New version of Java wrappers' generator uses different wrappers for VideoCapture on Android and desktop to prevent binary compatibility issues.
1507 lines
64 KiB
Executable File
1507 lines
64 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, re, os.path
from string import Template
from cStringIO import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
class_ignore_list = (
"FileNode", "FileStorage", "KDTree",
const_ignore_list = (
#the following constants are added to this list using code automatic generation
#TODO: should be checked
const_private_list = (
# { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } }
missing_consts = \
'Core' :
'private' :
('CV_8U', 0 ), ('CV_8S', 1 ),
('CV_16U', 2 ), ('CV_16S', 3 ),
('CV_32S', 4 ),
('CV_32F', 5 ), ('CV_64F', 6 ),
('CV_USRTYPE1', 7 ),
), # private
'public' :
('SVD_MODIFY_A', 1), ('SVD_NO_UV', 2), ('SVD_FULL_UV', 4),
('FILLED', -1),
('LINE_AA', 16), ('LINE_8', 8), ('LINE_4', 4),
('REDUCE_SUM', 0), ('REDUCE_AVG', 1), ('REDUCE_MAX', 2), ('REDUCE_MIN', 3),
) #public
}, # Core
'private' :
) # private
}, # Imgproc
'private' :
('CV_LMEDS', 4),
('CV_RANSAC', 8),
('CV_FM_7POINT', 1),
('CV_FM_8POINT', 2),
('CV_CALIB_FIX_K1', 32),
('CV_CALIB_FIX_K2', 64),
('CV_CALIB_FIX_K3', 128),
('CV_CALIB_FIX_K4', 2048),
('CV_CALIB_FIX_K5', 4096),
('CV_CALIB_FIX_K6', 8192),
) # public
}, # Calib3d
'private' :
) # private
}, # Video
# c_type : { java/jni correspondence }
type_dict = {
# "simple" : { j_type : "?", jn_type : "?", jni_type : "?", suffix : "?" },
"" : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong" }, # c-tor ret_type
"void" : { "j_type" : "void", "jn_type" : "void", "jni_type" : "void" },
"env" : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "", "jni_type" : "JNIEnv*"},
"cls" : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "", "jni_type" : "jclass"},
"bool" : { "j_type" : "boolean", "jn_type" : "boolean", "jni_type" : "jboolean", "suffix" : "Z" },
"int" : { "j_type" : "int", "jn_type" : "int", "jni_type" : "jint", "suffix" : "I" },
"long" : { "j_type" : "int", "jn_type" : "int", "jni_type" : "jint", "suffix" : "I" },
"float" : { "j_type" : "float", "jn_type" : "float", "jni_type" : "jfloat", "suffix" : "F" },
"double" : { "j_type" : "double", "jn_type" : "double", "jni_type" : "jdouble", "suffix" : "D" },
"size_t" : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" },
"__int64" : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" },
"int64" : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" },
"double[]": { "j_type" : "double[]", "jn_type" : "double[]", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray", "suffix" : "_3D" },
# "complex" : { j_type : "?", jn_args : (("", ""),), jn_name : "", jni_var : "", jni_name : "", "suffix" : "?" },
"vector_Point" : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Point> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Point2f" : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint2f", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Point2f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
#"vector_Point2d" : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint2d", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Point2d> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Point3i" : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint3", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Point3i> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Point3f" : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint3f", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Point3f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
#"vector_Point3d" : { "j_type" : "MatOfPoint3d", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Point3d> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_KeyPoint" : { "j_type" : "MatOfKeyPoint", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<KeyPoint> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_DMatch" : { "j_type" : "MatOfDMatch", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<DMatch> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Rect" : { "j_type" : "MatOfRect", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Rect> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_uchar" : { "j_type" : "MatOfByte", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<uchar> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_char" : { "j_type" : "MatOfByte", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<char> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_int" : { "j_type" : "MatOfInt", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<int> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_float" : { "j_type" : "MatOfFloat", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<float> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_double" : { "j_type" : "MatOfDouble", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<double> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Vec4i" : { "j_type" : "MatOfInt4", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Vec4i> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Vec4f" : { "j_type" : "MatOfFloat4", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Vec4f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Vec6f" : { "j_type" : "MatOfFloat6", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Vec6f> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_Mat" : { "j_type" : "List<Mat>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector<Mat> %(n)s", "suffix" : "J" },
"vector_vector_KeyPoint": { "j_type" : "List<MatOfKeyPoint>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector< vector<KeyPoint> > %(n)s" },
"vector_vector_DMatch" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfDMatch>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector< vector<DMatch> > %(n)s" },
"vector_vector_char" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfByte>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector< vector<char> > %(n)s" },
"vector_vector_Point" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfPoint>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector< vector<Point> > %(n)s" },
"vector_vector_Point2f" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfPoint2f>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector< vector<Point2f> > %(n)s" },
