#include "test_precomp.hpp" using namespace cv; using namespace std; typedef struct CvTsSimpleSeq { schar* array; int count; int max_count; int elem_size; } CvTsSimpleSeq; static CvTsSimpleSeq* cvTsCreateSimpleSeq( int max_count, int elem_size ) { CvTsSimpleSeq* seq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)cvAlloc( sizeof(*seq) + max_count * elem_size ); seq->elem_size = elem_size; seq->max_count = max_count; seq->count = 0; seq->array = (schar*)(seq + 1); return seq; } static void cvTsReleaseSimpleSeq( CvTsSimpleSeq** seq ) { cvFree( seq ); } static schar* cvTsSimpleSeqElem( CvTsSimpleSeq* seq, int index ) { assert( 0 <= index && index < seq->count ); return seq->array + index * seq->elem_size; } static void cvTsClearSimpleSeq( CvTsSimpleSeq* seq ) { seq->count = 0; } static void cvTsSimpleSeqShiftAndCopy( CvTsSimpleSeq* seq, int from_idx, int to_idx, void* elem=0 ) { int elem_size = seq->elem_size; if( from_idx == to_idx ) return; assert( (from_idx > to_idx && !elem) || (from_idx < to_idx && elem) ); if( from_idx < seq->count ) { memmove( seq->array + to_idx*elem_size, seq->array + from_idx*elem_size, (seq->count - from_idx)*elem_size ); } seq->count += to_idx - from_idx; if( elem && to_idx > from_idx ) memcpy( seq->array + from_idx*elem_size, elem, (to_idx - from_idx)*elem_size ); } static void cvTsSimpleSeqInvert( CvTsSimpleSeq* seq ) { int i, k, len = seq->count, elem_size = seq->elem_size; schar *data = seq->array, t; for( i = 0; i < len/2; i++ ) { schar* a = data + i*elem_size; schar* b = data + (len - i - 1)*elem_size; for( k = 0; k < elem_size; k++ ) CV_SWAP( a[k], b[k], t ); } } /****************************************************************************************\ * simple cvset implementation * \****************************************************************************************/ typedef struct CvTsSimpleSet { schar* array; int count, max_count; int elem_size; int* free_stack; int free_count; } CvTsSimpleSet; static void cvTsClearSimpleSet( CvTsSimpleSet* set_header ) { int i; int elem_size = set_header->elem_size; for( i = 0; i < set_header->max_count; i++ ) { set_header->array[i*elem_size] = 0; set_header->free_stack[i] = set_header->max_count - i - 1; } set_header->free_count = set_header->max_count; set_header->count = 0; } static CvTsSimpleSet* cvTsCreateSimpleSet( int max_count, int elem_size ) { CvTsSimpleSet* set_header = (CvTsSimpleSet*)cvAlloc( sizeof(*set_header) + max_count * (elem_size + 1 + sizeof(int))); set_header->elem_size = elem_size + 1; set_header->max_count = max_count; set_header->free_stack = (int*)(set_header + 1); set_header->array = (schar*)(set_header->free_stack + max_count); cvTsClearSimpleSet( set_header ); return set_header; } static void cvTsReleaseSimpleSet( CvTsSimpleSet** set_header ) { cvFree( set_header ); } static schar* cvTsSimpleSetFind( CvTsSimpleSet* set_header, int index ) { int idx = index * set_header->elem_size; assert( 0 <= index && index < set_header->max_count ); return set_header->array[idx] ? set_header->array + idx + 1 : 0; } static int cvTsSimpleSetAdd( CvTsSimpleSet* set_header, void* elem ) { int idx, idx2; assert( set_header->free_count > 0 ); idx = set_header->free_stack[--set_header->free_count]; idx2 = idx * set_header->elem_size; assert( set_header->array[idx2] == 0 ); set_header->array[idx2] = 1; if( set_header->elem_size > 1 ) memcpy( set_header->array + idx2 + 1, elem, set_header->elem_size - 1 ); set_header->count = MAX( set_header->count, idx + 1 ); return idx; } static void cvTsSimpleSetRemove( CvTsSimpleSet* set_header, int index ) { assert( set_header->free_count < set_header->max_count && 0 <= index && index < set_header->max_count ); assert( set_header->array[index * set_header->elem_size] == 1 ); set_header->free_stack[set_header->free_count++] = index; set_header->array[index * set_header->elem_size] = 0; } /****************************************************************************************\ * simple graph implementation * \****************************************************************************************/ typedef struct CvTsSimpleGraph { char* matrix; int edge_size; int oriented; CvTsSimpleSet* vtx; } CvTsSimpleGraph; static void cvTsClearSimpleGraph( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph ) { int max_vtx_count = graph->vtx->max_count; cvTsClearSimpleSet( graph->vtx ); memset( graph->matrix, 0, max_vtx_count * max_vtx_count * graph->edge_size ); } static CvTsSimpleGraph* cvTsCreateSimpleGraph( int max_vtx_count, int vtx_size, int edge_size, int oriented ) { CvTsSimpleGraph* graph; assert( max_vtx_count > 1 && vtx_size >= 0 && edge_size >= 0 ); graph = (CvTsSimpleGraph*)cvAlloc( sizeof(*graph) + max_vtx_count * max_vtx_count * (edge_size + 1)); graph->vtx = cvTsCreateSimpleSet( max_vtx_count, vtx_size ); graph->edge_size = edge_size + 1; graph->matrix = (char*)(graph + 1); graph->oriented = oriented; cvTsClearSimpleGraph( graph ); return graph; } static void cvTsReleaseSimpleGraph( CvTsSimpleGraph** graph ) { if( *graph ) { cvTsReleaseSimpleSet( &(graph[0]->vtx) ); cvFree( graph ); } } static int cvTsSimpleGraphAddVertex( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, void* vertex ) { return cvTsSimpleSetAdd( graph->vtx, vertex ); } static void cvTsSimpleGraphRemoveVertex( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int index ) { int i, max_vtx_count = graph->vtx->max_count; int edge_size = graph->edge_size; cvTsSimpleSetRemove( graph->vtx, index ); /* remove all the corresponding edges */ for( i = 0; i < max_vtx_count; i++ ) { graph->matrix[(i*max_vtx_count + index)*edge_size] = graph->matrix[(index*max_vtx_count + i)*edge_size] = 0; } } static void cvTsSimpleGraphAddEdge( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int idx1, int idx2, void* edge ) { int i, t, n = graph->oriented ? 1 : 2; assert( cvTsSimpleSetFind( graph->vtx, idx1 ) && cvTsSimpleSetFind( graph->vtx, idx2 )); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { int ofs = (idx1*graph->vtx->max_count + idx2)*graph->edge_size; assert( graph->matrix[ofs] == 0 ); graph->matrix[ofs] = 1; if( graph->edge_size > 1 ) memcpy( graph->matrix + ofs + 1, edge, graph->edge_size - 1 ); CV_SWAP( idx1, idx2, t ); } } static void cvTsSimpleGraphRemoveEdge( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int idx1, int idx2 ) { int i, t, n = graph->oriented ? 1 : 2; assert( cvTsSimpleSetFind( graph->vtx, idx1 ) && cvTsSimpleSetFind( graph->vtx, idx2 )); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { int ofs = (idx1*graph->vtx->max_count + idx2)*graph->edge_size; assert( graph->matrix[ofs] == 1 ); graph->matrix[ofs] = 0; CV_SWAP( idx1, idx2, t ); } } static schar* cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int index ) { return cvTsSimpleSetFind( graph->vtx, index ); } static char* cvTsSimpleGraphFindEdge( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int idx1, int idx2 ) { if( cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( graph, idx1 ) && cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( graph, idx2 )) { char* edge = graph->matrix + (idx1 * graph->vtx->max_count + idx2)*graph->edge_size; if( edge[0] ) return edge + 1; } return 0; } static int cvTsSimpleGraphVertexDegree( CvTsSimpleGraph* graph, int index ) { int i, count = 0; int edge_size = graph->edge_size; int max_vtx_count = graph->vtx->max_count; assert( cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( graph, index ) != 0 ); for( i = 0; i < max_vtx_count; i++ ) { count += graph->matrix[(i*max_vtx_count + index)*edge_size] + graph->matrix[(index*max_vtx_count + i)*edge_size]; } if( !graph->oriented ) { assert( count % 2 == 0 ); count /= 2; } return count; } ///////////////////////////////////// the tests ////////////////////////////////// #define CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( expr, err_msg ) \ if( !