import sys, re, os.path from string import Template try: from cStringIO import StringIO except: from StringIO import StringIO # c_type : { java/jni correspondence } type_dict = { # "simple" : { j_type : "?", jn_type : "?", jni_type : "?", suffix : "?" }, "" : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong" }, # c-tor ret_type "void" : { "j_type" : "void", "jn_type" : "void", "jni_type" : "void" }, "env" : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "", "jni_type" : "JNIEnv*"}, "cls" : { "j_type" : "", "jn_type" : "", "jni_type" : "jclass"}, "bool" : { "j_type" : "boolean", "jn_type" : "boolean", "jni_type" : "jboolean", "suffix" : "Z" }, "int" : { "j_type" : "int", "jn_type" : "int", "jni_type" : "int", "suffix" : "I" }, "long" : { "j_type" : "int", "jn_type" : "int", "jni_type" : "int", "suffix" : "I" }, "float" : { "j_type" : "float", "jn_type" : "float", "jni_type" : "jfloat", "suffix" : "F" }, "double" : { "j_type" : "double", "jn_type" : "double", "jni_type" : "jdouble", "suffix" : "D" }, "size_t" : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" }, "__int64" : { "j_type" : "long", "jn_type" : "long", "jni_type" : "jlong", "suffix" : "J" }, # "complex" : { j_type : "?", jn_args : (("", ""),), jn_name : "", jni_var : "", jni_name : "", "suffix" : "?" }, "Mat" : { "j_type" : "Mat", "jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),), "jni_var" : "Mat& %(n)s = *((Mat*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong", #"jni_name" : "*%(n)s", "suffix" : "J" }, "Point" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")), "jni_var" : "cv::Point %(n)s((int)%(n)s_x, (int)%(n)s_y)", "suffix" : "DD"}, "Point2f" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")), "jni_var" : "cv::Point2f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_x, (float)%(n)s_y)", "suffix" : "DD"}, "Point2d" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y")), "jni_var" : "cv::Point2d %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y)", "suffix" : "DD"}, "Point3i" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")), "jni_var" : "cv::Point3i %(n)s((int)%(n)s_x, (int)%(n)s_y, (int)%(n)s_z)", "suffix" : "DDD"}, "Point3f" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")), "jni_var" : "cv::Point3f %(n)s((float)%(n)s_x, (float)%(n)s_y, (float)%(n)s_z)", "suffix" : "DDD"}, "Point3d" : { "j_type" : "Point", "jn_args" : (("double", ".x"), ("double", ".y"), ("double", ".z")), "jni_var" : "cv::Point3d %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_z)", "suffix" : "DDD"}, "Rect" : { "j_type" : "Rect", "jn_args" : (("int", ".x"), ("int", ".y"), ("int", ".width"), ("int", ".height")), "jni_var" : "cv::Rect %(n)s(%(n)s_x, %(n)s_y, %(n)s_width, %(n)s_height)", "suffix" : "IIII"}, "Size" : { "j_type" : "Size", "jn_args" : (("int", ".width"), ("int", ".height")), "jni_var" : "cv::Size %(n)s(%(n)s_width, %(n)s_height)", "suffix" : "II"}, "Scalar" : { "j_type" : "Scalar", "jn_args" : (("double", ".v0"), ("double", ".v1"), ("double", ".v2"), ("double", ".v3")), "jni_var" : "cv::Scalar %(n)s(%(n)s_v0, %(n)s_v1, %(n)s_v2, %(n)s_v3)", "suffix" : "DDDD"}, "string" : { "j_type" : "java.lang.String", "jn_type" : "java.lang.String", "jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s", "jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); std::string n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)', "suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"}, "String" : { "j_type" : "java.lang.String", "jn_type" : "java.lang.String", "jni_type" : "jstring", "jni_name" : "n_%(n)s", "jni_var" : 'const char* utf_%(n)s = env->GetStringUTFChars(%(n)s, 0); String n_%(n)s( utf_%(n)s ? utf_%(n)s : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(%(n)s, utf_%(n)s)', "suffix" : "Ljava_lang_String_2"}, } class ConstInfo(object): def __init__(self, cname, name, val): ## = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name).replace(".", "_") self.cname = cname = re.sub(r"^Cv", "", name) = re.sub(r"([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", name) = self.value = val class ClassInfo(object): def __init__(self, decl): # [ 'class/struct cname', [bases], [modlist] ] name = decl[0] name = name[name.find(" ")+1:].strip() self.cname = = self.jname = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name) self.cname =self.cname.replace(".", "::") #self.jname = re.sub(r"^Cv", "", self.jname) self.methods = {} self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurence order for m in decl[2]: if m.startswith("="): self.jname = m[1:] class ArgInfo(object): def __init__(self, arg_tuple): # [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ] self.ctype = arg_tuple[0] = arg_tuple[1] self.defval = arg_tuple[2] self.out = "/O" in arg_tuple[3] or "/IO" in arg_tuple[3] ## def isbig(self): ## return self.ctype == "Mat" or self.ctype == "vector_Mat" class FuncInfo(object): def __init__(self, decl): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ] name = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", decl[0]) self.cname = name.replace(".", "::") classname = "" dpos = name.rfind(".") if dpos >= 0: classname = name[:dpos] name = name[dpos+1:] self.classname = classname self.jname = = name if "[" in name: self.jname = "getelem" for m in decl[2]: if m.startswith("="): self.jname = m[1:] self.jn_name = "n_" + self.jname self.jni_name= re.sub(r"_", "_1", self.jn_name) if self.classname: self.jni_name = "00024" + self.classname + "_" + self.jni_name self.static = ["","static"][ "/S" in decl[2] ] self.ctype = decl[1] or "" self.args = [] #self.jni_suffix = "__" #if self.classname and self.ctype and not self.static: # non-static class methods except c-tors # self.jni_suffix += "J" # artifical 'self' for a in decl[3]: ai = ArgInfo(a) self.args.append(ai) # self.jni_suffix += ctype2j.get(ai.ctype, ["","","",""])[3] class FuncFamilyInfo(object): def __init__(self, decl): # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ] self.funcs = [] self.funcs.append( FuncInfo(decl) ) self.jname = self.funcs[0].jname self.isconstructor = self.funcs[0].name == self.funcs[0].classname def add_func(self, fi): self.funcs.append( fi ) class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): def __init__(self): self.clear() def clear(self): self.classes = { "Mat" : ClassInfo([ 'class Mat', [], [] ]) } self.funcs = {} self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurence order self.module = "" self.java_code = StringIO() self.jn_code = StringIO() self.cpp_code = StringIO() self.ported_func_counter = 0 self.ported_func_list = [] self.skipped_func_list = [] self.total_func_counter = 0 def add_class(self, decl): classinfo = ClassInfo(decl) if in self.classes: print "Generator error: class %s (%s) is duplicated" % \ (, classinfo.cname) sys.exit(-1) self.classes[] = classinfo if in type_dict: print "Duplicated class: " + sys.exit(-1) type_dict[] = \ { "j_type" :, "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),), "jni_name" : "(*(""*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "suffix" : "J" } def add_const(self, decl): # [ "const cname", val, [], [] ] consts = self.consts name = decl[0].replace("const ", "").strip() name = re.sub(r"^cv\.", "", name) cname = name.replace(".", "::") # check if it's a class member dpos = name.rfind(".") if dpos >= 0: classname = name[:dpos] name = name[dpos+1:] if classname in self.classes: consts = self.classes[classname].consts else: # this class isn't wrapped # skipping this const return constinfo = ConstInfo(cname, name, decl[1]) # checking duplication for c in consts: if == print "Generator error: constant %s (%s) is duplicated" \ % (, constinfo.cname) sys.exit(-1) consts.append(constinfo) def add_func(self, decl): ffi = FuncFamilyInfo(decl) func_map = self.funcs classname = ffi.funcs[0].classname if classname: if classname in self.classes: func_map = self.classes[classname].methods else: print "Generator error: the class %s for method %s is missing" % \ (classname, ffi.jname) sys.exit(-1) if ffi.jname in func_map: func_map[ffi.jname].add_func(ffi.funcs[0]) else: func_map[ffi.jname] = ffi def save(self, path, name, buf): f = open(path + "/" + name, "wt") f.write(buf.getvalue()) f.close() def gen(self, srcfiles, module, output_path): self.clear() self.module = module parser = hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser() # step 1: scan the headers and build more descriptive maps of classes, consts, functions for hdr in srcfiles: decls = parser.parse(hdr) for decl in