/*Authors * Manuela Chessa, Fabio Solari, Fabio Tatti, Silvio P. Sabatini * * manuela.chessa@unige.it, fabio.solari@unige.it * * PSPC-lab - University of Genoa */ #include "opencv2/contrib.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace cv; using namespace std; static void help() { cout << "LogPolar Blind Spot Model sample.\nShortcuts:" "\n\tn for nearest pixel technique" "\n\tb for bilinear interpolation technique" "\n\to for overlapping circular receptive fields" "\n\ta for adjacent receptive fields" "\n\tq or ESC quit\n"; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Mat img = imread(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "lena.jpg",1); // open the image if(img.empty()) // check if we succeeded { cout << "can not load image\n"; return 0; } help(); Size s=img.size(); int w=s.width, h=s.height; int ro0=3; //radius of the blind spot int R=120; //number of rings //Creation of the four different objects that implement the four log-polar transformations //Off-line computation Point2i center(w/2,h/2); LogPolar_Interp nearest(w, h, center, R, ro0, INTER_NEAREST); LogPolar_Interp bilin(w,h, center,R,ro0); LogPolar_Overlapping overlap(w,h,center,R,ro0); LogPolar_Adjacent adj(w,h,center,R,ro0,0.25); namedWindow("Cartesian",1); namedWindow("retinal",1); namedWindow("cortical",1); int wk='n'; Mat Cortical, Retinal; //On-line computation for(;;) { if(wk=='n'){ Cortical=nearest.to_cortical(img); Retinal=nearest.to_cartesian(Cortical); }else if (wk=='b'){ Cortical=bilin.to_cortical(img); Retinal=bilin.to_cartesian(Cortical); }else if (wk=='o'){ Cortical=overlap.to_cortical(img); Retinal=overlap.to_cartesian(Cortical); }else if (wk=='a'){ Cortical=adj.to_cortical(img); Retinal=adj.to_cartesian(Cortical); } imshow("Cartesian", img); imshow("cortical", Cortical); imshow("retinal", Retinal); int c=waitKey(15); if (c>0) wk=c; if(wk =='q' || (wk & 255) == 27) break; } return 0; }