#ifndef OPENCV_BRIDGE_HPP_ #define OPENCV_BRIDGE_HPP_ #include "mxarray.hpp" #include #include #include #include /* * Custom typedefs * Parsed names from the hdr_parser */ typedef std::vector vector_Mat; typedef std::vector vector_Point; typedef std::vector vector_int; typedef std::vector vector_float; typedef std::vector vector_String; typedef std::vector vector_uchar; typedef std::vector vector_Rect; typedef std::vector vector_KeyPoint; typedef cv::Ptr Ptr_StereoBM; typedef cv::Ptr Ptr_StereoSGBM; typedef cv::Ptr Ptr_FeatureDetector; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BRIDGE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * @class Bridge * @brief Type conversion class for converting OpenCV and native C++ types * * Bridge provides an interface for converting between OpenCV/C++ types * to Matlab's mxArray format. * * Each type conversion requires three operators: * // conversion from ObjectType --> Bridge * Bridge& operator=(const ObjectType&); * // implicit conversion from Bridge --> ObjectType * operator ObjectType(); * // explicit conversion from Bridge --> ObjectType * ObjectType toObjectType(); * * The bridging class provides common conversions between OpenCV types, * std and stl types to Matlab's mxArray format. By inheriting Bridge, * you can add your own custom type conversions. * * Because Matlab uses a homogeneous storage type, all operations are provided * relative to Matlab's type. That is, Bridge always stores an MxArray object * and converts to and from other object types on demand. * * NOTE: for the explicit conversion function, the object name must be * in UpperCamelCase, for example: * int --> toInt * my_object --> MyObject * my_Object --> MyObject * myObject --> MyObject * this is because the binding generator standardises the calling syntax. * * Bridge attempts to make as few assumptions as possible, however in * some cases where 1-to-1 mappings don't exist, some assumptions are necessary. * In particular: * - conversion from of a 2-channel Mat to an mxArray will result in a complex * output * - conversion from multi-channel interleaved Mats will result in * multichannel planar mxArrays * */ class Bridge { private: MxArray ptr_; public: // bridges are default constructible Bridge() {} virtual ~Bridge() {} /*! @brief unpack an object from Matlab into C++ * * this function checks whether the given bridge is derived from an * object in Matlab. If so, it converts it to a (platform dependent) * pointer to the underlying C++ object. * * NOTE! This function assumes that the C++ pointer is stored in inst_ */ template Object* getObjectByName(const std::string& name) { // check that the object is actually of correct type before unpacking // TODO: Traverse class hierarchy? if (!ptr_.isClass(name)) { error(std::string("Expected class ").append(std::string(name)) .append(" but was given ").append(ptr_.className())); } // get the instance field MxArray inst = ptr_.field("inst_"); Object* obj = NULL; // make sure the pointer is the correct size for the system if (sizeof(void *) == 8 && inst.ID() == mxUINT64_CLASS) { // 64-bit pointers // TODO: Do we REALLY REALLY need to reinterpret_cast? obj = reinterpret_cast(inst.scalar()); } else if (sizeof(void *) == 4 && inst.ID() == mxUINT32_CLASS) { // 32-bit pointers obj = reinterpret_cast(inst.scalar()); } else { error("Incorrect pointer type stored for architecture"); } // finally check if the object is NULL conditionalError(obj, std::string("Object ").append(std::string(name)).append(std::string(" is NULL"))); return obj; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MATLAB TYPES // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const mxArray* obj) { ptr_ = obj; return *this; } Bridge(const mxArray* obj) : ptr_(obj) {} MxArray toMxArray() { return ptr_; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INTEGRAL TYPES // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- string -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const std::string& ) { return *this; } std::string toString() { return ptr_.toString(); } operator std::string() { return toString(); } // --------------------------- bool -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const bool& ) { return *this; } bool toBool() { return 0; } operator bool() { return toBool(); } // --------------------------- double -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const double& ) { return *this; } double toDouble() { return ptr_.scalar(); } operator double() { return toDouble(); } // --------------------------- float --------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const float& ) { return *this; } float toFloat() { return ptr_.scalar(); } operator float() { return toFloat(); } // --------------------------- int -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const int& ) { return *this; } int toInt() { return ptr_.scalar(); } operator int() { return toInt(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CORE OPENCV TYPES // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- cv::Mat -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::Mat& mat) { ptr_ = MxArray::FromMat(mat); return *this; } cv::Mat toMat() const { return ptr_.toMat(); } operator cv::Mat() const { return toMat(); } // -------------------------- Point -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point& ) { return *this; } cv::Point toPoint() const { return