2013-09-05 18:26:43 +04:00

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This is a variation of
"Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information"
by Heiko Hirschmuller.
We match blocks rather than individual pixels, thus the algorithm is called
SGBM (Semi-global block matching)
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <limits.h>
namespace cv
typedef uchar PixType;
typedef short CostType;
typedef short DispType;
enum { NR = 16, NR2 = NR/2 };
struct StereoSGBMParams
minDisparity = numDisparities = 0;
SADWindowSize = 0;
P1 = P2 = 0;
disp12MaxDiff = 0;
preFilterCap = 0;
uniquenessRatio = 0;
speckleWindowSize = 0;
speckleRange = 0;
mode = StereoSGBM::MODE_SGBM;
StereoSGBMParams( int _minDisparity, int _numDisparities, int _SADWindowSize,
int _P1, int _P2, int _disp12MaxDiff, int _preFilterCap,
int _uniquenessRatio, int _speckleWindowSize, int _speckleRange,
int _mode )
minDisparity = _minDisparity;
numDisparities = _numDisparities;
SADWindowSize = _SADWindowSize;
P1 = _P1;
P2 = _P2;
disp12MaxDiff = _disp12MaxDiff;
preFilterCap = _preFilterCap;
uniquenessRatio = _uniquenessRatio;
speckleWindowSize = _speckleWindowSize;
speckleRange = _speckleRange;
mode = _mode;
int minDisparity;
int numDisparities;
int SADWindowSize;
int preFilterCap;
int uniquenessRatio;
int P1;
int P2;
int speckleWindowSize;
int speckleRange;
int disp12MaxDiff;
int mode;
For each pixel row1[x], max(-maxD, 0) <= minX <= x < maxX <= width - max(0, -minD),
and for each disparity minD<=d<maxD the function
computes the cost (cost[(x-minX)*(maxD - minD) + (d - minD)]), depending on the difference between
row1[x] and row2[x-d]. The subpixel algorithm from
"Depth Discontinuities by Pixel-to-Pixel Stereo" by Stan Birchfield and C. Tomasi
is used, hence the suffix BT.
the temporary buffer should contain width2*2 elements
static void calcPixelCostBT( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, int y,
int minD, int maxD, CostType* cost,
PixType* buffer, const PixType* tab,
int tabOfs, int )
int x, c, width = img1.cols, cn = img1.channels();
int minX1 = std::max(maxD, 0), maxX1 = width + std::min(minD, 0);
int minX2 = std::max(minX1 - maxD, 0), maxX2 = std::min(maxX1 - minD, width);
int D = maxD - minD, width1 = maxX1 - minX1, width2 = maxX2 - minX2;
const PixType *row1 = img1.ptr<PixType>(y), *row2 = img2.ptr<PixType>(y);
PixType *prow1 = buffer + width2*2, *prow2 = prow1 + width*cn*2;
tab += tabOfs;
for( c = 0; c < cn*2; c++ )
prow1[width*c] = prow1[width*c + width-1] =
prow2[width*c] = prow2[width*c + width-1] = tab[0];
int n1 = y > 0 ? -(int)img1.step : 0, s1 = y < img1.rows-1 ? (int)img1.step : 0;
int n2 = y > 0 ? -(int)img2.step : 0, s2 = y < img2.rows-1 ? (int)img2.step : 0;
if( cn == 1 )
for( x = 1; x < width-1; x++ )
prow1[x] = tab[(row1[x+1] - row1[x-1])*2 + row1[x+n1+1] - row1[x+n1-1] + row1[x+s1+1] - row1[x+s1-1]];
prow2[width-1-x] = tab[(row2[x+1] - row2[x-1])*2 + row2[x+n2+1] - row2[x+n2-1] + row2[x+s2+1] - row2[x+s2-1]];
prow1[x+width] = row1[x];
prow2[width-1-x+width] = row2[x];
for( x = 1; x < width-1; x++ )
prow1[x] = tab[(row1[x*3+3] - row1[x*3-3])*2 + row1[x*3+n1+3] - row1[x*3+n1-3] + row1[x*3+s1+3] - row1[x*3+s1-3]];
prow1[x+width] = tab[(row1[x*3+4] - row1[x*3-2])*2 + row1[x*3+n1+4] - row1[x*3+n1-2] + row1[x*3+s1+4] - row1[x*3+s1-2]];
prow1[x+width*2] = tab[(row1[x*3+5] - row1[x*3-1])*2 + row1[x*3+n1+5] - row1[x*3+n1-1] + row1[x*3+s1+5] - row1[x*3+s1-1]];
prow2[width-1-x] = tab[(row2[x*3+3] - row2[x*3-3])*2 + row2[x*3+n2+3] - row2[x*3+n2-3] + row2[x*3+s2+3] - row2[x*3+s2-3]];
prow2[width-1-x+width] = tab[(row2[x*3+4] - row2[x*3-2])*2 + row2[x*3+n2+4] - row2[x*3+n2-2] + row2[x*3+s2+4] - row2[x*3+s2-2]];
prow2[width-1-x+width*2] = tab[(row2[x*3+5] - row2[x*3-1])*2 + row2[x*3+n2+5] - row2[x*3+n2-1] + row2[x*3+s2+5] - row2[x*3+s2-1]];
prow1[x+width*3] = row1[x*3];
prow1[x+width*4] = row1[x*3+1];
prow1[x+width*5] = row1[x*3+2];
prow2[width-1-x+width*3] = row2[x*3];
prow2[width-1-x+width*4] = row2[x*3+1];
prow2[width-1-x+width*5] = row2[x*3+2];
memset( cost, 0, width1*D*sizeof(cost[0]) );
buffer -= minX2;
cost -= minX1*D + minD; // simplify the cost indices inside the loop
