#! /usr/bin/env python
This script will test highgui's video reading functionality

# name of this test and it's requirements
TESTNAME = "cvGrabFrame"
REQUIRED = ["cvCreateFileCaptureRGBA"]

# needed for sys.exit(int) and .works file handling
import os
import sys
import works

# path to imagefiles we need

# check requirements and delete old flag file, if it exists
if not works.check_files(REQUIRED,TESTNAME):

# import the necessary things for OpenCV
from highgui import *
from cv import *

# create a video reader using the tiny video 'uncompressed.avi'
video = cvCreateFileCapture(PREFIX+"uncompressed.avi")

# call cvGrabFrame to grab a frame and save return value
res = cvGrabFrame(video)

if res==0:
	print "(ERROR) Couldn't call cvGrabFrame()."

# ATTENTION: We do not release the video reader, window or any image.
# This is bad manners, but Python and OpenCV don't care...
# create flag file for sollowing tests

# return 0 ('PASS')