Clustering ========== .. highlight:: python .. index:: KMeans2 .. _KMeans2: KMeans2 ------- `id=0.682106387651 Comments from the Wiki `__ .. function:: KMeans2(samples,nclusters,labels,termcrit)-> None Splits set of vectors by a given number of clusters. :param samples: Floating-point matrix of input samples, one row per sample :type samples: :class:`CvArr` :param nclusters: Number of clusters to split the set by :type nclusters: int :param labels: Output integer vector storing cluster indices for every sample :type labels: :class:`CvArr` :param termcrit: Specifies maximum number of iterations and/or accuracy (distance the centers can move by between subsequent iterations) :type termcrit: :class:`CvTermCriteria` The function ``cvKMeans2`` implements a k-means algorithm that finds the centers of ``nclusters`` clusters and groups the input samples around the clusters. On output, :math:`\texttt{labels}_i` contains a cluster index for samples stored in the i-th row of the ``samples`` matrix.