatch = (sMe.sMv.iMvY==0
//printf("DoLineTest Target: %d,%d\n", sTargetMv.iMvX, sTargetMv.iMvY);
if (bDataGeneratorSucceed) {
//if DataGenerator never succeed, there is no meaning to check iTryTimes
@ -200,199 +215,31 @@ TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch) {
//it is possible that ref at differnt position is identical, but that should be under a low probability
TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch) {
DoLineTest(LineFullSearch_c, true);
TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestHorizontalSearch) {
const int32_t kiMaxBlock16Sad = 72000;//a rough number
SWelsFuncPtrList sFuncList;
SWelsME sMe;
const uint8_t kuiQp = rand()%52;
InitMe(kuiQp, 648, m_uiMvdTableSize, m_pMvdCostTable, &sMe);
SMVUnitXY sTargetMv;
WelsInitSampleSadFunc( &sFuncList, 0 );//test c functions
uint8_t *pRefPicCenter = m_pRefData+(m_iHeight/2)*m_iWidth+(m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX = (m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY = (m_iHeight/2);
bool bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bool bFoundMatch = false;
int32_t iTryTimes=100;
sTargetMv.iMvX = -sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX + INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN + rand()%(m_iWidth - 16 - 2*INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN);
sTargetMv.iMvY = 0;
bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bFoundMatch = false;
while (!bFoundMatch && (iTryTimes--)>0) {
if (!YUVPixelDataGenerator( m_pRefData, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, m_iWidth ))
bDataGeneratorSucceed = true;
CopyTargetBlock( m_pSrcBlock, 16, sTargetMv, m_iWidth, pRefPicCenter);
//clean the sMe status
sMe.uiBlockSize = rand()%5;
sMe.pEncMb = m_pSrcBlock;
sMe.pRefMb = pRefPicCenter;
sMe.pColoRefMb = pRefPicCenter;
sMe.sMv.iMvX = sMe.sMv.iMvY = 0;
sMe.uiSadCost = sMe.uiSatdCost = kiMaxBlock16Sad;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockPixX = sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixX = ((iCurMeBlockPixX)<<2);
const int32_t iCurMeBlockPixY = sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixY = ((iCurMeBlockPixY)<<2);
uint16_t* pMvdCostX = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixX - sMe.sMvp.iMvX; //do the offset here
uint16_t* pMvdCostY = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixY - sMe.sMvp.iMvY;
LineFullSearch_c ( &sFuncList, &sMe,
pMvdCostX, pMvdCostY[ iCurMeBlockQpelPixY ],
m_iMaxSearchBlock, m_iWidth,
m_iWidth-INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN-16, false );
//the last selection may be affected by MVDcost, that is when smaller MvY will be better
bFoundMatch = (sMe.sMv.iMvY==0
//printf("TestHorizontalSearch Target: %d,%d\n", sTargetMv.iMvX, sTargetMv.iMvY);
if (bDataGeneratorSucceed) {
//if DataGenerator never succeed, there is no meaning to check iTryTimes
ASSERT_TRUE(iTryTimes > 0);
//it is possible that ref at differnt position is identical, but that should be under a low probability
DoLineTest(LineFullSearch_c, false);
#ifdef X86_ASM
TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestVerticalSearch_SSE41)
const int32_t kiMaxBlock16Sad = 72000;//a rough number
SWelsFuncPtrList sFuncList;
SWelsME sMe;
const uint8_t kuiQp = rand()%52;
InitMe(kuiQp, 648, m_uiMvdTableSize, m_pMvdCostTable, &sMe);
int32_t iTmp = 1;
uint32_t uiCPUFlags = WelsCPUFeatureDetect( &iTmp);
if ((uiCPUFlags & WELS_CPU_SSE41) == 0) return ;
SMVUnitXY sTargetMv;
WelsInitSampleSadFunc( &sFuncList, 0 );//test c functions
WelsInitMeFunc(&sFuncList, WELS_CPU_SSE41, 1);
uint8_t *pRefPicCenter = m_pRefData+(m_iHeight/2)*m_iWidth+(m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX = (m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY = (m_iHeight/2);
bool bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bool bFoundMatch = false;
int32_t iTryTimes=100;
sTargetMv.iMvX = 0;
sTargetMv.iMvY = -sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY + INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN + rand()%(m_iHeight - 16 - 2*INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN);
bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bFoundMatch = false;
while (!bFoundMatch && (iTryTimes--)>0) {