#if CV_SSE2
volatile bool useSIMD = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
#if 1
for( c = 0; c < cn*2; c++, prow1 += width, prow2 += width )
int diff_scale = c < cn ? 0 : 2;
// precompute
// v0 = min(row2[x-1/2], row2[x], row2[x+1/2]) and
// v1 = max(row2[x-1/2], row2[x], row2[x+1/2]) and
for( x = minX2; x < maxX2; x++ )
int v = prow2[x];
int vl = x > 0 ? (v + prow2[x-1])/2 : v;
int vr = x < width-1 ? (v + prow2[x+1])/2 : v;
int v0 = std::min(vl, vr); v0 = std::min(v0, v);
int v1 = std::max(vl, vr); v1 = std::max(v1, v);
buffer[x] = (PixType)v0;
buffer[x + width2] = (PixType)v1;
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
int u = prow1[x];
int ul = x > 0 ? (u + prow1[x-1])/2 : u;
int ur = x < width-1 ? (u + prow1[x+1])/2 : u;
int u0 = std::min(ul, ur); u0 = std::min(u0, u);
int u1 = std::max(ul, ur); u1 = std::max(u1, u);
#if CV_SSE2
if( useSIMD )
__m128i _u = _mm_set1_epi8((char)u), _u0 = _mm_set1_epi8((char)u0);
__m128i _u1 = _mm_set1_epi8((char)u1), z = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i ds = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(diff_scale);
for( int d = minD; d < maxD; d += 16 )
__m128i _v = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(prow2 + width-x-1 + d));
__m128i _v0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(buffer + width-x-1 + d));
__m128i _v1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(buffer + width-x-1 + d + width2));
__m128i c0 = _mm_max_epu8(_mm_subs_epu8(_u, _v1), _mm_subs_epu8(_v0, _u));
__m128i c1 = _mm_max_epu8(_mm_subs_epu8(_v, _u1), _mm_subs_epu8(_u0, _v));
__m128i diff = _mm_min_epu8(c0, c1);
c0 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d));
c1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d + 8));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d), _mm_adds_epi16(c0, _mm_srl_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(diff,z), ds)));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d + 8), _mm_adds_epi16(c1, _mm_srl_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi8(diff,z), ds)));
for( int d = minD; d < maxD; d++ )
int v = prow2[width-x-1 + d];
int v0 = buffer[width-x-1 + d];
int v1 = buffer[width-x-1 + d + width2];
int c0 = std::max(0, u - v1); c0 = std::max(c0, v0 - u);
int c1 = std::max(0, v - u1); c1 = std::max(c1, u0 - v);
cost[x*D + d] = (CostType)(cost[x*D+d] + (std::min(c0, c1) >> diff_scale));
for( c = 0; c < cn*2; c++, prow1 += width, prow2 += width )
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
int u = prow1[x];
#if CV_SSE2
if( useSIMD )
__m128i _u = _mm_set1_epi8(u), z = _mm_setzero_si128();
for( int d = minD; d < maxD; d += 16 )
__m128i _v = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(prow2 + width-1-x + d));
__m128i diff = _mm_adds_epu8(_mm_subs_epu8(_u,_v), _mm_subs_epu8(_v,_u));
__m128i c0 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d));
__m128i c1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d + 8));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d), _mm_adds_epi16(c0, _mm_unpacklo_epi8(diff,z)));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(cost + x*D + d + 8), _mm_adds_epi16(c1, _mm_unpackhi_epi8(diff,z)));
for( int d = minD; d < maxD; d++ )
int v = prow2[width-1-x + d];
cost[x*D + d] = (CostType)(cost[x*D + d] + (CostType)std::abs(u - v));
computes disparity for "roi" in img1 w.r.t. img2 and write it to disp1buf.
that is, disp1buf(x, y)=d means that img1(x+roi.x, y+roi.y) ~ img2(x+roi.x-d, y+roi.y).
minD <= d < maxD.
disp2full is the reverse disparity map, that is:
disp2full(x+roi.x,y+roi.y)=d means that img2(x+roi.x, y+roi.y) ~ img1(x+roi.x+d, y+roi.y)
note that disp1buf will have the same size as the roi and
disp2full will have the same size as img1 (or img2).
On exit disp2buf is not the final disparity, it is an intermediate result that becomes
final after all the tiles are processed.
the disparity in disp1buf is written with sub-pixel accuracy
(4 fractional bits, see StereoSGBM::DISP_SCALE),
using quadratic interpolation, while the disparity in disp2buf
is written as is, without interpolation.
disp2cost also has the same size as img1 (or img2).