"vector_vector_Point3f" : { "j_type" : "List<MatOfPoint3f>", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "jni_var" : "vector< vector<Point3f> > %(n)s" },
"Mat" : { "j_type" : "Mat", "jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
"jni_var" : "Mat& %(n)s = *((Mat*)%(n)s_nativeObj)",
"jni_type" : "jlong", #"jni_name" : "*%(n)s",
"suffix" : "J" },
"Point" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")),
"jni_var" : "Point %(n)s((int)%(n)s_x, (int)%(n)s_y)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DD"},
"Point2f" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")),
"jni_var" : "Point2f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_x, (float)%(n)s_y)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DD"},
"Point2d" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")),
"jni_var" : "Point2d %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DD"},
"Point3i" : { "j_type" : "Point3", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")),
"jni_var" : "Point3i %(n)s((int)%(n)s_x, (int)%(n)s_y, (int)%(n)s_z)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DDD"},
"Point3f" : { "j_type" : "Point3", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")),
"jni_var" : "Point3f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_x, (float)%(n)s_y, (float)%(n)s_z)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DDD"},
"Point3d" : { "j_type" : "Point3", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")),
"jni_var" : "Point3d %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_z)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DDD"},
"KeyPoint": { "j_type" : "KeyPoint", "jn_args" : (("float", ".x"), ("float", ".y"), ("float", ".size"),
("float", ".angle"), ("float", ".response"), ("int", ".octave"), ("int", ".class_id")),
"jni_var" : "KeyPoint %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_size, %(n)s_angle, %(n)s_response, %(n)s_octave, %(n)s_class_id)",
"jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "FFFFFII"},
"DMatch" : { "j_type" : "DMatch", "jn_args" : ( ('int', 'queryIdx'), ('int', 'trainIdx'),
('int', 'imgIdx'), ('float', 'distance'), ),
"jni_var" : "DMatch %(n)s(%(n)s_queryIdx, %(n)s_trainIdx, %(n)s_imgIdx, %(n)s_distance)",
"jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "IIIF"},
"Rect" : { "j_type" : "Rect", "jn_args" : (("int", ".x"), ("int", ".y"), ("int", ".width"), ("int", ".height")),
"jni_var" : "Rect %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_width, %(n)s_height)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "IIII"},
"Size" : { "j_type" : "Size", "jn_args" : (("double", ".width"), ("double", ".height")),
"jni_var" : "Size %(n)s((int)%(n)s_width, (int)%(n)s_height)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DD"},
"Size2f" : { "j_type" : "Size", "jn_args" : (("double", ".width"), ("double", ".height")),
"jni_var" : "Size2f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_width, (float)%(n)s_height)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DD"},
"RotatedRect": { "j_type" : "RotatedRect", "jn_args" : (("double", ".center.x"), ("double", ".center.y"), ("double", ".size.width"), ("double", ".size.height"), ("double", ".angle")),
"jni_var" : "RotatedRect %(n)s(cv::Point2f(%(n)s_center_x, %(n)s_center_y), cv::Size2f(%(n)s_size_width, %(n)s_size_height), %(n)s_angle)",
"jni_type" : "jdoubleArray", "suffix" : "DDDDD"},
"Scalar" : { "j_type" : "Scalar", "jn_args" : (("double", ".val[0]"), ("double", ".val[1]"), ("double", ".val[2]"), ("double", ".val[3]")),
"jni_var" : "Scalar %(n)s(%(n)s_val0, %(n)s_val1, %(n)s_val2, %(n)s_val3)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DDDD"},
"Range" : { "j_type" : "Range", "jn_args" : (("int", ".start"), ("int", ".end")),
"jni_var" : "Range %(n)s(%(n)s_start, %(n)s_end)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "II"},
"CvSlice" : { "j_type" : "Range", "jn_args" : (("int", ".start"), ("int", ".end")),
"jni_var" : "Range %(n)s(%(n)s_start, %(n)s_end)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "II"},
"string" : { "j_type" : "String", "jn_type" : "String",
"jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s",
"jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); std::string n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)',
"suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"},
"String" : { "j_type" : "String", "jn_type" : "String",
"jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s",
"jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); String n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)',
"suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"},
"c_string": { "j_type" : "String", "jn_type" : "String",
"jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s.c_str()",
"jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); std::string n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)',
"suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"},
"TermCriteria": { "j_type" : "TermCriteria", "jn_args" : (("int", ".type"), ("int", ".maxCount"), ("double", ".epsilon")),
"jni_var" : "TermCriteria %(n)s(%(n)s_type, %(n)s_maxCount, %(n)s_epsilon)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "IID"},
"CvTermCriteria": { "j_type" : "TermCriteria", "jn_args" : (("int", ".type"), ("int", ".maxCount"), ("double", ".epsilon")),
"jni_var" : "TermCriteria %(n)s(%(n)s_type, %(n)s_maxCount, %(n)s_epsilon)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "IID"},
"Vec2d" : { "j_type" : "double[]", "jn_args" : (("double", ".val[0]"), ("double", ".val[1]")),
"jn_type" : "double[]",
"jni_var" : "Vec2d %(n)s(%(n)s_val0, %(n)s_val1)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DD"},
"Vec3d" : { "j_type" : "double[]", "jn_args" : (("double", ".val[0]"), ("double", ".val[1]"), ("double", ".val[2]")),
"jn_type" : "double[]",
"jni_var" : "Vec3d %(n)s(%(n)s_val0, %(n)s_val1, %(n)s_val2)", "jni_type" : "jdoubleArray",
"suffix" : "DDD"},
# { class : { func : {j_code, jn_code, cpp_code} } }
ManualFuncs = {
'Core' :
'minMaxLoc' : {
'j_code' : """
// manual port
public static class MinMaxLocResult {
public double minVal;
public double maxVal;
public Point minLoc;
public Point maxLoc;
public MinMaxLocResult() {
minVal=0; maxVal=0;
minLoc=new Point();
maxLoc=new Point();
// C++: minMaxLoc(Mat src, double* minVal, double* maxVal=0, Point* minLoc=0, Point* maxLoc=0, InputArray mask=noArray())