(expr) ) \ { \ set_error_context( #expr, err_msg, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \ ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT );\ throw -1; \ } class Core_DynStructBaseTest : public cvtest::BaseTest { public: Core_DynStructBaseTest(); virtual ~Core_DynStructBaseTest(); bool can_do_fast_forward(); void clear(); protected: int read_params( CvFileStorage* fs ); void run_func(void); void set_error_context( const char* condition, const char* err_msg, const char* file, int line ); int test_seq_block_consistence( int _struct_idx, CvSeq* seq, int total ); void update_progressbar(); int struct_count, max_struct_size, iterations, generations; int min_log_storage_block_size, max_log_storage_block_size; int min_log_elem_size, max_log_elem_size; int gen, struct_idx, iter; int test_progress; int64 start_time; double cpu_freq; vector<void*> cxcore_struct; vector<void*> simple_struct; Ptr<CvMemStorage> storage; }; Core_DynStructBaseTest::Core_DynStructBaseTest() { struct_count = 2; max_struct_size = 2000; min_log_storage_block_size = 7; max_log_storage_block_size = 12; min_log_elem_size = 0; max_log_elem_size = 8; generations = 10; iterations = max_struct_size*2; gen = struct_idx = iter = -1; test_progress = -1; } Core_DynStructBaseTest::~Core_DynStructBaseTest() { clear(); } void Core_DynStructBaseTest::run_func() { } bool Core_DynStructBaseTest::can_do_fast_forward() { return false; } void Core_DynStructBaseTest::clear() { cvtest::BaseTest::clear(); } int Core_DynStructBaseTest::read_params( CvFileStorage* fs ) { int code = cvtest::BaseTest::read_params( fs ); double sqrt_scale = sqrt(ts->get_test_case_count_scale()); if( code < 0 ) return code; struct_count = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "struct_count" ), struct_count ); max_struct_size = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "max_struct_size" ), max_struct_size ); generations = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "generations" ), generations ); iterations = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "iterations" ), iterations ); generations = cvRound(generations*sqrt_scale); iterations = cvRound(iterations*sqrt_scale); min_log_storage_block_size = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "min_log_storage_block_size" ), min_log_storage_block_size ); max_log_storage_block_size = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "max_log_storage_block_size" ), max_log_storage_block_size ); min_log_elem_size = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "min_log_elem_size" ), min_log_elem_size ); max_log_elem_size = cvReadInt( find_param( fs, "max_log_elem_size" ), max_log_elem_size ); struct_count = cvtest::clipInt( struct_count, 1, 100 ); max_struct_size = cvtest::clipInt( max_struct_size, 1, 1<<20 ); generations = cvtest::clipInt( generations, 1, 100 ); iterations = cvtest::clipInt( iterations, 100, 1<<20 ); min_log_storage_block_size = cvtest::clipInt( min_log_storage_block_size, 7, 20 ); max_log_storage_block_size = cvtest::clipInt( max_log_storage_block_size, min_log_storage_block_size, 20 ); min_log_elem_size = cvtest::clipInt( min_log_elem_size, 0, 8 ); max_log_elem_size = cvtest::clipInt( max_log_elem_size, min_log_elem_size, 10 ); return 0; } void Core_DynStructBaseTest::update_progressbar() { int64 t; if( test_progress < 0 ) { test_progress = 0; cpu_freq = cv::getTickFrequency(); start_time = cv::getTickCount(); } t = cv::getTickCount(); test_progress = update_progress( test_progress, 0, 0, (double)(t - start_time)/cpu_freq ); } void Core_DynStructBaseTest::set_error_context( const char* condition, const char* err_msg, const char* filename, int lineno ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "file %s, line %d: %s\n(\"%s\" failed).\n" "generation = %d, struct_idx = %d, iter = %d\n", filename, lineno, err_msg, condition, gen, struct_idx, iter ); ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT ); } int Core_DynStructBaseTest::test_seq_block_consistence( int _struct_idx, CvSeq* seq, int total ) { int sum = 0; struct_idx = _struct_idx; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq != 0, "Null sequence pointer" ); if( seq->first ) { CvSeqBlock* block = seq->first; CvSeqBlock* prev_block = block->prev; int delta_idx = seq->first->start_index; for( ;; ) { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( sum == block->start_index - delta_idx && block->count > 0 && block->prev == prev_block && prev_block->next == block, "sequence blocks are inconsistent" ); sum += block->count; prev_block = block; block = block->next; if( block == seq->first ) break; } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( block->prev->count * seq->elem_size + block->prev->data <= seq->block_max, "block->data or block_max pointer are incorrect" ); } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == sum && sum == total, "total number of elements is incorrect" ); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////// sequence tests //////////////////////////////////// class Core_SeqBaseTest : public Core_DynStructBaseTest { public: Core_SeqBaseTest(); void clear(); void run( int ); protected: int test_multi_create(); int test_get_seq_elem( int _struct_idx, int iters ); int test_get_seq_reading( int _struct_idx, int iters ); int test_seq_ops( int iters ); }; Core_SeqBaseTest::Core_SeqBaseTest() { } void Core_SeqBaseTest::clear() { for( size_t i = 0; i < simple_struct.size(); i++ ) cvTsReleaseSimpleSeq( (CvTsSimpleSeq**)&simple_struct[i] ); Core_DynStructBaseTest::clear(); } int Core_SeqBaseTest::test_multi_create() { vector<CvSeqWriter> writer(struct_count); vector<int> pos(struct_count); vector<int> index(struct_count); int cur_count, elem_size; RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); for( int i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { double t; CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq; pos[i] = -1; index[i] = i; t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_elem_size - min_log_elem_size) + min_log_elem_size; elem_size = cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ); elem_size = MIN( elem_size, (int)(storage->block_size - sizeof(void*) - sizeof(CvSeqBlock) - sizeof(CvMemBlock)) ); cvTsReleaseSimpleSeq( (CvTsSimpleSeq**)&simple_struct[i] ); simple_struct[i] = sseq = cvTsCreateSimpleSeq( max_struct_size, elem_size ); cxcore_struct[i] = 0; sseq->count = cvtest::randInt( rng ) % max_struct_size; Mat m( 1, MAX(sseq->count,1)*elem_size, CV_8UC1, sseq->array ); cvtest::randUni( rng, m, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256) ); } for( cur_count = struct_count; cur_count > 0; cur_count-- ) { for(;;) { int k = cvtest::randInt( rng ) % cur_count; struct_idx = index[k]; CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[struct_idx]; if( pos[struct_idx] < 0 ) { int hdr_size = (cvtest::randInt(rng) % 10)*4 + sizeof(CvSeq); hdr_size = MIN( hdr_size, (int)(storage->block_size - sizeof(CvMemBlock)) ); elem_size = sseq->elem_size; if( cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 ) { cvStartWriteSeq( 0, hdr_size, elem_size, storage, &writer[struct_idx] ); } else { CvSeq* s; s = cvCreateSeq( 0, hdr_size, elem_size, storage ); cvStartAppendToSeq( s, &writer[struct_idx] ); } cvSetSeqBlockSize( writer[struct_idx].seq, cvtest::randInt( rng ) % 10000 ); pos[struct_idx] = 