It contains the minimum current cost, used to find the best disparity, corresponding to the minimal cost.
static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
Mat& disp1, const StereoSGBMParams& params,
Mat& buffer )
#if CV_SSE2
static const uchar LSBTab[] =
0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0
volatile bool useSIMD = checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_SSE2);
const int ALIGN = 16;
const int DISP_SHIFT = StereoMatcher::DISP_SHIFT;
const int DISP_SCALE = (1 << DISP_SHIFT);
const CostType MAX_COST = SHRT_MAX;
int minD = params.minDisparity, maxD = minD + params.numDisparities;
Size SADWindowSize;
SADWindowSize.width = SADWindowSize.height = params.SADWindowSize > 0 ? params.SADWindowSize : 5;
int ftzero = std::max(params.preFilterCap, 15) | 1;
int uniquenessRatio = params.uniquenessRatio >= 0 ? params.uniquenessRatio : 10;
int disp12MaxDiff = params.disp12MaxDiff > 0 ? params.disp12MaxDiff : 1;
int P1 = params.P1 > 0 ? params.P1 : 2, P2 = std::max(params.P2 > 0 ? params.P2 : 5, P1+1);
int k, width = disp1.cols, height = disp1.rows;
int minX1 = std::max(maxD, 0), maxX1 = width + std::min(minD, 0);
int D = maxD - minD, width1 = maxX1 - minX1;
int SW2 = SADWindowSize.width/2, SH2 = SADWindowSize.height/2;
bool fullDP = params.mode == StereoSGBM::MODE_HH;
int npasses = fullDP ? 2 : 1;
const int TAB_OFS = 256*4, TAB_SIZE = 256 + TAB_OFS*2;
PixType clipTab[TAB_SIZE];
for( k = 0; k < TAB_SIZE; k++ )
clipTab[k] = (PixType)(std::min(std::max(k - TAB_OFS, -ftzero), ftzero) + ftzero);
if( minX1 >= maxX1 )
disp1 = Scalar::all(INVALID_DISP_SCALED);
CV_Assert( D % 16 == 0 );
// NR - the number of directions. the loop on x below that computes Lr assumes that NR == 8.
// if you change NR, please, modify the loop as well.
int D2 = D+16, NRD2 = NR2*D2;
// the number of L_r(.,.) and min_k L_r(.,.) lines in the buffer:
// for 8-way dynamic programming we need the current row and
// the previous row, i.e. 2 rows in total
const int NLR = 2;
const int LrBorder = NLR - 1;
// for each possible stereo match (img1(x,y) <=> img2(x-d,y))
// we keep pixel difference cost (C) and the summary cost over NR directions (S).
// we also keep all the partial costs for the previous line L_r(x,d) and also min_k L_r(x, k)
size_t costBufSize = width1*D;
size_t CSBufSize = costBufSize*(fullDP ? height : 1);
size_t minLrSize = (width1 + LrBorder*2)*NR2, LrSize = minLrSize*D2;
int hsumBufNRows = SH2*2 + 2;
size_t totalBufSize = (LrSize + minLrSize)*NLR*sizeof(CostType) + // minLr[] and Lr[]
costBufSize*(hsumBufNRows + 1)*sizeof(CostType) + // hsumBuf, pixdiff
CSBufSize*2*sizeof(CostType) + // C, S
width*16*img1.channels()*sizeof(PixType) + // temp buffer for computing per-pixel cost
width*(sizeof(CostType) + sizeof(DispType)) + 1024; // disp2cost + disp2
if( ! || !buffer.isContinuous() ||
buffer.cols*buffer.rows*buffer.elemSize() < totalBufSize )
buffer.create(1, (int)totalBufSize, CV_8U);
// summary cost over different (nDirs) directions
CostType* Cbuf = (CostType*)alignPtr(, ALIGN);
CostType* Sbuf = Cbuf + CSBufSize;
CostType* hsumBuf = Sbuf + CSBufSize;
CostType* pixDiff = hsumBuf + costBufSize*hsumBufNRows;
CostType* disp2cost = pixDiff + costBufSize + (LrSize + minLrSize)*NLR;
DispType* disp2ptr = (DispType*)(disp2cost + width);
PixType* tempBuf = (PixType*)(disp2ptr + width);
// add P2 to every C(x,y). it saves a few operations in the inner loops
for( k = 0; k < width1*D; k++ )
Cbuf[k] = (CostType)P2;
for( int pass = 1; pass <= npasses; pass++ )
int x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy;
if( pass == 1 )
y1 = 0; y2 = height; dy = 1;
x1 = 0; x2 = width1; dx = 1;
y1 = height-1; y2 = -1; dy = -1;
x1 = width1-1; x2 = -1; dx = -1;
CostType *Lr[NLR]={0}, *minLr[NLR]={0};
for( k = 0; k < NLR; k++ )
// shift Lr[k] and minLr[k] pointers, because we allocated them with the borders,
// and will occasionally use negative indices with the arrays
// we need to shift Lr[k] pointers by 1, to give the space for d=-1.
