From fa075c50a1863bba8f99a64f816e11a155f93165 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rok Mandeljc <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 15:43:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Matlab bindings: fixed the functional template to perform an
 explicit cast to the type of an input option that is expected. This avoids
 issues with ternary operator not having the same type in rvalue and lvalue,
 such as in the case below:

Ptr_FeatureDetector blobDetector = inputs[3].empty() ? makePtr<SimpleBlobDetector>() : inputs[3].toPtrFeatureDetector();

Which after the patch, would be:

Ptr_FeatureDetector blobDetector = inputs[3].empty() ? (Ptr_FeatureDetector) makePtr<SimpleBlobDetector>() : inputs[3].toPtrFeatureDetector();
 modules/matlab/generator/templates/functional.cpp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/modules/matlab/generator/templates/functional.cpp b/modules/matlab/generator/templates/functional.cpp
index 9f3a99538..b019a1300 100644
--- a/modules/matlab/generator/templates/functional.cpp
+++ b/modules/matlab/generator/templates/functional.cpp
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ addVariant("{{ }}", {{ fun.req|inputs|length }}, {{ fun.opt|inputs|leng
   {{}} {{}} = inputs[{{ loop.index0 }}].to{{|toUpperCamelCase}}();
   {% endfor %}
   {% for opt in fun.opt|inputs %}
-  {{}} {{}} = inputs[{{loop.index0 + fun.req|inputs|length}}].empty() ? {% if opt.ref == '*' -%} {{}}() {%- else -%} {{opt.default}} {%- endif %} : inputs[{{loop.index0 + fun.req|inputs|length}}].to{{|toUpperCamelCase}}();
+  {{}} {{}} = inputs[{{loop.index0 + fun.req|inputs|length}}].empty() ? ({{}}) {% if opt.ref == '*' -%} {{}}() {%- else -%} {{opt.default}} {%- endif %} : inputs[{{loop.index0 + fun.req|inputs|length}}].to{{|toUpperCamelCase}}();
   {% endfor %}
   {# ----------- Outputs ------------ #}
   {% for arg in fun.req|only|outputs %}