% {{clss.name | upper}} % Matlab handle class for OpenCV object classes % % This file was autogenerated, do not modify. % See LICENCE for full modification and redistribution details. % Copyright {{time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime())}} The OpenCV Foundation classdef {{clss.name}} < handle properties (SetAccess = private, Hidden = true) ptr_ = 0; % handle to the underlying c++ clss instance end methods % constructor function this = {{clss.name}}(varargin) this.ptr_ = {{clss.name}}Bridge('new', varargin{:}); end % destructor function delete(this) {{clss.name}}Bridge(this.ptr_, 'delete'); end {% for function in clss.functions %} % {{function.__str__()}} function varargout = {{function.name}}(this, varargin) [varargout{1:nargout}] = {{clss.name}}Bridge('{{function.name}}', this.ptr_, varargin{:}); end {% endfor %} end end