//javadoc: minMaxLoc(src, mask)
public static MinMaxLocResult minMaxLoc(Mat src, Mat mask) {
MinMaxLocResult res = new MinMaxLocResult();
long maskNativeObj=0;
if (mask != null) {
double resarr[] = n_minMaxLocManual(src.nativeObj, maskNativeObj);
return res;
//javadoc: minMaxLoc(src)
public static MinMaxLocResult minMaxLoc(Mat src) {
return minMaxLoc(src, null);
'jn_code' :
""" private static native double[] n_minMaxLocManual(long src_nativeObj, long mask_nativeObj);\n""",
'cpp_code' :
// C++: minMaxLoc(Mat src, double* minVal, double* maxVal=0, Point* minLoc=0, Point* maxLoc=0, InputArray mask=noArray())
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1minMaxLocManual (JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong, jlong);
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1minMaxLocManual
(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jlong src_nativeObj, jlong mask_nativeObj)
try {
jdoubleArray result;
result = env->NewDoubleArray(6);
if (result == NULL) {
return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
Mat& src = *((Mat*)src_nativeObj);
double minVal, maxVal;
Point minLoc, maxLoc;
if (mask_nativeObj != 0) {
Mat& mask = *((Mat*)mask_nativeObj);
minMaxLoc(src, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, mask);
} else {
minMaxLoc(src, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc);
jdouble fill[6];
env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(result, 0, 6, fill);
return result;
} catch(cv::Exception e) {
LOGD("Core::n_1minMaxLoc() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what());
jclass je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, e.what());
return NULL;
} catch (...) {
LOGD("Core::n_1minMaxLoc() catched unknown exception (...)");
jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {core::minMaxLoc()}");
return NULL;
}, # minMaxLoc
'getTextSize' :
'j_code' :
// C++: Size getTextSize(const string& text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int* baseLine);
//javadoc:getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseLine)
public static Size getTextSize(String text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int[] baseLine) {
if(baseLine != null && baseLine.length != 1)
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("'baseLine' must be 'int[1]' or 'null'.");
Size retVal = new Size(n_getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseLine));
return retVal;
'jn_code' :
""" private static native double[] n_getTextSize(String text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int[] baseLine);\n""",
'cpp_code' :
// C++: Size getTextSize(const string& text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int* baseLine);
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1getTextSize (JNIEnv*, jclass, jstring, jint, jdouble, jint, jintArray);
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1getTextSize
(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring text, jint fontFace, jdouble fontScale, jint thickness, jintArray baseLine)
try {
jdoubleArray result;
result = env->NewDoubleArray(2);
if (result == NULL) {
return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */
const char* utf_text = env->GetStringUTFChars(text, 0);
std::string n_text( utf_text ? utf_text : "" );
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(text, utf_text);
int _baseLine;
int* pbaseLine = 0;
if (baseLine != NULL)
pbaseLine = &_baseLine;
cv::Size rsize = cv::getTextSize(n_text, (int)fontFace, (double)fontScale, (int)thickness, pbaseLine);
jdouble fill[2];
env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(result, 0, 2, fill);
if (baseLine != NULL) {
jint jbaseLine = (jint)(*pbaseLine);
env->SetIntArrayRegion(baseLine, 0, 1, &jbaseLine);
return result;
} catch(cv::Exception e) {
LOGD("Core::n_1getTextSize() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what());
jclass je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, e.what());
return NULL;
} catch (...) {
LOGD("Core::n_1getTextSize() catched unknown exception (...)");
jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {core::getTextSize()}");
return NULL;
}, # getTextSize
## "checkRange" : #TBD
## {'j_code' : '/* TBD: checkRange() */', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"checkHardwareSupport" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"setUseOptimized" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"useOptimized" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
}, # Core
'Highgui' :
"namedWindow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"destroyWindow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"destroyAllWindows" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"startWindowThread" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"setWindowProperty" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"getWindowProperty" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"getTrackbarPos" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"setTrackbarPos" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"imshow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"waitKey" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"moveWindow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"resizeWindow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
}, # Highgui
'VideoCapture' :
"getSupportedPreviewSizes" :
'j_code' :
public java.util.List<org.opencv.core.Size> getSupportedPreviewSizes()
String[] sizes_str = getSupportedPreviewSizes_0(nativeObj).split(",");
java.util.List<org.opencv.core.Size> sizes = new java.util.ArrayList<org.opencv.core.Size>(sizes_str.length);
for (String str : sizes_str) {
String[] wh = str.split("x");
sizes.add(new org.opencv.core.Size(Double.parseDouble(wh[0]), Double.parseDouble(wh[1])));
return sizes;
'jn_code' :
"""\n private static native String getSupportedPreviewSizes_0(long nativeObj);\n""",
'cpp_code' :
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_opencv_highgui_VideoCapture_getSupportedPreviewSizes_10
(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong self);
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_opencv_highgui_VideoCapture_getSupportedPreviewSizes_10
(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong self)
static const char method_name[] = "highgui::VideoCapture_getSupportedPreviewSizes_10()";
try {
LOGD("%s", method_name);
