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304 lines
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// By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
// If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
// copy or use the software.
// License Agreement
// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
// Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
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// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
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#if !defined CUDA_DISABLER
#include "lbp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/cuda/vec_traits.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/cuda/saturate_cast.hpp"
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace cudev
namespace lbp
struct LBP
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ LBP() {}
__device__ __forceinline__ int operator() (const int* integral, int ty, int fh, int fw, int& shift) const
int anchors[9];
anchors[0] = integral[ty];
anchors[1] = integral[ty + fw];
anchors[0] -= anchors[1];
anchors[2] = integral[ty + fw * 2];
anchors[1] -= anchors[2];
anchors[2] -= integral[ty + fw * 3];
ty += fh;
anchors[3] = integral[ty];
anchors[4] = integral[ty + fw];
anchors[3] -= anchors[4];
anchors[5] = integral[ty + fw * 2];
anchors[4] -= anchors[5];
anchors[5] -= integral[ty + fw * 3];
anchors[0] -= anchors[3];
anchors[1] -= anchors[4];
anchors[2] -= anchors[5];
// 0 - 2 contains s0 - s2
ty += fh;
anchors[6] = integral[ty];
anchors[7] = integral[ty + fw];
anchors[6] -= anchors[7];
anchors[8] = integral[ty + fw * 2];
anchors[7] -= anchors[8];
anchors[8] -= integral[ty + fw * 3];
anchors[3] -= anchors[6];
anchors[4] -= anchors[7];
anchors[5] -= anchors[8];
// 3 - 5 contains s3 - s5
anchors[0] -= anchors[4];
anchors[1] -= anchors[4];
anchors[2] -= anchors[4];
anchors[3] -= anchors[4];
anchors[5] -= anchors[4];
int response = (~(anchors[0] >> 31)) & 4;
response |= (~(anchors[1] >> 31)) & 2;;
response |= (~(anchors[2] >> 31)) & 1;
shift = (~(anchors[5] >> 31)) & 16;
shift |= (~(anchors[3] >> 31)) & 1;
ty += fh;
anchors[0] = integral[ty];
anchors[1] = integral[ty + fw];
anchors[0] -= anchors[1];
anchors[2] = integral[ty + fw * 2];
anchors[1] -= anchors[2];
anchors[2] -= integral[ty + fw * 3];
anchors[6] -= anchors[0];
anchors[7] -= anchors[1];
anchors[8] -= anchors[2];
// 0 -2 contains s6 - s8
anchors[6] -= anchors[4];
anchors[7] -= anchors[4];
anchors[8] -= anchors[4];
shift |= (~(anchors[6] >> 31)) & 2;
shift |= (~(anchors[7] >> 31)) & 4;
shift |= (~(anchors[8] >> 31)) & 8;
return response;
template<typename Pr>
__global__ void disjoin(int4* candidates, int4* objects, unsigned int n, int groupThreshold, float grouping_eps, unsigned int* nclasses)
unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
extern __shared__ int sbuff[];
int* labels = sbuff;
int* rrects = sbuff + n;
Pr predicate(grouping_eps);
partition(candidates, n, labels, predicate);
rrects[tid * 4 + 0] = 0;
rrects[tid * 4 + 1] = 0;
rrects[tid * 4 + 2] = 0;
rrects[tid * 4 + 3] = 0;
int cls = labels[tid];
Emulation::smem::atomicAdd((rrects + cls * 4 + 0), candidates[tid].x);
Emulation::smem::atomicAdd((rrects + cls * 4 + 1), candidates[tid].y);
Emulation::smem::atomicAdd((rrects + cls * 4 + 2), candidates[tid].z);
Emulation::smem::atomicAdd((rrects + cls * 4 + 3), candidates[tid].w);
labels[tid] = 0;
Emulation::smem::atomicInc((unsigned int*)labels + cls, n);
*nclasses = 0;
int active = labels[tid];
if (active)
int* r1 = rrects + tid * 4;
float s = 1.f / active;
r1[0] = saturate_cast<int>(r1[0] * s);
r1[1] = saturate_cast<int>(r1[1] * s);
r1[2] = saturate_cast<int>(r1[2] * s);
r1[3] = saturate_cast<int>(r1[3] * s);
if (active && active >= groupThreshold)
int* r1 = rrects + tid * 4;
int4 r_out = make_int4(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], r1[3]);
int aidx = Emulation::smem::atomicInc(nclasses, n);
objects[aidx] = r_out;
