Saving and Loading a FaceRecognizer =================================== Introduction ------------ Saving and loading a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` is very important. Training a FaceRecognizer can be a very time-intense task, plus it's often impossible to ship the whole face database to the user of your product. The task of saving and loading a FaceRecognizer is easy with :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer`. You only have to call :ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::load` for loading and :ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::save` for saving a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer`. I'll adapt the Eigenfaces example from the :doc:`../facerec_tutorial`: Imagine we want to learn the Eigenfaces of the `AT&T Facedatabase `_ store the model to a YAML file and then load it again. From the loaded model, we'll get a prediction, show the mean, eigenfaces and the image reconstruction. Using FaceRecognizer::save and FaceRecognizer::load ----------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../src/facerec_save_load.cpp :language: cpp :linenos: Results ------- ``eigenfaces_at.yml`` then contains the model state, we'll simply look at the first 10 lines with ``head eigenfaces_at.yml``: .. code-block:: none philipp@mango:~/github/libfacerec-build$ head eigenfaces_at.yml %YAML:1.0 num_components: 399 mean: !!opencv-matrix rows: 1 cols: 10304 dt: d data: [ 8.5558897243107765e+01, 8.5511278195488714e+01, 8.5854636591478695e+01, 8.5796992481203006e+01, 8.5952380952380949e+01, 8.6162907268170414e+01, 8.6082706766917283e+01, 8.5776942355889716e+01, And here is the Reconstruction, which is the same as the original: .. image:: ../img/eigenface_reconstruction_opencv.png :align: center