All of these: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
[modules/calib3d/src/fundam.cpp:1049] -> [modules/calib3d/src/fundam.cpp:1049]: (style) Same expression on both sides of '&&'.
67fe57a add fixed video
db0ae2c Restore 2.4 source branch for bug fix 6317.
97ac59c Fix a memory leak indirectly caused by cvDestroyWindow
eb40afa Add a workaround for FFmpeg's color conversion accessing past the end of the buffer
421fcf9 Rearrange CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG::writeFrame for better readability
912592d Remove "INSTALL_NAME_DIR lib" target property
bb1c2d7 fix bug on border at pyrUp
The INSTALL_NAME_DIR property of a target specifies how a dynamic library should
be found on OS X. If INSTALL_NAME_DIR is not specified the loader will search
relative to the standard search paths. If specified it should either be
an absolute path or relative path prefixed with either @executable_path,
@load_path, or @rpath. Specifying "lib" does not make sense here and
causes linking error as documented here:
and here
This patch removes INSTALL_NAME_DIR everywhere it is set to "lib".
An alternate solution would be to set an absolute path like
"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib" or relative path like
"@executable_path/../lib". However, if there is not specific need for
specifying a path, it is probably best left unset.
PR #2968: cce2d99 8578f9c
Fixed bug which caused crash of GPU version of feature matcher in stitcher
The bug caused crash of GPU version of feature matcher in stitcher when
we use ORB features.
PR #3236: 5947519
Check sure that we're not already below required leaf false alarm rate before continuing to get negative samples.
PR #3190
fix blobdetector
PR #3562 (part): 82bd82e
TBB updated to 4.3u2. Fix for aarch64 support.
PR #3604 (part): 091c7a3
OpenGL interop sample reworked not ot use cvconfig.h
PR #3792: afdf319
Add -L for CUDA libs path to pkg-config
Add all dirs from CUDA_LIBS_PATH as -L linker options to
OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS. These will end up in opencv.pc.
PR #3893: 122b9f8
Turn ocv_convert_to_lib_name into a function
PR #5490: ec5244a
fixed memory leak in findHomography tests
PR #5491: 0d5b739
delete video readers
PR #5574
PR #5202
major time consuming part for training app is in function fillPassedSamples for negatives,
this change make SetImage quicker, in a test of my own data, the total time for SetImage decrease from 9177666 to 5839263,
only help for Haar feature and non Haar::ALL mode which is the most commonly case
2. Algorithm::load/save added (moved from StatModel)
3. copyrights updated; added copyright/licensing info for ffmpeg
4. some warnings from Xcode 6.x are fixed
work_var_count and sample_count are both 32bit integer, if the product of work_var_count and sample_count is bigger than 2^31, the compiler will treat (work_var_count*sample_count) as a negative number. Force work_var_count as an unsigned 64bit integer to avoid this issue.
some of the stuff will be moved to opencv_contrib module.
in order to make this PR pass buildbot, please, comment off opencv_legacy, opencv_contrib and opencv_softcascade test runs.