VideoCapture* me = (VideoCapture*) self; //TODO: check for NULL
union {double prop; const char* name;} u;
return env->NewStringUTF(u.name);
} catch(const std::exception &e) {
throwJavaException(env, &e, method_name);
} catch (...) {
throwJavaException(env, 0, method_name);
return env->NewStringUTF("");
}, # getSupportedPreviewSizes
}, # VideoCapture
# { class : { func : {arg_name : ctype} } }
func_arg_fix = {
'' : {
'randu' : { 'low' : 'double', 'high' : 'double', },
'randn' : { 'mean' : 'double', 'stddev' : 'double', },
'inRange' : { 'lowerb' : 'Scalar', 'upperb' : 'Scalar', },
'goodFeaturesToTrack' : { 'corners' : 'vector_Point', },
'findFundamentalMat' : { 'points1' : 'vector_Point2f', 'points2' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'cornerSubPix' : { 'corners' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'minEnclosingCircle' : { 'points' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'findHomography' : { 'srcPoints' : 'vector_Point2f', 'dstPoints' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'solvePnP' : { 'objectPoints' : 'vector_Point3f', 'imagePoints' : 'vector_Point2f',
'distCoeffs' : 'vector_double' },
'solvePnPRansac' : { 'objectPoints' : 'vector_Point3f', 'imagePoints' : 'vector_Point2f',
'distCoeffs' : 'vector_double' },
'calcOpticalFlowPyrLK' : { 'prevPts' : 'vector_Point2f', 'nextPts' : 'vector_Point2f',
'status' : 'vector_uchar', 'err' : 'vector_float', },
'fitEllipse' : { 'points' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'fillPoly' : { 'pts' : 'vector_vector_Point', },
'polylines' : { 'pts' : 'vector_vector_Point', },
'fillConvexPoly' : { 'points' : 'vector_Point', },
'boundingRect' : { 'points' : 'vector_Point', },
'approxPolyDP' : { 'curve' : 'vector_Point2f', 'approxCurve' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'arcLength' : { 'curve' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'pointPolygonTest' : { 'contour' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'minAreaRect' : { 'points' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'getAffineTransform' : { 'src' : 'vector_Point2f', 'dst' : 'vector_Point2f', },
'hconcat' : { 'src' : 'vector_Mat', },
'vconcat' : { 'src' : 'vector_Mat', },
'undistortPoints' : { 'src' : 'vector_Point2f', 'dst' : 'vector_Point2f' },
'checkRange' : {'pos' : '*'},
'meanStdDev' : {'mean' : 'vector_double', 'stddev' : 'vector_double'},
'drawContours' : {'contours' : 'vector_vector_Point'},
'findContours' : {'contours' : 'vector_vector_Point'},
'convexityDefects' : {'contour' : 'vector_Point', 'convexhull' : 'vector_int', 'convexityDefects' : 'vector_Vec4i'},
'isContourConvex' : { 'contour' : 'vector_Point', },
'convexHull' : {'points' : 'vector_Point', 'hull' : 'vector_int', 'returnPoints' : ''},
'projectPoints' : { 'objectPoints' : 'vector_Point3f', 'imagePoints' : 'vector_Point2f',
'distCoeffs' : 'vector_double' },
'initCameraMatrix2D' : {'objectPoints' : 'vector_vector_Point3f', 'imagePoints' : 'vector_vector_Point2f', },
'findChessboardCorners' : { 'corners' : 'vector_Point2f' },
'drawChessboardCorners' : { 'corners' : 'vector_Point2f' },
}, # '', i.e. no class
} # func_arg_fix
def getLibVersion(version_hpp_path):
version_file = open(version_hpp_path, "rt").read()
epoch = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_EPOCH\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
major = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_MAJOR\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
minor = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_MINOR\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
revision = re.search("^W*#\W*define\W+CV_VERSION_REVISION\W+(\d+)\W*$", version_file, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
return (epoch, major, minor, revision)
class ConstInfo(object):
def __init__(self, cname, name, val, addedManually=False):
self.cname = cname
self.name = re.sub(r"^Cv", "", name)
self.value = val
self.addedManually = addedManually
class ClassPropInfo(object):
def __init__(self, decl): # [f_ctype, f_name, '', '/RW']
self.ctype = decl[0]
self.name = decl[1]
self.rw = "/RW" in decl[3]
class ClassInfo(object):
def __init__(self, decl): # [ 'class/struct cname', ': base', [modlist] ]
name = decl[0]
name = name[name.find(" ")+1:].strip()
self.cname = self.name = self.jname = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name)
self.cname = self.cname.replace(".", "::")
self.methods = {}
self.methods_suffixes = {}
self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurence order
self.private_consts = []
self.imports = set()
self.props= []
self.jname = self.name
for m in decl[2]:
if m.startswith("="):
self.jname = m[1:]
self.base = ''
if decl[1]:
#self.base = re.sub(r"\b"+self.jname+r"\b", "", decl[1].replace(":", "")).strip()
self.base = re.sub(r"^.*:", "", decl[1].split(",")[0]).strip().replace(self.jname, "")
class ArgInfo(object):
def __init__(self, arg_tuple): # [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ]
self.pointer = False
ctype = arg_tuple[0]
if ctype.endswith("*"):
ctype = ctype[:-1]
self.pointer = True
if ctype == 'vector_Point2d':
ctype = 'vector_Point2f'
elif ctype == 'vector_Point3d':
ctype = 'vector_Point3f'
self.ctype = ctype
self.name = arg_tuple[1]
self.defval = arg_tuple[2]
self.out = ""
if "/O" in arg_tuple[3]:
self.out = "O"
if "/IO" in arg_tuple[3]:
self.out = "IO"
class FuncInfo(object):
def __init__(self, decl): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
name = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", decl[0])
self.cname = name.replace(".", "::")
classname = ""
dpos = name.rfind(".")
if dpos >= 0:
classname = name[:dpos]
name = name[dpos+1:]
self.classname = classname
self.jname = self.name = name
if "[" in name:
self.jname = "getelem"
for m in decl[2]:
if m.startswith("="):
self.jname = m[1:]
self.static = ["","static"][ "/S" in decl[2] ]
self.ctype = re.sub(r"^CvTermCriteria", "TermCriteria", decl[1] or "")
self.args = []
arg_fix_map = func_arg_fix.get(classname, {}).get(self.jname, {})
for a in decl[3]:
arg = a[:]
arg[0] = arg_fix_map.get(arg[1], arg[0])
ai = ArgInfo(arg)
class FuncFamilyInfo(object):
def __init__(self, decl): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
self.funcs = []
self.funcs.append( FuncInfo(decl) )
self.jname = self.funcs[0].jname
self.isconstructor = self.funcs[0].name == self.funcs[0].classname
