android-jni this is an example of an android library project that has some reusable code that exposes part of OpenCV to android. In particular this provides a native camera interface for loading live video frames from the android camera into native opencv functions(as cv::Mat's) pre-reqs: * build the opencv/android libraries - up one directory * you need swig in you path for android-jni on ubuntu - sudo apt-get install swig others: to build: make that should work... If it doesn't make sure to edit the generated to reflect your machine's setup see the sample for how to use this in your own projects If you only support armeabi-v7a or armeabi your final apks will be much smaller. To build the class files, either start a new Android project from existing sources in eclipse or from the commmand line: sh ant debug This should be linked to in your android projects, if you would like to reuse the code. See Calibration or CVCamera in the opencv/android/apps directory With cdt installed in eclipse, you may also "convert to C++ project" once you have opened this as an android project. Select makefile project->toolchain other to do this.