The rst_parser.py was unintentionally corrupted by normalization. This fix repairs the script and fixes Java API generation.
772 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
772 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
import os, sys, re, string, fnmatch
allmodules = ["core", "flann", "imgproc", "ml", "highgui", "video", "features2d", "calib3d", "objdetect", "legacy", "contrib", "gpu", "androidcamera", "java", "python", "stitching", "ts", "photo", "nonfree", "videostab", "ocl"]
verbose = False
show_warnings = True
show_errors = True
show_critical_errors = True
params_blacklist = {
"fromarray" : ("object", "allowND"), # python only function
"reprojectImageTo3D" : ("ddepth"), # python only argument
"composeRT" : ("d*d*"), # wildchards in parameter names are not supported by this parser
"CvSVM::train_auto" : ("\*Grid"), # wildchards in parameter names are not supported by this parser
"error" : "args", # parameter of supporting macro
"getConvertElem" : ("from", "cn", "to", "beta", "alpha"), # arguments of returned functions
"gpu::swapChannels" : ("dstOrder") # parameter is not parsed correctly by the hdr_parser
params_mapping = {
"composeRT" : {
"dr3dr1" : "d*d*",
"dr3dr2" : "d*d*",
"dr3dt1" : "d*d*",
"dr3dt2" : "d*d*",
"dt3dr1" : "d*d*",
"dt3dr2" : "d*d*",
"dt3dt1" : "d*d*",
"dt3dt2" : "d*d*"
"CvSVM::train_auto" : {
"coeffGrid" : "\\*Grid",
"degreeGrid" : "\\*Grid",
"gammaGrid" : "\\*Grid",
"nuGrid" : "\\*Grid",
"pGrid" : "\\*Grid"
known_text_sections_names = ["Appendix", "Results", "Prerequisites", "Introduction", "Description"]
class DeclarationParser(object):
def __init__(self, line=None):
if line is None:
self.fdecl = ""
self.lang = ""
self.balance = 0
self.lang = self.getLang(line)
assert self.lang is not None
self.fdecl = line[line.find("::")+2:].strip()
self.balance = self.fdecl.count("(") - self.fdecl.count(")")
assert self.balance >= 0
def append(self, line):
self.fdecl += line
self.balance = self.fdecl.count("(") - self.fdecl.count(")")
def isready(self):
return self.balance == 0
def getLang(self, line):
if line.startswith(".. ocv:function::"):
return "C++"
if line.startswith(".. ocv:cfunction::"):
return "C"
if line.startswith(".. ocv:pyfunction::"):
return "Python2"
if line.startswith(".. ocv:pyoldfunction::"):
return "Python1"
if line.startswith(".. ocv:jfunction::"):
return "Java"
return None
def hasDeclaration(self, line):
return self.getLang(line) is not None
class ParamParser(object):
def __init__(self, line=None):
if line is None:
self.prefix = ""
self.name = ""
self.comment = ""
self.active = False
offset = line.find(":param")
assert offset > 0
self.prefix = line[:offset]
assert self.prefix==" "*len(self.prefix), ":param definition should be prefixed with spaces"
line = line[offset + 6:].lstrip()
name_end = line.find(":")
assert name_end > 0
self.name = line[:name_end]
self.comment = line[name_end+1:].lstrip()
self.active = True
def append(self, line):
assert self.active
if (self.hasDeclaration(line)):
self.active = False
elif line.startswith(self.prefix) or not line:
self.comment += "\n" + line.lstrip()
self.active = False
def hasDeclaration(self, line):
return line.lstrip().startswith(":param")
class RstParser(object):
def __init__(self, cpp_parser):
self.cpp_parser = cpp_parser
self.definitions = {}
self.sections_parsed = 0
self.sections_total = 0
self.sections_skipped = 0
def parse(self, module_name, module_path=None):
if module_path is None:
module_path = "../" + module_name
doclist = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(module_path,"doc")):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.rst"):
doclist.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
for doc in doclist:
self.parse_rst_file(module_name, doc)
def parse_section_safe(self, module_name, section_name, file_name, lineno, lines):
self.parse_section(module_name, section_name, file_name, lineno, lines)
except AssertionError, args:
if show_errors:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser error E%03d: assertion in \"%s\" at %s:%s" % (ERROR_001_SECTIONFAILURE, section_name, file_name, lineno)
print >> sys.stderr, " Details: %s" % args
def parse_section(self, module_name, section_name, file_name, lineno, lines):
self.sections_total += 1
# skip sections having whitespace in name
#if section_name.find(" ") >= 0 and section_name.find("::operator") < 0:
if (section_name.find(" ") >= 0 and not bool(re.match(r"(\w+::)*operator\s*(\w+|>>|<<|\(\)|->|\+\+|--|=|==|\+=|-=)", section_name)) ) or section_name.endswith(":"):
if show_errors:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser warning W%03d: SKIPPED: \"%s\" File: %s:%s" % (WARNING_002_HDRWHITESPACE, section_name, file_name, lineno)
self.sections_skipped += 1
func = {}
func["name"] = section_name
func["file"] = file_name
func["line"] = lineno
func["module"] = module_name
# parse section name
section_name = self.parse_namespace(func, section_name)
class_separator_idx = section_name.find("::")
if class_separator_idx > 0:
func["class"] = section_name[:class_separator_idx]
func["method"] = section_name[class_separator_idx+2:]
func["method"] = section_name
capturing_seealso = False
skip_code_lines = False
expected_brief = True
was_code_line = False
fdecl = DeclarationParser()
pdecl = ParamParser()
for l in lines:
# read tail of function/method declaration if needed
if not fdecl.isready():
if fdecl.isready():
self.add_new_fdecl(func, fdecl)
# continue capture seealso
if capturing_seealso:
if not l or l.startswith(" "):
seealso = func.get("seealso",[])
func["seealso"] = seealso
capturing_seealso = False
ll = l.strip()
if ll == "..":
expected_brief = False
skip_code_lines = False
# skip lines if line-skipping mode is activated
if skip_code_lines:
if not l:
if l.startswith(" "):
skip_code_lines = False
if ll.startswith(".. code-block::") or ll.startswith(".. image::"):
skip_code_lines = True
# todo: parse structure members; skip them for now
if ll.startswith(".. ocv:member::"):
#print ll
skip_code_lines = True
#ignore references (todo: collect them)
if l.startswith(".. ["):
if ll.startswith(".. "):
expected_brief = False
elif ll.endswith("::"):
# turn on line-skipping mode for code fragments
#print ll
skip_code_lines = True
ll = ll[:len(ll)-2]
# continue param parsing (process params after processing .. at the beginning of the line and :: at the end)
if pdecl.active:
if pdecl.active:
self.add_new_pdecl(func, pdecl)
# do not continue - current line can contain next parameter definition
# parse ".. seealso::" blocks
if ll.startswith(".. seealso::"):
if ll.endswith(".. seealso::"):
capturing_seealso = True
seealso = func.get("seealso",[])
func["seealso"] = seealso
# skip ".. index::"
if ll.startswith(".. index::"):
# parse class & struct definitions
if ll.startswith(".. ocv:class::"):
func["class"] = ll[ll.find("::")+2:].strip()
if "method" in func:
del func["method"]
func["isclass"] = True
expected_brief = True
if ll.startswith(".. ocv:struct::"):
func["class"] = ll[ll.find("::")+2:].strip()
if "method" in func:
del func["method"]
func["isstruct"] = True
expected_brief = True
# parse function/method definitions
if fdecl.hasDeclaration(ll):
fdecl = DeclarationParser(ll)
if fdecl.isready():
self.add_new_fdecl(func, fdecl)
# parse parameters
if pdecl.hasDeclaration(l):
pdecl = ParamParser(l)
# record brief description
if expected_brief:
func["brief"] = func.get("brief", "") + "\n" + ll
if skip_code_lines:
expected_brief = False # force end brief if code block begins
# record other lines as long description
if (skip_code_lines):
ll = ll.replace("/*", "/ *")
ll = ll.replace("*/", "* /")
if (was_code_line):
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + "\n" + ll + "\n"
was_code_line = True;
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + ll +"\n<code>\n\n // C++ code:\n\n"
if (was_code_line):