def add_func(self, fi):
self.funcs.append( fi )
class JavaWrapperGenerator(object):
def __init__(self):
def clear(self):
self.classes = { "Mat" : ClassInfo([ 'class Mat', '', [], [] ]) }
self.module = ""
self.Module = ""
self.java_code= {} # { class : {j_code, jn_code} }
self.cpp_code = None
self.ported_func_list = []
self.skipped_func_list = []
self.def_args_hist = {} # { def_args_cnt : funcs_cnt }
self.classes_map = []
self.classes_simple = []
def add_class_code_stream(self, class_name, cls_base = ''):
jname = self.classes[class_name].jname
self.java_code[class_name] = { "j_code" : StringIO(), "jn_code" : StringIO(), }
if class_name != self.Module:
if cls_base:
// This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
package org.opencv.%(m)s;
// C++: class %(c)s
//javadoc: %(c)s
public class %(jc)s extends %(base)s {
protected %(jc)s(long addr) { super(addr); }
""" % { 'm' : self.module, 'c' : class_name, 'jc' : jname, 'base' : cls_base })
else: # not cls_base
// This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
package org.opencv.%(m)s;
// C++: class %(c)s
//javadoc: %(c)s
public class %(jc)s {
protected final long nativeObj;
protected %(jc)s(long addr) { nativeObj = addr; }
""" % { 'm' : self.module, 'c' : class_name, 'jc' : jname })
else: # class_name == self.Module
// This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
package org.opencv.%(m)s;
public class %(jc)s {
""" % { 'm' : self.module, 'jc' : jname } )
if class_name == 'Core':
(epoch, major, minor, revision) = getLibVersion(
(os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.') + '/../../core/include/opencv2/core/version.hpp')
version_str = '.'.join( (epoch, major, minor, revision) )
version_suffix = ''.join( (epoch, major, minor) )
// these constants are wrapped inside functions to prevent inlining
private static String getVersion() { return "%(v)s"; }
private static String getNativeLibraryName() { return "opencv_java%(vs)s"; }
private static int getVersionEpoch() { return %(ep)s; }
private static int getVersionMajor() { return %(ma)s; }
private static int getVersionMinor() { return %(mi)s; }
private static int getVersionRevision() { return %(re)s; }
public static final String VERSION = getVersion();
public static final String NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME = getNativeLibraryName();
public static final int VERSION_EPOCH = getVersionEpoch();
public static final int VERSION_MAJOR = getVersionMajor();
public static final int VERSION_MINOR = getVersionMinor();
public static final int VERSION_REVISION = getVersionRevision();
""" % { 'v' : version_str, 'vs' : version_suffix, 'ep' : epoch, 'ma' : major, 'mi' : minor, 're' : revision } )
def add_class(self, decl):
classinfo = ClassInfo(decl)
if classinfo.name in class_ignore_list:
name = classinfo.name
if name in self.classes:
print "Generator error: class %s (%s) is duplicated" % \
(name, classinfo.cname)
self.classes[name] = classinfo
if name in type_dict:
print "Duplicated class: " + name
if '/Simple' in decl[2]:
if ('/Map' in decl[2]):
#adding default c-tor
ffi = FuncFamilyInfo(['cv.'+name+'.'+name, '', [], []])
classinfo.methods[ffi.jname] = ffi
type_dict[name] = \
{ "j_type" : classinfo.jname,
"jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
"jni_name" : "(*("+name+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong",
"suffix" : "J" }
type_dict[name+'*'] = \
{ "j_type" : classinfo.jname,
"jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),),
"jni_name" : "("+name+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj", "jni_type" : "jlong",
"suffix" : "J" }
# missing_consts { Module : { public : [[name, val],...], private : [[]...] } }
if name in missing_consts:
if 'private' in missing_consts[name]:
for (n, val) in missing_consts[name]['private']:
classinfo.private_consts.append( ConstInfo(n, n, val, True) )
if 'public' in missing_consts[name]:
for (n, val) in missing_consts[name]['public']:
classinfo.consts.append( ConstInfo(n, n, val, True) )
# class props
for p in decl[3]:
if True: #"vector" not in p[0]:
classinfo.props.append( ClassPropInfo(p) )
print "Skipped property: [%s]" % name, p
self.add_class_code_stream(name, classinfo.base)
if classinfo.base:
self.get_imports(name, classinfo.base)
def add_const(self, decl): # [ "const cname", val, [], [] ]
name = decl[0].replace("const ", "").strip()
name = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name)
cname = name.replace(".", "::")
for c in const_ignore_list:
if re.match(c, name):
# class member?
dpos = name.rfind(".")
if dpos >= 0:
classname = name[:dpos]
name = name[dpos+1:]
classname = self.Module
if classname not in self.classes:
# this class isn't wrapped
# skipping this const
consts = self.classes[classname].consts
for c in const_private_list:
if re.match(c, name):
consts = self.classes[classname].private_consts
constinfo = ConstInfo(cname, name, decl[1])
# checking duplication
for list in self.classes[classname].consts, self.classes[classname].private_consts:
for c in list:
if c.name == constinfo.name:
if c.addedManually:
print "Generator error: constant %s (%s) is duplicated" \
% (constinfo.name, constinfo.cname)
def add_func(self, decl):
ffi = FuncFamilyInfo(decl)
classname = ffi.funcs[0].classname or self.Module
if classname in class_ignore_list:
if classname in ManualFuncs and ffi.jname in ManualFuncs[classname]:
if classname not in self.classes:
print "Generator error: the class %s for method %s is missing" % \
(classname, ffi.jname)
func_map = self.classes[classname].methods
if ffi.jname in func_map:
func_map[ffi.jname] = ffi
# calc args with def val
cnt = len([a for a in ffi.funcs[0].args if a.defval])
self.def_args_hist[cnt] = self.def_args_hist.get(cnt, 0) + 1
def save(self, path, buf):
f = open(path, "wt")
def gen(self, srcfiles, module, output_path):
self.module = module
self.Module = module.capitalize()
parser = hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser()
self.add_class( ['class ' + self.Module, '', [], []] ) # [ 'class/struct cname', ':bases', [modlist] [props] ]
# scan the headers and build more descriptive maps of classes, consts, functions
for hdr in srcfiles:
decls = parser.parse(hdr)
for decl in decls:
name = decl[0]
if name.startswith("struct") or name.startswith("class"):
elif name.startswith("const"):
else: # function
self.cpp_code = StringIO()
// This file is auto-generated, please don't edit!
