#include #include using namespace cv; using namespace std; void help() { cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << "This program shows how to launch a 3D visualization window. You can stop event loop to continue executing. " << "You can access the same window via its name. You can run event loop for a given period of time. " << endl << "Usage:" << endl << "./window_demo" << endl << endl; } int main() { help(); /// Create a window viz::Viz3d myWindow("Viz Demo"); /// Start event loop myWindow.spin(); /// Event loop is over when pressed q, Q, e, E cout << "First event loop is over" << endl; /// Access window via its name viz::Viz3d sameWindow = viz::get("Viz Demo"); /// Start event loop sameWindow.spin(); /// Event loop is over when pressed q, Q, e, E cout << "Second event loop is over" << endl; /// Event loop is over when pressed q, Q, e, E /// Start event loop once for 1 millisecond sameWindow.spinOnce(1, true); while(!sameWindow.wasStopped()) { /// Interact with window /// Event loop for 1 millisecond sameWindow.spinOnce(1, true); } /// Once more event loop is stopped cout << "Last event loop is over" << endl; return 0; }