// however, then the alignment will be imperfect, i.e. bad for SSE,
// thus we shift the pointers by 8 (8*sizeof(short) == 16 - ideal alignment)
Lr[k] = pixDiff + costBufSize + LrSize*k + NRD2*LrBorder + 8;
memset( Lr[k] - LrBorder*NRD2 - 8, 0, LrSize*sizeof(CostType) );
minLr[k] = pixDiff + costBufSize + LrSize*NLR + minLrSize*k + NR2*LrBorder;
memset( minLr[k] - LrBorder*NR2, 0, minLrSize*sizeof(CostType) );
for( int y = y1; y != y2; y += dy )
int x, d;
DispType* disp1ptr = disp1.ptr<DispType>(y);
CostType* C = Cbuf + (!fullDP ? 0 : y*costBufSize);
CostType* S = Sbuf + (!fullDP ? 0 : y*costBufSize);
if( pass == 1 ) // compute C on the first pass, and reuse it on the second pass, if any.
int dy1 = y == 0 ? 0 : y + SH2, dy2 = y == 0 ? SH2 : dy1;
for( k = dy1; k <= dy2; k++ )
CostType* hsumAdd = hsumBuf + (std::min(k, height-1) % hsumBufNRows)*costBufSize;
if( k < height )
calcPixelCostBT( img1, img2, k, minD, maxD, pixDiff, tempBuf, clipTab, TAB_OFS, ftzero );
memset(hsumAdd, 0, D*sizeof(CostType));
for( x = 0; x <= SW2*D; x += D )
int scale = x == 0 ? SW2 + 1 : 1;
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
hsumAdd[d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[d] + pixDiff[x + d]*scale);
if( y > 0 )
const CostType* hsumSub = hsumBuf + (std::max(y - SH2 - 1, 0) % hsumBufNRows)*costBufSize;
const CostType* Cprev = !fullDP || y == 0 ? C : C - costBufSize;
for( x = D; x < width1*D; x += D )
const CostType* pixAdd = pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2*D, (width1-1)*D);
const CostType* pixSub = pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2+1)*D, 0);
#if CV_SSE2
if( useSIMD )
for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
__m128i hv = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(hsumAdd + x - D + d));
__m128i Cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(Cprev + x + d));
hv = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(hv,
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(pixSub + d))),
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(pixAdd + d)));
Cx = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(Cx,
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(hsumSub + x + d))),
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(hsumAdd + x + d), hv);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(C + x + d), Cx);
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
int hv = hsumAdd[x + d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[x - D + d] + pixAdd[d] - pixSub[d]);
C[x + d] = (CostType)(Cprev[x + d] + hv - hsumSub[x + d]);
for( x = D; x < width1*D; x += D )
const CostType* pixAdd = pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2*D, (width1-1)*D);
const CostType* pixSub = pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2+1)*D, 0);
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
hsumAdd[x + d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[x - D + d] + pixAdd[d] - pixSub[d]);
if( y == 0 )
int scale = k == 0 ? SH2 + 1 : 1;
for( x = 0; x < width1*D; x++ )
C[x] = (CostType)(C[x] + hsumAdd[x]*scale);
// also, clear the S buffer
for( k = 0; k < width1*D; k++ )
S[k] = 0;
// clear the left and the right borders
memset( Lr[0] - NRD2*LrBorder - 8, 0, NRD2*LrBorder*sizeof(CostType) );
memset( Lr[0] + width1*NRD2 - 8, 0, NRD2*LrBorder*sizeof(CostType) );
memset( minLr[0] - NR2*LrBorder, 0, NR2*LrBorder*sizeof(CostType) );
memset( minLr[0] + width1*NR2, 0, NR2*LrBorder*sizeof(CostType) );
[formula 13 in the paper]
compute L_r(p, d) = C(p, d) +
min(L_r(p-r, d),
L_r(p-r, d-1) + P1,
L_r(p-r, d+1) + P1,
min_k L_r(p-r, k) + P2) - min_k L_r(p-r, k)
where p = (x,y), r is one of the directions.
we process all the directions at once:
0: r=(-dx, 0)
1: r=(-1, -dy)
2: r=(0, -dy)
3: r=(1, -dy)
4: r=(-2, -dy)
5: r=(-1, -dy*2)
6: r=(1, -dy*2)
7: r=(2, -dy)
for( x = x1; x != x2; x += dx )
int xm = x*NR2, xd = xm*D2;
int delta0 = minLr[0][xm - dx*NR2] + P2, delta1 = minLr[1][xm - NR2 + 1] + P2;
int delta2 = minLr[1][xm + 2] + P2, delta3 = minLr[1][xm + NR2 + 3] + P2;
CostType* Lr_p0 = Lr[0] + xd - dx*NRD2;
CostType* Lr_p1 = Lr[1] + xd - NRD2 + D2;
CostType* Lr_p2 = Lr[1] + xd + D2*2;
CostType* Lr_p3 = Lr[1] + xd + NRD2 + D2*3;
Lr_p0[-1] = Lr_p0[D] = Lr_p1[-1] = Lr_p1[D] =
Lr_p2[-1] = Lr_p2[D] = Lr_p3[-1] = Lr_p3[D] = MAX_COST;
CostType* Lr_p = Lr[0] + xd;
const CostType* Cp = C + x*D;
CostType* Sp = S + x*D;
#if CV_SSE2
if( useSIMD )