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + "\n" + ll + "\n</code>\n";
was_code_line = False;
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + "\n" + ll
# endfor l in lines
if fdecl.balance != 0:
if show_critical_errors:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser error E%03d: invalid parentheses balance in \"%s\" at %s:%s" % (ERROR_003_PARENTHESES, section_name, file_name, lineno)
# save last parameter if needed
if pdecl.active:
self.add_new_pdecl(func, pdecl)
# add definition to list
func = self.normalize(func)
if self.validate(func):
self.definitions[func["name"]] = func
self.sections_parsed += 1
if verbose:
elif func:
if func["name"] in known_text_sections_names:
if show_errors:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser warning W%03d: SKIPPED: \"%s\" File: %s:%s" % (WARNING_002_HDRWHITESPACE, section_name, file_name, lineno)
self.sections_skipped += 1
elif show_errors:
self.print_info(func, True, sys.stderr)
def parse_rst_file(self, module_name, doc):
doc = os.path.abspath(doc)
lineno = 0
whitespace_warnings = 0
max_whitespace_warnings = 10
lines = []
flineno = 0
fname = ""
prev_line = None
df = open(doc, "rt")
for l in df.readlines():
lineno += 1
# handle tabs
if l.find("\t") >= 0:
whitespace_warnings += 1
if whitespace_warnings <= max_whitespace_warnings and show_warnings:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser warning W%03d: tab symbol instead of space is used at %s:%s" % (WARNING_004_TABS, doc, lineno)
l = l.replace("\t", " ")
# handle first line
if prev_line == None:
prev_line = l.rstrip()
ll = l.rstrip()
if len(prev_line) > 0 and len(ll) >= len(prev_line) and (ll == "-" * len(ll) or ll == "+" * len(ll) or ll == "=" * len(ll)):
# new function candidate
if len(lines) > 1:
self.parse_section_safe(module_name, fname, doc, flineno, lines[:len(lines)-1])
lines = []
flineno = lineno-1
fname = prev_line.strip()
elif flineno > 0:
prev_line = ll
# don't forget about the last function section in file!!!
if len(lines) > 1:
self.parse_section_safe(module_name, fname, doc, flineno, lines)
def parse_namespace(self, func, section_name):
known_namespaces = ["cv", "gpu", "flann"]
l = section_name.strip()
for namespace in known_namespaces:
if l.startswith(namespace + "::"):
func["namespace"] = namespace
return l[len(namespace)+2:]
return section_name
def add_new_fdecl(self, func, decl):
if decl.fdecl.endswith(";"):
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser error E%03d: unexpected semicolon at the end of declaration in \"%s\" at %s:%s" \
% (ERROR_011_EOLEXPECTED, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"])
decls = func.get("decls",[])
if (decl.lang == "C++" or decl.lang == "C"):
rst_decl = self.cpp_parser.parse_func_decl_no_wrap(decl.fdecl)
decls.append( [decl.lang, decl.fdecl, rst_decl] )
decls.append( [decl.lang, decl.fdecl] )
func["decls"] = decls
def add_new_pdecl(self, func, decl):
params = func.get("params",{})
if decl.name in params:
if show_errors:
#check black_list
if decl.name not in params_blacklist.get(func["name"], []):
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser error E%03d: redefinition of parameter \"%s\" in \"%s\" at %s:%s" \
% (ERROR_005_REDEFENITIONPARAM, decl.name, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"])
params[decl.name] = decl.comment
func["params"] = params
def print_info(self, func, skipped=False, out = sys.stdout):
print >> out
if skipped:
print >> out, "SKIPPED DEFINITION:"
print >> out, "name: %s" % (func.get("name","~empty~"))
print >> out, "file: %s:%s" % (func.get("file","~empty~"), func.get("line","~empty~"))
print >> out, "is class: %s" % func.get("isclass",False)
print >> out, "is struct: %s" % func.get("isstruct",False)
print >> out, "module: %s" % func.get("module","~unknown~")
print >> out, "namespace: %s" % func.get("namespace", "~empty~")
print >> out, "class: %s" % (func.get("class","~empty~"))
print >> out, "method: %s" % (func.get("method","~empty~"))
