2013-09-06 19:32:35 +04:00

556 lines
20 KiB

#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "viz3d_impl.hpp"
#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
#if 1 || !defined __APPLE__
vtkRenderWindowInteractor* vtkRenderWindowInteractorFixNew ()
return vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New();
cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::VizImpl (const std::string &name)
: style_ (vtkSmartPointer<cv::viz::InteractorStyle>::New ())
, widget_actor_map_ (new WidgetActorMap)
, s_lastDone_(0.0)
renderer_ = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New ();
// Create a RendererWindow
window_ = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New ();
// Set the window size as 1/2 of the screen size
cv::Vec2i window_size = cv::Vec2i(window_->GetScreenSize()) / 2;
window_->SetSize (window_size.val);
window_->AddRenderer (renderer_);
// Create the interactor style
style_->Initialize ();
style_->setRenderer (renderer_);
style_->setWidgetActorMap (widget_actor_map_);
style_->UseTimersOn ();
interactor_ = vtkSmartPointer <vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::Take (vtkRenderWindowInteractorFixNew ());
window_->AlphaBitPlanesOff ();
window_->PointSmoothingOff ();
window_->LineSmoothingOff ();
window_->PolygonSmoothingOff ();
window_->SwapBuffersOn ();
window_->SetStereoTypeToAnaglyph ();
interactor_->SetRenderWindow (window_);
interactor_->SetInteractorStyle (style_);
interactor_->SetDesiredUpdateRate (30.0);
// Initialize and create timer, also create window
interactor_->Initialize ();
timer_id_ = interactor_->CreateRepeatingTimer (5000L);
// Set a simple PointPicker
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointPicker> pp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointPicker>::New ();
pp->SetTolerance (pp->GetTolerance () * 2);
interactor_->SetPicker (pp);
exit_main_loop_timer_callback_ = vtkSmartPointer<ExitMainLoopTimerCallback>::New ();
exit_main_loop_timer_callback_->viz_ = this;
exit_main_loop_timer_callback_->right_timer_id = -1;
interactor_->AddObserver (vtkCommand::TimerEvent, exit_main_loop_timer_callback_);
exit_callback_ = vtkSmartPointer<ExitCallback>::New ();
exit_callback_->viz_ = this;
interactor_->AddObserver (vtkCommand::ExitEvent, exit_callback_);
resetStoppedFlag ();
String window_name;
VizAccessor::generateWindowName(name, window_name);
window_->SetWindowName (window_name.c_str ());
cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::~VizImpl ()
if (interactor_)
if (renderer_) renderer_->Clear();
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::showWidget(const String &id, const Widget &widget, const Affine3f &pose)
WidgetActorMap::iterator wam_itr = widget_actor_map_->find(id);
bool exists = wam_itr != widget_actor_map_->end();
if (exists)
// Remove it if it exists and add it again
// Get the actor and set the user matrix
vtkProp3D *actor = vtkProp3D::SafeDownCast(WidgetAccessor::getProp(widget));
if (actor)
// If the actor is 3D, apply pose
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> matrix = convertToVtkMatrix(pose.matrix);
actor->SetUserMatrix (matrix);
// If the actor is a vtkFollower, then it should always face the camera
vtkFollower *follower = vtkFollower::SafeDownCast(actor);
if (follower)
(*widget_actor_map_)[id] = WidgetAccessor::getProp(widget);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::removeWidget(const String &id)
WidgetActorMap::iterator wam_itr = widget_actor_map_->find(id);
bool exists = wam_itr != widget_actor_map_->end();
CV_Assert("Widget does not exist." && exists);
CV_Assert("Widget could not be removed." && removeActorFromRenderer (wam_itr->second));
cv::viz::Widget cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getWidget(const String &id) const
WidgetActorMap::const_iterator wam_itr = widget_actor_map_->find(id);
bool exists = wam_itr != widget_actor_map_->end();
CV_Assert("Widget does not exist." && exists);
Widget widget;
WidgetAccessor::setProp(widget, wam_itr->second);
return widget;
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose)
WidgetActorMap::iterator wam_itr = widget_actor_map_->find(id);
bool exists = wam_itr != widget_actor_map_->end();