cv::Point(); } operator cv::Point() const { return toPoint(); } // -------------------------- Point2f ------------------------------------ Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point2f& ) { return *this; } cv::Point2f toPoint2f() const { return cv::Point2f(); } operator cv::Point2f() const { return toPoint2f(); } // -------------------------- Point2d ------------------------------------ Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point2d& ) { return *this; } cv::Point2d toPoint2d() const { return cv::Point2d(); } operator cv::Point2d() const { return toPoint2d(); } // -------------------------- Size --------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::Size& ) { return *this; } cv::Size toSize() const { return cv::Size(); } operator cv::Size() const { return toSize(); } // -------------------------- Moments -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::Moments& ) { return *this; } cv::Moments toMoments() const { return cv::Moments(); } operator cv::Moments() const { return toMoments(); } // -------------------------- Scalar -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::Scalar& ) { return *this; } cv::Scalar toScalar() { return cv::Scalar(); } operator cv::Scalar() { return toScalar(); } // -------------------------- Rect ----------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::Rect& ) { return *this; } cv::Rect toRect() { return cv::Rect(); } operator cv::Rect() { return toRect(); } // ---------------------- RotatedRect --------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::RotatedRect& ) { return *this; } cv::RotatedRect toRotatedRect() { return cv::RotatedRect(); } operator cv::RotatedRect() { return toRotatedRect(); } // ---------------------- TermCriteria -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::TermCriteria& ) { return *this; } cv::TermCriteria toTermCriteria() { return cv::TermCriteria(); } operator cv::TermCriteria() { return toTermCriteria(); } // ---------------------- RNG -------------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const cv::RNG& ) { return *this; } /*! @brief explicit conversion to cv::RNG() * * Converts a bridge object to a cv::RNG(). We explicitly assert that * the object is an RNG in matlab space before attempting to deference * its pointer */ cv::RNG toRNG() { return (*getObjectByName("RNG")); } operator cv::RNG() { return toRNG(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPENCV VECTOR TYPES // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------- vector_Mat ------------------------------------------ Bridge& operator=(const vector_Mat& ) { return *this; } vector_Mat toVectorMat() { return vector_Mat(); } operator vector_Mat() { return toVectorMat(); } // --------------------------- vector_int ---------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const vector_int& ) { return *this; } vector_int toVectorInt() { return vector_int(); } operator vector_int() { return toVectorInt(); } // --------------------------- vector_float -------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const vector_float& ) { return *this; } vector_float toVectorFloat() { return vector_float(); } operator vector_float() { return toVectorFloat(); } // --------------------------- vector_Rect --------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const vector_Rect& ) { return *this; } vector_Rect toVectorRect() { return vector_Rect(); } operator vector_Rect() { return toVectorRect(); } // --------------------------- vector_KeyPoint ----------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const vector_KeyPoint& ) { return *this; } vector_KeyPoint toVectorKeyPoint() { return vector_KeyPoint(); } operator vector_KeyPoint() { return toVectorKeyPoint(); } // --------------------------- vector_String ------------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const vector_String& ) { return *this; } vector_String toVectorString() { return vector_String(); } operator vector_String() { return toVectorString(); } // ------------------------ vector_Point ------------------------------------ Bridge& operator=(const vector_Point& ) { return *this; } vector_Point toVectorPoint() { return vector_Point(); } operator vector_Point() { return toVectorPoint(); } // ------------------------ vector_uchar ------------------------------------ Bridge& operator=(const vector_uchar& ) { return *this; } vector_uchar toVectorUchar() { return vector_uchar(); } operator vector_uchar() { return toVectorUchar(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPENCV COMPOUND TYPES // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------- Ptr_StereoBM ----------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_StereoBM& ) { return *this; } Ptr_StereoBM toPtrStereoBM() { return Ptr_StereoBM(); } operator Ptr_StereoBM() { return toPtrStereoBM(); } // --------------------------- Ptr_StereoSGBM --------------------------- Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_StereoSGBM& ) { return *this; } Ptr_StereoSGBM toPtrStereoSGBM() { return Ptr_StereoSGBM(); } operator Ptr_StereoSGBM() { return toPtrStereoSGBM(); } // --------------------------- Ptr_FeatureDetector ---------------------- Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_FeatureDetector& ) { return *this; } Ptr_FeatureDetector toPtrFeatureDetector() { return Ptr_FeatureDetector(); } operator Ptr_FeatureDetector() { return toPtrFeatureDetector(); } }; #endif