if (!YUVPixelDataGenerator( m_pRefData, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, m_iWidth ))
bDataGeneratorSucceed = true;
CopyTargetBlock( m_pSrcBlock, 16, sTargetMv, m_iWidth, pRefPicCenter);
//clean the sMe status
sMe.uiBlockSize = rand()%5;
sMe.pEncMb = m_pSrcBlock;
sMe.pRefMb = pRefPicCenter;
sMe.pColoRefMb = pRefPicCenter;
sMe.sMv.iMvX = sMe.sMv.iMvY = 0;
sMe.uiSadCost = sMe.uiSatdCost = kiMaxBlock16Sad;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockPixX = sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixX = ((iCurMeBlockPixX)<<2);
const int32_t iCurMeBlockPixY = sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixY = ((iCurMeBlockPixY)<<2);
uint16_t* pMvdCostX = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixX - sMe.sMvp.iMvX; //do the offset here
uint16_t* pMvdCostY = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixY - sMe.sMvp.iMvY;
VerticalFullSearchUsingSSE41 ( &sFuncList, &sMe,
pMvdCostY, pMvdCostX[ iCurMeBlockQpelPixX ],
m_iMaxSearchBlock, m_iWidth,
m_iHeight-INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN-16, true );
//the last selection may be affected by MVDcost, that is when smaller MvY will be better
bFoundMatch = (sMe.sMv.iMvX==0
//printf("TestVerticalSearch Target: %d,%d\n", sTargetMv.iMvX, sTargetMv.iMvY);
if (bDataGeneratorSucceed) {
//if DataGenerator never succeed, there is no meaning to check iTryTimes
ASSERT_TRUE(iTryTimes > 0);
//it is possible that ref at differnt position is identical, but that should be under a low probability
DoLineTest(VerticalFullSearchUsingSSE41, true);
TEST_F(MotionEstimateTest, TestHorizontalSearch_SSE41)
const int32_t kiMaxBlock16Sad = 72000;//a rough number
SWelsFuncPtrList sFuncList;
SWelsME sMe;
const uint8_t kuiQp = rand()%52;
InitMe(kuiQp, 648, m_uiMvdTableSize, m_pMvdCostTable, &sMe);
int32_t iTmp = 1;
uint32_t uiCPUFlags = WelsCPUFeatureDetect( &iTmp);
if ((uiCPUFlags & WELS_CPU_SSE41) == 0) return ;
SMVUnitXY sTargetMv;
WelsInitSampleSadFunc( &sFuncList, 0 );//test c functions
WelsInitMeFunc(&sFuncList, WELS_CPU_SSE41, 1);
uint8_t *pRefPicCenter = m_pRefData+(m_iHeight/2)*m_iWidth+(m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX = (m_iWidth/2);
sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY = (m_iHeight/2);
bool bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bool bFoundMatch = false;
int32_t iTryTimes=100;
sTargetMv.iMvX = -sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX + INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN + rand()%(m_iWidth - 16 - 2*INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN);
sTargetMv.iMvY = 0;
bDataGeneratorSucceed = false;
bFoundMatch = false;
while (!bFoundMatch && (iTryTimes--)>0) {
if (!YUVPixelDataGenerator( m_pRefData, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, m_iWidth ))
bDataGeneratorSucceed = true;
CopyTargetBlock( m_pSrcBlock, m_iMaxSearchBlock, sTargetMv, m_iWidth, pRefPicCenter );
//clean sMe status
sMe.uiBlockSize = rand()%5;
sMe.pEncMb = m_pSrcBlock;
sMe.pRefMb = pRefPicCenter;
sMe.pColoRefMb = pRefPicCenter;
sMe.sMv.iMvX = sMe.sMv.iMvY = 0;
sMe.uiSadCost = sMe.uiSatdCost = kiMaxBlock16Sad;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockPixX = sMe.iCurMeBlockPixX;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixX = ((iCurMeBlockPixX)<<2);
const int32_t iCurMeBlockPixY = sMe.iCurMeBlockPixY;
const int32_t iCurMeBlockQpelPixY = ((iCurMeBlockPixY)<<2);
uint16_t* pMvdCostX = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixX - sMe.sMvp.iMvX; //do the offset here
uint16_t* pMvdCostY = sMe.pMvdCost - iCurMeBlockQpelPixY - sMe.sMvp.iMvY;
HorizontalFullSearchUsingSSE41 ( &sFuncList, &sMe,
pMvdCostX, pMvdCostY[ iCurMeBlockQpelPixY ],
m_iMaxSearchBlock, m_iWidth,
m_iWidth-INTPEL_NEEDED_MARGIN-16, false );
//the last selection may be affected by MVDcost, that is when smaller MvY will be better
bFoundMatch = (sMe.sMv.iMvY==0
//printf("TestHorizontalSearch Target: %d,%d\n", sTargetMv.iMvX, sTargetMv.iMvY);
if (bDataGeneratorSucceed) {
//if DataGenerator never succeed, there is no meaning to check iTryTimes
ASSERT_TRUE(iTryTimes > 0);
//it is possible that ref at differnt position is identical, but that should be under a low probability
DoLineTest(HorizontalFullSearchUsingSSE41, false);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user