0; } update_progressbar(); if( pos[struct_idx] == sseq->count ) { cxcore_struct[struct_idx] = cvEndWriteSeq( &writer[struct_idx] ); /* del index */ for( ; k < cur_count-1; k++ ) index[k] = index[k+1]; break; } { schar* el = cvTsSimpleSeqElem( sseq, pos[struct_idx] ); CV_WRITE_SEQ_ELEM_VAR( el, writer[struct_idx] ); } pos[struct_idx]++; } } return 0; } int Core_SeqBaseTest::test_get_seq_elem( int _struct_idx, int iters ) { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); CvSeq* seq = (CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[_struct_idx]; CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[_struct_idx]; struct_idx = _struct_idx; assert( seq->total == sseq->count ); if( sseq->count == 0 ) return 0; for( int i = 0; i < iters; i++ ) { int idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count*3) - sseq->count*3/2; int idx0 = (unsigned)idx < (unsigned)(sseq->count) ? idx : idx < 0 ? idx + sseq->count : idx - sseq->count; int bad_range = (unsigned)idx0 >= (unsigned)(sseq->count); schar* elem; elem = cvGetSeqElem( seq, idx ); if( bad_range ) { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem == 0, "cvGetSeqElem doesn't " "handle \"out of range\" properly" ); } else { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem != 0 && !memcmp( elem, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq, idx0), sseq->elem_size ), "cvGetSeqElem returns wrong element" ); idx = cvSeqElemIdx(seq, elem ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( idx >= 0 && idx == idx0, "cvSeqElemIdx is incorrect" ); } } return 0; } int Core_SeqBaseTest::test_get_seq_reading( int _struct_idx, int iters ) { const int max_val = 3*5 + 2; CvSeq* seq = (CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[_struct_idx]; CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[_struct_idx]; int total = seq->total; RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); CvSeqReader reader; vector<schar> _elem(sseq->elem_size); schar* elem = &_elem[0]; assert( total == sseq->count ); this->struct_idx = _struct_idx; int pos = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; cvStartReadSeq( seq, &reader, pos ); if( total == 0 ) { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( reader.ptr == 0, "Empty sequence reader pointer is not NULL" ); return 0; } pos = pos ? seq->total - 1 : 0; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( pos == cvGetSeqReaderPos(&reader), "initial reader position is wrong" ); for( iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ ) { int op = cvtest::randInt(rng) % max_val; if( op >= max_val - 2 ) { int new_pos, new_pos0; int bad_range; int is_relative = op == max_val - 1; new_pos = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (total*2) - total; new_pos0 = new_pos + (is_relative ? pos : 0 ); if( new_pos0 < 0 ) new_pos0 += total; if( new_pos0 >= total ) new_pos0 -= total; bad_range = (unsigned)new_pos0 >= (unsigned)total; cvSetSeqReaderPos( &reader, new_pos, is_relative ); if( !bad_range ) { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( new_pos0 == cvGetSeqReaderPos( &reader ), "cvset reader position doesn't work" ); pos = new_pos0; } else { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( pos == cvGetSeqReaderPos( &reader ), "reader doesn't stay at the current position after wrong positioning" ); } } else { int direction = (op % 3) - 1; memcpy( elem, reader.ptr, sseq->elem_size ); if( direction > 0 ) { CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( sseq->elem_size, reader ); } else if( direction < 0 ) { CV_PREV_SEQ_ELEM( sseq->elem_size, reader ); } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( memcmp(elem, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq, pos), sseq->elem_size) == 0, "reading is incorrect" ); pos += direction; if( -pos > 0 ) pos += total; if( pos >= total ) pos -= total; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( pos == cvGetSeqReaderPos( &reader ), "reader doesn't move correctly after reading" ); } } return 0; } int Core_SeqBaseTest::test_seq_ops( int iters ) { const int max_op = 14; int max_elem_size = 0; schar* elem2 = 0; RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); for( int i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) max_elem_size = MAX( max_elem_size, ((CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[i])->elem_size ); vector<schar> elem_buf(max_struct_size*max_elem_size); schar* elem = (schar*)&elem_buf[0]; Mat elem_mat; for( iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ ) { struct_idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % struct_count; int op = cvtest::randInt(rng) % max_op; CvSeq* seq = (CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[struct_idx]; CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[struct_idx]; int elem_size = sseq->elem_size; int whence = 0, pos = 0, count = 0; switch( op ) { case 0: case 1: case 2: // push/pushfront/insert if( sseq->count == sseq->max_count ) break; elem_mat = Mat(1, elem_size, CV_8U, elem); cvtest::randUni( rng, elem_mat, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(255) ); whence = op - 1; if( whence < 0 ) { pos = 0; cvSeqPushFront( seq, elem ); } else if( whence > 0 ) { pos = sseq->count; cvSeqPush( seq, elem ); } else { pos = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count + 1); cvSeqInsert( seq, pos, elem ); } cvTsSimpleSeqShiftAndCopy( sseq, pos, pos + 1, elem ); elem2 = cvGetSeqElem( seq, pos ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0, "The inserted element could not be retrieved" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == sseq->count && memcmp(elem2, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq,pos), elem_size) == 0, "The inserted sequence element is wrong" ); break; case 3: case 4: case 5: // pop/popfront/remove if( sseq->count == 0 ) break; whence = op - 4; if( whence < 0 ) { pos = 0; cvSeqPopFront( seq, elem ); } else if( whence > 0 ) { pos = sseq->count-1; cvSeqPop( seq, elem ); } else { pos = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sseq->count; cvSeqRemove( seq, pos ); } if( whence != 0 ) CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == sseq->count - 1 && memcmp( elem, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq,pos), elem_size) == 0, "The popped sequence element isn't correct" ); cvTsSimpleSeqShiftAndCopy( sseq, pos + 1, pos ); if( sseq->count > 0 ) { elem2 = cvGetSeqElem( seq, pos < sseq->count ? pos : -1 ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0, "GetSeqElem fails after removing the element" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( memcmp( elem2, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq, pos - (pos == sseq->count)), elem_size) == 0, "The first shifted element is not correct after removing another element" ); } else { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->first == 0, "The sequence doesn't become empty after the final remove" ); } break; case 6: case 7: case 8: // push [front] multi/insert slice if( sseq->count == sseq->max_count ) break; count = cvtest::randInt( rng ) % (sseq->max_count - sseq->count + 1); elem_mat = Mat(1, MAX(count,1) * elem_size, CV_8U, elem); cvtest::randUni( rng, elem_mat, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(255) ); whence = op - 7; pos = whence < 0 ? 