/*********************************************************************** * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright 2008-2009 Marius Muja (mariusm@cs.ubc.ca). All rights reserved. * Copyright 2008-2009 David G. Lowe (lowe@cs.ubc.ca). All rights reserved. * * THE BSD LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *************************************************************************/ #ifndef KDTREE_H #define KDTREE_H #include #include #include #include "heap.h" #include "common.h" #include "constants.h" #include "allocator.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "result_set.h" #include "random.h" #include "nn_index.h" #include "saving.h" using namespace std; namespace cvflann { /** * Randomized kd-tree index * * Contains the k-d trees and other information for indexing a set of points * for nearest-neighbor matching. */ class KDTreeIndex : public NNIndex { enum { /** * To improve efficiency, only SAMPLE_MEAN random values are used to * compute the mean and variance at each level when building a tree. * A value of 100 seems to perform as well as using all values. */ SAMPLE_MEAN = 100, /** * Top random dimensions to consider * * When creating random trees, the dimension on which to subdivide is * selected at random from among the top RAND_DIM dimensions with the * highest variance. A value of 5 works well. */ RAND_DIM=5 }; /** * Number of randomized trees that are used */ int numTrees; /** * Array of indices to vectors in the dataset. When doing lookup, * this is used instead to mark checkID. */ int* vind; /** * An unique ID for each lookup. */ int checkID; /** * The dataset used by this index */ const Matrix dataset; int size_; int veclen_; float* mean; float* var; /*--------------------- Internal Data Structures --------------------------*/ /** * A node of the binary k-d tree. * * This is All nodes that have vec[divfeat] < divval are placed in the * child1 subtree, else child2., A leaf node is indicated if both children are NULL. */ struct TreeSt { /** * Index of the vector feature used for subdivision. * If this is a leaf node (both children are NULL) then * this holds vector index for this leaf. */ int divfeat; /** * The value used for subdivision. */ float divval; /** * The child nodes. */ TreeSt *child1, *child2; }; typedef TreeSt* Tree; /** * Array of k-d trees used to find neighbors. */ Tree* trees; typedef BranchStruct BranchSt; typedef BranchSt* Branch; /** * Priority queue storing intermediate branches in the best-bin-first search */ Heap* heap; /** * Pooled memory allocator. * * Using a pooled memory allocator is more efficient * than allocating memory directly when there is a large * number small of memory allocations. */ PooledAllocator pool; public: flann_algorithm_t getType() const { return KDTREE; } /** * KDTree constructor * * Params: * inputData = dataset with the input features * params = parameters passed to the kdtree algorithm */ KDTreeIndex(const Matrix& inputData, const KDTreeIndexParams& params = KDTreeIndexParams() ) : dataset(inputData) { size_ = dataset.rows; veclen_ = dataset.cols; numTrees = params.trees; trees = new Tree[numTrees]; // get the parameters // if (params.find("trees") != params.end()) { // numTrees = (int)params["trees"]; // trees = new Tree[numTrees]; // } // else { // numTrees = -1; // trees = NULL; // } heap = new Heap(size_); checkID = -1000; // Create a permutable array of indices to the input vectors. vind = new int[size_]; for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) { vind[i] = i; } mean = new float[veclen_]; var = new float[veclen_]; } /** * Standard destructor */ ~KDTreeIndex() { delete[] vind; if (trees!