Added support for "video signal type present" information.
The "Video signal type present" information is written to the output
video file when it is created, and later is used by the decoder to
properly decode the compressed video data. The saved attributes
- format type (PAL, NTSC, etc.)
- color primaries (BT709, SMPTE170M, etc.)
- transfer characteristics (BT709, SMPTE170M, etc.)
- color matrix ((BT709, SMPTE170M, etc.)
These modifications allow the client to specify these attributes
and, if specified, makes sure they are written to the output file.
2016-02-23 13:21:06 -05:00
# Contributors to the OpenH264 project
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
Patrick Ai
Sijia Chen
ZhaoZheng Chu
Paley Du
2013-12-27 08:16:48 -08:00
Martin Ettl
2013-12-13 12:52:52 -08:00
Andreas Gal
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
Xu Guang
Licai Guo
Yi Guo
Horace Huang
Steven Huang
2013-12-12 22:20:41 -08:00
Ethan Hugg
Cullen Jennings
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
Zhaofeng Jia
2013-12-11 09:27:59 +08:00
Derrick Jin
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
Jesse Li
Jifei Li
Kai Li
Karina Li
Matt Li
Xiang Li
Bourne Ling
Alex Liu
Wayne Liu
2013-12-27 08:16:48 -08:00
Varun Patil
2013-12-12 22:20:41 -08:00
Eric Rescorla
2013-12-13 12:52:52 -08:00
Adam Roach
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
Sawyer Shan
Siping Tao
2013-12-13 12:52:52 -08:00
Martin Storsjö
2015-07-02 12:24:32 -07:00
Brion Vibber
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
James Wang
Juanny Wang
Zhiliang Wang
2013-12-27 08:16:48 -08:00
Hervé Willems
Added support for "video signal type present" information.
The "Video signal type present" information is written to the output
video file when it is created, and later is used by the decoder to
properly decode the compressed video data. The saved attributes
- format type (PAL, NTSC, etc.)
- color primaries (BT709, SMPTE170M, etc.)
- transfer characteristics (BT709, SMPTE170M, etc.)
- color matrix ((BT709, SMPTE170M, etc.)
These modifications allow the client to specify these attributes
and, if specified, makes sure they are written to the output file.
2016-02-23 13:21:06 -05:00
Gregory J Wolfe
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00
Katherine Wu
Guang Xu
Jeffery Xu
Gang Yang
Li Yao
Jiessie Zhang
Rory Zhang
Volvet Zhang
Ling Zhu
James Zhu
2014-08-20 23:50:52 -07:00
Dong Zhang
Haibo Zhu
Huade Shi
2013-12-09 04:47:33 -08:00