0 : whence > 0 ? sseq->count : (int)(cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count+1)); if( whence != 0 ) { cvSeqPushMulti( seq, elem, count, whence < 0 ); } else { CvSeq header; CvSeqBlock block; cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC, sizeof(CvSeq), sseq->elem_size, elem, count, &header, &block ); cvSeqInsertSlice( seq, pos, &header ); } cvTsSimpleSeqShiftAndCopy( sseq, pos, pos + count, elem ); if( sseq->count > 0 ) { // choose the random element among the added pos = count > 0 ? (int)(cvtest::randInt(rng) % count + pos) : MAX(pos-1,0); elem2 = cvGetSeqElem( seq, pos ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0, "multi push operation doesn't add elements" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == sseq->count && memcmp( elem2, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq,pos), elem_size) == 0, "One of the added elements is wrong" ); } else { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == 0 && seq->first == 0, "Adding no elements to empty sequence fails" ); } break; case 9: case 10: case 11: // pop [front] multi if( sseq->count == 0 ) break; count = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count+1); whence = op - 10; pos = whence < 0 ? 0 : whence > 0 ? sseq->count - count : (int)(cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count - count + 1)); if( whence != 0 ) { cvSeqPopMulti( seq, elem, count, whence < 0 ); if( count > 0 ) { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( memcmp(elem, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq,pos), elem_size) == 0, "The first (in the sequence order) removed element is wrong after popmulti" ); } } else { cvSeqRemoveSlice( seq, cvSlice(pos, pos + count) ); } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == sseq->count - count, "The popmulti left a wrong number of elements in the sequence" ); cvTsSimpleSeqShiftAndCopy( sseq, pos + count, pos, 0 ); if( sseq->count > 0 ) { pos = whence < 0 ? 0 : MIN( pos, sseq->count - 1 ); elem2 = cvGetSeqElem( seq, pos ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 && memcmp( elem2, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq,pos), elem_size) == 0, "The last sequence element is wrong after POP" ); } else { CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == 0 && seq->first == 0, "The sequence doesn't become empty after final POP" ); } break; case 12: // seqslice { CvMemStoragePos storage_pos; cvSaveMemStoragePos( storage, &storage_pos ); int copy_data = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; count = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (seq->total + 1); pos = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (seq->total - count + 1); CvSeq* seq_slice = cvSeqSlice( seq, cvSlice(pos, pos + count), storage, copy_data ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq_slice && seq_slice->total == count, "cvSeqSlice returned incorrect slice" ); if( count > 0 ) { int test_idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % count; elem2 = cvGetSeqElem( seq_slice, test_idx ); schar* elem3 = cvGetSeqElem( seq, pos + test_idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 && memcmp( elem2, cvTsSimpleSeqElem(sseq,pos + test_idx), elem_size) == 0, "The extracted slice elements are not correct" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( (elem2 == elem3) ^ copy_data, "copy_data flag is handled incorrectly" ); } cvRestoreMemStoragePos( storage, &storage_pos ); } break; case 13: // clear cvTsClearSimpleSeq( sseq ); cvClearSeq( seq ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( seq->total == 0 && seq->first == 0, "The sequence doesn't become empty after clear" ); break; default: assert(0); return -1; } if( test_seq_block_consistence(struct_idx, seq, sseq->count) < 0 ) return -1; if( test_get_seq_elem(struct_idx, 7) < 0 ) return -1; update_progressbar(); } return 0; } void Core_SeqBaseTest::run( int ) { try { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); int i; double t; clear(); test_progress = -1; simple_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); cxcore_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); for( gen = 0; gen < generations; gen++ ) { struct_idx = iter = -1; if( !storage ) { t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_storage_block_size - min_log_storage_block_size) + min_log_storage_block_size; storage.reset(cvCreateMemStorage( cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ) )); } iter = struct_idx = -1; test_multi_create(); for( i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { if( test_seq_block_consistence(i, (CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[i], ((CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[i])->count) < 0 ) return; if( test_get_seq_elem( i, MAX(iterations/3,7) ) < 0 ) return; if( test_get_seq_reading( i, MAX(iterations/3,7) ) < 0 ) return; update_progressbar(); } if( test_seq_ops( iterations ) < 0 ) return; if( cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 ) storage.release(); else cvClearMemStorage( storage ); } } catch(int) { } } ////////////////////////////// more sequence tests ////////////////////////////////////// class Core_SeqSortInvTest : public Core_SeqBaseTest { public: Core_SeqSortInvTest(); void run( int ); protected: }; Core_SeqSortInvTest::Core_SeqSortInvTest() { } static int icvCmpSeqElems( const void* a, const void* b, void* userdata ) { return memcmp( a, b, ((CvSeq*)userdata)->elem_size ); } static int icvCmpSeqElems2_elem_size = 0; static int icvCmpSeqElems2( const void* a, const void* b ) { return memcmp( a, b, icvCmpSeqElems2_elem_size ); } void Core_SeqSortInvTest::run( int ) { try { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); int i, k; double t; schar *elem0, *elem, *elem2; vector<uchar> buffer; clear(); test_progress = -1; simple_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); cxcore_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); for( gen = 0; gen < generations; gen++ ) { struct_idx = iter = -1; if( !storage ) { t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_storage_block_size - min_log_storage_block_size) + min_log_storage_block_size; storage.reset(cvCreateMemStorage( cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ) )); } for( iter = 0; iter < iterations/10; iter++ ) { int max_size = 0; test_multi_create(); for( i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[i]; max_size = MAX( max_size, sseq->count*sseq->elem_size ); } buffer.resize(max_size); for( i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { CvSeq* seq = (CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[i]; CvTsSimpleSeq* sseq = (CvTsSimpleSeq*)simple_struct[i]; CvSlice slice = CV_WHOLE_SEQ; //printf("%d. %d. %d-th size = %d\n", gen, iter, i, sseq->count ); cvSeqInvert( seq ); cvTsSimpleSeqInvert( sseq ); if( test_seq_block_consistence( i, seq, sseq->count ) < 0 ) return; if( sseq->count > 0 && cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 == 0 ) { slice.end_index = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sseq->count + 1; slice.start_index = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count - slice.end_index + 1); slice.end_index += slice.start_index; } cvCvtSeqToArray( seq, &buffer[0], slice ); slice.end_index = MIN( slice.end_index, sseq->count ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( sseq->count == 0 || memcmp( &buffer[0], sseq->array + slice.start_index*sseq->elem_size, (slice.end_index - slice.start_index)*sseq->elem_size ) == 0, "cvSeqInvert returned wrong result" ); for( k = 0; k < (sseq->count > 0 ? 