__m128i _P1 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)P1);
__m128i _delta0 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)delta0);
__m128i _delta1 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)delta1);
__m128i _delta2 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)delta2);
__m128i _delta3 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)delta3);
__m128i _minL0 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)MAX_COST);
for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
__m128i Cpd = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Cp + d));
__m128i L0, L1, L2, L3;
L0 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p0 + d));
L1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p1 + d));
L2 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p2 + d));
L3 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p3 + d));
L0 = _mm_min_epi16(L0, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p0 + d - 1)), _P1));
L0 = _mm_min_epi16(L0, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p0 + d + 1)), _P1));
L1 = _mm_min_epi16(L1, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p1 + d - 1)), _P1));
L1 = _mm_min_epi16(L1, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p1 + d + 1)), _P1));
L2 = _mm_min_epi16(L2, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p2 + d - 1)), _P1));
L2 = _mm_min_epi16(L2, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p2 + d + 1)), _P1));
L3 = _mm_min_epi16(L3, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p3 + d - 1)), _P1));
L3 = _mm_min_epi16(L3, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p3 + d + 1)), _P1));
L0 = _mm_min_epi16(L0, _delta0);
L0 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(L0, _delta0), Cpd);
L1 = _mm_min_epi16(L1, _delta1);
L1 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(L1, _delta1), Cpd);
L2 = _mm_min_epi16(L2, _delta2);
L2 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(L2, _delta2), Cpd);
L3 = _mm_min_epi16(L3, _delta3);
L3 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(L3, _delta3), Cpd);
_mm_store_si128( (__m128i*)(Lr_p + d), L0);
_mm_store_si128( (__m128i*)(Lr_p + d + D2), L1);
_mm_store_si128( (__m128i*)(Lr_p + d + D2*2), L2);
_mm_store_si128( (__m128i*)(Lr_p + d + D2*3), L3);
__m128i t0 = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(L0, L2), _mm_unpackhi_epi16(L0, L2));
__m128i t1 = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(L1, L3), _mm_unpackhi_epi16(L1, L3));
t0 = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(t0, t1), _mm_unpackhi_epi16(t0, t1));
_minL0 = _mm_min_epi16(_minL0, t0);
__m128i Sval = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Sp + d));
L0 = _mm_adds_epi16(L0, L1);
L2 = _mm_adds_epi16(L2, L3);
Sval = _mm_adds_epi16(Sval, L0);
Sval = _mm_adds_epi16(Sval, L2);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(Sp + d), Sval);
_minL0 = _mm_min_epi16(_minL0, _mm_srli_si128(_minL0, 8));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)&minLr[0][xm], _minL0);
int minL0 = MAX_COST, minL1 = MAX_COST, minL2 = MAX_COST, minL3 = MAX_COST;
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
int Cpd = Cp[d], L0, L1, L2, L3;
L0 = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p0[d], std::min(Lr_p0[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p0[d+1] + P1, delta0))) - delta0;
L1 = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p1[d], std::min(Lr_p1[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p1[d+1] + P1, delta1))) - delta1;
L2 = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p2[d], std::min(Lr_p2[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p2[d+1] + P1, delta2))) - delta2;
L3 = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p3[d], std::min(Lr_p3[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p3[d+1] + P1, delta3))) - delta3;
Lr_p[d] = (CostType)L0;
minL0 = std::min(minL0, L0);
Lr_p[d + D2] = (CostType)L1;
minL1 = std::min(minL1, L1);
Lr_p[d + D2*2] = (CostType)L2;
minL2 = std::min(minL2, L2);
Lr_p[d + D2*3] = (CostType)L3;
minL3 = std::min(minL3, L3);
Sp[d] = saturate_cast<CostType>(Sp[d] + L0 + L1 + L2 + L3);
minLr[0][xm] = (CostType)minL0;
minLr[0][xm+1] = (CostType)minL1;
minLr[0][xm+2] = (CostType)minL2;
minLr[0][xm+3] = (CostType)minL3;
if( pass == npasses )
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
disp1ptr[x] = disp2ptr[x] = (DispType)INVALID_DISP_SCALED;
disp2cost[x] = MAX_COST;
for( x = width1 - 1; x >= 0; x-- )
CostType* Sp = S + x*D;
int minS = MAX_COST, bestDisp = -1;
if( npasses == 1 )
int xm = x*NR2, xd = xm*D2;
int minL0 = MAX_COST;
int delta0 = minLr[0][xm + NR2] + P2;
CostType* Lr_p0 = Lr[0] + xd + NRD2;