void connectedConmonents(PtrStepSz<int4> candidates, int ncandidates, PtrStepSz<int4> objects, int groupThreshold, float grouping_eps, unsigned int* nclasses)
if (!ncandidates) return;
int block = ncandidates;
int smem = block * ( sizeof(int) + sizeof(int4) );
disjoin<InSameComponint><<<1, block, smem>>>(candidates, objects, ncandidates, groupThreshold, grouping_eps, nclasses);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
struct Cascade
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ Cascade(const Stage* _stages, int _nstages, const ClNode* _nodes, const float* _leaves,
const int* _subsets, const uchar4* _features, int _subsetSize)
: stages(_stages), nstages(_nstages), nodes(_nodes), leaves(_leaves), subsets(_subsets), features(_features), subsetSize(_subsetSize){}
__device__ __forceinline__ bool operator() (int y, int x, int* integral, const int pitch) const
int current_node = 0;
int current_leave = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < nstages; ++s)
float sum = 0;
Stage stage = stages[s];
for (int t = 0; t < stage.ntrees; t++)
ClNode node = nodes[current_node];
uchar4 feature = features[node.featureIdx];
int shift;
int c = evaluator(integral, (y + feature.y) * pitch + x + feature.x, feature.w * pitch, feature.z, shift);
int idx = (subsets[ current_node * subsetSize + c] & ( 1 << shift)) ? current_leave : current_leave + 1;
sum += leaves[idx];
current_node += 1;
current_leave += 2;
if (sum < stage.threshold)
return false;
return true;
const Stage* stages;
const int nstages;
const ClNode* nodes;
const float* leaves;
const int* subsets;
const uchar4* features;
const int subsetSize;
const LBP evaluator;
// stepShift, scale, width_k, sum_prev => y = sum_prev + tid_k / width_k, x = tid_k - tid_k / width_k
__global__ void lbp_cascade(const Cascade cascade, int frameW, int frameH, int windowW, int windowH, float scale, const float factor,
const int total, int* integral, const int pitch, PtrStepSz<int4> objects, unsigned int* classified)
int ftid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (ftid >= total) return;
int step = (scale <= 2.f);
int windowsForLine = (__float2int_rn( __fdividef(frameW, scale)) - windowW) >> step;
int stotal = windowsForLine * ( (__float2int_rn( __fdividef(frameH, scale)) - windowH) >> step);
int wshift = 0;
int scaleTid = ftid;
while (scaleTid >= stotal)
scaleTid -= stotal;
wshift += __float2int_rn(__fdividef(frameW, scale)) + 1;
scale *= factor;
step = (scale <= 2.f);
windowsForLine = ( ((__float2int_rn(__fdividef(frameW, scale)) - windowW) >> step));
stotal = windowsForLine * ( (__float2int_rn(__fdividef(frameH, scale)) - windowH) >> step);
int y = __fdividef(scaleTid, windowsForLine);
int x = scaleTid - y * windowsForLine;
x <<= step;
y <<= step;
if (cascade(y, x + wshift, integral, pitch))
if(x >= __float2int_rn(__fdividef(frameW, scale)) - windowW) return;
int4 rect;
rect.x = __float2int_rn(x * scale);
rect.y = __float2int_rn(y * scale);
rect.z = __float2int_rn(windowW * scale);
rect.w = __float2int_rn(windowH * scale);
int res = atomicInc(classified, (unsigned int)objects.cols);
objects(0, res) = rect;
void classifyPyramid(int frameW, int frameH, int windowW, int windowH, float initialScale, float factor, int workAmount,
const PtrStepSzb& mstages, const int nstages, const PtrStepSzi& mnodes, const PtrStepSzf& mleaves, const PtrStepSzi& msubsets, const PtrStepSzb& mfeatures,
const int subsetSize, PtrStepSz<int4> objects, unsigned int* classified, PtrStepSzi integral)
const int block = 128;
int grid = divUp(workAmount, block);
cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(lbp_cascade, cudaFuncCachePreferL1);
Cascade cascade((Stage*)mstages.ptr(), nstages, (ClNode*)mnodes.ptr(), mleaves.ptr(), msubsets.ptr(), (uchar4*)mfeatures.ptr(), subsetSize);
lbp_cascade<<<grid, block>>>(cascade, frameW, frameH, windowW, windowH, initialScale, factor, workAmount, integral.ptr(), (int)integral.step / sizeof(int), objects, classified);
#endif /* CUDA_DISABLER */