/********************************************************************* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Willow Garage, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Willow Garage nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *********************************************************************/ // // The original code was written by // Marius Muja // and later modified and prepared // for integration into OpenCV by // Antonella Cascitelli, // Marco Di Stefano and // Stefano Fabri // from Univ. of Rome // #include "precomp.hpp" #include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI # include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #endif #include #include namespace cv { using std::queue; typedef std::pair coordinate_t; typedef float orientation_t; typedef std::vector template_coords_t; typedef std::vector template_orientations_t; typedef std::pair location_scale_t; class ChamferMatcher { private: class Matching; int max_matches_; float min_match_distance_; ///////////////////////// Image iterators //////////////////////////// class ImageIterator { public: virtual ~ImageIterator() {} virtual bool hasNext() const = 0; virtual location_scale_t next() = 0; }; class ImageRange { public: virtual ImageIterator* iterator() const = 0; virtual ~ImageRange() {} }; // Sliding window class SlidingWindowImageRange : public ImageRange { int width_; int height_; int x_step_; int y_step_; int scales_; float min_scale_; float max_scale_; public: SlidingWindowImageRange(int width, int height, int x_step = 3, int y_step = 3, int _scales = 5, float min_scale = 0.6, float max_scale = 1.6) : width_(width), height_(height), x_step_(x_step),y_step_(y_step), scales_(_scales), min_scale_(min_scale), max_scale_(max_scale) { } ImageIterator* iterator() const; }; class LocationImageRange : public ImageRange { const std::vector& locations_; int scales_; float min_scale_; float max_scale_; LocationImageRange(const LocationImageRange&); LocationImageRange& operator=(const LocationImageRange&); public: LocationImageRange(const std::vector& locations, int _scales = 5, float min_scale = 0.6, float max_scale = 1.6) : locations_(locations), scales_(_scales), min_scale_(min_scale), max_scale_(max_scale) { } ImageIterator* iterator() const { return new LocationImageIterator(locations_, scales_, min_scale_, max_scale_); } }; class LocationScaleImageRange : public ImageRange { const std::vector& locations_; const std::vector& scales_; LocationScaleImageRange(const LocationScaleImageRange&); LocationScaleImageRange& operator=(const LocationScaleImageRange&); public: LocationScaleImageRange(const std::vector& locations, const std::vector& _scales) : locations_(locations), scales_(_scales) { assert(locations.size()==_scales.size()); } ImageIterator* iterator() const { return new LocationScaleImageIterator(locations_, scales_); } }; public: /** * Class that represents a template for chamfer matching. */ class Template { friend class ChamferMatcher::Matching; friend class ChamferMatcher; public: std::vector scaled_templates; std::vector addr; int addr_width; float scale; template_coords_t coords; template_orientations_t orientations; Size size; Point center; public: Template() : addr_width(-1) { } Template(Mat& edge_image, float scale_ = 1); ~Template() { for (size_t i=0;i& getTemplateAddresses(int width); }; /** * Used to represent a matching result. */ class Match { public: float cost; Point offset; const Template* tpl; }; typedef std::vector Matches; private: /** * Implements the chamfer matching algorithm on images taking into account both distance from * the template pixels to the nearest pixels and orientation alignment between template and image * contours. */ class Matching { float truncate_; bool use_orientation_; std::vector templates; public: Matching(bool use_orientation = true, float _truncate = 10) : truncate_(_truncate), use_orientation_(use_orientation) { } ~Matching() { for (size_t i = 0; i& locations_; size_t iter_; int scales_; float min_scale_; float max_scale_; float scale_; float scale_step_; int scale_cnt_; bool has_next_; LocationImageIterator(const LocationImageIterator&); LocationImageIterator& operator=(const LocationImageIterator&); public: LocationImageIterator(const std::vector& locations, int _scales, float min_scale, float max_scale); bool hasNext() const { return has_next_; } location_scale_t next(); }; class LocationScaleImageIterator : public ImageIterator { const std::vector& locations_; const std::vector& scales_; size_t iter_; bool has_next_; LocationScaleImageIterator(const LocationScaleImageIterator&); LocationScaleImageIterator& operator=(const LocationScaleImageIterator&); public: LocationScaleImageIterator(const std::vector& locations, const std::vector& _scales) : locations_(locations), scales_(_scales) { assert(locations.size()==_scales.size()); reset(); } void reset() { iter_ = 0; has_next_ = (locations_.size()==0 ? false : true); } bool hasNext() const { return has_next_; } location_scale_t next(); }; class SlidingWindowImageIterator : public ImageIterator { int x_; int y_; float scale_; float scale_step_; int scale_cnt_; bool has_next_; int width_; int height_; int x_step_; int y_step_; int scales_; float min_scale_; float max_scale_; public: SlidingWindowImageIterator(int width, int height, int x_step, int y_step, int scales, float min_scale, float max_scale); bool hasNext() const { return has_next_; } location_scale_t next(); }; int count; Matches matches; int pad_x; int pad_y; int scales; float minScale; float maxScale; float orientation_weight; float truncate; Matching * chamfer_; public: ChamferMatcher(int _max_matches = 20, float _min_match_distance = 1.0, int _pad_x = 3, int _pad_y = 3, int _scales = 5, float _minScale = 0.6, float _maxScale = 1.6, float _orientation_weight = 0.5, float _truncate = 20) { max_matches_ = _max_matches; min_match_distance_ = _min_match_distance; pad_x = _pad_x; pad_y = _pad_y; scales = _scales; minScale = _minScale; maxScale = _maxScale; orientation_weight = _orientation_weight; truncate = _truncate; count = 0; matches.resize(max_matches_); chamfer_ = new Matching(true); } void showMatch(Mat& img, int index = 0); void showMatch(Mat& img, Match match_); const Matches& matching(Template&, Mat&); private: void addMatch(float cost, Point offset, const Template* tpl); }; ///////////////////// implementation /////////////////////////// ChamferMatcher::SlidingWindowImageIterator::SlidingWindowImageIterator( int width, int height, int x_step = 3, int y_step = 3, int _scales = 5, float min_scale = 0.6, float max_scale = 1.6) : width_(width), height_(height), x_step_(x_step), y_step_(y_step), scales_(_scales), min_scale_(min_scale), max_scale_(max_scale) { x_ = 0; y_ = 0; scale_cnt_ = 0; scale_ = min_scale_; has_next_ = true; scale_step_ = (max_scale_-min_scale_)/scales_; } location_scale_t ChamferMatcher::SlidingWindowImageIterator::next() { location_scale_t next_val = std::make_pair(Point(x_,y_),scale_); x_ += x_step_; if (x_ >= width_) { x_ = 0; y_ += y_step_; if (y_ >= height_) { y_ = 0; scale_ += scale_step_; scale_cnt_++; if (scale_cnt_ == scales_) { has_next_ = false; scale_cnt_ = 0; scale_ = min_scale_; } } } return next_val; } ChamferMatcher::ImageIterator* ChamferMatcher::SlidingWindowImageRange::iterator() const { return new SlidingWindowImageIterator(width_, height_, x_step_, y_step_, scales_, min_scale_, max_scale_); } ChamferMatcher::LocationImageIterator::LocationImageIterator(const std::vector& locations, int _scales = 5, float min_scale = 0.6, float max_scale = 1.6) : locations_(locations), scales_(_scales), min_scale_(min_scale), max_scale_(max_scale) { iter_ = 0; scale_cnt_ = 0; scale_ = min_scale_; has_next_ = (locations_.size()==0 ? false : true); scale_step_ = (max_scale_-min_scale_)/scales_; } location_scale_t