Lr_p0[-1] = Lr_p0[D] = MAX_COST;
CostType* Lr_p = Lr[0] + xd;
const CostType* Cp = C + x*D;
#if CV_SSE2
if( useSIMD )
__m128i _P1 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)P1);
__m128i _delta0 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)delta0);
__m128i _minL0 = _mm_set1_epi16((short)minL0);
__m128i _minS = _mm_set1_epi16(MAX_COST), _bestDisp = _mm_set1_epi16(-1);
__m128i _d8 = _mm_setr_epi16(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), _8 = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
__m128i Cpd = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Cp + d)), L0;
L0 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p0 + d));
L0 = _mm_min_epi16(L0, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p0 + d - 1)), _P1));
L0 = _mm_min_epi16(L0, _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(Lr_p0 + d + 1)), _P1));
L0 = _mm_min_epi16(L0, _delta0);
L0 = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_subs_epi16(L0, _delta0), Cpd);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(Lr_p + d), L0);
_minL0 = _mm_min_epi16(_minL0, L0);
L0 = _mm_adds_epi16(L0, *(__m128i*)(Sp + d));
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(Sp + d), L0);
__m128i mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(_minS, L0);
_minS = _mm_min_epi16(_minS, L0);
_bestDisp = _mm_xor_si128(_bestDisp, _mm_and_si128(_mm_xor_si128(_bestDisp,_d8), mask));
_d8 = _mm_adds_epi16(_d8, _8);
short CV_DECL_ALIGNED(16) bestDispBuf[8];
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)bestDispBuf, _bestDisp);
_minL0 = _mm_min_epi16(_minL0, _mm_srli_si128(_minL0, 8));
_minL0 = _mm_min_epi16(_minL0, _mm_srli_si128(_minL0, 4));
_minL0 = _mm_min_epi16(_minL0, _mm_srli_si128(_minL0, 2));
__m128i qS = _mm_min_epi16(_minS, _mm_srli_si128(_minS, 8));
qS = _mm_min_epi16(qS, _mm_srli_si128(qS, 4));
qS = _mm_min_epi16(qS, _mm_srli_si128(qS, 2));
minLr[0][xm] = (CostType)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_minL0);
minS = (CostType)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(qS);
qS = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(qS, qS), 0);
qS = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(_minS, qS);
int idx = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_packs_epi16(qS, qS)) & 255;
bestDisp = bestDispBuf[LSBTab[idx]];
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
int L0 = Cp[d] + std::min((int)Lr_p0[d], std::min(Lr_p0[d-1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p0[d+1] + P1, delta0))) - delta0;
Lr_p[d] = (CostType)L0;
minL0 = std::min(minL0, L0);
int Sval = Sp[d] = saturate_cast<CostType>(Sp[d] + L0);
if( Sval < minS )
minS = Sval;
bestDisp = d;
minLr[0][xm] = (CostType)minL0;
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
int Sval = Sp[d];
if( Sval < minS )
minS = Sval;
bestDisp = d;
for( d = 0; d < D; d++ )
if( Sp[d]*(100 - uniquenessRatio) < minS*100 && std::abs(bestDisp - d) > 1 )
if( d < D )
d = bestDisp;
int _x2 = x + minX1 - d - minD;
if( disp2cost[_x2] > minS )
disp2cost[_x2] = (CostType)minS;
disp2ptr[_x2] = (DispType)(d + minD);
if( 0 < d && d < D-1 )
// do subpixel quadratic interpolation:
// fit parabola into (x1=d-1, y1=Sp[d-1]), (x2=d, y2=Sp[d]), (x3=d+1, y3=Sp[d+1])
// then find minimum of the parabola.
int denom2 = std::max(Sp[d-1] + Sp[d+1] - 2*Sp[d], 1);
d = d*DISP_SCALE + ((Sp[d-1] - Sp[d+1])*DISP_SCALE + denom2)/(denom2*2);
disp1ptr[x + minX1] = (DispType)(d + minD*DISP_SCALE);
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
// we round the computed disparity both towards -inf and +inf and check
// if either of the corresponding disparities in disp2 is consistent.
// This is to give the computed disparity a chance to look valid if it is.
int d1 = disp1ptr[x];
int _d = d1 >> DISP_SHIFT;
int d_ = (d1 + DISP_SCALE-1) >> DISP_SHIFT;
int _x = x - _d, x_ = x - d_;
if( 0 <= _x && _x < width && disp2ptr[_x] >= minD && std::abs(disp2ptr[_x] - _d) > disp12MaxDiff &&
0 <= x_ && x_ < width && disp2ptr[x_] >= minD && std::abs(disp2ptr[x_] - d_) > disp12MaxDiff )
disp1ptr[x] = (DispType)INVALID_DISP_SCALED;
// now shift the cyclic buffers
std::swap( Lr[0], Lr[1] );
std::swap( minLr[0], minLr[1] );
class StereoSGBMImpl : public StereoSGBM
params = StereoSGBMParams();
StereoSGBMImpl( int _minDisparity, int _numDisparities, int _SADWindowSize,
int _P1, int _P2, int _disp12MaxDiff, int _preFilterCap,
int _uniquenessRatio, int _speckleWindowSize, int _speckleRange,
int _mode )
params = StereoSGBMParams( _minDisparity, _numDisparities, _SADWindowSize,