print >> out, "brief: %s" % (func.get("brief","~empty~"))
if "decls" in func:
print >> out, "declarations:"
for d in func["decls"]:
print >> out, " %7s: %s" % (d[0], re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", d[1]))
if "seealso" in func:
print >> out, "seealso: ", func["seealso"]
if "params" in func:
print >> out, "parameters:"
for name, comment in func["params"].items():
print >> out, "%23s: %s" % (name, comment)
print >> out, "long: %s" % (func.get("long","~empty~"))
print >> out
def validate(self, func):
if func.get("decls",None) is None:
if not func.get("isclass",False) and not func.get("isstruct",False):
return False
if func["name"] in self.definitions:
if show_errors:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser error E%03d: \"%s\" from: %s:%s is already documented at %s:%s" \
% (ERROR_006_REDEFENITIONFUNC, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"], self.definitions[func["name"]]["file"], self.definitions[func["name"]]["line"])
return False
return self.validateParams(func)
def validateParams(self, func):
documentedParams = func.get("params",{}).keys()
params = []
for decl in func.get("decls", []):
if len(decl) > 2:
args = decl[2][3] # decl[2] -> [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ]
for arg in args:
# arg -> [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ]
if arg[0] != "...":
params = list(set(params))#unique
# 1. all params are documented
for p in params:
if p not in documentedParams and show_warnings:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser warning W%03d: parameter \"%s\" of \"%s\" is undocumented. %s:%s" % (WARNING_007_UNDOCUMENTEDPARAM, p, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"])
# 2. only real params are documented
for p in documentedParams:
if p not in params and show_warnings:
if p not in params_blacklist.get(func["name"], []):
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser warning W%03d: unexisting parameter \"%s\" of \"%s\" is documented at %s:%s" % (WARNING_008_MISSINGPARAM, p, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"])
return True
def normalize(self, func):
if not func:
return func
fnname = func["name"]
fnname = self.normalizeText(fnname)
fnname = re.sub(r'_\?D$', "_nD", fnname) # tailing _?D can be mapped to _nD
fnname = re.sub(r'\?D$', "ND", fnname) # tailing ?D can be mapped to ND
fnname = re.sub(r'\(s\)$', "s", fnname) # tailing (s) can be mapped to s
func["name"] = fnname
if "method" in func:
func["method"] = self.normalizeText(func["method"])
if "class" in func:
func["class"] = self.normalizeText(func["class"])
if "brief" in func:
func["brief"] = self.normalizeText(func.get("brief",None))
if not func["brief"]:
del func["brief"]
if "long" in func:
func["long"] = self.normalizeText(func.get("long",None))
if not func["long"]:
del func["long"]
if "decls" in func:
if "params" in func:
params = {}
for name, comment in func["params"].items():
cmt = self.normalizeText(comment)
if cmt:
params[name] = cmt
# expand some wellknown params
pmap = params_mapping.get(fnname)
if pmap:
for name, alias in pmap.items():
params[name] = params[alias]
func["params"] = params
if "seealso" in func:
seealso = []
for see in func["seealso"]:
item = self.normalizeText(see.rstrip(".")).strip("\"")
if item and (item.find(" ") < 0 or item.find("::operator") > 0):
func["seealso"] = list(set(seealso))
if not func["seealso"]:
del func["seealso"]
# special case for old C functions - section name should omit "cv" prefix
if not func.get("isclass",False) and not func.get("isstruct",False):
return func
def fixOldCFunctionName(self, func):
if not "decls" in func:
fname = None
for decl in func["decls"]:
if decl[0] != "C" and decl[0] != "Python1":
if decl[0] == "C":
fname = decl[2][0]
if fname is None:
fname = fname.replace(".", "::")
if fname.startswith("cv::cv"):
if fname[6:] == func.get("name", "").replace("*", "_n"):
func["name"] = fname[4:]
func["method"] = fname[4:]