ChamferMatcher::LocationImageIterator:: next() { location_scale_t next_val = std::make_pair(locations_[iter_],scale_); iter_ ++; if (iter_==locations_.size()) { iter_ = 0; scale_ += scale_step_; scale_cnt_++; if (scale_cnt_ == scales_) { has_next_ = false; scale_cnt_ = 0; scale_ = min_scale_; } } return next_val; } location_scale_t ChamferMatcher::LocationScaleImageIterator::next() { location_scale_t next_val = std::make_pair(locations_[iter_],scales_[iter_]); iter_ ++; if (iter_==locations_.size()) { iter_ = 0; has_next_ = false; } return next_val; } bool ChamferMatcher::Matching::findFirstContourPoint(Mat& templ_img, coordinate_t& p) { for (int y=0;y(y,x)!=0) { p.first = x; p.second = y; return true; } } } return false; } void ChamferMatcher::Matching::followContour(Mat& templ_img, template_coords_t& coords, int direction = -1) { const int dir[][2] = { {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {1,0}, {1,-1}, {0,-1} }; coordinate_t next; coordinate_t next_temp; unsigned char ptr; assert (direction==-1 || !coords.empty()); coordinate_t crt = coords.back(); // mark the current pixel as visited templ_img.at(crt.second,crt.first) = 0; if (direction==-1) { for (int j = 0; j<7; ++j) { next.first = crt.first + dir[j][1]; next.second = crt.second + dir[j][0]; if (next.first >= 0 && next.first < templ_img.cols && next.second >= 0 && next.second < templ_img.rows){ ptr = templ_img.at(next.second, next.first); if (ptr!=0) { coords.push_back(next); followContour(templ_img, coords,j); // try to continue contour in the other direction reverse(coords.begin(), coords.end()); followContour(templ_img, coords, (j+4)%8); break; } } } } else { int k = direction; int k_cost = 3; next.first = crt.first + dir[k][1]; next.second = crt.second + dir[k][0]; if (next.first >= 0 && next.first < templ_img.cols && next.second >= 0 && next.second < templ_img.rows){ ptr = templ_img.at(next.second, next.first); if (ptr!=0) { k_cost = std::abs(dir[k][1]) + std::abs(dir[k][0]); } int p = k; int n = k; for (int j = 0 ;j<3; ++j) { p = (p + 7) % 8; n = (n + 1) % 8; next.first = crt.first + dir[p][1]; next.second = crt.second + dir[p][0]; if (next.first >= 0 && next.first < templ_img.cols && next.second >= 0 && next.second < templ_img.rows){ ptr = templ_img.at(next.second, next.first); if (ptr!=0) { int p_cost = std::abs(dir[p][1]) + std::abs(dir[p][0]); if (p_cost= 0 && next.first < templ_img.cols && next.second >= 0 && next.second < templ_img.rows){ ptr = templ_img.at(next.second, next.first); if (ptr!=0) { int n_cost = std::abs(dir[n][1]) + std::abs(dir[n][0]); if (n_cost= 0 && next.first < templ_img.cols && next.second >= 0 && next.second < templ_img.rows) { coords.push_back(next); followContour(templ_img, coords, k); } } } } } bool ChamferMatcher::Matching::findContour(Mat& templ_img, template_coords_t& coords) { coordinate_t start_point; bool found = findFirstContourPoint(templ_img,start_point); if (found) { coords.push_back(start_point); followContour(templ_img, coords); return true; } return false; } float ChamferMatcher::Matching::getAngle(coordinate_t a, coordinate_t b, int& dx, int& dy) { dx = b.first-a.first; dy = -(b.second-a.second); // in image coordinated Y axis points downward float angle = atan2((float)dy,(float)dx); if (angle<0) { angle+=(float)CV_PI; } return angle; } void ChamferMatcher::Matching::findContourOrientations(const template_coords_t& coords, template_orientations_t& orientations) { const int M = 5; int coords_size = (int)coords.size(); std::vector angles(2*M); orientations.insert(orientations.begin(), coords_size, float(-3*CV_PI)); // mark as invalid in the beginning if (coords_size<2*M+1) { // if contour not long enough to estimate orientations, abort return; } for (int i=M;i0;--j) { other = coords[i-j]; angles[k++] = getAngle(other,crt, dx, dy); } // compute next M angles for (int j=1;j<=M;++j) { other = coords[i+j]; angles[k++] = getAngle(crt, other, dx, dy); } // get