10 : 0); k++ ) { int idx0 = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sseq->count, idx = 0; elem0 = cvTsSimpleSeqElem( sseq, idx0 ); elem = cvGetSeqElem( seq, idx0 ); elem2 = cvSeqSearch( seq, elem0, k % 2 ? icvCmpSeqElems : 0, 0, &idx, seq ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem != 0 && memcmp( elem0, elem, seq->elem_size ) == 0, "cvSeqInvert gives incorrect result" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0 && memcmp( elem0, elem2, seq->elem_size ) == 0 && elem2 == cvGetSeqElem( seq, idx ), "cvSeqSearch failed (linear search)" ); } cvSeqSort( seq, icvCmpSeqElems, seq ); if( test_seq_block_consistence( i, seq, sseq->count ) < 0 ) return; if( sseq->count > 0 ) { // !!! This is not thread-safe !!! icvCmpSeqElems2_elem_size = sseq->elem_size; qsort( sseq->array, sseq->count, sseq->elem_size, icvCmpSeqElems2 ); if( cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 == 0 ) { slice.end_index = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sseq->count + 1; slice.start_index = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (sseq->count - slice.end_index + 1); slice.end_index += slice.start_index; } } cvCvtSeqToArray( seq, &buffer[0], slice ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( sseq->count == 0 || memcmp( &buffer[0], sseq->array + slice.start_index*sseq->elem_size, (slice.end_index - slice.start_index)*sseq->elem_size ) == 0, "cvSeqSort returned wrong result" ); for( k = 0; k < (sseq->count > 0 ? 10 : 0); k++ ) { int idx0 = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sseq->count, idx = 0; elem0 = cvTsSimpleSeqElem( sseq, idx0 ); elem = cvGetSeqElem( seq, idx0 ); elem2 = cvSeqSearch( seq, elem0, icvCmpSeqElems, 1, &idx, seq ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem != 0 && memcmp( elem0, elem, seq->elem_size ) == 0, "cvSeqSort gives incorrect result" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0 && memcmp( elem0, elem2, seq->elem_size ) == 0 && elem2 == cvGetSeqElem( seq, idx ), "cvSeqSearch failed (binary search)" ); } } cvClearMemStorage( storage ); } storage.release(); } } catch (int) { } } /////////////////////////////////////// set tests /////////////////////////////////////// class Core_SetTest : public Core_DynStructBaseTest { public: Core_SetTest(); void clear(); void run( int ); protected: //int test_seq_block_consistence( int struct_idx ); int test_set_ops( int iters ); }; Core_SetTest::Core_SetTest() { } void Core_SetTest::clear() { for( size_t i = 0; i < simple_struct.size(); i++ ) cvTsReleaseSimpleSet( (CvTsSimpleSet**)&simple_struct[i] ); Core_DynStructBaseTest::clear(); } int Core_SetTest::test_set_ops( int iters ) { const int max_op = 4; int max_elem_size = 0; int idx, idx0; CvSetElem *elem = 0, *elem2 = 0, *elem3 = 0; schar* elem_data = 0; RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); //int max_active_count = 0, mean_active_count = 0; for( int i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) max_elem_size = MAX( max_elem_size, ((CvSeq*)cxcore_struct[i])->elem_size ); vector<schar> elem_buf(max_elem_size); Mat elem_mat; for( iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ ) { struct_idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % struct_count; CvSet* cvset = (CvSet*)cxcore_struct[struct_idx]; CvTsSimpleSet* sset = (CvTsSimpleSet*)simple_struct[struct_idx]; int pure_elem_size = sset->elem_size - 1; int prev_total = cvset->total, prev_count = cvset->active_count; int op = cvtest::randInt(rng) % (iter <= iters/10 ? 2 : max_op); int by_ptr = op % 2 == 0; CvSetElem* first_free = cvset->free_elems; CvSetElem* next_free = first_free ? first_free->next_free : 0; int pass_data = 0; if( iter > iters/10 && cvtest::randInt(rng)%200 == 0 ) // clear set { prev_count = cvset->total; cvClearSet( cvset ); cvTsClearSimpleSet( sset ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( cvset->active_count == 0 && cvset->total == 0 && cvset->first == 0 && cvset->free_elems == 0 && (cvset->free_blocks != 0 || prev_count == 0), "cvClearSet doesn't remove all the elements" ); continue; } else if( op == 0 || op == 1 ) // add element { if( sset->free_count == 0 ) continue; elem_mat = Mat(1, cvset->elem_size, CV_8U, &elem_buf[0]); cvtest::randUni( rng, elem_mat, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(255) ); elem = (CvSetElem*)&elem_buf[0]; if( by_ptr ) { elem2 = cvSetNew( cvset ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0, "cvSetNew returned NULL pointer" ); } else { pass_data = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; idx = cvSetAdd( cvset, pass_data ? elem : 0, &elem2 ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem2 != 0 && elem2->flags == idx, "cvSetAdd returned NULL pointer or a wrong index" ); } elem_data = (schar*)elem + sizeof(int); if( !pass_data ) memcpy( (schar*)elem2 + sizeof(int), elem_data, pure_elem_size ); idx = elem2->flags; idx0 = cvTsSimpleSetAdd( sset, elem_data ); elem3 = cvGetSetElem( cvset, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( CV_IS_SET_ELEM(elem3) && idx == idx0 && elem3 == elem2 && (!pass_data || memcmp( (char*)elem3 + sizeof(int), elem_data, pure_elem_size) == 0), "The added element is not correct" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( (!first_free || elem3 == first_free) && (!next_free || cvset->free_elems == next_free) && cvset->active_count == prev_count + 1, "The free node list is modified incorrectly" ); } else if( op == 2 || op == 3 ) // remove element { idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sset->max_count; if( sset->free_count == sset->max_count || idx >= sset->count ) continue; elem_data = cvTsSimpleSetFind(sset, idx); if( elem_data == 0 ) continue; elem = cvGetSetElem( cvset, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( CV_IS_SET_ELEM(elem) && elem->flags == idx && memcmp((char*)elem + sizeof(int), elem_data, pure_elem_size) == 0, "cvGetSetElem returned wrong element" ); if( by_ptr ) { cvSetRemoveByPtr( cvset, elem ); } else { cvSetRemove( cvset, idx ); } cvTsSimpleSetRemove( sset, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( !CV_IS_SET_ELEM(elem) && !cvGetSetElem(cvset, idx) && (elem->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK) == idx, "cvSetRemove[ByPtr] didn't release the element properly" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( elem->next_free == first_free && cvset->free_elems == elem && cvset->active_count == prev_count - 1, "The free node list has not been updated properly" ); } //max_active_count = MAX( max_active_count, cvset->active_count ); //mean_active_count += cvset->active_count; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( cvset->active_count == sset->max_count - sset->free_count && cvset->total >= cvset->active_count && (cvset->total == 0 || cvset->total >= prev_total), "The total number of cvset elements is not correct" ); // CvSet and simple set do not neccessary have the same "total" (active & free) number, // so pass "set->total" to skip that check test_seq_block_consistence( struct_idx, (CvSeq*)cvset, cvset->total ); update_progressbar(); } return 0; } void Core_SetTest::run( int ) { try { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); double t; clear(); test_progress = -1; simple_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); cxcore_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); for( gen = 0; gen < generations; gen++ ) { struct_idx = iter = -1; t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_storage_block_size - min_log_storage_block_size) + min_log_storage_block_size; storage.reset(cvCreateMemStorage( cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ) )); for( int i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_elem_size - min_log_elem_size) + min_log_elem_size; int pure_elem_size = cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ); int elem_size = pure_elem_size + sizeof(int); elem_size = (elem_size + sizeof(size_t) - 