elif show_warnings:
print >> sys.stderr, "RST parser warning W%03d: \"%s\" - section name is \"%s\" instead of \"%s\" at %s:%s" % (WARNING_009_HDRMISMATCH, fname, func["name"], fname[6:], func["file"], func["line"])
def normalizeText(self, s):
if s is None:
return s
s = re.sub(r"\.\. math::[ \r]*\n+((.|\n)*?)(\n[ \r]*\n|$)", mathReplace2, s)
s = re.sub(r":math:`([^`]+?)`", mathReplace, s)
s = re.sub(r" *:sup:", "^", s)
s = s.replace(":ocv:class:", "")
s = s.replace(":ocv:struct:", "")
s = s.replace(":ocv:func:", "")
s = s.replace(":ocv:cfunc:","")
s = s.replace(":c:type:", "")
s = s.replace(":c:func:", "")
s = s.replace(":ref:", "")
s = s.replace(":math:", "")
s = s.replace(":func:", "")
s = s.replace("]_", "]")
s = s.replace(".. note::", "Note:")
s = s.replace(".. table::", "")
s = s.replace(".. ocv:function::", "")
s = s.replace(".. ocv:cfunction::", "")
# remove ".. identifier:" lines
s = re.sub(r"(^|\n)\.\. [a-zA-Z_0-9]+(::[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)?:(\n|$)", "\n ", s)
# unwrap urls
s = re.sub(r"`([^`<]+ )<(https?://[^>]+)>`_", "\\1(\\2)", s)
# remove tailing ::
s = re.sub(r"::(\n|$)", "\\1", s)
# normalize line endings
s = re.sub(r"\r\n", "\n", s)
# remove extra line breaks before/after _ or ,
s = re.sub(r"\n[ ]*([_,])\n", r"\1 ", s)
# remove extra line breaks after `
#s = re.sub(r"`\n", "` ", s)
# remove extra space after ( and before .,)
s = re.sub(r"\([\n ]+", "(", s)
s = re.sub(r"[\n ]+(\.|,|\))", "\\1", s)
# remove extra line breaks after ".. note::"
s = re.sub(r"\.\. note::\n+", ".. note:: ", s)
# remove extra line breaks before *
s = re.sub(r"\n+\*", "\n*", s)
# remove extra line breaks after *
s = re.sub(r"\n\*\n+", "\n* ", s)
# remove extra line breaks before #.
s = re.sub(r"\n+#\.", "\n#.", s)
# remove extra line breaks after #.
s = re.sub(r"\n#\.\n+", "\n#. ", s)
# remove extra line breaks before `
#s = re.sub(r"\n[ ]*`", " `", s)
# remove trailing whitespaces
s = re.sub(r"[ ]+$", "", s)
# remove .. for references
#s = re.sub(r"\.\. \[", "[", s)
# unescape
s = re.sub(r"\\(.)", "\\1", s)
# remove whitespace before .
s = re.sub(r"[ ]+\.", ".", s)
# remove tailing whitespace
s = re.sub(r" +(\n|$)", "\\1", s)
# remove leading whitespace
s = re.sub(r"(^|\n) +", "\\1", s)
# compress line breaks
s = re.sub(r"\n\n+", "\n\n", s)
# remove other newlines
s = re.sub(r"([^.\n\\=])\n([^*#\n]|\*[^ ])", "\\1 \\2", s)
# compress whitespace
s = re.sub(r" +", " ", s)
# restore math
s = re.sub(r" *<BR> *","\n", s)
# remove extra space before .
s = re.sub(r"[\n ]+\.", ".", s)
s = s.replace("**", "")
s = re.sub(r"``([^\n]+?)``", "<code>\\1</code>", s)
s = s.replace("``", "\"")
s = s.replace("`", "\"")
s = s.replace("\"\"", "\"")
s = s.strip()
return s
def printSummary(self):
print "RST Parser Summary:"
print " Total sections: %s" % self.sections_total
print " Skipped sections: %s" % self.sections_skipped
print " Parsed sections: %s" % self.sections_parsed
print " Invalid sections: %s" % (self.sections_total - self.sections_parsed - self.sections_skipped)
# statistic by language
stat = {}
classes = 0
structs = 0
for name, d in self.definitions.items():
if d.get("isclass", False):
classes += 1
elif d.get("isstruct", False):
structs += 1
for decl in d.get("decls",[]):
stat[decl[0]] = stat.get(decl[0],0) + 1
print " classes documented: %s" % classes
print " structs documented: %s" % structs
for lang in sorted(stat.items()):
print " %7s functions documented: %s" % lang
def mathReplace2(match):
m = mathReplace(match)
#print "%s ===> %s" % (match.group(0), m)
return "\n\n"+m+"<BR><BR>"
def hdotsforReplace(match):
return '... '*int(match.group(1))
def matrixReplace(match):
m = match.group(2)
m = re.sub(r" *& *", " ", m)
return m
def mathReplace(match):
m = match.group(1)
m = m.replace("\n", "<BR>")
m = m.replace("<", "<")
m = m.replace(">", ">")
