Initial commit of LINE-MOD source code to objdetect module.
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <map>
#include <deque>
extern "C" {
@ -655,8 +658,532 @@ struct CV_EXPORTS CvDataMatrixCode {
CvMat *corners;
#include <deque>
CV_EXPORTS std::deque<CvDataMatrixCode> cvFindDataMatrix(CvMat *im);
namespace cv {
namespace linemod {
using cv::FileNode;
using cv::FileStorage;
using cv::Mat;
using cv::noArray;
using cv::OutputArrayOfArrays;
using cv::Point;
using cv::Ptr;
using cv::Rect;
using cv::Size;
/// @todo Convert doxy comments to rst
/// @todo Move stuff that doesn't need to be public into linemod.cpp
* \brief Compute quantized orientation image from color image.
* Implements section 2.2 "Computing the Gradient Orientations."
* \param[in] src The source 8-bit, 3-channel image.
* \param[out] magnitude Destination floating-point array of squared magnitudes.
* \param[out] angle Destination 8-bit array of orientations. Each bit
* represents one bin of the orientation space.
* \param threshold Magnitude threshold. Keep only gradients whose norms are
* larger than this.
void quantizedOrientations(const Mat& src, Mat& magnitude,
Mat& angle, float threshold);
* \brief Compute quantized normal image from depth image.
* Implements section 2.6 "Extension to Dense Depth Sensors."
* \param[in] src The source 16-bit depth image (in mm).
* \param[out] dst The destination 8-bit image. Each bit represents one bin of
* the view cone.
* \param distance_threshold Ignore pixels beyond this distance.
* \param difference_threshold When computing normals, ignore contributions of pixels whose
* depth difference with the central pixel is above this threshold.
* \todo Should also need camera model, or at least focal lengths? Replace distance_threshold with mask?
void quantizedNormals(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int distance_threshold,
int difference_threshold = 50);
* \brief Discriminant feature described by its location and label.
struct Feature
int x; ///< x offset
int y; ///< y offset
int label; ///< Quantization
Feature() {}
Feature(int x, int y, int label) : x(x), y(y), label(label) {}
void read(const FileNode& fn);
void write(FileStorage& fs) const;
struct Template
int width;
int height;
int pyramid_level;
std::vector<Feature> features;
void read(const FileNode& fn);
void write(FileStorage& fs) const;
* \brief Crop a set of overlapping templates from different modalities.
* \param[in,out] templates Set of templates representing the same object view.
* \return The bounding box of all the templates in original image coordinates.
Rect cropTemplates(std::vector<Template>& templates);
* \brief Represents a modality operating over an image pyramid.
class QuantizedPyramid
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~QuantizedPyramid() {}
* \brief Compute quantized image at current pyramid level for online detection.
* \param[out] dst The destination 8-bit image. For each pixel at most one bit is set,
* representing its classification.
virtual void quantize(Mat& dst) const =0;
* \brief Extract most discriminant features at current pyramid level to form a new template.
* \param[out] templ The new template.
virtual bool extractTemplate(Template& templ) const =0;
* \brief Go to the next pyramid level.
* \todo Allow pyramid scale factor other than 2
virtual void pyrDown() =0;
/// Candidate feature with a score
struct Candidate
Candidate(int x, int y, int label, float score)
: f(x, y, label), score(score)
/// Sort candidates with high score to the front
bool operator<(const Candidate& rhs) const
return score > rhs.score;
Feature f;
float score;
* \brief Choose candidate features so that they are not bunched together.
* \param[in] candidates Candidate features sorted by score.
* \param[out] features Destination vector of selected features.
* \param[in] num_features Number of candidates to select.
* \param[in] distance Hint for desired distance between features.
static void selectScatteredFeatures(const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates,
std::vector<Feature>& features,
size_t num_features, float distance);
* \brief Interface for modalities that plug into the LINE template matching representation.
* \todo Max response, to allow optimization of summing (255/MAX) features as uint8
class Modality
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~Modality() {}
* \brief Form a quantized image pyramid from a source image.
* \param[in] src The source image. Type depends on the modality.
* \param[in] mask Optional mask. If not empty, unmasked pixels are set to zero
* in quantized image and cannot be extracted as features.
Ptr<QuantizedPyramid> process(const Mat& src,
const Mat& mask = Mat()) const
return processImpl(src, mask);
virtual std::string name() const =0;
virtual void read(const FileNode& fn) =0;
virtual void write(FileStorage& fs) const =0;
* \brief Create modality by name.