1) & ~(sizeof(size_t)-1); elem_size = MAX( elem_size, (int)sizeof(CvSetElem) ); elem_size = MIN( elem_size, (int)(storage->block_size - sizeof(void*) - sizeof(CvMemBlock) - sizeof(CvSeqBlock)) ); pure_elem_size = MIN( pure_elem_size, elem_size-(int)sizeof(CvSetElem) ); cvTsReleaseSimpleSet( (CvTsSimpleSet**)&simple_struct[i] ); simple_struct[i] = cvTsCreateSimpleSet( max_struct_size, pure_elem_size ); cxcore_struct[i] = cvCreateSet( 0, sizeof(CvSet), elem_size, storage ); } if( test_set_ops( iterations*100 ) < 0 ) return; storage.release(); } } catch(int) { } } /////////////////////////////////////// graph tests ////////////////////////////////// class Core_GraphTest : public Core_DynStructBaseTest { public: Core_GraphTest(); void clear(); void run( int ); protected: //int test_seq_block_consistence( int struct_idx ); int test_graph_ops( int iters ); }; Core_GraphTest::Core_GraphTest() { } void Core_GraphTest::clear() { for( size_t i = 0; i < simple_struct.size(); i++ ) cvTsReleaseSimpleGraph( (CvTsSimpleGraph**)&simple_struct[i] ); Core_DynStructBaseTest::clear(); } int Core_GraphTest::test_graph_ops( int iters ) { const int max_op = 4; int i, k; int max_elem_size = 0; int idx, idx0; CvGraphVtx *vtx = 0, *vtx2 = 0, *vtx3 = 0; CvGraphEdge* edge = 0, *edge2 = 0; RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); //int max_active_count = 0, mean_active_count = 0; for( i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { CvGraph* graph = (CvGraph*)cxcore_struct[i]; max_elem_size = MAX( max_elem_size, graph->elem_size ); max_elem_size = MAX( max_elem_size, graph->edges->elem_size ); } vector<schar> elem_buf(max_elem_size); Mat elem_mat; for( iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ ) { struct_idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % struct_count; CvGraph* graph = (CvGraph*)cxcore_struct[struct_idx]; CvTsSimpleGraph* sgraph = (CvTsSimpleGraph*)simple_struct[struct_idx]; CvSet* edges = graph->edges; schar *vtx_data; char *edge_data; int pure_vtx_size = sgraph->vtx->elem_size - 1, pure_edge_size = sgraph->edge_size - 1; int prev_vtx_total = graph->total, prev_edge_total = graph->edges->total, prev_vtx_count = graph->active_count, prev_edge_count = graph->edges->active_count; int op = cvtest::randInt(rng) % max_op; int pass_data = 0, vtx_degree0 = 0, vtx_degree = 0; CvSetElem *first_free, *next_free; if( cvtest::randInt(rng) % 200 == 0 ) // clear graph { int prev_vtx_count2 = graph->total, prev_edge_count2 = graph->edges->total; cvClearGraph( graph ); cvTsClearSimpleGraph( sgraph ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( graph->active_count == 0 && graph->total == 0 && graph->first == 0 && graph->free_elems == 0 && (graph->free_blocks != 0 || prev_vtx_count2 == 0), "The graph is not empty after clearing" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( edges->active_count == 0 && edges->total == 0 && edges->first == 0 && edges->free_elems == 0 && (edges->free_blocks != 0 || prev_edge_count2 == 0), "The graph is not empty after clearing" ); } else if( op == 0 ) // add vertex { if( sgraph->vtx->free_count == 0 ) continue; first_free = graph->free_elems; next_free = first_free ? first_free->next_free : 0; if( pure_vtx_size ) { elem_mat = Mat(1, graph->elem_size, CV_8U, &elem_buf[0]); cvtest::randUni( rng, elem_mat, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(255) ); } vtx = (CvGraphVtx*)&elem_buf[0]; idx0 = cvTsSimpleGraphAddVertex( sgraph, vtx + 1 ); pass_data = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; idx = cvGraphAddVtx( graph, pass_data ? vtx : 0, &vtx2 ); if( !pass_data && pure_vtx_size > 0 ) memcpy( vtx2 + 1, vtx + 1, pure_vtx_size ); vtx3 = cvGetGraphVtx( graph, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( (CV_IS_SET_ELEM(vtx3) && vtx3->flags == idx && vtx3->first == 0) || (idx == idx0 && vtx3 == vtx2 && (!pass_data || pure_vtx_size == 0 || memcmp(vtx3 + 1, vtx + 1, pure_vtx_size) == 0)), "The added element is not correct" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( (!first_free || first_free == (CvSetElem*)vtx3) && (!next_free || graph->free_elems == next_free) && graph->active_count == prev_vtx_count + 1, "The free node list is modified incorrectly" ); } else if( op == 1 ) // remove vertex { idx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sgraph->vtx->max_count; if( sgraph->vtx->free_count == sgraph->vtx->max_count || idx >= sgraph->vtx->count ) continue; vtx_data = cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex(sgraph, idx); if( vtx_data == 0 ) continue; vtx_degree0 = cvTsSimpleGraphVertexDegree( sgraph, idx ); first_free = graph->free_elems; vtx = cvGetGraphVtx( graph, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( CV_IS_SET_ELEM(vtx) && vtx->flags == idx && (pure_vtx_size == 0 || memcmp( vtx + 1, vtx_data, pure_vtx_size) == 0), "cvGetGraphVtx returned wrong element" ); if( cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 ) { vtx_degree = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx ); cvGraphRemoveVtxByPtr( graph, vtx ); } else { vtx_degree = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, idx ); cvGraphRemoveVtx( graph, idx ); } cvTsSimpleGraphRemoveVertex( sgraph, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( vtx_degree == vtx_degree0, "Number of incident edges is different in two graph representations" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( !CV_IS_SET_ELEM(vtx) && !cvGetGraphVtx(graph, idx) && (vtx->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK) == idx, "cvGraphRemoveVtx[ByPtr] didn't release the vertex properly" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( graph->edges->active_count == prev_edge_count - vtx_degree, "cvGraphRemoveVtx[ByPtr] didn't remove all the incident edges " "(or removed some extra)" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( ((CvSetElem*)vtx)->next_free == first_free && graph->free_elems == (CvSetElem*)vtx && graph->active_count == prev_vtx_count - 1, "The free node list has not been updated properly" ); } else if( op == 2 ) // add edge { int v_idx[2] = {0,0}, res = 0; int v_prev_degree[2] = {0,0}, v_degree[2] = {0,0}; if( sgraph->vtx->free_count >= sgraph->vtx->max_count-1 ) continue; for( i = 0, k = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { int j = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sgraph->vtx->count; vtx_data = cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( sgraph, j ); if( vtx_data ) { v_idx[k] = j; if( k == 0 ) k++; else if( v_idx[0] != v_idx[1] && cvTsSimpleGraphFindEdge( sgraph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ) == 0 ) { k++; break; } } } if( k < 2 ) continue; first_free = graph->edges->free_elems; next_free = first_free ? first_free->next_free : 0; edge = cvFindGraphEdge( graph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( edge == 0, "Extra edge appeared in the graph" ); if( pure_edge_size > 0 ) { elem_mat = Mat(1, graph->edges->elem_size, CV_8U, &elem_buf[0]); cvtest::randUni( rng, elem_mat, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(255) ); } edge = (CvGraphEdge*)&elem_buf[0]; // assign some default weight that is easy to check for // consistensy, 'cause an edge weight is not stored // in the simple graph edge->weight = (float)(v_idx[0] + v_idx[1]); pass_data = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; vtx = cvGetGraphVtx( graph, v_idx[0] ); vtx2 = cvGetGraphVtx( graph, v_idx[1] ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( vtx != 0 && vtx2 != 0 && vtx->flags == v_idx[0] && vtx2->flags == v_idx[1], "Some of the vertices are