m = re.sub(r"\\text(tt|rm)?{(.*?)}", "\\2", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\mbox{(.*?)}", "\\1", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\mathrm{(.*?)}", "\\1", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\vecthree{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "[\\1 \\2 \\3]", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\bar{(.*?)}", "\\1`", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\sqrt\[(\d)*\]{(.*?)}", "sqrt\\1(\\2)", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\sqrt{(.*?)}", "sqrt(\\1)", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\frac{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "(\\1)/(\\2)", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\fork{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "\\1 \\2; \\3 \\4", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\forkthree{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "\\1 \\2; \\3 \\4; \\5 \\6", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\stackrel{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "\\1 \\2", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\sum _{(.*?)}", "sum{by: \\1}", m)
m = re.sub(r" +", " ", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\begin{(?P<gtype>array|bmatrix)}(?:{[\|lcr\. ]+})? *(.*?)\\end{(?P=gtype)}", matrixReplace, m)
m = re.sub(r"\\hdotsfor{(\d+)}", hdotsforReplace, m)
m = re.sub(r"\\vecthreethree{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "<BR>|\\1 \\2 \\3|<BR>|\\4 \\5 \\6|<BR>|\\7 \\8 \\9|<BR>", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\left[ ]*\\lfloor[ ]*", "[", m)
m = re.sub(r"[ ]*\\right[ ]*\\rfloor", "]", m)
m = re.sub(r"\\left[ ]*\([ ]*", "(", m)
m = re.sub(r"[ ]*\\right[ ]*\)", ")", m)
m = re.sub(r"([^\\])\$", "\\1", m)
m = m.replace("\\times", "x")
m = m.replace("\\pm", "+-")
m = m.replace("\\cdot", "*")
m = m.replace("\\sim", "~")
m = m.replace("\\leftarrow", "<-")
m = m.replace("\\rightarrow", "->")
m = m.replace("\\leftrightarrow", "<->")
m = re.sub(r" *\\neg *", " !", m)
m = re.sub(r" *\\neq? *", " != ", m)
m = re.sub(r" *\\geq? *", " >= ", m)
m = re.sub(r" *\\leq? *", " <= ", m)
m = re.sub(r" *\\vee *", " V ", m)
m = re.sub(r" *\\oplus *", " (+) ", m)
m = re.sub(r" *\\mod *", " mod ", m)
m = re.sub(r"( *)\\partial *", "\\1d", m)
m = re.sub(r"( *)\\quad *", "\\1 ", m)
m = m.replace("\\,", " ")
m = m.replace("\\:", " ")
m = m.replace("\\;", " ")
m = m.replace("\\!", "")
m = m.replace("\\\\", "<BR>")
m = m.replace("\\wedge", "/\\\\")
m = re.sub(r"\\(.)", "\\1", m)
m = re.sub(r"\([ ]+", "(", m)
m = re.sub(r"[ ]+(\.|,|\))(<BR>| |$)", "\\1\\2", m)
m = re.sub(r" +\|[ ]+([a-zA-Z0-9_(])", " |\\1", m)
m = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z0-9_)}])[ ]+(\(|\|)", "\\1\\2", m)
m = re.sub(r"{\((-?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)}", "\\1", m)
m = re.sub(r"{(-?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}", "(\\1)", m)
m = re.sub(r"\(([0-9]+)\)", "\\1", m)
m = m.replace("{", "(")
m = m.replace("}", ")")
#print "%s ===> %s" % (match.group(0), m)
return "<em>" + m + "</em>"
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage:\n", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), " <module path>"
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
if sys.argv[2].lower() == "verbose":
verbose = True
rst_parser_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
hdr_parser_path = os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../python/src2")
import hdr_parser
module = sys.argv[1]
if module != "all" and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../" + module)):
print "RST parser error E%03d: module \"%s\" could not be found." % (ERROR_010_NOMODULE, module)
parser = RstParser(hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser())
if module == "all":
for m in allmodules:
parser.parse(m, os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../" + m))
parser.parse(module, os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../" + module))
# summary