CV_Assert("Widget does not exist." && exists);
vtkProp3D *actor = vtkProp3D::SafeDownCast(wam_itr->second);
CV_Assert("Widget is not 3D." && actor);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> matrix = convertToVtkMatrix(pose.matrix);
actor->SetUserMatrix (matrix);
actor->Modified ();
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::updateWidgetPose(const String &id, const Affine3f &pose)
WidgetActorMap::iterator wam_itr = widget_actor_map_->find(id);
bool exists = wam_itr != widget_actor_map_->end();
CV_Assert("Widget does not exist." && exists);
vtkProp3D *actor = vtkProp3D::SafeDownCast(wam_itr->second);
CV_Assert("Widget is not 3D." && actor);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> matrix = actor->GetUserMatrix();
if (!matrix)
setWidgetPose(id, pose);
return ;
Matx44f matrix_cv = convertToMatx(matrix);
Affine3f updated_pose = pose * Affine3f(matrix_cv);
matrix = convertToVtkMatrix(updated_pose.matrix);
actor->SetUserMatrix (matrix);
actor->Modified ();
cv::Affine3f cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getWidgetPose(const String &id) const
WidgetActorMap::const_iterator wam_itr = widget_actor_map_->find(id);
bool exists = wam_itr != widget_actor_map_->end();
CV_Assert("Widget does not exist." && exists);
vtkProp3D *actor = vtkProp3D::SafeDownCast(wam_itr->second);
CV_Assert("Widget is not 3D." && actor);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> matrix = actor->GetUserMatrix();
Matx44f matrix_cv = convertToMatx(matrix);
return Affine3f(matrix_cv);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setDesiredUpdateRate(double time)
if (interactor_)
double cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getDesiredUpdateRate()
if (interactor_)
return interactor_->GetDesiredUpdateRate();
return 0.0;
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::saveScreenshot (const std::string &file) { style_->saveScreenshot (file); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::registerMouseCallback(MouseCallback callback, void* cookie)
{ style_->registerMouseCallback(callback, cookie); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::registerKeyboardCallback(KeyboardCallback callback, void* cookie)
{ style_->registerKeyboardCallback(callback, cookie); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::spin ()
resetStoppedFlag ();
window_->Render ();
interactor_->Start ();
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::spinOnce (int time, bool force_redraw)
resetStoppedFlag ();
if (time <= 0)
time = 1;
if (force_redraw)
interactor_->Render ();
double s_now_ = cv::getTickCount() / cv::getTickFrequency();
if (s_lastDone_ > s_now_)
s_lastDone_ = s_now_;
if ((s_now_ - s_lastDone_) > (1.0 / interactor_->GetDesiredUpdateRate ()))
exit_main_loop_timer_callback_->right_timer_id = interactor_->CreateRepeatingTimer (time);
interactor_->Start ();
interactor_->DestroyTimer (exit_main_loop_timer_callback_->right_timer_id);
s_lastDone_ = s_now_;
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::removeAllWidgets()
bool cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::removeActorFromRenderer (const vtkSmartPointer<vtkProp> &actor)
vtkProp* actor_to_remove = vtkProp::SafeDownCast(actor);
vtkPropCollection* actors = renderer_->GetViewProps ();
actors->InitTraversal ();
vtkProp* current_actor = NULL;
while ((current_actor = actors->GetNextProp ()) != NULL)
if (current_actor != actor_to_remove)
renderer_->RemoveActor (actor);
return true;
return false;
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::createActorFromVTKDataSet (const vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> &data, vtkSmartPointer<vtkLODActor> &actor, bool use_scalars)
if (!actor)
actor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLODActor>::New ();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetMapper>::New ();
mapper->SetInput (data);
if (use_scalars)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> scalars = data->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ();
if (scalars)
cv::Vec3d minmax(scalars->GetRange());
mapper->SetScalarModeToUsePointData ();
// interpolation OFF, if data is a vtkPolyData that contains only vertices, ON for anything else.