decls: name = decl[0] if name.startswith("struct") or name.startswith("class"): self.add_class(decl) pass elif name.startswith("const"): self.add_const(decl) else: # function self.add_func(decl) pass # java module header self.java_code.write("package org.opencv;\n\npublic class %s {\n" % module) if module == "core": self.java_code.write(\ """ private static final int CV_8U = 0, CV_8S = 1, CV_16U = 2, CV_16S = 3, CV_32S = 4, CV_32F = 5, CV_64F = 6, CV_USRTYPE1 = 7; """ ) if module == "imgproc": self.java_code.write(\ """ public static final int IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT = 0, IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE = 1, IPL_BORDER_REFLECT = 2, IPL_BORDER_WRAP = 3, IPL_BORDER_REFLECT_101 = 4, IPL_BORDER_TRANSPARENT = 5; """ ) if module == "calib3d": self.java_code.write(\ """ public static final int CV_LMEDS = 4, CV_RANSAC = 8, CV_FM_LMEDS = CV_LMEDS, CV_FM_RANSAC = CV_RANSAC; public static final int CV_FM_7POINT = 1, CV_FM_8POINT = 2; public static final int CV_CALIB_USE_INTRINSIC_GUESS = 1, CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO = 2, CV_CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT = 4, CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST = 8, CV_CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH = 16, CV_CALIB_FIX_K1 = 32, CV_CALIB_FIX_K2 = 64, CV_CALIB_FIX_K3 = 128, CV_CALIB_FIX_K4 = 2048, CV_CALIB_FIX_K5 = 4096, CV_CALIB_FIX_K6 = 8192, CV_CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL = 16384, CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC = 256, CV_CALIB_SAME_FOCAL_LENGTH = 512, CV_CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY = 1024; """ ) # java native stuff self.jn_code.write(""" // // native stuff // static { System.loadLibrary("opencv_java"); } """) # cpp module header self.cpp_code.write(\ """// // This file is auto-generated, please don't edit! // #include /* #include #define MODULE_LOG_TAG "OpenCV.%s" #define LOGD(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, MODULE_LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) */ """ % module) self.cpp_code.write( "\n".join(['#include "opencv2/%s/%s"' % (module, os.path.basename(f)) \ for f in srcfiles]) ) self.cpp_code.write('\nusing namespace cv;\n') self.cpp_code.write('\n\nextern "C" {\n\n') # step 2: generate the code for global constants self.gen_consts() # step 3: generate the code for all the global functions self.gen_funcs() # step 4: generate code for the classes self.gen_classes() # module tail self.java_code.write("\n\n" + self.jn_code.getvalue() + "\n") self.java_code.write("}\n") self.cpp_code.write('} // extern "C"\n'), module+".java", self.java_code), module+".cpp", self.cpp_code) # report report = StringIO() report.write("PORTED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % \ (self.ported_func_counter, self.total_func_counter) \ ) report.write("\n".join(self.ported_func_list)) report.write("\n\nSKIPPED FUNCs LIST (%i of %i):\n\n" % \ (self.total_func_counter - self.ported_func_counter, self.total_func_counter) \ ) report.write("".join(self.skipped_func_list)), module+".txt", report) print "Done %i of %i funcs." % (self.ported_func_counter, self.total_func_counter) def gen_consts(self): # generate the code for global constants if self.consts: self.java_code.write(""" public static final int """ + """, """.join(["%s = %s" % (, c.value) for c in self.consts]) + \ ";\n\n") def gen_func(self, fi, isoverload, jn_code): self.total_func_counter += 1 # // C++: c_decl # e.g: # // C++: void add(Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask = Mat(), int dtype = -1) c_decl = "%s %s %s(%s)" % \ ( fi.static, fi.ctype, fi.cname, \ ", ".join(a.ctype + " " + + [""," = "+a.defval][bool(a.defval)] for a in fi.args) ) indent = " " * 4 if fi.classname: indent += " " * 4 # java comment self.java_code.write( "\n%s// C++: %s\n" % (indent, c_decl) ) # check if we 'know' all the types type_info = type_dict.get(fi.ctype) if not (type_info and type_info.get("jn_type")): # unsupported ret type msg = "// Return type '%s' is not supported, skipping the function\n\n" % fi.ctype self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg) self.java_code.write( indent + msg ) #self.cpp_code.write( msg ) print "SKIP:", c_decl, "\n\tdue to RET type", fi.ctype return for a in fi.args: if a.ctype not in type_dict: msg = "// Unknown type '%s', skipping the function\n\n" % a.ctype self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg) self.java_code.write( indent + msg ) #self.cpp_code.write( msg ) print "SKIP:", c_decl, "\n\tdue to ARG type", a.ctype return if a.ctype != "Mat" and "jn_args" in type_dict[a.ctype] and a.out: # complex out args not yet supported msg = "// Unsupported type '%s&', skipping the function\n\n" % a.ctype self.skipped_func_list.append(c_decl + "\n" + msg) self.java_code.write( indent + msg ) #self.cpp_code.write( msg ) print "SKIP:", c_decl, "\n\tdue to OUT ARG of type", a.ctype return self.ported_func_counter += 1 self.ported_func_list.append(c_decl) # jn & cpp comment jn_code.write( "\n%s// C++: %s\n" % (indent, c_decl) ) self.cpp_code.write( "\n//\n// %s\n//\n" % c_decl ) # java args args = fi.args[:] # copy if args and args[-1].defval: isoverload = True while True: # java native method args jn_args = [] # jni (cpp) function args jni_args = [ArgInfo([ "env", "env", "", [], "" ]), ArgInfo([ "cls", "cls", "", [], "" ])] suffix = "__" if fi.classname and fi.ctype and not fi.static: # non-static class method except c-tor # adding 'self' jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "nativeObj", "", [], "" ]) ) jni_args.append( ArgInfo([ "__int64", "self", "", [], "" ]) ) suffix += "J" for a in args: suffix += type_dict[a.ctype].get("suffix") or "" fields = type_dict[a.ctype].get("jn_args") or [] if fields: # complex type for f in fields: jn_args.append ( ArgInfo([ f[0], + f[1], "", [], "" ]) ) jni_args.append( ArgInfo([ f[0], + f[1].replace(".","_"), "", [], "" ]) ) else: jn_args.append(a) jni_args.append(a) # java part: # private java NATIVE method decl # e.g. # private static native void n_add(long src1, long src2, long dst, long mask, int dtype); jn_code.write( Template(\ "${indent}private static native $jn_type $jn_name($jn_args);\n").substitute(\ indent = indent, \ jn_type = type_dict[fi.ctype]["jn_type"], \ jn_name = fi.jn_name, \ jn_args = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype]["jn_type"],".","_")) for a in jn_args]) ) ); # java part: #java doc comment f_name = if fi.classname: f_name = fi.classname + "::" + self.java_code.write(indent + "//javadoc: " + f_name + "(%s)\n" % \ ", ".join([ for a in args]) ) # public java wrapper method impl (calling native one above) # e.g. # public static void add( Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, Mat mask, int dtype ) # { n_add( src1.nativeObj, src2.nativeObj, dst.nativeObj, mask.nativeObj, dtype ); } impl_code = "return $jn_name($jn_args_call);" if fi.ctype == "void": impl_code = "$jn_name($jn_args_call);" elif fi.ctype == "": # c-tor impl_code = "nativeObj = $jn_name($jn_args_call);" elif fi.ctype in self.classes: # wrapped class impl_code = " return new %s( $jn_name($jn_args_call) ); " % \ self.classes[fi.ctype].jname static = "static" if fi.classname: static = fi.static self.java_code.write( Template(\ "${indent}public $static $j_type $j_name($j_args)").substitute(\ indent = indent, \ static=static, \ j_type=type_dict[fi.ctype]["j_type"], \ j_name=fi.jname, \ j_args=", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype]["j_type"], for a in args]) \ ) ) self.java_code.write( Template("\n$indent{ " + impl_code + " }\n").substitute(\ indent = indent, \ jn_name=fi.jn_name, \ jn_args_call=", ".join( [ for a in jn_args] )\ ) ) # cpp part: # jni_func(..) { return cv_func(..); } ret = "return " ext = "" default = "return 0" if fi.ctype == "void": ret = "" default = "" elif fi.ctype == "string": ret = "return env->NewStringUTF" ext = ".c_str()" default = 'return env->NewStringUTF("")' elif fi.ctype in self.classes: # wrapped class: ret = "return (jlong) new " + self.classes[fi.ctype].jname cvname = "cv::" + j2cvargs = [] if fi.classname: if not fi.ctype: # c-tor cvname = "(jlong) new " + fi.classname elif fi.static: cvname = "%s::%s" % (fi.classname, else: cvname = "me->" + j2cvargs.append(\ "%(cls)s* me = (%(cls)s*) self; //TODO: check for NULL" \ % { "cls" : fi.classname} \ ) cvargs = [] for a in args: cvargs.append( type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_name", "%(n)s") % {"n" :}) if "jni_var" in type_dict[a.ctype]: # complex type j2cvargs.append(type_dict[a.ctype]["jni_var"] % {"n" :} + ";") rtype = type_dict[fi.ctype]["jni_type"] self.cpp_code.write ( Template( \ """ JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_$fname ($args) { try { //LOGD("$module::$fname()"); $j2cv $ret( $cvname( $cvargs )$ext ); } catch(cv::Exception e) { //LOGD("$module::$fname() catched cv::Exception: %s", e.what()); jclass je = env->FindClass("org/opencv/CvException"); if(!je) je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"); env->ThrowNew(je, e.what()); $default; } catch (...) { //LOGD("$module::$fname() catched ..."); jclass je = env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"); env->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI code {$module::$fname()}"); $default; } } """ ).substitute( \ rtype = rtype, \ module = self.module, \ fname = fi.jni_name + ["",suffix][isoverload], \ args = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (type_dict[a.ctype].get("jni_type"), for a in jni_args]), \ j2cv = "\n ".join([a for a in j2cvargs]), \ ret = ret, \ cvname = cvname, \ cvargs = ", ".join([a for a in cvargs]), \ ext = ext, \ default = default ) ) # processing args with default values if args and args[-1].defval: a = args.pop() else: break def gen_funcs(self): # generate the code for all the global functions indent = "\t" fflist = self.funcs.items() fflist.sort() for name, ffi in fflist: assert not ffi.funcs[0].classname, "Error: global func is a class member - "+name for fi in ffi.funcs: self.gen_func(fi, len(ffi.funcs)>1, self.jn_code) def gen_classes(self): # generate code for the classes (their methods and consts) indent = " " * 4 indent_m = indent + " " * 4 classlist = self.classes.items() classlist.sort() for name, ci in classlist: if name == "Mat": continue self.java_code.write( "\n\n" + indent + "// C++: class %s" % (ci.cname) + "\n" ) self.java_code.write( indent + "public static class %s {\n\n" % (ci.jname) ) # self self.java_code.write( indent_m + "protected final long nativeObj;\n" ) self.java_code.write( indent_m + "protected %s(long addr) { nativeObj = addr; }\n\n" \ % name ); # constants if ci.consts: prefix = "\n" + indent_m + "\t" s = indent_m + "public static final int" + prefix +\ ("," + prefix).join(["%s = %s" % (, c.value) for c in ci.consts]) + ";\n\n" self.java_code.write( s ) # methods jn_code = StringIO() # c-tors fflist = ci.methods.items() fflist.sort() for n, ffi in fflist: if ffi.isconstructor: for fi in ffi.funcs: self.gen_func(fi, len(ffi.funcs)>1, jn_code) self.java_code.write( "\n" ) for n, ffi in fflist: if not ffi.isconstructor: for fi in ffi.funcs: self.gen_func(fi, len(ffi.funcs)>1, jn_code) # finalize() self.java_code.write( """ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { n_delete(nativeObj); super.finalize(); } """ ) self.java_code.write(indent_m + "// native stuff\n\n") self.java_code.write(indent_m + 'static { System.loadLibrary("opencv_java"); }\n') self.java_code.write( jn_code.getvalue() ) self.java_code.write( """ // native support for java finalize() private static native void n_delete(long nativeObj); """ ) self.java_code.write("\n" + indent + "}\n\n") # native support for java finalize() self.cpp_code.write( \ """ // // native support for java finalize() // static void %(cls)s::n_delete( __int64 self ) // JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_00024%(cls)s_n_1delete (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jlong self) { delete (%(cls)s*) self; } """ % {"module" : module, "cls" : name} ) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "Usage:\n", \ os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), \ " [...]" print "Current args are: ", ", ".join(["'"+a+"'" for a in sys.argv]) exit(0) dstdir = "." hdr_parser_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) if hdr_parser_path.endswith(".py"): hdr_parser_path = os.path.dirname(hdr_parser_path) sys.path.append(hdr_parser_path) import hdr_parser module = sys.argv[2] srcfiles = sys.argv[3:] print "Generating module '" + module + "' from headers:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(srcfiles) generator = JavaWrapperGenerator() generator.gen(srcfiles, module, dstdir)