#include <unordered_map> #include <string> #include <bridge> typedef std::unordered_map Map; /*! @brief Hash from strings to OpenCV enums * * This is a translation map for strings to OpenCV constants (enums). * When an int is requested from the bridge, and the the mxArray storage * type is a string, this map is invoked. Thus functions can be called * from Matlab as, e.g. * cv.dft(x, xf, "DFT_FORWARD"); * * Note that an alternative Matlab class exists as well, so that functions * can be called as, e.g. * cv.dft(x, xf, cv.DFT_FORWARD); * * This string to int map tends to be faster than its Matlab companion, * but there is no direct access to the value of the constants. It also * enables different error reporting properties. */ Map<std::string, int> constants = { {% for key, val in constants.items() %} {% if val|convertibleToInt %} { "{{key}}", {{val}} }, {% else %} { "{{key}}", {{constants[val]}} }, {% endif %} {% endfor %} };