#define LOG_TAG "org.opencv.$m"
#include "common.h"
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#include "opencv2/$m/$m.hpp"
using namespace cv;
/// throw java exception
static void throwJavaException(JNIEnv *env, const std::exception *e, const char *method) {
std::string what = "unknown exception";
jclass je = 0;
if(e) {
std::string exception_type = "std::exception";
if(dynamic_cast<const cv::Exception*>(e)) {
exception_type = "cv::Exception";
je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException");
what = exception_type + ": " + e->what();
if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception");
env->ThrowNew(je, what.c_str());
LOGE("%s caught %s", method, what.c_str());
(void)method; // avoid "unused" warning
extern "C" {
""").substitute( m = module, M = module.upper() ) )
# generate code for the classes
for name in self.classes.keys():
if name == "Mat":
# saving code streams
imports = "\n".join([ "import %s;" % c for c in \
sorted(self.classes[name].imports) if not c.startswith('org.opencv.'+self.module) ])
self.java_code[name]["j_code"].write("\n\n%s\n}\n" % self.java_code[name]["jn_code"].getvalue())
java_code = self.java_code[name]["j_code"].getvalue()
java_code = Template(java_code).substitute(imports = imports)
self.save("%s/%s+%s.java" % (output_path, module, self.classes[name].jname), java_code)
self.cpp_code.write( '\n} // extern "C"\n\n#endif // HAVE_OPENCV_%s\n' % module.upper() )
self.save(output_path+"/"+module+".cpp", self.cpp_code.getvalue())
# report
report = StringIO()
report.write("PORTED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % \
(len(self.ported_func_list), len(self.ported_func_list)+ len(self.skipped_func_list))
report.write("\n\nSKIPPED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % \
(len(self.skipped_func_list), len(self.ported_func_list)+ len(self.skipped_func_list))
for i in self.def_args_hist.keys():
report.write("\n%i def args - %i funcs" % (i, self.def_args_hist[i]))
report.write("\n\nclass as MAP:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(self.classes_map))
report.write("\n\nclass SIMPLE:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(self.classes_simple))
self.save(output_path+"/"+module+".txt", report.getvalue())
#print "Done %i of %i funcs." % (len(self.ported_func_list), len(self.ported_func_list)+ len(self.skipped_func_list))
def get_imports(self, scope_classname, ctype):
imports = self.classes[scope_classname or self.Module].imports
if ctype.startswith('vector_vector'):
self.get_imports(scope_classname, ctype.replace('vector_vector', 'vector'))
if ctype.startswith('vector'):
if type_dict[ctype]['j_type'].startswith('MatOf'):
imports.add("org.opencv.core." + type_dict[ctype]['j_type'])
self.get_imports(scope_classname, ctype.replace('vector_', ''))
j_type = ''
if ctype in type_dict:
j_type = type_dict[ctype]['j_type']
elif ctype in ("Algorithm"):
j_type = ctype
if j_type in ( "CvType", "Mat", "Point", "Point3", "Range", "Rect", "RotatedRect", "Scalar", "Size", "TermCriteria", "Algorithm" ):
imports.add("org.opencv.core." + j_type)
if j_type == 'String':
def gen_func(self, fi, prop_name=''):
j_code = self.java_code[fi.classname or self.Module]["j_code"]
jn_code = self.java_code[fi.classname or self.Module]["jn_code"]
cpp_code = self.cpp_code
# c_decl
# e.g: void add(Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask = Mat(), int dtype = -1)
if prop_name:
c_decl = "%s %s::%s" % (fi.ctype, fi.classname, prop_name)
decl_args = []
for a in fi.args:
s = a.ctype or ' _hidden_ '
if a.pointer:
s += "*"
elif a.out:
s += "&"
s += " " + a.name
if a.defval:
s += " = "+a.defval
c_decl = "%s %s %s(%s)" % ( fi.static, fi.ctype, fi.cname, ", ".join(decl_args) )
# java comment
j_code.write( "\n //\n // C++: %s\n //\n\n" % c_decl )
# check if we 'know' all the types
if fi.ctype not in type_dict: # unsupported ret type
msg = "// Return type '%s' is not supported, skipping the function\n\n" % fi.ctype
self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg)
j_code.write( " "*4 + msg )
print "SKIP:", c_decl.strip(), "\t due to RET type", fi.ctype
for a in fi.args:
if a.ctype not in type_dict:
msg = "// Unknown type '%s' (%s), skipping the function\n\n" % (a.ctype, a.out or "I")
self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg)
j_code.write( " "*4 + msg )
print "SKIP:", c_decl.strip(), "\t due to ARG type", a.ctype, "/" + (a.out or "I")
# jn & cpp comment
jn_code.write( "\n // C++: %s\n" % c_decl )
cpp_code.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl )
# java args
args = fi.args[:] # copy
suffix_counter = int( self.classes[fi.classname or self.Module].methods_suffixes.get(fi.jname, -1) )
while True:
suffix_counter += 1
self.classes[fi.classname or self.Module].methods_suffixes[fi.jname] = suffix_counter
# java native method args
jn_args = []
# jni (cpp) function args
jni_args = [ArgInfo([ "env", "env", "", [], "" ]), ArgInfo([ "cls", "", "", [], "" ])]
j_prologue = []
j_epilogue = []
c_prologue = []
c_epilogue = []
if type_dict[fi.ctype]["jni_type"] == "jdoubleArray":
fields = type_dict[fi.ctype]["jn_args"]
c_epilogue.append( \
("jdoubleArray _da_retval_ = env->NewDoubleArray(%(cnt)i); " +
"jdouble _tmp_retval_[%(cnt)i] = {%(args)s}; " +
"env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(_da_retval_, 0, %(cnt)i, _tmp_retval_);") %
{ "cnt" : len(fields), "args" : ", ".join(["_retval_" + f[1] for f in fields]) } )
if fi.classname and fi.ctype and not fi.static: # non-static class method except c-tor
# adding 'self'
jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "nativeObj", "", [], "" ]) )
jni_args.append( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "self", "", [], "" ]) )
self.get_imports(fi.classname, fi.ctype)
for a in args:
if not a.ctype: # hidden
self.get_imports(fi.classname, a.ctype)
if "vector" in a.ctype: # pass as Mat
jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "%s_mat.nativeObj" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
jni_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "%s_mat_nativeObj" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