_P1, _P2, _disp12MaxDiff, _preFilterCap,
_uniquenessRatio, _speckleWindowSize, _speckleRange,
_mode );
void compute( InputArray leftarr, InputArray rightarr, OutputArray disparr )
Mat left = leftarr.getMat(), right = rightarr.getMat();
CV_Assert( left.size() == right.size() && left.type() == right.type() &&
left.depth() == CV_8U );
disparr.create( left.size(), CV_16S );
Mat disp = disparr.getMat();
computeDisparitySGBM( left, right, disp, params, buffer );
medianBlur(disp, disp, 3);
if( params.speckleWindowSize > 0 )
filterSpeckles(disp, (params.minDisparity - 1)*StereoMatcher::DISP_SCALE, params.speckleWindowSize,
StereoMatcher::DISP_SCALE*params.speckleRange, buffer);
AlgorithmInfo* info() const { return 0; }
int getMinDisparity() const { return params.minDisparity; }
void setMinDisparity(int minDisparity) { params.minDisparity = minDisparity; }
int getNumDisparities() const { return params.numDisparities; }
void setNumDisparities(int numDisparities) { params.numDisparities = numDisparities; }
int getBlockSize() const { return params.SADWindowSize; }
void setBlockSize(int blockSize) { params.SADWindowSize = blockSize; }
int getSpeckleWindowSize() const { return params.speckleWindowSize; }
void setSpeckleWindowSize(int speckleWindowSize) { params.speckleWindowSize = speckleWindowSize; }
int getSpeckleRange() const { return params.speckleRange; }
void setSpeckleRange(int speckleRange) { params.speckleRange = speckleRange; }
int getDisp12MaxDiff() const { return params.disp12MaxDiff; }
void setDisp12MaxDiff(int disp12MaxDiff) { params.disp12MaxDiff = disp12MaxDiff; }
int getPreFilterCap() const { return params.preFilterCap; }
void setPreFilterCap(int preFilterCap) { params.preFilterCap = preFilterCap; }
int getUniquenessRatio() const { return params.uniquenessRatio; }
void setUniquenessRatio(int uniquenessRatio) { params.uniquenessRatio = uniquenessRatio; }
int getP1() const { return params.P1; }
void setP1(int P1) { params.P1 = P1; }
int getP2() const { return params.P2; }
void setP2(int P2) { params.P2 = P2; }
int getMode() const { return params.mode; }
void setMode(int mode) { params.mode = mode; }
void write(FileStorage& fs) const
fs << "name" << name_
<< "minDisparity" << params.minDisparity
<< "numDisparities" << params.numDisparities
<< "blockSize" << params.SADWindowSize
<< "speckleWindowSize" << params.speckleWindowSize
<< "speckleRange" << params.speckleRange
<< "disp12MaxDiff" << params.disp12MaxDiff
<< "preFilterCap" << params.preFilterCap
<< "uniquenessRatio" << params.uniquenessRatio
<< "P1" << params.P1
<< "P2" << params.P2
<< "mode" << params.mode;
void read(const FileNode& fn)
FileNode n = fn["name"];
CV_Assert( n.isString() && String(n) == name_ );
params.minDisparity = (int)fn["minDisparity"];
params.numDisparities = (int)fn["numDisparities"];
params.SADWindowSize = (int)fn["blockSize"];
params.speckleWindowSize = (int)fn["speckleWindowSize"];
params.speckleRange = (int)fn["speckleRange"];
params.disp12MaxDiff = (int)fn["disp12MaxDiff"];
params.preFilterCap = (int)fn["preFilterCap"];
params.uniquenessRatio = (int)fn["uniquenessRatio"];
params.P1 = (int)fn["P1"];
params.P2 = (int)fn["P2"];
params.mode = (int)fn["mode"];
StereoSGBMParams params;
Mat buffer;
static const char* name_;
const char* StereoSGBMImpl::name_ = "StereoMatcher.SGBM";
Ptr<StereoSGBM> createStereoSGBM(int minDisparity, int numDisparities, int SADWindowSize,
int P1, int P2, int disp12MaxDiff,
int preFilterCap, int uniquenessRatio,
int speckleWindowSize, int speckleRange,
int mode)
return Ptr<StereoSGBM>(
new StereoSGBMImpl(minDisparity, numDisparities, SADWindowSize,
P1, P2, disp12MaxDiff,
preFilterCap, uniquenessRatio,
speckleWindowSize, speckleRange,
Rect getValidDisparityROI( Rect roi1, Rect roi2,
int minDisparity,
int numberOfDisparities,
int SADWindowSize )
int SW2 = SADWindowSize/2;
int minD = minDisparity, maxD = minDisparity + numberOfDisparities - 1;
int xmin = std::max(roi1.x, roi2.x + maxD) + SW2;
int xmax = std::min(roi1.x + roi1.width, roi2.x + roi2.width - minD) - SW2;
int ymin = std::max(roi1.y, roi2.y) + SW2;
int ymax = std::min(roi1.y + roi1.height, roi2.y + roi2.height) - SW2;
Rect r(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
return r.width > 0 && r.height > 0 ? r : Rect();
typedef cv::Point_<short> Point2s;
template <typename T>
void filterSpecklesImpl(cv::Mat& img, int newVal, int maxSpeckleSize, int maxDiff, cv::Mat& _buf)
using namespace cv;
int width = img.cols, height = img.rows, npixels = width*height;
