124 lines
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#! /usr/bin/env octave
## This program is demonstration for ellipse fitting. Program finds
## contours and approximate it by ellipses.
## Trackbar specify threshold parametr.
## White lines is contours. Red lines is fitting ellipses.
## Original C implementation by: Denis Burenkov.
## Python implementation by: Roman Stanchak
## Octave implementation by: Xavier Delacour
global g;
g.image02 = [];
g.image03 = [];
g.image04 = [];
function process_image( slider_pos )
global g;
global cv;
global highgui;
## Define trackbar callback functon. This function find contours,
## draw it and approximate it by ellipses.
stor = cv.cvCreateMemStorage(0);
## Threshold the source image. This needful for cv.cvFindContours().
cv.cvThreshold( g.image03, g.image02, slider_pos, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY );
## Find all contours.
[nb_contours, cont] = cv.cvFindContours (g.image02,stor,cv.sizeof_CvContour,cv.CV_RETR_LIST,cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE,cv.cvPoint (0,0));
## Clear images. IPL use.
## This cycle draw all contours and approximate it by ellipses.
for c = cv.CvSeq_hrange(cont),
c = c{1};
count = c.total; # This is number point in contour
## Number point must be more than or equal to 6 (for cv.cvFitEllipse_32f).
if( count < 6 )
## Alloc memory for contour point set.
PointArray = cv.cvCreateMat(1, count, cv.CV_32SC2);
PointArray2D32f= cv.cvCreateMat( 1, count, cv.CV_32FC2);
## Get contour point set.
cv.cvCvtSeqToArray(c, PointArray, cv.cvSlice(0, cv.CV_WHOLE_SEQ_END_INDEX));
## Convert CvPoint set to CvBox2D32f set.
cv.cvConvert( PointArray, PointArray2D32f );
box = cv.CvBox2D();
## Fits ellipse to current contour.
box = cv.cvFitEllipse2(PointArray2D32f);
## Draw current contour.
cv.cvDrawContours(g.image04, c, cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255), cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255),0,1,8,cv.cvPoint(0,0));
## Convert ellipse data from float to integer representation.
center = cv.CvPoint();
size = cv.CvSize();
center.x = cv.cvRound(box.center.x);
center.y = cv.cvRound(box.center.y);
size.width = cv.cvRound(box.size.width*0.5);
size.height = cv.cvRound(box.size.height*0.5);
box.angle = -box.angle;
## Draw ellipse.
cv.cvEllipse(g.image04, center, size,box.angle, 0, 360,cv.CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, cv.CV_AA, 0);
## Show image. HighGUI use.
highgui.cvShowImage( "Result", g.image04 );
argc = size(argv, 1);
filename = "../c/stuff.jpg";
if(argc == 2)
filename = argv(){1};
slider_pos = 70;
## load image and force it to be grayscale
g.image03 = highgui.cvLoadImage(filename, 0);
if (!swig_this( g.image03))
printf("Could not load image %s\n", filename);
## Create the destination images
g.image02 = cv.cvCloneImage( g.image03 );
g.image04 = cv.cvCloneImage( g.image03 );
## Create windows.
highgui.cvNamedWindow("Source", 1);
highgui.cvNamedWindow("Result", 1);
## Show the image.
highgui.cvShowImage("Source", g.image03);
## Create toolbars. HighGUI use.
highgui.cvCreateTrackbar( "Threshold", "Result", slider_pos, 255, @process_image );
process_image( 1 );
## Wait for a key stroke; the same function arranges events processing
printf("Press any key to exit\n");