update build script for wp8 under multi-vc version

This commit is contained in:
Forrest Shi 2016-01-23 16:56:53 +08:00
parent 3174e2a220
commit 21402ca419

View File

@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ rem ****************************************************************************
rem usage:
rem AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat % Configuration %
rem --For debug version:
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-C
rem ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-ASM
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-C
rem ARM-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-ASM
rem --For release version:
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-C
rem ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-ASM
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-C
rem Win64-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-C
rem ARM-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-ASM
rem --For debug and release version:
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-C
rem ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-ASM
rem Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-C
rem Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-ASM
rem Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-C
rem Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-ASM
rem ARM-C-Only(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-C
rem ARM-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-ASM
rem --For default:
rem AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat
rem ARM-All-ASM
rem ARM-All-ASM(WP8)
rem --lib/dll files will be copied to folder .\bin
rem --win32 folder bin\i386*
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ rem --more detail, please refer to http://www.mingw.org/
rem 2015/03/15 huashi@cisco.com
rem *************************************************************************************************
set WP8Flag=0
call :BasicSetting
call :PathSetting
call :SetBuildOption %1
@ -107,11 +109,12 @@ goto :EOF
set VC12ArmLib02=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib\arm
set WP8KitLib=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Phone Kits\8.1\lib\arm
if exist "%VC9Path%" set VCPATH=%VC9Path%
if exist "%VC10Path%" set VCPATH=%VC10Path%
if exist "%VC11Path%" set VCPATH=%VC11Path%
if exist "%VC12Path%" set VCPATH=%VC12Path%
if exist "%VC14Path%" set VCPATH=%VC14Path%
if exist "%VC9Path%" set VCPATH=%VC9Path%
if exist "%VC10Path%" set VCPATH=%VC10Path%
if exist "%VC11Path%" set VCPATH=%VC11Path%
if exist "%VC12Path%" set VCPATH=%VC12Path%
if exist "%VC14Path%" set VCPATH=%VC14Path%
if %WP8Flag%==1 set VCPATH=%VC12Path%
set GasScriptPath=%VCPATH%\bin
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ goto :EOF
if "%vArcType%" =="i386" call "%VCPATH%\vcvarsall.bat" x86
if "%vArcType%" =="x86_64" call "%VCPATH%\vcvarsall.bat" x64
if "%vArcType%" =="arm" call "%VCPATH%\vcvarsall.bat" x86_arm
if "%vArcType%" =="arm" call :WPSetting
if %WP8Flag%==1 call :WPSetting
echo PATH is %PATH%
echo LIB is %LIB%
@ -131,6 +134,8 @@ goto :EOF
set LIB=%VC12ArmLib01%;%VC12ArmLib02%;%WP8KitLib%
echo LIB setting for wp8 is:
echo %LIB%
if not exist "%VC12Path%" (
echo VC12 does not exist,
echo ******************************************
@ -148,69 +153,73 @@ goto :EOF
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo default setting
set WP8Flag=1
echo default setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Debug-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win32-Debug-C setting
echo Win32-Debug-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Release-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win32-Release-C setting
echo Win32-Release-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Debug-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=No
echo All-C setting
echo All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Release-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win64-Release-C setting
echo Win64-Release-C setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Debug-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo ARM-Debug-C setting
set WP8Flag=1
echo ARM-Debug-C setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Release-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo ARM-Release-C setting
set WP8Flag=1
echo ARM-Release-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-All-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
echo Win32-All-C setting
echo Win32-All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-All-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=No
echo All-C setting
echo All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-All-C" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=No
set WP8Flag=1
echo ARM-All-C setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Debug-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
@ -218,63 +227,66 @@ goto :EOF
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win32-Debug-ASM setting
echo Win32-Debug-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-Release-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win32-Release-ASM setting
echo Win32-Release-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Debug-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo All-ASM setting
echo All-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-Release-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win64-Release-ASM setting
echo Win64-Release-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Debug-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo ARM-Debug-ASM setting
set WP8Flag=1
echo ARM-Debug-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-Release-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo ARM-Release-ASM setting
set WP8Flag=1
echo ARM-Release-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win32-All-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=i386
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo Win32-All-ASM setting
echo Win32-All-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="Win64-All-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=x86_64
set vOSType=msvc
set vEnable64BitFlag=Yes
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo All-ASM setting
echo All-ASM setting
) else if "%1"=="ARM-All-ASM" (
set aConfigurationList=Debug Release
set vArcType=arm
set vOSType=msvc-wp
set vEnable64BitFlag=No
set vASMFlag=Yes
echo ARM-All-ASM setting
set WP8Flag=1
echo ARM-All-ASM setting
) else (
call :help
goto :ErrorReturn
@ -341,29 +353,29 @@ rem ***********************************************
echo usage:
echo AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat % Configuration %
echo --For debug version:
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-C
echo ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-ASM
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Debug-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Debug-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-C
echo ARM-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Debug-ASM
echo --For release version:
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-C
echo ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-ASM
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-Release-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-Release-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-C
echo ARM-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-Release-ASM
echo --For debug and release version:
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-C
echo ARM-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-ASM
echo Win32-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-C
echo Win32-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win32-All-ASM
echo Win64-C-Only: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-C
echo Win64-ASM: AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat Win64-All-ASM
echo ARM-C-Only(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-C
echo ARM-ASM(WP8): AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat ARM-All-ASM
echo --For default:
echo AutoBuildForWPAndWindows.bat
echo ARM-All-ASM
echo ARM-All-ASM(WP8)
echo *******************************************************************************
goto :EOF