size_t bufSize = npixels*(int)(sizeof(Point2s) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(uchar));
if( !_buf.isContinuous() || ! || _buf.cols*_buf.rows*_buf.elemSize() < bufSize )
_buf.create(1, (int)bufSize, CV_8U);
uchar* buf =;
int i, j, dstep = (int)(img.step/sizeof(T));
int* labels = (int*)buf;
buf += npixels*sizeof(labels[0]);
Point2s* wbuf = (Point2s*)buf;
buf += npixels*sizeof(wbuf[0]);
uchar* rtype = (uchar*)buf;
int curlabel = 0;
// clear out label assignments
memset(labels, 0, npixels*sizeof(labels[0]));
for( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
T* ds = img.ptr<T>(i);
int* ls = labels + width*i;
for( j = 0; j < width; j++ )
if( ds[j] != newVal ) // not a bad disparity
if( ls[j] ) // has a label, check for bad label
if( rtype[ls[j]] ) // small region, zero out disparity
ds[j] = (T)newVal;
// no label, assign and propagate
Point2s* ws = wbuf; // initialize wavefront
Point2s p((short)j, (short)i); // current pixel
curlabel++; // next label
int count = 0; // current region size
ls[j] = curlabel;
// wavefront propagation
while( ws >= wbuf ) // wavefront not empty
// put neighbors onto wavefront
T* dpp = &<T>(p.y, p.x);
T dp = *dpp;
int* lpp = labels + width*p.y + p.x;
if( p.x < width-1 && !lpp[+1] && dpp[+1] != newVal && std::abs(dp - dpp[+1]) <= maxDiff )
lpp[+1] = curlabel;
*ws++ = Point2s(p.x+1, p.y);
if( p.x > 0 && !lpp[-1] && dpp[-1] != newVal && std::abs(dp - dpp[-1]) <= maxDiff )
lpp[-1] = curlabel;
*ws++ = Point2s(p.x-1, p.y);
if( p.y < height-1 && !lpp[+width] && dpp[+dstep] != newVal && std::abs(dp - dpp[+dstep]) <= maxDiff )
lpp[+width] = curlabel;
*ws++ = Point2s(p.x, p.y+1);
if( p.y > 0 && !lpp[-width] && dpp[-dstep] != newVal && std::abs(dp - dpp[-dstep]) <= maxDiff )
lpp[-width] = curlabel;
*ws++ = Point2s(p.x, p.y-1);
// pop most recent and propagate
// NB: could try least recent, maybe better convergence
p = *--ws;
// assign label type
if( count <= maxSpeckleSize ) // speckle region
rtype[ls[j]] = 1; // small region label
ds[j] = (T)newVal;
rtype[ls[j]] = 0; // large region label
void cv::filterSpeckles( InputOutputArray _img, double _newval, int maxSpeckleSize,
double _maxDiff, InputOutputArray __buf )
Mat img = _img.getMat();
Mat temp, &_buf = __buf.needed() ? __buf.getMatRef() : temp;
CV_Assert( img.type() == CV_8UC1 || img.type() == CV_16SC1 );
int newVal = cvRound(_newval);
int maxDiff = cvRound(_maxDiff);
if (img.type() == CV_8UC1)
filterSpecklesImpl<uchar>(img, newVal, maxSpeckleSize, maxDiff, _buf);
filterSpecklesImpl<short>(img, newVal, maxSpeckleSize, maxDiff, _buf);
void cv::validateDisparity( InputOutputArray _disp, InputArray _cost, int minDisparity,
int numberOfDisparities, int disp12MaxDiff )
Mat disp = _disp.getMat(), cost = _cost.getMat();
int cols = disp.cols, rows = disp.rows;
int minD = minDisparity, maxD = minDisparity + numberOfDisparities;
int x, minX1 = std::max(maxD, 0), maxX1 = cols + std::min(minD, 0);
AutoBuffer<int> _disp2buf(cols*2);
int* disp2buf = _disp2buf;
int* disp2cost = disp2buf + cols;
const int DISP_SHIFT = 4, DISP_SCALE = 1 << DISP_SHIFT;
int costType = cost.type();
disp12MaxDiff *= DISP_SCALE;
CV_Assert( numberOfDisparities > 0 && disp.type() == CV_16S &&
(costType == CV_16S || costType == CV_32S) &&
disp.size() == cost.size() );
for( int y = 0; y < rows; y++ )
short* dptr = disp.ptr<short>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols; x++ )
disp2buf[x] = INVALID_DISP_SCALED;
disp2cost[x] = INT_MAX;
if( costType == CV_16S )
const short* cptr = cost.ptr<short>(y);
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
int d = dptr[x], c = cptr[x];
int x2 = x - ((d + DISP_SCALE/2) >> DISP_SHIFT);
if( disp2cost[x2] > c )
disp2cost[x2] = c;
disp2buf[x2] = d;
const int* cptr = cost.ptr<int>(y);
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
int d = dptr[x], c = cptr[x];
int x2 = x - ((d + DISP_SCALE/2) >> DISP_SHIFT);
if( disp2cost[x2] < c )
disp2cost[x2] = c;
disp2buf[x2] = d;
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
// we round the computed disparity both towards -inf and +inf and check
// if either of the corresponding disparities in disp2 is consistent.
// This is to give the computed disparity a chance to look valid if it is.
int d = dptr[x];
int d0 = d >> DISP_SHIFT;
int d1 = (d + DISP_SCALE-1) >> DISP_SHIFT;
int x0 = x - d0, x1 = x - d1;
if( (0 <= x0 && x0 < cols && disp2buf[x0] > INVALID_DISP_SCALED && std::abs(disp2buf[x0] - d) > disp12MaxDiff) &&
(0 <= x1 && x1 < cols && disp2buf[x1] > INVALID_DISP_SCALED && std::abs(disp2buf[x1] - d) > disp12MaxDiff) )
dptr[x] = (short)INVALID_DISP_SCALED;