missing" ); if( cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 ) { v_prev_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx ); v_prev_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx2 ); res = cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(graph, vtx, vtx2, pass_data ? edge : 0, &edge2); v_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx ); v_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx2 ); } else { v_prev_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[0] ); v_prev_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[1] ); res = cvGraphAddEdge(graph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1], pass_data ? edge : 0, &edge2); v_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[0] ); v_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[1] ); } //edge3 = (CvGraphEdge*)cvGetSetElem( graph->edges, idx ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( res == 1 && edge2 != 0 && CV_IS_SET_ELEM(edge2) && ((edge2->vtx[0] == vtx && edge2->vtx[1] == vtx2) || (!CV_IS_GRAPH_ORIENTED(graph) && edge2->vtx[0] == vtx2 && edge2->vtx[1] == vtx)) && (!pass_data || pure_edge_size == 0 || memcmp( edge2 + 1, edge + 1, pure_edge_size ) == 0), "The edge has been added incorrectly" ); if( !pass_data ) { if( pure_edge_size > 0 ) memcpy( edge2 + 1, edge + 1, pure_edge_size ); edge2->weight = edge->weight; } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( v_degree[0] == v_prev_degree[0] + 1 && v_degree[1] == v_prev_degree[1] + 1, "The vertices lists have not been updated properly" ); cvTsSimpleGraphAddEdge( sgraph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1], edge + 1 ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( (!first_free || first_free == (CvSetElem*)edge2) && (!next_free || graph->edges->free_elems == next_free) && graph->edges->active_count == prev_edge_count + 1, "The free node list is modified incorrectly" ); } else if( op == 3 ) // find & remove edge { int v_idx[2] = {0,0}, by_ptr; int v_prev_degree[2] = {0,0}, v_degree[2] = {0,0}; if( sgraph->vtx->free_count >= sgraph->vtx->max_count-1 ) continue; edge_data = 0; for( i = 0, k = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { int j = cvtest::randInt(rng) % sgraph->vtx->count; vtx_data = cvTsSimpleGraphFindVertex( sgraph, j ); if( vtx_data ) { v_idx[k] = j; if( k == 0 ) k++; else { edge_data = cvTsSimpleGraphFindEdge( sgraph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ); if( edge_data ) { k++; break; } } } } if( k < 2 ) continue; by_ptr = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; first_free = graph->edges->free_elems; vtx = cvGetGraphVtx( graph, v_idx[0] ); vtx2 = cvGetGraphVtx( graph, v_idx[1] ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( vtx != 0 && vtx2 != 0 && vtx->flags == v_idx[0] && vtx2->flags == v_idx[1], "Some of the vertices are missing" ); if( by_ptr ) { edge = cvFindGraphEdgeByPtr( graph, vtx, vtx2 ); v_prev_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx ); v_prev_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx2 ); } else { edge = cvFindGraphEdge( graph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ); v_prev_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[0] ); v_prev_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[1] ); } idx = edge->flags; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( edge != 0 && edge->weight == v_idx[0] + v_idx[1] && ((edge->vtx[0] == vtx && edge->vtx[1] == vtx2) || (!CV_IS_GRAPH_ORIENTED(graph) && edge->vtx[1] == vtx && edge->vtx[0] == vtx2)) && (pure_edge_size == 0 || memcmp(edge + 1, edge_data, pure_edge_size) == 0), "An edge is missing or incorrect" ); if( by_ptr ) { cvGraphRemoveEdgeByPtr( graph, vtx, vtx2 ); edge2 = cvFindGraphEdgeByPtr( graph, vtx, vtx2 ); v_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx ); v_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( graph, vtx2 ); } else { cvGraphRemoveEdge(graph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ); edge2 = cvFindGraphEdge( graph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ); v_degree[0] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[0] ); v_degree[1] = cvGraphVtxDegree( graph, v_idx[1] ); } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( !edge2 && !CV_IS_SET_ELEM(edge), "The edge has not been removed from the edge set" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( v_degree[0] == v_prev_degree[0] - 1 && v_degree[1] == v_prev_degree[1] - 1, "The vertices lists have not been updated properly" ); cvTsSimpleGraphRemoveEdge( sgraph, v_idx[0], v_idx[1] ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( graph->edges->free_elems == (CvSetElem*)edge && graph->edges->free_elems->next_free == first_free && graph->edges->active_count == prev_edge_count - 1, "The free edge list has not been modified properly" ); } //max_active_count = MAX( max_active_count, graph->active_count ); //mean_active_count += graph->active_count; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( graph->active_count == sgraph->vtx->max_count - sgraph->vtx->free_count && graph->total >= graph->active_count && (graph->total == 0 || graph->total >= prev_vtx_total), "The total number of graph vertices is not correct" ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( graph->edges->total >= graph->edges->active_count && (graph->edges->total == 0 || graph->edges->total >= prev_edge_total), "The total number of graph vertices is not correct" ); // CvGraph and simple graph do not neccessary have the same "total" (active & free) number, // so pass "graph->total" (or "graph->edges->total") to skip that check test_seq_block_consistence( struct_idx, (CvSeq*)graph, graph->total ); test_seq_block_consistence( struct_idx, (CvSeq*)graph->edges, graph->edges->total ); update_progressbar(); } return 0; } void Core_GraphTest::run( int ) { try { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); int i, k; double t; clear(); test_progress = -1; simple_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); cxcore_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); for( gen = 0; gen < generations; gen++ ) { struct_idx = iter = -1; t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_storage_block_size - min_log_storage_block_size) + min_log_storage_block_size; int block_size = cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ); block_size = MAX(block_size, (int)(sizeof(CvGraph) + sizeof(CvMemBlock) + sizeof(CvSeqBlock))); storage.reset(cvCreateMemStorage(block_size)); for( i = 0; i < struct_count; i++ ) { int pure_elem_size[2], elem_size[2]; int is_oriented = (gen + i) % 2; for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) { t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_elem_size - min_log_elem_size) + min_log_elem_size; int pe = cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ) - 1; // pure_elem_size==0 does also make sense int delta = k == 0 ? sizeof(CvGraphVtx) : sizeof(CvGraphEdge); int e = pe + delta; e = (e + sizeof(size_t) - 1) & ~(sizeof(size_t)-1); e = MIN( e, (int)(storage->block_size - sizeof(CvMemBlock) - sizeof(CvSeqBlock) - sizeof(void*)) ); pe = MIN(pe, e - delta); pure_elem_size[k] = pe; elem_size[k] = e; } cvTsReleaseSimpleGraph( (CvTsSimpleGraph**)&simple_struct[i] ); simple_struct[i] = cvTsCreateSimpleGraph( max_struct_size/4, pure_elem_size[0], pure_elem_size[1], is_oriented ); cxcore_struct[i] = cvCreateGraph( is_oriented ? CV_ORIENTED_GRAPH : CV_GRAPH, sizeof(CvGraph), elem_size[0], elem_size[1], storage ); } if( test_graph_ops( iterations*10 ) < 0 ) return; storage.release(); } } catch(int) { } } //////////// graph scan test ////////////// class