vtkPolyData* polyData = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast (data);
bool interpolation = (polyData && polyData->GetNumberOfCells () != polyData->GetNumberOfVerts ());
mapper->SetInterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping (interpolation);
mapper->ScalarVisibilityOn ();
mapper->ImmediateModeRenderingOff ();
actor->SetNumberOfCloudPoints (int (std::max<vtkIdType> (1, data->GetNumberOfPoints () / 10)));
actor->GetProperty ()->SetInterpolationToFlat ();
/// FIXME disabling backface culling due to known VTK bug: vtkTextActors are not
/// shown when there is a vtkActor with backface culling on present in the scene
/// Please see VTK bug tracker for more details:
// actor->GetProperty ()->BackfaceCullingOn ();
actor->SetMapper (mapper);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setBackgroundColor (const Color& color)
Color c = vtkcolor(color);
renderer_->SetBackground (c.val);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setCamera(const Camera &camera)
vtkCamera& active_camera = *renderer_->GetActiveCamera();
// Set the intrinsic parameters of the camera
window_->SetSize (camera.getWindowSize().width, camera.getWindowSize().height);
double aspect_ratio = static_cast<double>(camera.getWindowSize().width)/static_cast<double>(camera.getWindowSize().height);
Matx44f proj_mat;
// Use the intrinsic parameters of the camera to simulate more realistically
Matx44f old_proj_mat = convertToMatx(active_camera.GetProjectionTransformMatrix(aspect_ratio, -1.0, 1.0));
vtkTransform *transform = vtkTransform::New();
// This is a hack around not being able to set Projection Matrix
transform->SetMatrix(convertToVtkMatrix(proj_mat * old_proj_mat.inv()));
cv::viz::Camera cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getCamera() const
vtkCamera& active_camera = *renderer_->GetActiveCamera();
Size window_size(renderer_->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize()[0],
double aspect_ratio = static_cast<double>(window_size.width) / static_cast<double>(window_size.height);
Matx44f proj_matrix = convertToMatx(active_camera.GetProjectionTransformMatrix(aspect_ratio, -1.0f, 1.0f));
Camera camera(proj_matrix, window_size);
return camera;
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setViewerPose(const Affine3f &pose)
vtkCamera& camera = *renderer_->GetActiveCamera ();
// Position = extrinsic translation
cv::Vec3f pos_vec = pose.translation();
// Rotate the view vector
cv::Matx33f rotation = pose.rotation();
cv::Vec3f y_axis (0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
cv::Vec3f up_vec (rotation * y_axis);
// Compute the new focal point
cv::Vec3f z_axis (0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
cv::Vec3f focal_vec = pos_vec + rotation * z_axis;
camera.SetPosition(pos_vec[0], pos_vec[1], pos_vec[2]);
camera.SetFocalPoint(focal_vec[0], focal_vec[1], focal_vec[2]);
camera.SetViewUp(up_vec[0], up_vec[1], up_vec[2]);
cv::Affine3f cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getViewerPose ()
vtkCamera& camera = *renderer_->GetActiveCamera ();
Vec3d pos(camera.GetPosition());
Vec3d view_up(camera.GetViewUp());
Vec3d focal(camera.GetFocalPoint());
Vec3d y_axis = normalized(view_up);
Vec3d z_axis = normalized(focal - pos);
Vec3d x_axis = normalized(y_axis.cross(z_axis));
cv::Matx33d R;
R(0, 0) = x_axis[0];
R(0, 1) = y_axis[0];
R(0, 2) = z_axis[0];
R(1, 0) = x_axis[1];
R(1, 1) = y_axis[1];
R(1, 2) = z_axis[1];
R(2, 0) = x_axis[2];
R(2, 1) = y_axis[2];
R(2, 2) = z_axis[2];
return cv::Affine3f(R, pos);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::convertToWindowCoordinates(const Point3d &pt, Point3d &window_coord)
Vec3d window_pt;
vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeWorldToDisplay(renderer_, pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, window_pt.val);
window_coord = window_pt;
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::converTo3DRay(const Point3d &window_coord, Point3d &origin, Vec3d &direction)
Vec4d world_pt;
