42 lines
1.6 KiB

function buildInformation()
%CV.BUILDINFORMATION display OpenCV Toolbox build information
% Call CV.BUILDINFORMATION() to get a printout of diagonstic information
% pertaining to your particular build of the OpenCV Toolbox. If you ever
% run into issues with the Toolbox, it is useful to submit this
% information alongside a bug report to the OpenCV team.
% Copyright {{ time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime()) }} The OpenCV Foundation
info = {
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------'
' <strong>OpenCV Toolbox</strong>'
' Build and diagnostic information'
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------'
' <strong>Platform</strong>'
' OS: {{ build.os }}'
' Architecture: {{ build.arch[0] }}-bit {{ build.arch[1] }}'
' Compiler: {{ build.compiler | csv(' ') }}'
' <strong>Matlab</strong>'
[' Version: ' version()]
[' Mex extension: ' mexext()]
' Architecture: {{ build.mex_arch }}'
' Mex path: {{ build.mex_script }}'
' Mex flags: {{ build.mex_opts | csv(' ') }}'
' CXX flags: {{ build.cxx_flags | csv(' ') | stripExtraSpaces | wordwrap(60, True, '\'\n\' ') }}'
' <strong>OpenCV</strong>'
' Version: {{ build.opencv_version }}'
' Commit: {{ build.commit }}'
' Configuration: {{ build.configuration }}'
' Modules: {{ build.modules | csv | wordwrap(60, True, '\'\n\' ') }}'
info = cellfun(@(x) [x '\n'], info, 'UniformOutput', false);
info = horzcat(info{:});