Core_GraphScanTest : public Core_DynStructBaseTest { public: Core_GraphScanTest(); void run( int ); protected: //int test_seq_block_consistence( int struct_idx ); int create_random_graph( int ); }; Core_GraphScanTest::Core_GraphScanTest() { iterations = 100; struct_count = 1; } int Core_GraphScanTest::create_random_graph( int _struct_idx ) { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); int is_oriented = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2; int i, vtx_count = cvtest::randInt(rng) % max_struct_size; int edge_count = cvtest::randInt(rng) % MAX(vtx_count*20, 1); CvGraph* graph; struct_idx = _struct_idx; cxcore_struct[_struct_idx] = graph = cvCreateGraph(is_oriented ? CV_ORIENTED_GRAPH : CV_GRAPH, sizeof(CvGraph), sizeof(CvGraphVtx), sizeof(CvGraphEdge), storage ); for( i = 0; i < vtx_count; i++ ) cvGraphAddVtx( graph ); assert( graph->active_count == vtx_count ); for( i = 0; i < edge_count; i++ ) { int j = cvtest::randInt(rng) % vtx_count; int k = cvtest::randInt(rng) % vtx_count; if( j != k ) cvGraphAddEdge( graph, j, k ); } assert( graph->active_count == vtx_count && graph->edges->active_count <= edge_count ); return 0; } void Core_GraphScanTest::run( int ) { CvGraphScanner* scanner = 0; try { RNG& rng = ts->get_rng(); vector<uchar> vtx_mask, edge_mask; double t; int i; clear(); test_progress = -1; cxcore_struct.resize(struct_count, 0); for( gen = 0; gen < generations; gen++ ) { struct_idx = iter = -1; t = cvtest::randReal(rng)*(max_log_storage_block_size - min_log_storage_block_size) + min_log_storage_block_size; int storage_blocksize = cvRound( exp(t * CV_LOG2) ); storage_blocksize = MAX(storage_blocksize, (int)(sizeof(CvGraph) + sizeof(CvMemBlock) + sizeof(CvSeqBlock))); storage_blocksize = MAX(storage_blocksize, (int)(sizeof(CvGraphEdge) + sizeof(CvMemBlock) + sizeof(CvSeqBlock))); storage_blocksize = MAX(storage_blocksize, (int)(sizeof(CvGraphVtx) + sizeof(CvMemBlock) + sizeof(CvSeqBlock))); storage.reset(cvCreateMemStorage(storage_blocksize)); if( gen == 0 ) { // special regression test for one sample graph. // !!! ATTENTION !!! The test relies on the particular order of the inserted edges // (LIFO: the edge inserted last goes first in the list of incident edges). // if it is changed, the test will have to be modified. int vtx_count = -1, edge_count = 0, edges[][3] = { {0,4,'f'}, {0,1,'t'}, {1,4,'t'}, {1,2,'t'}, {2,3,'t'}, {4,3,'c'}, {3,1,'b'}, {5,7,'t'}, {7,5,'b'}, {5,6,'t'}, {6,0,'c'}, {7,6,'c'}, {6,4,'c'}, {-1,-1,0} }; CvGraph* graph = cvCreateGraph( CV_ORIENTED_GRAPH, sizeof(CvGraph), sizeof(CvGraphVtx), sizeof(CvGraphEdge), storage ); for( i = 0; edges[i][0] >= 0; i++ ) { vtx_count = MAX( vtx_count, edges[i][0] ); vtx_count = MAX( vtx_count, edges[i][1] ); } vtx_count++; for( i = 0; i < vtx_count; i++ ) cvGraphAddVtx( graph ); for( i = 0; edges[i][0] >= 0; i++ ) { CvGraphEdge* edge; cvGraphAddEdge( graph, edges[i][0], edges[i][1], 0, &edge ); edge->weight = (float)edges[i][2]; } edge_count = i; scanner = cvCreateGraphScanner( graph, 0, CV_GRAPH_ALL_ITEMS ); for(;;) { int code, a = -1, b = -1; const char* event = ""; code = cvNextGraphItem( scanner ); switch( code ) { case CV_GRAPH_VERTEX: event = "Vertex"; vtx_count--; a = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->vtx ); break; case CV_GRAPH_TREE_EDGE: event = "Tree Edge"; edge_count--; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( scanner->edge->weight == (float)'t', "Invalid edge type" ); a = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->vtx ); b = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->dst ); break; case CV_GRAPH_BACK_EDGE: event = "Back Edge"; edge_count--; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( scanner->edge->weight == (float)'b', "Invalid edge type" ); a = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->vtx ); b = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->dst ); break; case CV_GRAPH_CROSS_EDGE: event = "Cross Edge"; edge_count--; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( scanner->edge->weight == (float)'c', "Invalid edge type" ); a = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->vtx ); b = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->dst ); break; case CV_GRAPH_FORWARD_EDGE: event = "Forward Edge"; edge_count--; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( scanner->edge->weight == (float)'f', "Invalid edge type" ); a = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->vtx ); b = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->dst ); break; case CV_GRAPH_BACKTRACKING: event = "Backtracking"; a = cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, scanner->vtx ); break; case CV_GRAPH_NEW_TREE: event = "New search tree"; break; case CV_GRAPH_OVER: event = "End of procedure"; break; default: CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( 0, "Invalid code appeared during graph scan" ); } ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "%s", event ); if( a >= 0 ) { if( b >= 0 ) ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, ": (%d,%d)", a, b ); else ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, ": %d", a ); } ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "\n" ); if( code < 0 ) break; } CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( vtx_count == 0 && edge_count == 0, "Not every vertex/edge has been visited" ); update_progressbar(); } // for a random graph the test just checks that every graph vertex and // every edge is vitisted during the scan for( iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++ ) { create_random_graph(0); CvGraph* graph = (CvGraph*)cxcore_struct[0]; // iterate twice to check that scanner doesn't damage the graph for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { CvGraphVtx* start_vtx = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 || graph->active_count == 0 ? 0 : cvGetGraphVtx( graph, cvtest::randInt(rng) % graph->active_count ); scanner = cvCreateGraphScanner( graph, start_vtx, CV_GRAPH_ALL_ITEMS ); vtx_mask.resize(0); vtx_mask.resize(graph->active_count, 0); edge_mask.resize(0); edge_mask.resize(graph->edges->active_count, 0); for(;;) { int code = cvNextGraphItem( scanner ); if( code == CV_GRAPH_OVER ) break; else if( code & CV_GRAPH_ANY_EDGE ) { int edge_idx = scanner->edge->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( edge_idx < graph->edges->active_count && edge_mask[edge_idx] == 0, "The edge is not found or visited for the second time" ); edge_mask[edge_idx] = 1; } else if( code & CV_GRAPH_VERTEX ) { int vtx_idx = scanner->vtx->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK; CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( vtx_idx < graph->active_count && vtx_mask[vtx_idx] == 0, "The vtx is not found or visited for the second time" ); vtx_mask[vtx_idx] = 1; } } cvReleaseGraphScanner( &scanner ); CV_TS_SEQ_CHECK_CONDITION( cvtest::norm(Mat(vtx_mask),CV_L1) == graph->active_count && cvtest::norm(Mat(edge_mask),CV_L1) == graph->edges->active_count, "Some vertices or edges have not been visited" ); update_progressbar(); } cvClearMemStorage( storage ); } storage.release(); } } catch(int) { } cvReleaseGraphScanner( &scanner ); } TEST(Core_DS_Seq, basic_operations) { Core_SeqBaseTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Seq, sort_invert) { Core_SeqSortInvTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Set, basic_operations) { Core_SetTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Graph, basic_operations) { Core_GraphTest test; test.safe_run(); } TEST(Core_DS_Graph, scan) { Core_GraphScanTest test; test.safe_run(); }