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Core Operations on Matrices
.. highlight:: cpp
Makes a multi-channel matrix out of several single-channel matrices.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::merge(const GpuMat* src, size_t n, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::merge(const vector<GpuMat>& src, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param src: Array/vector of source matrices.
:param n: Number of source matrices.
:param dst: Destination matrix.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`merge`
Copies each plane of a multi-channel matrix into an array.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::split(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat* dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::split(const GpuMat& src, vector<GpuMat>& dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param src: Source matrix.
:param dst: Destination array/vector of single-channel matrices.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`split`
Forms a border around an image.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::copyMakeBorder(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, const Scalar& value = Scalar(), Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param src: Source image. ``CV_8UC1`` , ``CV_8UC4`` , ``CV_32SC1`` , and ``CV_32FC1`` types are supported.
:param dst: Destination image with the same type as ``src``. The size is ``Size(src.cols+left+right, src.rows+top+bottom)`` .
:param top:
:param bottom:
:param left:
:param right: Number of pixels in each direction from the source image rectangle to extrapolate. For example: ``top=1, bottom=1, left=1, right=1`` mean that 1 pixel-wide border needs to be built.
:param borderType: Border type. See :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` for details. ``BORDER_REFLECT101`` , ``BORDER_REPLICATE`` , ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` , ``BORDER_REFLECT`` and ``BORDER_WRAP`` are supported for now.
:param value: Border value.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`copyMakeBorder`
Transposes a matrix.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::transpose( const GpuMat& src1, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream=Stream::Null() )
:param src1: Source matrix. 1-, 4-, 8-byte element sizes are supported for now (CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4, CV_16UC2, CV_32FC1, etc).
:param dst: Destination matrix.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`transpose`
Flips a 2D matrix around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::flip( const GpuMat& a, GpuMat& b, int flipCode, Stream& stream=Stream::Null() )
:param a: Source matrix. Supports 1, 3 and 4 channels images with ``CV_8U``, ``CV_16U``, ``CV_32S`` or ``CV_32F`` depth.
:param b: Destination matrix.
:param flipCode: Flip mode for the source:
* ``0`` Flips around x-axis.
* ``>0`` Flips around y-axis.
* ``<0`` Flips around both axes.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`flip`
Transforms the source matrix into the destination matrix using the given look-up table: ``dst(I) = lut(src(I))``
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::LUT(const GpuMat& src, const Mat& lut, GpuMat& dst, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param src: Source matrix. ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC3`` matrices are supported for now.
:param lut: Look-up table of 256 elements. It is a continuous ``CV_8U`` matrix.
:param dst: Destination matrix with the same depth as ``lut`` and the same number of channels as ``src`` .
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`LUT`