c_prologue.append( type_dict[a.ctype]["jni_var"] % {"n" : a.name} + ";" )
c_prologue.append( "Mat& %(n)s_mat = *((Mat*)%(n)s_mat_nativeObj)" % {"n" : a.name} + ";" )
if "I" in a.out or not a.out:
if a.ctype.startswith("vector_vector_"):
self.classes[fi.classname or self.Module].imports.add("java.util.ArrayList")
j_prologue.append( "List<Mat> %(n)s_tmplm = new ArrayList<Mat>((%(n)s != null) ? %(n)s.size() : 0);" % {"n" : a.name } )
j_prologue.append( "Mat %(n)s_mat = Converters.%(t)s_to_Mat(%(n)s, %(n)s_tmplm);" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
if not type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"].startswith("MatOf"):
j_prologue.append( "Mat %(n)s_mat = Converters.%(t)s_to_Mat(%(n)s);" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
j_prologue.append( "Mat %s_mat = %s;" % (a.name, a.name) )
c_prologue.append( "Mat_to_%(t)s( %(n)s_mat, %(n)s );" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
if not type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"].startswith("MatOf"):
j_prologue.append( "Mat %s_mat = new Mat();" % a.name )
j_prologue.append( "Mat %s_mat = %s;" % (a.name, a.name) )
if "O" in a.out:
if not type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"].startswith("MatOf"):
j_epilogue.append("Converters.Mat_to_%(t)s(%(n)s_mat, %(n)s);" % {"t" : a.ctype, "n" : a.name})
c_epilogue.append( "%(t)s_to_Mat( %(n)s, %(n)s_mat );" % {"n" : a.name, "t" : a.ctype} )
fields = type_dict[a.ctype].get("jn_args", ((a.ctype, ""),))
if "I" in a.out or not a.out or a.ctype in self.classes: # input arg, pass by primitive fields
for f in fields:
jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ f[0], a.name + f[1], "", [], "" ]) )
jni_args.append( ArgInfo([ f[0], a.name + f[1].replace(".","_").replace("[","").replace("]",""), "", [], "" ]) )
if a.out and a.ctype not in self.classes: # out arg, pass as double[]
jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "double[]", "%s_out" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
jni_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "double[]", "%s_out" % a.name, "", [], "" ]) )
j_prologue.append( "double[] %s_out = new double[%i];" % (a.name, len(fields)) )
c_epilogue.append( \
"jdouble tmp_%(n)s[%(cnt)i] = {%(args)s}; env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(%(n)s_out, 0, %(cnt)i, tmp_%(n)s);" %
{ "n" : a.name, "cnt" : len(fields), "args" : ", ".join([a.name + f[1] for f in fields]) } )
if a.ctype in ('bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double'):
j_epilogue.append('if(%(n)s!=null) %(n)s[0] = (%(t)s)%(n)s_out[0];' % {'n':a.name,'t':a.ctype})
set_vals = []
i = 0
for f in fields:
set_vals.append( "%(n)s%(f)s = %(t)s%(n)s_out[%(i)i]" %
{"n" : a.name, "t": ("("+type_dict[f[0]]["j_type"]+")", "")[f[0]=="double"], "f" : f[1], "i" : i}
i += 1
j_epilogue.append( "if("+a.name+"!=null){ " + "; ".join(set_vals) + "; } ")
# java part:
# private java NATIVE method decl
# e.g.
# private static native void add_0(long src1, long src2, long dst, long mask, int dtype);
jn_code.write( Template(\
" private static native $type $name($args);\n").substitute(\
type = type_dict[fi.ctype].get("jn_type", "double[]"), \
name = fi.jname + '_' + str(suffix_counter), \
args = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype]["jn_type"], a.name.replace(".","_").replace("[","").replace("]","")) for a in jn_args])
) );
# java part:
#java doc comment
f_name = fi.name
if fi.classname:
f_name = fi.classname + "::" + fi.name
java_doc = "//javadoc: " + f_name + "(%s)" % ", ".join([a.name for a in args if a.ctype])
j_code.write(" "*4 + java_doc + "\n")
# public java wrapper method impl (calling native one above)
# e.g.
# public static void add( Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask, int dtype )
# { add_0( src1.nativeObj, src2.nativeObj, dst.nativeObj, mask.nativeObj, dtype ); }
ret_type = fi.ctype
if fi.ctype.endswith('*'):
ret_type = ret_type[:-1]
ret_val = type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + " retVal = "
tail = ""
ret = "return retVal;"
if ret_type.startswith('vector'):
tail = ")"
j_type = type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"]
if j_type.startswith('MatOf'):
ret_val += j_type + ".fromNativeAddr("
ret_val = "Mat retValMat = new Mat("
j_prologue.append( j_type + ' retVal = new Array' + j_type+'();')
self.classes[fi.classname or self.Module].imports.add('java.util.ArrayList')
j_epilogue.append('Converters.Mat_to_' + ret_type + '(retValMat, retVal);')
elif ret_type == "void":
ret_val = ""
ret = "return;"
elif ret_type == "": # c-tor
if fi.classname and self.classes[fi.classname].base:
ret_val = "super( "
tail = " )"
ret_val = "nativeObj = "
ret = "return;"
elif ret_type in self.classes: # wrapped class
ret_val = type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + " retVal = new " + self.classes[ret_type].jname + "("
tail = ")"
elif "jn_type" not in type_dict[ret_type]:
ret_val = type_dict[fi.ctype]["j_type"] + " retVal = new " + type_dict[ret_type]["j_type"] + "("
tail = ")"
static = "static"
if fi.classname:
static = fi.static
j_args = []
for a in args:
if not a.ctype: #hidden
jt = type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"]
if a.out and a.ctype in ('bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double'):
jt += '[]'
j_args.append( jt + ' ' + a.name )
j_code.write( Template(\
""" public $static $j_type $j_name($j_args)
ret = ret, \
ret_val = ret_val, \
tail = tail, \
prologue = "\n ".join(j_prologue), \
epilogue = "\n ".join(j_epilogue), \
static=static, \
j_type=type_dict[fi.ctype]["j_type"], \
j_name=fi.jname, \
j_args=", ".join(j_args), \
jn_name=fi.jname + '_' + str(suffix_counter), \
jn_args_call=", ".join( [a.name for a in jn_args] ),\
# cpp part:
# jni_func(..) { _retval_ = cv_func(..); return _retval_; }
ret = "return _retval_;"
default = "return 0;"
if fi.ctype == "void":
ret = "return;"
default = "return;"
elif not fi.ctype: # c-tor
ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;"
elif fi.ctype.startswith('vector'): # c-tor
ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;"