the middle two angles nth_element(angles.begin(), angles.begin()+M-1, angles.end()); nth_element(angles.begin()+M-1, angles.begin()+M, angles.end()); // sort(angles.begin(), angles.end()); // average them to compute tangent orientations[i] = (angles[M-1]+angles[M])/2; } } //////////////////////// Template ///////////////////////////////////// ChamferMatcher::Template::Template(Mat& edge_image, float scale_) : addr_width(-1), scale(scale_) { template_coords_t local_coords; template_orientations_t local_orientations; while (ChamferMatcher::Matching::findContour(edge_image, local_coords)) { ChamferMatcher::Matching::findContourOrientations(local_coords, local_orientations); coords.insert(coords.end(), local_coords.begin(), local_coords.end()); orientations.insert(orientations.end(), local_orientations.begin(), local_orientations.end()); local_coords.clear(); local_orientations.clear(); } size = edge_image.size(); Point min, max; min.x = size.width; min.y = size.height; max.x = 0; max.y = 0; center = Point(0,0); for (size_t i=0;icoords[i].first) min.x = coords[i].first; if (min.y>coords[i].second) min.y = coords[i].second; if (max.x& ChamferMatcher::Template::getTemplateAddresses(int width) { if (addr_width!=width) { addr.resize(coords.size()); addr_width = width; for (size_t i=0; iscale-new_scale)<1e-6) { return scaled_templates[i]; } } float scale_factor = new_scale/scale; Template* tpl = new Template(); tpl->scale = new_scale; tpl->center.x = int(center.x*scale_factor+0.5); tpl->center.y = int(center.y*scale_factor+0.5); tpl->size.width = int(size.width*scale_factor+0.5); tpl->size.height = int(size.height*scale_factor+0.5); tpl->coords.resize(coords.size()); tpl->orientations.resize(orientations.size()); for (size_t i=0;icoords[i].first = int(coords[i].first*scale_factor+0.5); tpl->coords[i].second = int(coords[i].second*scale_factor+0.5); tpl->orientations[i] = orientations[i]; } scaled_templates.push_back(tpl); return tpl; } void ChamferMatcher::Template::show() const { int pad = 50; //Attention size is not correct Mat templ_color (Size(size.width+(pad*2), size.height+(pad*2)), CV_8UC3); templ_color.setTo(0); for (size_t i=0;i(y,x)[1]=255; //CV_PIXEL(unsigned char, templ_color,x,y)[1] = 255; if (i%3==0) { if (orientations[i] < -CV_PI) { continue; } Point p1; p1.x = x; p1.y = y; Point p2; p2.x = x + pad*(int)(sin(orientations[i])*100)/100; p2.y = y + pad*(int)(cos(orientations[i])*100)/100; line(templ_color, p1,p2, CV_RGB(255,0,0)); } } circle(templ_color,Point(center.x + pad, center.y + pad),1,CV_RGB(0,255,0)); #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI namedWindow("templ",1); imshow("templ",templ_color); cvWaitKey(0); #else CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "OpenCV has been compiled without GUI support"); #endif templ_color.release(); } //////////////////////// Matching ///////////////////////////////////// void ChamferMatcher::Matching::addTemplateFromImage(Mat& templ, float scale) { Template* cmt = new Template(templ, scale); if(templates.size() > 0) templates.clear(); templates.push_back(cmt); cmt->show(); } void ChamferMatcher::Matching::addTemplate(Template& template_){ if(templates.size() > 0) templates.clear(); templates.push_back(&template_); } /** * Alternative version of computeDistanceTransform, will probably be used to compute distance * transform annotated with edge orientation. */ void ChamferMatcher::Matching::computeDistanceTransform(Mat& edges_img, Mat& dist_img, Mat& annotate_img, float truncate_dt, float a = 1.0, float b = 1.5) { int d[][2] = { {-1,-1}, { 0,-1}, { 1,-1}, {-1,0}, { 1,0}, {-1,1}, { 0,1}, { 1,1} }; Size s = edges_img.size(); int w = s.width; int h = s.height; // set distance to the edge pixels to 0 and put them in the queue std::queue > q; for (int y=0;y(y,x)[0]=x; annotate_img.at(y,x)[1]=y; } uchar edge_val = edges_img.at(y,x); if( (edge_val!