Andrey Kamaev fe0d07ae53 Add experimental support for desktop Java
Based on pull request  (thanks to Eric Christiansen)
Support for Java is turned off by default and can be enabled setting
BUILD_opencv_java to ON (e.g. cmake -DBUILD_opencv_java=ON ..)
2012-09-17 13:21:20 +04:00

15 lines
759 B

<!-- This is an Apache Ant build file. As part of the desktop java build -->
<!-- process, this config is used to package the autogenerated .java -->
<!-- interface files into OpenCV.jar -->
<project name="OpenCV">
<target name="jar">
<!-- This is to make a jar with a source attachment, for e.g. easy -->
<!-- navigation in Eclipse. See this question: -->
<!-- -->
<javac sourcepath="" srcdir="src" destdir="src" debug="on" includeantruntime="false" >
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<jar basedir="src" destfile="bin/opencv-@OPENCV_VERSION_MAJOR@.@OPENCV_VERSION_MINOR@.@OPENCV_VERSION_PATCH@.jar"/>