=NULL) { delete[] trees; } delete heap; delete[] mean; delete[] var; } /** * Builds the index */ void buildIndex() { /* Construct the randomized trees. */ for (int i = 0; i < numTrees; i++) { /* Randomize the order of vectors to allow for unbiased sampling. */ for (int j = size_; j > 0; --j) { // int rand = cast(int) (drand48() * size); int rnd = rand_int(j); assert(rnd >=0 && rnd < size_); swap(vind[j-1], vind[rnd]); } trees[i] = NULL; divideTree(&trees[i], 0, size_ - 1); } } void saveIndex(FILE* stream) { save_header(stream, *this); save_value(stream, numTrees); for (int i=0;ipopMin(branch) && (checkCount < maxCheck || !result.full() )) { searchLevel(result, vec, branch.node,branch.mindistsq, checkCount, maxCheck); } assert(result.full()); } // Params estimateSearchParams(float precision, Dataset* testset = NULL) // { // Params params; // // return params; // } private: void save_tree(FILE* stream, Tree tree) { save_value(stream, *tree); if (tree->child1!=NULL) { save_tree(stream, tree->child1); } if (tree->child2!=NULL) { save_tree(stream, tree->child2); } } void load_tree(FILE* stream, Tree& tree) { tree = pool.allocate(); load_value(stream, *tree); if (tree->child1!=NULL) { load_tree(stream, tree->child1); } if (tree->child2!=NULL) { load_tree(stream, tree->child2); } } /** * Create a tree node that subdivides the list of vecs from vind[first] * to vind[last]. The routine is called recursively on each sublist. * Place a pointer to this new tree node in the location pTree. * * Params: pTree = the new node to create * first = index of the first vector * last = index of the last vector */ void divideTree(Tree* pTree, int first, int last) { Tree node; node = pool.allocate(); // allocate memory *pTree = node; /* If only one exemplar remains, then make this a leaf node. */ if (first == last) { node->child1 = node->child2 = NULL; /* Mark as leaf node. */ node->divfeat = vind[first]; /* Store index of this vec. */ } else { chooseDivision(node, first, last); subdivide(node, first, last); } } /** * Choose which feature to use in order to subdivide this set of vectors. * Make a random choice among those with the highest variance, and use * its variance as the threshold value. */ void chooseDivision(Tree node, int first, int last) { memset(mean,0,veclen_*sizeof(float)); memset(var,0,veclen_*sizeof(float)); /* Compute mean values. Only the first SAMPLE_MEAN values need to be sampled to get a good estimate. */ int end = min(first + SAMPLE_MEAN, last); int count = end - first + 1; for (int j = first; j <= end; ++j) { float* v = dataset[vind[j]]; for (int k=0; kdivfeat = selectDivision(var); node->divval = mean[node->divfeat]; } /** * Select the top RAND_DIM largest values from v and return the index of * one of these selected at random. */ int selectDivision(float* v) { int num = 0; int topind[RAND_DIM]; /* Create a list of the indices of the top RAND_DIM values. */ for (int i = 0; i < veclen_; ++i) { if (num < RAND_DIM || v[i] > v[topind[num-1]]) { /* Put this element at end of topind. */ if (num < RAND_DIM) { topind[num++] = i; /* Add to list. */ } else { topind[num-1] = i; /* Replace last element. */ } /* Bubble end value down to right location by repeated swapping. */ int j = num - 1; while (j > 0 && v[topind[j]] > v[topind[j-1]]) { swap(topind[j], topind[j-1]); --j; } } } /* Select a random integer in range [0,num-1], and return that index. */ // int rand = cast(int) (drand48() * num); int rnd = rand_int(num); assert(rnd >=0 && rnd < num); return topind[rnd]; } /** * Subdivide the list of exemplars using the feature and division * value given in this node. Call divideTree recursively on each list. */ void subdivide(Tree node, int first, int last) { /* Move vector indices for left subtree to front of list. */ int i = first; int j = last; while (i <= j) { int ind = vind[i]; float val = dataset[ind][node->divfeat]; if (val < node->divval) { ++i; } else { /* Move to end of list by swapping vind i and j. */ swap(vind[i], vind[j]); --j; } } /* If either list is empty, it means we have hit the unlikely case in which all remaining features are identical. Split in the middle to maintain a balanced tree. */ if ( (i == first) || (i == last+1)) { i = (first+last+1)/2; } divideTree(& node->child1, first, i - 