Shape Transformers and Interfaces ================================= .. highlight:: cpp A virtual interface that ease the use of transforming algorithms in some pipelines, such as the Shape Context Matching Algorithm. Thus, all objects that implement shape transformation techniques inherit the :ocv:class:`ShapeTransformer` interface. ShapeTransformer ---------------- .. ocv:class:: ShapeTransformer : public Algorithm Abstract base class for shape transformation algorithms. :: class CV_EXPORTS_W ShapeTransformer : public Algorithm { public: CV_WRAP virtual void estimateTransformation(InputArray transformingShape, InputArray targetShape, std::vector<DMatch>& matches) = 0; CV_WRAP virtual float applyTransformation(InputArray input, OutputArray output=noArray()) = 0; CV_WRAP virtual void warpImage(InputArray transformingImage, OutputArray output, int flags=INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar& borderValue=Scalar()) const = 0; }; ShapeTransformer::estimateTransformation ---------------------------------------- Estimate the transformation parameters of the current transformer algorithm, based on point matches. .. ocv:function:: void estimateTransformation( InputArray transformingShape, InputArray targetShape, std::vector<DMatch>& matches ) :param transformingShape: Contour defining first shape. :param targetShape: Contour defining second shape (Target). :param matches: Standard vector of Matches between points. ShapeTransformer::applyTransformation ------------------------------------- Apply a transformation, given a pre-estimated transformation parameters. .. ocv:function:: float applyTransformation( InputArray input, OutputArray output=noArray() ) :param input: Contour (set of points) to apply the transformation. :param output: Output contour. ShapeTransformer::warpImage --------------------------- Apply a transformation, given a pre-estimated transformation parameters, to an Image. .. ocv:function:: void warpImage( InputArray transformingImage, OutputArray output, int flags=INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode=BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar& borderValue=Scalar() ) :param transformingImage: Input image. :param output: Output image. :param flags: Image interpolation method. :param borderMode: border style. :param borderValue: border value. ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer ------------------------------- .. ocv:class:: ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer : public Algorithm Definition of the transformation ocupied in the paper "Principal Warps: Thin-Plate Splines and Decomposition of Deformations", by F.L. Bookstein (PAMI 1989). :: class CV_EXPORTS_W ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer : public ShapeTransformer { public: CV_WRAP virtual void setRegularizationParameter(double beta) = 0; CV_WRAP virtual double getRegularizationParameter() const = 0; }; /* Complete constructor */ CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer> createThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer(double regularizationParameter=0); ThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer::setRegularizationParameter ----------------------------------------------------------- Set the regularization parameter for relaxing the exact interpolation requirements of the TPS algorithm. .. ocv:function:: void setRegularizationParameter( double beta ) :param beta: value of the regularization parameter. AffineTransformer ----------------- .. ocv:class:: AffineTransformer : public Algorithm Wrapper class for the OpenCV Affine Transformation algorithm. :: class CV_EXPORTS_W AffineTransformer : public ShapeTransformer { public: CV_WRAP virtual void setFullAffine(bool fullAffine) = 0; CV_WRAP virtual bool getFullAffine() const = 0; }; /* Complete constructor */ CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<AffineTransformer> createAffineTransformer(bool fullAffine);