elif fi.ctype == "string":
ret = "return env->NewStringUTF(_retval_.c_str());"
default = 'return env->NewStringUTF("");'
elif fi.ctype in self.classes: # wrapped class:
ret = "return (jlong) new %s(_retval_);" % fi.ctype
elif ret_type in self.classes: # pointer to wrapped class:
ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;"
elif type_dict[fi.ctype]["jni_type"] == "jdoubleArray":
ret = "return _da_retval_;"
# hack: replacing func call with property set/get
name = fi.name
if prop_name:
if args:
name = prop_name + " = "
name = prop_name + ";//"
cvname = "cv::" + name
retval = fi.ctype + " _retval_ = "
if fi.ctype == "void":
retval = ""
elif fi.ctype.startswith('vector'):
retval = type_dict[fi.ctype]['jni_var'] % {"n" : '_ret_val_vector_'} + " = "
c_epilogue.append("Mat* _retval_ = new Mat();")
c_epilogue.append(fi.ctype+"_to_Mat(_ret_val_vector_, *_retval_);")
if fi.classname:
if not fi.ctype: # c-tor
retval = fi.classname + "* _retval_ = "
cvname = "new " + fi.classname
elif fi.static:
cvname = "%s::%s" % (fi.classname, name)
cvname = "me->" + name
"%(cls)s* me = (%(cls)s*) self; //TODO: check for NULL" \
% { "cls" : fi.classname} \
cvargs = []
for a in args:
if a.pointer:
jni_name = "&%(n)s"
jni_name = "%(n)s"
if not a.out and not "jni_var" in type_dict[a.ctype]:
# explicit cast to C type to avoid ambiguous call error on platforms (mingw)
# where jni types are different from native types (e.g. jint is not the same as int)
jni_name = "(%s)%s" % (a.ctype, jni_name)
if not a.ctype: # hidden
jni_name = a.defval
cvargs.append( type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_name", jni_name) % {"n" : a.name})
if "vector" not in a.ctype :
if ("I" in a.out or not a.out or a.ctype in self.classes) and "jni_var" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # complex type
c_prologue.append(type_dict[a.ctype]["jni_var"] % {"n" : a.name} + ";")
if a.out and "I" not in a.out and a.ctype not in self.classes and a.ctype:
c_prologue.append("%s %s;" % (a.ctype, a.name))
rtype = type_dict[fi.ctype].get("jni_type", "jdoubleArray")
clazz = self.Module
if fi.classname:
clazz = self.classes[fi.classname].jname
cpp_code.write ( Template( \
JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname ($argst);
JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname
static const char method_name[] = "$module::$fname()";
try {
LOGD("%s", method_name);
$retval$cvname( $cvargs );
} catch(const std::exception &e) {
throwJavaException(env, &e, method_name);
} catch (...) {
throwJavaException(env, 0, method_name);
""" ).substitute( \
rtype = rtype, \
module = self.module, \
clazz = clazz.replace('_', '_1'), \
fname = (fi.jname + '_' + str(suffix_counter)).replace('_', '_1'), \
args = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_type"), a.name) for a in jni_args]), \
argst = ", ".join([type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_type") for a in jni_args]), \
prologue = "\n ".join(c_prologue), \
epilogue = " ".join(c_epilogue) + ("\n " if c_epilogue else ""), \
ret = ret, \
cvname = cvname, \
cvargs = ", ".join(cvargs), \
default = default, \
retval = retval, \
) )
# processing args with default values
if not args or not args[-1].defval:
while args and args[-1].defval:
# 'smart' overloads filtering
a = args.pop()
if a.name in ('mask', 'dtype', 'ddepth', 'lineType', 'borderType', 'borderMode', 'criteria'):
def gen_class(self, name):
# generate code for the class
ci = self.classes[name]
# constants
if ci.private_consts:
private static final int
%s;\n\n""" % (",\n"+" "*12).join(["%s = %s" % (c.name, c.value) for c in ci.private_consts])
if ci.consts:
public static final int
%s;\n\n""" % (",\n"+" "*12).join(["%s = %s" % (c.name, c.value) for c in ci.consts])
# c-tors
fflist = ci.methods.items()
for n, ffi in fflist:
if ffi.isconstructor:
for fi in ffi.funcs:
fi.jname = ci.jname
# other methods
for n, ffi in fflist:
if not ffi.isconstructor:
for fi in ffi.funcs:
# props
for pi in ci.props:
# getter
getter_name = name + ".get_" + pi.name
#print getter_name
fi = FuncInfo( [getter_name, pi.ctype, [], []] ) # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
self.gen_func(fi, pi.name)
if pi.rw:
setter_name = name + ".set_" + pi.name
#print setter_name
fi = FuncInfo( [ setter_name, "void", [], [ [pi.ctype, pi.name, "", [], ""] ] ] )
self.gen_func(fi, pi.name)
# manual ports
if name in ManualFuncs:
for func in ManualFuncs[name].keys():
self.java_code[name]["j_code"].write ( ManualFuncs[name][func]["j_code"] )
self.java_code[name]["jn_code"].write( ManualFuncs[name][func]["jn_code"] )
self.cpp_code.write( ManualFuncs[name][func]["cpp_code"] )
if name != self.Module:
# finalize()
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
""" )
// native support for java finalize()
private static native void delete(long nativeObj);
""" )
# native support for java finalize()
self.cpp_code.write( \
// native support for java finalize()
// static void %(cls)s::delete( __int64 self )
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_%(j_cls)s_delete(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_%(j_cls)s_delete
(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong self)
delete (%(cls)s*) self;
""" % {"module" : module, "cls" : name, "j_cls" : ci.jname.replace('_', '_1')}
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print "Usage:\n", \
os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), \
"<full path to hdr_parser.py> <module name> <C++ header> [<C++ header>...]"
print "Current args are: ", ", ".join(["'"+a+"'" for a in sys.argv])
dstdir = "."
hdr_parser_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
if hdr_parser_path.endswith(".py"):
hdr_parser_path = os.path.dirname(hdr_parser_path)
import hdr_parser
if (sys.argv[2] == "-android"):
class_ignore_list += ("VideoCapture",)
module = sys.argv[3]
srcfiles = sys.argv[4:]
module = sys.argv[2]
srcfiles = sys.argv[3:]
#print "Generating module '" + module + "' from headers:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(srcfiles)
generator = JavaWrapperGenerator()
generator.gen(srcfiles, module, dstdir)