vtkInteractorObserver::ComputeDisplayToWorld(renderer_, window_coord.x, window_coord.y, window_coord.z, world_pt.val);
vtkCamera &active_camera = *renderer_->GetActiveCamera();
Vec3d cam_pos;
origin = cam_pos;
direction = normalize(Vec3d(world_pt.val) - cam_pos);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::resetCameraViewpoint (const String &id)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> camera_pose;
static WidgetActorMap::iterator it = widget_actor_map_->find (id);
if (it != widget_actor_map_->end ())
vtkProp3D *actor = vtkProp3D::SafeDownCast(it->second);
CV_Assert("Widget is not 3D." && actor);
camera_pose = actor->GetUserMatrix();
// Prevent a segfault
if (!camera_pose) return;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> cam = renderer_->GetActiveCamera ();
cam->SetPosition (camera_pose->GetElement (0, 3),
camera_pose->GetElement (1, 3),
camera_pose->GetElement (2, 3));
cam->SetFocalPoint (camera_pose->GetElement (0, 3) - camera_pose->GetElement (0, 2),
camera_pose->GetElement (1, 3) - camera_pose->GetElement (1, 2),
camera_pose->GetElement (2, 3) - camera_pose->GetElement (2, 2));
cam->SetViewUp (camera_pose->GetElement (0, 1),
camera_pose->GetElement (1, 1),
camera_pose->GetElement (2, 1));
renderer_->SetActiveCamera (cam);
renderer_->ResetCameraClippingRange ();
renderer_->Render ();
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::resetCamera()
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setRepresentationToSurface()
vtkActorCollection * actors = renderer_->GetActors();
vtkActor * actor;
while ((actor = actors->GetNextActor()) != NULL)
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setRepresentationToPoints()
vtkActorCollection * actors = renderer_->GetActors();
vtkActor * actor;
while ((actor = actors->GetNextActor()) != NULL)
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setRepresentationToWireframe()
vtkActorCollection * actors = renderer_->GetActors();
vtkActor *actor;
while ((actor = actors->GetNextActor()) != NULL)
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::updateCells (vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray> &cells, vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray> &initcells, vtkIdType nr_points)
// If no init cells and cells has not been initialized...
if (!cells)
cells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray>::New ();
// If we have less values then we need to recreate the array
if (cells->GetNumberOfTuples () < nr_points)
cells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray>::New ();
// If init cells is given, and there's enough data in it, use it
if (initcells && initcells->GetNumberOfTuples () >= nr_points)
cells->DeepCopy (initcells);
cells->SetNumberOfComponents (2);
cells->SetNumberOfTuples (nr_points);
// If the number of tuples is still too small, we need to recreate the array
cells->SetNumberOfComponents (2);
cells->SetNumberOfTuples (nr_points);
vtkIdType *cell = cells->GetPointer (0);
// Fill it with 1s
std::fill_n (cell, nr_points * 2, 1);
for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < nr_points; ++i, cell += 2)
*cell = i;
// Save the results in initcells
initcells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdTypeArray>::New ();
initcells->DeepCopy (cells);
// The assumption here is that the current set of cells has more data than needed
cells->SetNumberOfComponents (2);
cells->SetNumberOfTuples (nr_points);
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setFullScreen (bool mode)
if (window_)
window_->SetFullScreen (mode);
cv::String cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getWindowName() const
return (window_ ? window_->GetWindowName() : "");
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setWindowPosition (int x, int y) { window_->SetPosition (x, y); }
void cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::setWindowSize (int xw, int yw) { window_->SetSize (xw, yw); }
cv::Size cv::viz::Viz3d::VizImpl::getWindowSize() const { return Size(window_->GetSize()[0], window_->GetSize()[1]); }