Enabled syntax highlighting
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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ to get help on the purpose and call signature of a particular method, or
to get general help regarding the OpenCV bindings. If you ever run into issues with the bindings
will produce a printout of diagnostic information pertaining to your particular build of OS, OpenCV and Matlab. It is useful to submit this information alongside a bug report to the OpenCV team.
@ -52,46 +52,48 @@ The Matlab bindings come with a set of utilities to help you quickly write your
The first thing you need to learn how to do is write a mex-file with Matlab constructs. Following is a brief example:
// include useful constructs
// this automatically includes opencv core.hpp and mex.h)
#include <opencv2/matlab/bridge.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// include useful constructs
// this automatically includes opencv core.hpp and mex.h)
#include <opencv2/matlab/bridge.hpp>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// define the mex gateway
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
// define the mex gateway
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
// claim the inputs into scoped management
MxArrayVector raw_inputs(prhs, prhs+nrhs);
// claim the inputs into scoped management
MxArrayVector raw_inputs(prhs, prhs+nrhs);
// add an argument parser to automatically handle basic options
ArgumentParser parser("my function");
parser.addVariant(1, 1, "opt");
MxArrayVector parsed_inputs = parser.parse(inputs);
// add an argument parser to automatically handle basic options
ArgumentParser parser("my function");
parser.addVariant(1, 1, "opt");
MxArrayVector parsed_inputs = parser.parse(inputs);
// if we get here, we know the inputs are valid. Unpack...
BridgeVector inputs(parsed_inputs);
Mat required = inputs[0].toMat();
string optional = inputs[1].empty() ? "Default string" : inputs[1].toString();
// if we get here, we know the inputs are valid. Unpack...
BridgeVector inputs(parsed_inputs);
Mat required = inputs[0].toMat();
string optional = inputs[1].empty() ? "Default string" : inputs[1].toString();
try {
// Do stuff...
} catch(Exception& e) {
} catch(...) {
error("Uncaught exception occurred");
try {
// Do stuff...
} catch(Exception& e) {
} catch(...) {
error("Uncaught exception occurred");
// allocate an output
Bridge out = required;
plhs[0] = out.toMxArray().releaseOwnership();
// allocate an output
Bridge out = required;
plhs[0] = out.toMxArray().releaseOwnership();
There are a couple of important things going on in this example. Firstly, you need to include `<opencv2/matlab/bridge.hpp>` to enable the bridging capabilities. Once you've done this, you get some nice utilities for free. `MxArray` is a class that wraps Matlab's `mxArray*` class in an OOP-style interface. `ArgumentParser` is a class that handles default, optional and named arguments for you, along with multiple possible calling syntaxes. Finally, `Bridge` is a class that allows bidirectional conversions between OpenCV/std and Matlab types.
Once you have written your file, it can be compiled with the provided mex utility:
This utility automatically links in all of the necessary OpenCV libraries to make your function work.
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