PR #2968: cce2d99 8578f9c Fixed bug which caused crash of GPU version of feature matcher in stitcher The bug caused crash of GPU version of feature matcher in stitcher when we use ORB features. PR #3236: 5947519 Check sure that we're not already below required leaf false alarm rate before continuing to get negative samples. PR #3190 fix blobdetector PR #3562 (part): 82bd82e TBB updated to 4.3u2. Fix for aarch64 support. PR #3604 (part): 091c7a3 OpenGL interop sample reworked not ot use cvconfig.h PR #3792: afdf319 Add -L for CUDA libs path to pkg-config Add all dirs from CUDA_LIBS_PATH as -L linker options to OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS. These will end up in opencv.pc. PR #3893: 122b9f8 Turn ocv_convert_to_lib_name into a function PR #5490: ec5244a fixed memory leak in findHomography tests PR #5491: 0d5b739 delete video readers PR #5574 PR #5202
441 lines
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441 lines
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#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videoio.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
static const char* AVI_EXT = ".avi";
static const char* MP4_EXT = ".mp4";
class CV_FFmpegWriteBigVideoTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
struct TestFormatEntry {
int tag;
const char* ext;
bool required;
static long int getFileSize(string filename)
FILE *p_file = NULL;
p_file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
if (p_file == NULL)
return -1;
fseek(p_file, 0, SEEK_END);
long int size = ftell(p_file);
return size;
void run(int)
const int img_r = 4096;
const int img_c = 4096;
const double fps0 = 15;
const double time_sec = 1;
const TestFormatEntry entries[] = {
{0, AVI_EXT, true},
//{VideoWriter::fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', '3'), AVI_EXT, true},
//{VideoWriter::fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('D', 'X', '5', '0'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('F', 'L', 'V', '1'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('H', '2', '6', '1'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('H', '2', '6', '3'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('I', '4', '2', '0'), AVI_EXT, true},
//{VideoWriter::fourcc('j', 'p', 'e', 'g'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'P', 'E', 'G'), AVI_EXT, true},
//{VideoWriter::fourcc('W', 'M', 'V', '1'), AVI_EXT, true},
//{VideoWriter::fourcc('W', 'M', 'V', '2'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), AVI_EXT, true},
//{VideoWriter::fourcc('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2'), AVI_EXT, true},
{VideoWriter::fourcc('H', '2', '6', '4'), MP4_EXT, false}
const size_t n = sizeof(entries)/sizeof(entries[0]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
int tag = entries[j].tag;
const char* ext = entries[j].ext;
string s = cv::format("%08x%s", tag, ext);
const string filename = tempfile(s.c_str());
double fps = fps0;
Size frame_s = Size(img_c, img_r);
if( tag == VideoWriter::fourcc('H', '2', '6', '1') )
frame_s = Size(352, 288);
else if( tag == VideoWriter::fourcc('H', '2', '6', '3') )
frame_s = Size(704, 576);
/*else if( tag == CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G') ||
tag == CV_FOURCC('j', 'p', 'e', 'g') )
frame_s = Size(1920, 1080);*/
if( tag == VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'P', 'E', 'G') )
frame_s = Size(720, 576);
fps = 25;
VideoWriter writer(filename, tag, fps, frame_s);
if (writer.isOpened() == false)
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nFile name: %s\n", filename.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Codec id: %d Codec tag: %c%c%c%c\n", (int)j,
tag & 255, (tag >> 8) & 255, (tag >> 16) & 255, (tag >> 24) & 255);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create video file.");
if (entries[j].required)
Mat img(frame_s, CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(0));
const int coeff = cvRound(min(frame_s.width, frame_s.height)/(fps0 * time_sec));
for (int i = 0 ; i < static_cast<int>(fps * time_sec); i++ )
//circle(img, Point2i(img_c / 2, img_r / 2), min(img_r, img_c) / 2 * (i + 1), Scalar(255, 0, 0, 0), 2);
rectangle(img, Point2i(coeff * i, coeff * i), Point2i(coeff * (i + 1), coeff * (i + 1)),
Scalar::all(255 * (1.0 - static_cast<double>(i) / (fps * time_sec * 2) )), -1);
writer << img;
long int sz = getFileSize(filename);
if (sz < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: File name: %s was not created\n", filename.c_str());
if (entries[j].required)
if (sz < 8192)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: File name: %s is very small (data write problems?)\n", filename.c_str());
if (entries[j].required)
TEST(Videoio_Video, ffmpeg_writebig) { CV_FFmpegWriteBigVideoTest test; test.safe_run(); }
class CV_FFmpegReadImageTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
void run(int)
string filename = ts->get_data_path() + "readwrite/ordinary.bmp";
VideoCapture cap(filename);
Mat img0 = imread(filename, 1);
Mat img, img_next;
cap >> img;
cap >> img_next;
CV_Assert( !img0.empty() && !img.empty() && img_next.empty() );
double diff = cvtest::norm(img0, img, CV_C);
CV_Assert( diff == 0 );
TEST(Videoio_Video, ffmpeg_image) { CV_FFmpegReadImageTest test; test.safe_run(); }