* The following modality types are supported:
* - "ColorGradient"
* - "DepthNormal"
static Ptr<Modality> create(const std::string& modality_type);
* \brief Load a modality from file.
static Ptr<Modality> create(const FileNode& fn);
// Indirection is because process() has a default parameter.
virtual Ptr<QuantizedPyramid> processImpl(const Mat& src,
const Mat& mask) const =0;
* \brief Modality that computes quantized gradient orientations from a color image.
class ColorGradient : public Modality
* \brief Default constructor. Uses reasonable default parameter values.
* \brief Constructor.
* \param weak_threshold When quantizing, discard gradients with magnitude less than this.
* \param num_features How many features a template must contain.
* \param strong_threshold Consider as candidate features only gradients whose norms are
* larger than this.
ColorGradient(float weak_threshold, size_t num_features, float strong_threshold);
virtual std::string name() const;
virtual void read(const FileNode& fn);
virtual void write(FileStorage& fs) const;
float weak_threshold;
size_t num_features;
float strong_threshold;
virtual Ptr<QuantizedPyramid> processImpl(const Mat& src,
const Mat& mask) const;
* \brief Modality that computes quantized surface normals from a dense depth map.
class DepthNormal : public Modality
* \brief Default constructor. Uses reasonable default parameter values.
* \brief Constructor.
* \param distance_threshold Ignore pixels beyond this distance.
* \param difference_threshold When computing normals, ignore contributions of pixels whose
* depth difference with the central pixel is above this threshold.
* \param num_features How many features a template must contain.
* \param extract_threshold Consider as candidate feature only if there are no differing
* orientations within a distance of extract_threshold.
DepthNormal(int distance_threshold, int difference_threshold, size_t num_features,
int extract_threshold);
virtual std::string name() const;
virtual void read(const FileNode& fn);
virtual void write(FileStorage& fs) const;
int distance_threshold;
int difference_threshold;
size_t num_features;
int extract_threshold;
virtual Ptr<QuantizedPyramid> processImpl(const Mat& src,
const Mat& mask) const;
* \brief Debug function to colormap a quantized image for viewing.
void colormap(const Mat& quantized, Mat& dst);
* \brief Spread binary labels in a quantized image.
* Implements section 2.3 "Spreading the Orientations."
* \param[in] src The source 8-bit quantized image.
* \param[out] dst Destination 8-bit spread image.
* \param T Sampling step. Spread labels T/2 pixels in each direction.
void spread(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int T);
* \brief Precompute response maps for a spread quantized image.
* Implements section 2.4 "Precomputing Response Maps."
* \param[in] src The source 8-bit spread quantized image.
* \param[out] response_maps Vector of 8 response maps, one for each bit label.
void computeResponseMaps(const Mat& src, std::vector<Mat>& response_maps);
* \brief Convert a response map to fast linearized ordering.
* Implements section 2.5 "Linearizing the Memory for Parallelization."
* \param[in] response_map The 2D response map, an 8-bit image.
* \param[out] linearized The response map in linearized order. It has T*T rows,
* each of which is a linear memory of length (W/T)*(H/T).
* \param T Sampling step.
void linearize(const Mat& response_map, Mat& linearized, int T);
* \brief Compute similarity measure for a given template at each sampled image location.
* Uses linear memories to compute the similarity measure as described in Fig. 7.
* \param[in] linear_memories Vector of 8 linear memories, one for each label.
* \param[in] templ Template to match against.
* \param[out] dst Destination 8-bit similarity image of size (W/T, H/T).
* \param size Size (W, H) of the original input image.
* \param T Sampling step.
void similarity(const std::vector<Mat>& linear_memories, const Template& templ,
Mat& dst, Size size, int T);
* \brief Compute similarity measure for a given template in a local region.
* \param[in] linear_memories Vector of 8 linear memories, one for each label.
* \param[in] templ Template to match against.
* \param[out] dst Destination 8-bit similarity image, 16x16.
* \param size Size (W, H) of the original input image.
* \param T Sampling step.
* \param center Center of the local region.
void similarityLocal(const std::vector<Mat>& linear_memories, const Template& templ,
Mat& dst, Size size, int T, Point center);
* \brief Accumulate one or more 8-bit similarity images.
* \param[in] similarities Source 8-bit similarity images.
* \param[out] dst Destination 16-bit similarity image.
void addSimilarities(const std::vector<Mat>& similarities, Mat& dst);
* \brief Represents a successful template match.
struct Match
Match(int x, int y, float similarity, const std::string& class_id, int template_id)
: x(x), y(y), similarity(similarity), class_id(class_id), template_id(template_id)
/// Sort matches with high similarity to the front
bool operator<(const Match& rhs) const
// Secondarily sort on template_id for the sake of duplicate removal
if (similarity != rhs.similarity)
return similarity > rhs.similarity;
return template_id < rhs.template_id;
bool operator==(const Match& rhs) const
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && similarity == rhs.similarity && class_id == rhs.class_id;
int x;
int y;
float similarity;
std::string class_id;
int template_id;
* \brief Object detector using the LINE template matching algorithm with any set of
* modalities.
class Detector
* \brief Empty constructor, initialize with read().
