#include "test_precomp.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace cv; struct CV_EXPORTS L2Fake : public L2<float> { enum { normType = NORM_L2 }; }; class CV_BruteForceMatcherTest : public cvtest::BaseTest { public: CV_BruteForceMatcherTest() {} protected: void run( int ) { const int dimensions = 64; const int descriptorsNumber = 5000; Mat train = Mat( descriptorsNumber, dimensions, CV_32FC1); Mat query = Mat( descriptorsNumber, dimensions, CV_32FC1); Mat permutation( 1, descriptorsNumber, CV_32SC1 ); for( int i=0;i<descriptorsNumber;i++ ) permutation.at<int>( 0, i ) = i; //RNG rng = RNG( cvGetTickCount() ); RNG rng; randShuffle( permutation, 1, &rng ); float boundary = 500.f; for( int row=0;row<descriptorsNumber;row++ ) { for( int col=0;col<dimensions;col++ ) { int bit = rng( 2 ); train.at<float>( permutation.at<int>( 0, row ), col ) = bit*boundary + rng.uniform( 0.f, boundary ); query.at<float>( row, col ) = bit*boundary + rng.uniform( 0.f, boundary ); } } vector<DMatch> specMatches, genericMatches; BruteForceMatcher<L2<float> > specMatcher; BruteForceMatcher<L2Fake > genericMatcher; int64 time0 = cvGetTickCount(); specMatcher.match( query, train, specMatches ); int64 time1 = cvGetTickCount(); genericMatcher.match( query, train, genericMatches ); int64 time2 = cvGetTickCount(); float specMatcherTime = float(time1 - time0)/(float)cvGetTickFrequency(); ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Matching by matrix multiplication time s: %f, us per pair: %f\n", specMatcherTime*1e-6, specMatcherTime/( descriptorsNumber*descriptorsNumber ) ); float genericMatcherTime = float(time2 - time1)/(float)cvGetTickFrequency(); ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Matching without matrix multiplication time s: %f, us per pair: %f\n", genericMatcherTime*1e-6, genericMatcherTime/( descriptorsNumber*descriptorsNumber ) ); if( (int)specMatches.size() != descriptorsNumber || (int)genericMatches.size() != descriptorsNumber ) ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT ); for( int i=0;i<descriptorsNumber;i++ ) { float epsilon = 0.01f; bool isEquiv = fabs( specMatches[i].distance - genericMatches[i].distance ) < epsilon && specMatches[i].queryIdx == genericMatches[i].queryIdx && specMatches[i].trainIdx == genericMatches[i].trainIdx; if( !isEquiv || specMatches[i].trainIdx != permutation.at<int>( 0, i ) ) { ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISMATCH ); break; } } //Test mask Mat mask( query.rows, train.rows, CV_8UC1 ); rng.fill( mask, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 2 ); time0 = cvGetTickCount(); specMatcher.match( query, train, specMatches, mask ); time1 = cvGetTickCount(); genericMatcher.match( query, train, genericMatches, mask ); time2 = cvGetTickCount(); specMatcherTime = float(time1 - time0)/(float)cvGetTickFrequency(); ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Matching by matrix multiplication time with mask s: %f, us per pair: %f\n", specMatcherTime*1e-6, specMatcherTime/( descriptorsNumber*descriptorsNumber ) ); genericMatcherTime = float(time2 - time1)/(float)cvGetTickFrequency(); ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Matching without matrix multiplication time with mask s: %f, us per pair: %f\n", genericMatcherTime*1e-6, genericMatcherTime/( descriptorsNumber*descriptorsNumber ) ); if( specMatches.size() != genericMatches.size() ) ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT ); for( size_t i=0;i<specMatches.size();i++ ) { //float epsilon = 1e-2; float epsilon = 10000000; bool isEquiv = fabs( specMatches[i].distance - genericMatches[i].distance ) < epsilon && specMatches[i].queryIdx == genericMatches[i].queryIdx && specMatches[i].trainIdx == genericMatches[i].trainIdx; if( !isEquiv ) { ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISMATCH ); break; } } } }; TEST(Legacy_BruteForceMatcher, accuracy) { CV_BruteForceMatcherTest test; test.safe_run(); }