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2015-04-17 14:10:12 +08:00
// Codec_UT_RTComponent.cpp
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Codec_UT_RTComponent.h"
using namespace Codec_UT_RTComponent;
using namespace Platform;
using namespace Windows;
using namespace Windows::Storage;
typedef int (*pfTestAllCases) (int argc, char** argv);
CodecUTTest::CodecUTTest() {
int CodecUTTest::TestAllCases() {
int argc = 2;
int iRet = 0;
char* argv[6];
HMODULE phTestCasesDllHandler = NULL;
pfTestAllCases pUTHandler = NULL;
LPCWSTR cTestCasesDllDLLName = L"ut.dll";
// output xml file location
char OutputPath[256] = { 0 };
Windows::Storage::StorageFolder^ OutputLocation;
Platform::String^ OutputLocationPath;
OutputLocation = ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder;
OutputLocationPath = Platform::String::Concat (OutputLocation->Path, "\\Shared\\");
const wchar_t* pWcharOutputFile = OutputLocationPath->Data();
int size = wcslen (pWcharOutputFile);
OutputPath[size] = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) {
OutputPath[y] = (char)pWcharOutputFile[y];
// load dynamic library
phTestCasesDllHandler = LoadPackagedLibrary (cTestCasesDllDLLName, 0);
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
if (NULL == phTestCasesDllHandler) {
std::cout << "failed to load dll,error code is : " << dw << std::endl;
return 1;
pUTHandler = (pfTestAllCases)GetProcAddress (phTestCasesDllHandler, "CodecUtMain");
if (NULL == pUTHandler) {
std::cout << "failed to load function" << std::endl;
return 2;
// test all cases
argv[0] = "CodecUTAPP";
argv[1] = OutputPath;
argc = 2;
iRet = pUTHandler(argc, argv);
return iRet;