#if defined(HAVE_FFMPEG)
//////////////////////////////// Parallel VideoWriters and VideoCaptures ////////////////////////////////////
class CreateVideoWriterInvoker :
public ParallelLoopBody
const static Size FrameSize;
static std::string TmpDirectory;
CreateVideoWriterInvoker(std::vector<VideoWriter*>& _writers, std::vector<std::string>& _files) :
ParallelLoopBody(), writers(&_writers), files(&_files)
virtual void operator() (const Range& range) const
for (int i = range.start; i != range.end; ++i)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << i << ".avi";
std::string fileName = tempfile(stream.str().c_str());
files->operator[](i) = fileName;
writers->operator[](i) = new VideoWriter(fileName, VideoWriter::fourcc('X','V','I','D'), 25.0f, FrameSize);
std::vector<VideoWriter*>* writers;
std::vector<std::string>* files;
std::string CreateVideoWriterInvoker::TmpDirectory;
const Size CreateVideoWriterInvoker::FrameSize(1020, 900);
class WriteVideo_Invoker :
public ParallelLoopBody
enum { FrameCount = 300 };
static const Scalar ObjectColor;
static const Point Center;
WriteVideo_Invoker(const std::vector<VideoWriter*>& _writers) :
ParallelLoopBody(), writers(&_writers)
static void GenerateFrame(Mat& frame, unsigned int i)
frame = Scalar::all(i % 255);
std::string text = to_string(i);
putText(frame, text, Point(50, Center.y), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 5.0, ObjectColor, 5, CV_AA);
circle(frame, Center, i + 2, ObjectColor, 2, CV_AA);
virtual void operator() (const Range& range) const
for (int j = range.start; j < range.end; ++j)
VideoWriter* writer = writers->operator[](j);
CV_Assert(writer != NULL);
Mat frame(CreateVideoWriterInvoker::FrameSize, CV_8UC3);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FrameCount; ++i)
GenerateFrame(frame, i);
writer->operator<< (frame);
static std::string to_string(unsigned int i)
std::stringstream stream(std::ios::out);
stream << "frame #" << i;
return stream.str();
const std::vector<VideoWriter*>* writers;
const Scalar WriteVideo_Invoker::ObjectColor(Scalar::all(0));
const Point WriteVideo_Invoker::Center(CreateVideoWriterInvoker::FrameSize.height / 2,
CreateVideoWriterInvoker::FrameSize.width / 2);
class CreateVideoCaptureInvoker :
public ParallelLoopBody
CreateVideoCaptureInvoker(std::vector<VideoCapture*>& _readers, const std::vector<std::string>& _files) :
ParallelLoopBody(), readers(&_readers), files(&_files)
virtual void operator() (const Range& range) const
for (int i = range.start; i != range.end; ++i)
readers->operator[](i) = new VideoCapture(files->operator[](i));
std::vector<VideoCapture*>* readers;
const std::vector<std::string>* files;
class ReadImageAndTest :
public ParallelLoopBody
ReadImageAndTest(const std::vector<VideoCapture*>& _readers, cvtest::TS* _ts) :
ParallelLoopBody(), readers(&_readers), ts(_ts)
virtual void operator() (const Range& range) const
for (int j = range.start; j < range.end; ++j)
VideoCapture* capture = readers->operator[](j);
CV_Assert(capture != NULL);
const static double eps = 23.0;
unsigned int frameCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(capture->get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT));
CV_Assert(frameCount == WriteVideo_Invoker::FrameCount);
Mat reference(CreateVideoWriterInvoker::FrameSize, CV_8UC3);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frameCount && next; ++i)
Mat actual;
(*capture) >> actual;
WriteVideo_Invoker::GenerateFrame(reference, i);
EXPECT_EQ(reference.cols, actual.cols);
EXPECT_EQ(reference.rows, actual.rows);
EXPECT_EQ(reference.depth(), actual.depth());
EXPECT_EQ(reference.channels(), actual.channels());
double psnr = cvtest::PSNR(actual, reference);
if (psnr < eps)
#define SUM cvtest::TS::SUMMARY
ts->printf(SUM, "\nPSNR: %lf\n", psnr);
ts->printf(SUM, "Video #: %d\n", range.start);
ts->printf(SUM, "Frame #: %d\n", i);
#undef SUM
Mat diff;
absdiff(actual, reference, diff);
EXPECT_EQ(countNonZero(diff.reshape(1) > 1), 0);
next = false;
static bool next;
const std::vector<VideoCapture*>* readers;
cvtest::TS* ts;
bool ReadImageAndTest::next;
TEST(Videoio_Video_parallel_writers_and_readers, accuracy)
const unsigned int threadsCount = 4;
cvtest::TS* ts = cvtest::TS::ptr();
// creating VideoWriters
std::vector<VideoWriter*> writers(threadsCount);
Range range(0, threadsCount);
std::vector<std::string> files(threadsCount);
CreateVideoWriterInvoker invoker1(writers, files);
parallel_for_(range, invoker1);
// write a video
parallel_for_(range, WriteVideo_Invoker(writers));
// deleting the writers
for (std::vector<VideoWriter*>::iterator i = writers.begin(), end = writers.end(); i != end; ++i)
delete *i;
std::vector<VideoCapture*> readers(threadsCount);
CreateVideoCaptureInvoker invoker2(readers, files);
parallel_for_(range, invoker2);
ReadImageAndTest::next = true;
parallel_for_(range, ReadImageAndTest(readers, ts));
// deleting tmp video files
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = files.begin(), end = files.end(); i != end; ++i)
int code = remove(i->c_str());
if (code == 1)
std::cerr << "Couldn't delete " << *i << std::endl;
// delete the readers
for (std::vector<VideoCapture *>::iterator i = readers.begin(), end = readers.end(); i != end; ++i)
delete *i;