=0) ) { q.push(std::make_pair(x,y)); dist_img.at(y,x)= 0; } else { dist_img.at(y,x)=-1; } } } // breadth first computation of distance transform std::pair crt; while (!q.empty()) { crt = q.front(); q.pop(); int x = crt.first; int y = crt.second; float dist_orig = dist_img.at(y,x); float dist; for (size_t i=0;i=w || ny>=h) continue; if (std::abs(d[i][0]+d[i][1])==1) { dist = (dist_orig)+a; } else { dist = (dist_orig)+b; } float dt = dist_img.at(ny,nx); if (dt==-1 || dt>dist) { dist_img.at(ny,nx) = dist; q.push(std::make_pair(nx,ny)); if (&annotate_img!=NULL) { annotate_img.at(ny,nx)[0]=annotate_img.at(y,x)[0]; annotate_img.at(ny,nx)[1]=annotate_img.at(y,x)[1]; } } } } // truncate dt if (truncate_dt>0) { Mat dist_img_thr = dist_img.clone(); threshold(dist_img, dist_img_thr, truncate_dt,0.0 ,THRESH_TRUNC); dist_img_thr.copyTo(dist_img); } } void ChamferMatcher::Matching::computeEdgeOrientations(Mat& edge_img, Mat& orientation_img) { Mat contour_img(edge_img.size(), CV_8UC1); orientation_img.setTo(3*(-CV_PI)); template_coords_t coords; template_orientations_t orientations; while (ChamferMatcher::Matching::findContour(edge_img, coords)) { ChamferMatcher::Matching::findContourOrientations(coords, orientations); // set orientation pixel in orientation image for (size_t i = 0; i-CV_PI) // { //CV_PIXEL(unsigned char, contour_img, x, y)[0] = 255; contour_img.at(y,x)=255; // } //CV_PIXEL(float, orientation_img, x, y)[0] = orientations[i]; orientation_img.at(y,x)=orientations[i]; } coords.clear(); orientations.clear(); } //imwrite("contours.pgm", contour_img); } void ChamferMatcher::Matching::fillNonContourOrientations(Mat& annotated_img, Mat& orientation_img) { int cols = annotated_img.cols; int rows = annotated_img.rows; assert(orientation_img.cols==cols && orientation_img.rows==rows); for (int y=0;y(y,x)[0]; int yorig = annotated_img.at(y,x)[1]; if (x!=xorig || y!=yorig) { //orientation_img.at(yorig,xorig)=orientation_img.at(y,x); orientation_img.at(y,x)=orientation_img.at(yorig,xorig); } } } } ChamferMatcher::Match* ChamferMatcher::Matching::localChamferDistance(Point offset, Mat& dist_img, Mat& orientation_img, ChamferMatcher::Template* tpl, float alpha) { int x = offset.x; int y = offset.y; float beta = 1-alpha; std::vector& addr = tpl->getTemplateAddresses(dist_img.cols); float* ptr = dist_img.ptr(y)+x; float sum_distance = 0; for (size_t i=0; i(y)+x; float sum_orientation = 0; int cnt_orientation = 0; for (size_t i=0;iorientations[i]>=-CV_PI && (*(optr+addr[i]))>=-CV_PI) { sum_orientation += orientation_diff(tpl->orientations[i], (*(optr+addr[i]))); cnt_orientation++; } } } if (cnt_orientation>0) { cost = (float)(beta*cost+alpha*(sum_orientation/(2*CV_PI))/cnt_orientation); } } if(cost > 0){ ChamferMatcher::Match* istance = new ChamferMatcher::Match(); istance->cost = cost; istance->offset = offset; istance->tpl = tpl; return istance; } return NULL; } ChamferMatcher::Matches* ChamferMatcher::Matching::matchTemplates(Mat& dist_img, Mat& orientation_img, const ImageRange& range, float _orientation_weight) { ChamferMatcher::Matches* pmatches(new Matches()); // try each template for(size_t i = 0; i < templates.size(); i++) { ImageIterator* it = range.iterator(); while (it->hasNext()) { location_scale_t crt = it->next(); Point loc = crt.first; float scale = crt.second; Template* tpl = templates[i]->rescale(scale); if (loc.x-tpl->center.x<0 || loc.x+tpl->size.width/2>=dist_img.cols) continue; if (loc.y-tpl->center.y<0 || loc.y+tpl->size.height/2>=dist_img.rows) continue; ChamferMatcher::Match* is = localChamferDistance(loc, dist_img, orientation_img, tpl, _orientation_weight); if(is) { pmatches->push_back(*is); delete is; } } delete it; } return pmatches; } /** * Run matching using an edge image. * @param edge_img Edge image * @return a match object */ ChamferMatcher::Matches* ChamferMatcher::Matching::matchEdgeImage(Mat& edge_img, const ImageRange& range, float _orientation_weight, int /*max_matches*/, float /*min_match_distance*/) { CV_Assert(edge_img.channels()==1); Mat dist_img; Mat annotated_img; Mat orientation_img; annotated_img.create(edge_img.size(), CV_32SC2); dist_img.create(edge_img.size(),CV_32FC1); dist_img.setTo(0); // Computing distance transform computeDistanceTransform(edge_img,dist_img, annotated_img, truncate_); //orientation_img = NULL; if (use_orientation_) { orientation_img.create(edge_img.size(), CV_32FC1); orientation_img.setTo(0); Mat edge_clone = edge_img.clone(); computeEdgeOrientations(edge_clone, orientation_img ); edge_clone.release(); fillNonContourOrientations(annotated_img, orientation_img); } // Template matching ChamferMatcher::Matches* pmatches = matchTemplates( dist_img, orientation_img, range, _orientation_weight); if (use_orientation_) { orientation_img.release(); } dist_img.release(); annotated_img.release(); return pmatches; } void ChamferMatcher::addMatch(float cost, Point offset, const Template* tpl) { bool new_match = true; for (int i=0; i0) { if (matches[k-1].cost>matches[k].cost) { std::swap(matches[k-1],matches[k]); } k--; } break; } } if (new_match) { // if we don't have enough matches yet, add it to the array if (count=j) { matches[k+1] = matches[k]; k--; } matches[j].cost = cost; matches[j].offset = offset; matches[j].tpl = tpl; } } } void ChamferMatcher::showMatch(Mat& img, int index) { if (index>=count) { std::cout << "Index too big.\n" << std::endl; } assert(img.channels()==3); Match match = matches[index]; const template_coords_t& templ_coords = match.tpl->coords; int x, y; for (size_t i=0;i img.cols-1 || x < 0 || y > img.rows-1 || y < 0) continue; img.at(y,x)[0]=0; img.at(y,x)[2]=0; img.at(y,x)[1]=255; } } void ChamferMatcher::showMatch(Mat& img, Match match) { assert(img.channels()==3); const template_coords_t& templ_coords = match.tpl->coords; for (size_t i=0;i img.cols-1 || x < 0 || y > img.rows-1 || y < 0) continue; img.at(y,x)[0]=0; img.at(y,x)[2]=0; img.at(y,x)[1]=255; } match.tpl->show(); } const ChamferMatcher::Matches& ChamferMatcher::matching(Template& tpl, Mat& image_){ chamfer_->addTemplate(tpl); matches.clear(); matches.resize(max_matches_); count = 0; Matches* matches_ = chamfer_->matchEdgeImage( image_, ChamferMatcher:: SlidingWindowImageRange(image_.cols, image_.rows, pad_x, pad_y, scales, minScale, maxScale), orientation_weight, max_matches_, min_match_distance_); for(int i = 0; i < (int)matches_->size(); i++){ addMatch(matches_->at(i).cost, matches_->at(i).offset, matches_->at(i).tpl); } matches_->clear(); delete matches_; matches_ = NULL; matches.resize(count); return matches; } int chamerMatching( Mat& img, Mat& templ, std::vector >& results, std::vector& costs, double templScale, int maxMatches, double minMatchDistance, int padX, int padY, int scales, double minScale, double maxScale, double orientationWeight, double truncate ) { CV_Assert(img.type() == CV_8UC1 && templ.type() == CV_8UC1); ChamferMatcher matcher_(maxMatches, (float)minMatchDistance, padX, padY, scales, (float)minScale, (float)maxScale, (float)orientationWeight, (float)truncate); ChamferMatcher::Template template_(templ, (float)templScale); ChamferMatcher::Matches match_instances = matcher_.matching(template_, img); size_t i, nmatches = match_instances.size(); results.resize(nmatches); costs.resize(nmatches); int bestIdx = -1; double minCost = DBL_MAX; for( i = 0; i < nmatches; i++ ) { const ChamferMatcher::Match& match = match_instances[i]; double cval = match.cost; if( cval < minCost) { minCost = cval; bestIdx = (int)i; } costs[i] = (float)cval; const template_coords_t& templ_coords = match.tpl->coords; std::vector& templPoints = results[i]; size_t j, npoints = templ_coords.size(); templPoints.resize(npoints); for (j = 0; j < npoints; j++ ) { int x = match.offset.x + templ_coords[j].first; int y = match.offset.y + templ_coords[j].second; templPoints[j] = Point(x,y); } } return bestIdx; } }