1); divideTree(& node->child2, i, last); } /** * Performs an exact nearest neighbor search. The exact search performs a full * traversal of the tree. */ void getExactNeighbors(ResultSet& result, const float* vec) { checkID -= 1; /* Set a different unique ID for each search. */ if (numTrees > 1) { fprintf(stderr,"It doesn't make any sense to use more than one tree for exact search"); } if (numTrees>0) { searchLevelExact(result, vec, trees[0], 0.0); } assert(result.full()); } /** * Performs the approximate nearest-neighbor search. The search is approximate * because the tree traversal is abandoned after a given number of descends in * the tree. */ void getNeighbors(ResultSet& result, const float* vec, int maxCheck) { int i; BranchSt branch; int checkCount = 0; heap->clear(); checkID -= 1; /* Set a different unique ID for each search. */ /* Search once through each tree down to root. */ for (i = 0; i < numTrees; ++i) { searchLevel(result, vec, trees[i], 0.0, checkCount, maxCheck); } /* Keep searching other branches from heap until finished. */ while ( heap->popMin(branch) && (checkCount < maxCheck || !result.full() )) { searchLevel(result, vec, branch.node,branch.mindistsq, checkCount, maxCheck); } assert(result.full()); } /** * Search starting from a given node of the tree. Based on any mismatches at * higher levels, all exemplars below this level must have a distance of * at least "mindistsq". */ void searchLevel(ResultSet& result, const float* vec, Tree node, float mindistsq, int& checkCount, int maxCheck) { if (result.worstDist()child1 == NULL && node->child2 == NULL) { /* Do not check same node more than once when searching multiple trees. Once a vector is checked, we set its location in vind to the current checkID. */ if (vind[node->divfeat] == checkID || checkCount>=maxCheck) { if (result.full()) return; } checkCount++; vind[node->divfeat] = checkID; result.addPoint(dataset[node->divfeat],node->divfeat); return; } /* Which child branch should be taken first? */ val = vec[node->divfeat]; diff = val - node->divval; bestChild = (diff < 0) ? node->child1 : node->child2; otherChild = (diff < 0) ? node->child2 : node->child1; /* Create a branch record for the branch not taken. Add distance of this feature boundary (we don't attempt to correct for any use of this feature in a parent node, which is unlikely to happen and would have only a small effect). Don't bother adding more branches to heap after halfway point, as cost of adding exceeds their value. */ float new_distsq = flann_dist(&val, &val+1, &node->divval, mindistsq); // if (2 * checkCount < maxCheck || !result.full()) { if (new_distsq < result.worstDist() || !result.full()) { heap->insert( BranchSt::make_branch(otherChild, new_distsq) ); } /* Call recursively to search next level down. */ searchLevel(result, vec, bestChild, mindistsq, checkCount, maxCheck); } /** * Performs an exact search in the tree starting from a node. */ void searchLevelExact(ResultSet& result, const float* vec, Tree node, float mindistsq) { if (mindistsq>result.worstDist()) { return; } float val, diff; Tree bestChild, otherChild; /* If this is a leaf node, then do check and return. */ if (node->child1 == NULL && node->child2 == NULL) { /* Do not check same node more than once when searching multiple trees. Once a vector is checked, we set its location in vind to the current checkID. */ if (vind[node->divfeat] == checkID) return; vind[node->divfeat] = checkID; result.addPoint(dataset[node->divfeat],node->divfeat); return; } /* Which child branch should be taken first? */ val = vec[node->divfeat]; diff = val - node->divval; bestChild = (diff < 0) ? node->child1 : node->child2; otherChild = (diff < 0) ? node->child2 : node->child1; /* Call recursively to search next level down. */ searchLevelExact(result, vec, bestChild, mindistsq); float new_distsq = flann_dist(&val, &val+1, &node->divval, mindistsq); searchLevelExact(result, vec, otherChild, new_distsq); } }; // class KDTree } #endif //KDTREE_H