* \brief Constructor.
* \param modalities Modalities to use (color gradients, depth normals, ...).
* \param T_pyramid Value of the sampling step T at each pyramid level. The
* number of pyramid levels is T_pyramid.size().
* \param pyramid_distance Scale factor between pyramid levels.
Detector(const std::vector< Ptr<Modality> >& modalities,
const std::vector<int>& T_pyramid, double pyramid_distance = 2.0);
* \brief Detect objects by template matching.
* Matches globally at the lowest pyramid level, then refines locally stepping up the pyramid.
* \param sources Source images, one for each modality.
* \param threshold Similarity threshold, a percentage between 0 and 100.
* \param[out] matches Template matches, sorted by similarity score.
* \param class_ids If non-empty, only search for the desired object classes.
* \param[out] quantized_images Optionally return vector<Mat> of quantized images.
* \param masks The masks for consideration during matching. The masks should be CV_8UC1
* where 255 represents a valid pixel. If non-empty, the vector must be
* the same size as sources. Each element must be
* empty or the same size as its corresponding source.
void match(const std::vector<Mat>& sources, float threshold, std::vector<Match>& matches,
const std::vector<std::string>& class_ids = std::vector<std::string>(),
OutputArrayOfArrays quantized_images = noArray(),
const std::vector<Mat>& masks = std::vector<Mat>()) const;
* \brief Add new object template.
* \param sources Source images, one for each modality.
* \param class_id Object class ID.
* \param object_mask Mask separating object from background.
* \param[out] bounding_box Optionally return bounding box of the extracted features.
* \return Template ID, or -1 if failed to extract a valid template.
int addTemplate(const std::vector<Mat>& sources, const std::string& class_id,
const Mat& object_mask, Rect* bounding_box = NULL);
* \brief Add a new object template computed by external means.
int addSyntheticTemplate(const std::vector<Template>& templates, const std::string& class_id);
* \brief Get the modalities used by this detector.
* You are not permitted to add/remove modalities, but you may dynamic_cast them to
* tweak parameters.
const std::vector< Ptr<Modality> >& getModalities() const { return modalities; }
* \brief Get sampling step T at pyramid_level.
int getT(int pyramid_level) const { return T_at_level[pyramid_level]; }
* \brief Get number of pyramid levels used by this detector.
int pyramidLevels() const { return pyramid_levels; }
* \brief Get the template pyramid identified by template_id.
* For example, with 2 modalities (Gradient, Normal) and two pyramid levels
* (L0, L1), the order is (GradientL0, NormalL0, GradientL1, NormalL1).
const std::vector<Template>& getTemplates(const std::string& class_id, int template_id) const;
int numTemplates() const;
int numTemplates(const std::string& class_id) const;
int numClasses() const { return class_templates.size(); }
std::vector<std::string> classIds() const;
void read(const FileNode& fn);
void write(FileStorage& fs) const;
std::string readClass(const FileNode& fn, const std::string &class_id_override = "");
void writeClass(const std::string& class_id, FileStorage& fs) const;
void readClasses(const std::vector<std::string>& class_ids,
const std::string& format = "templates_%s.yml.gz");
void writeClasses(const std::string& format = "templates_%s.yml.gz") const;
std::vector< Ptr<Modality> > modalities;
int pyramid_levels;
double pyramid_distance;
std::vector<int> T_at_level;
typedef std::vector<Template> TemplatePyramid;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<TemplatePyramid> > TemplatesMap;
TemplatesMap class_templates;
typedef std::vector<Mat> LinearMemories;
// Indexed as [pyramid level][modality][quantized label]
typedef std::vector< std::vector<LinearMemories> > LinearMemoryPyramid;
void matchClass(const LinearMemoryPyramid& lm_pyramid,
const std::vector<Size>& sizes,
float threshold, std::vector<Match>& matches,
const std::string& class_id,
const std::vector<TemplatePyramid>& template_pyramids) const;
* \brief Factory function for detector using LINE algorithm with color gradients.
* Default parameter settings suitable for VGA images.
Ptr<Detector> getDefaultLINE();
* \brief Factory function for detector using LINE-MOD algorithm with color gradients
* and depth normals.
* Default parameter settings suitable for VGA images.
Ptr<Detector> getDefaultLINEMOD();
} // namespace linemod
} // namespace cv
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue
Block a user